Trumpism in America

Then you guys need to stop using the FBI, CIA, State Dept., the Justice Department as your parties gestapo...and you need to arrest hilary and barry for their attempted coup against President Trump.
Your conspiracy theory is a wee bit too cumbersom.
Left wing foreign posters might not understand the Bill of Rights when that damned old stodgy Constitution keeps getting in the way of the democrat party agenda. Thank God for the Supreme Court when they came after the 2nd Amendment and then they came after the two part 1st Amendment of freedom of religion and free speech and now they might be working on the 5th and the 14. Who knows?
Worst of all, this has never been about one guy. This cancer has fully metastasized. He's becoming less relevant by the day.

This is how Trumpism is manifesting. Our democracy is in pretty quick decay:

There is a trend isnt there. Around the world dictators disagree with the will of the people and get away with it.

On our TV a week ago the President of Rwanda was asked about democracy in his country.

He was very happy with it.

It was pointed out to him that a 97% majority was not credible. He looked like he was going to explode.

He is the "fucking President" after all.
She got more votes. Your antiquated system robbed her.
thanks for admitting your source is shit.

kinda like your opinion on matters of a country that kicked your ass for being too oppressive. We are even about to celebrate a Holiday for kicking your ass. I will think of you when I fire up the smoker this weekend.
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Apparently to some, the peaceful transfer of power is too “woke”.
Well, this is how it works within the cult. Its "media" comes up with keywords and attaches them, to, uh, Satan, I guess. Then they take any given situation and attach those keywords to it, regardless of how far they have to stretch it. They know the use of the word will send the rubes into a literal emotional, paranoid frenzy and they'll act.

As with most of this group pathology, the roots of this begin with Limbaugh. "Feminazi", etc.

This is the state of opposition politics in Americs. A sleazy ex general trying to cover u for a bigger criminal.
If you take the 5th what have you got to hide ?

A proven criminal traiterous Obama administration alreafy admittedly went after him before, and now the same Democrats who did so and who attempted 2 failed criminal, treasonous Impeachment coup attempts are once again running an exposed 'Get Trump' sham, and you seek to make him the bad guy for exercising his Constitutional rights?


You guys are so fucked up....
Do snowflakes really think the Democrats' Kabuki Theater will make anyone forget Hillary's own campaign manager testified under oath Hillary was behind the whole Russian Collusion scandal, run by Obama, Biden, & their criminal administration?


This is the state of opposition politics in Americs. A sleazy ex general trying to cover u for a bigger criminal.
If you take the 5th what have you got to hide ?

Still nothing going on in Wales, eh? No news about the Queen or whatever?
Still nothing going on in Wales, eh? No news about the Queen or whatever?
Its pretty quiet Sue.
But you miss the point. I doubt we have ever seen such corruption played out in front of us befoer. This is big news in the UK because we can see our biggest ally having to fight facism.
You gain power at the ill of the people expressed through the ballot box. Anything else is fascism.
Its pretty quiet Sue.
But you miss the point. I doubt we have ever seen such corruption played out in front of us befoer. This is big news in the UK because we can see our biggest ally having to fight facism.
You gain power at the ill of the people expressed through the ballot box. Anything else is fascism.
yes....and trying to overthrow a duly elected POTUS by staging fake hoax after fake hoax is also fascism.

oh....and fuck off.

The smoker is cleaned out, the hickory is ready, as is the Boston butt!!!!! Im celebrating the END TO BRITISH FASCISM all weekend long........:113:
Are you asking the people who rioted at Trump's inauguration, or the DemoKKKrats who faked a "dossier" to try to overturn an election?

The only part of the dossier in question was about the peeing prostitutes. The rest was known.

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