Trump's 4 step foreign policy


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2017
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Trump's 4 step foreign policy

You missed one.
Trump's fifth step is to create a war knowing no President is removed from office during a war.

in my view
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I'm referring to individual events like the recent NATO summit...not the eventual overall results. So no, I didn't paint myself in a logical corner.
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:

So said the spider to the fly----

1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I'm referring to individual events like the recent NATO summit...not the eventual overall results. So no, I didn't paint myself in a logical corner.

Hey Derp, you can't have an overall success if the individual efforts themselves are each a failure, so thanks for proving once again that every Trump-basher is a brainless twit. :lmao:
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
He thinks you hate him. I guess you are blessed.

Donald Trump Attacks Muslims: ‘Islam Hates Us’
'Islam Hates Us': Trump Attacks Muslims ... Again

Republican front-runner Donald Trump once again lashed out at Muslims on Wednesday.

"I think Islam hates us," the billionaire told CNN's Anderson Cooper when asked whether the religion was "at war with the West."
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I'm referring to individual events like the recent NATO summit...not the eventual overall results. So no, I didn't paint myself in a logical corner.

Hey Derp, you can't have an overall success if the individual efforts themselves are each a failure, so thanks for proving once again that every Trump-basher is a brainless twit. :lmao:

Summits are just photo ops, you stupid jerk.
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I'm referring to individual events like the recent NATO summit...not the eventual overall results. So no, I didn't paint myself in a logical corner.

Hey Derp, you can't have an overall success if the individual efforts themselves are each a failure, so thanks for proving once again that every Trump-basher is a brainless twit. :lmao:

Summits are just photo ops, you stupid jerk.

Yeah, usually they are...Unless you're Trump. Trump comes out of photo ops making promises and concessions none of his administration was aware he was going to make.

Putin told him to stop the military training exercises with South Korea so he goes into a summit with NK and does exactly what Putin wants. What's he going to try to give Russia after this next "photo op"? My guess....sanctions.
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

I'm referring to individual events like the recent NATO summit...not the eventual overall results. So no, I didn't paint myself in a logical corner.

Hey Derp, you can't have an overall success if the individual efforts themselves are each a failure, so thanks for proving once again that every Trump-basher is a brainless twit. :lmao:

Summits are just photo ops, you stupid jerk.

Then why are crackpots like you so obsessed with every one that Trump goes to?
Our amazing Pres. Trump is the best president that America has had in decades. ....

He is a great leader and knows what is best for the country.

We are truly a blessed nation to have him in the White House. .... :cool:
'nother $1? Or should I say ruble?

What's the going rate for internet asskissers these days?
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Don't be stupider than you have to be.

What's changing is the attitude of our allies and the level of respect and influence we have in the world. Both are declining rapidly.
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Don't be stupider than you have to be. What's changing is the attitude of our allies and the level of respect and influence we have in the world. Both are declining rapidly.

You mean more "stupider" than you? How can we have any lower respect and influence than during the Obama years where basically Obama took the United States out of the world picture as nothing more than a follower than a leader? I guess many got used to that role and it is hard for many of them and you to accept the USA as a leader once again. Like it or not, Trump is reasserting ourselves and changing the world order. Sorry if that flies in the face of Leftist Doctrine.
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Don't be stupider than you have to be. What's changing is the attitude of our allies and the level of respect and influence we have in the world. Both are declining rapidly.

You mean more "stupider" than you? How can we have any lower respect and influence than during the Obama years where basically Obama took the United States out of the world picture as nothing more than a follower than a leader? I guess many got used to that role and it is hard for many of them and you to accept the USA as a leader once again. Like it or not, Trump is reasserting ourselves and changing the world order. Sorry if that flies in the face of Leftist Doctrine.
You are quoting fake news. The things you are blaming President Obama for never actually happened.
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Don't be stupider than you have to be. What's changing is the attitude of our allies and the level of respect and influence we have in the world. Both are declining rapidly.

You mean more "stupider" than you? How can we have any lower respect and influence than during the Obama years where basically Obama took the United States out of the world picture as nothing more than a follower than a leader? I guess many got used to that role and it is hard for many of them and you to accept the USA as a leader once again. Like it or not, Trump is reasserting ourselves and changing the world order. Sorry if that flies in the face of Leftist Doctrine.
You are quoting fake news. The things you are blaming President Obama for never actually happened.

Which fake news stories am I quoting?
What things of Obama did I say that never actually happened?
Didn't the doctor warn you about skipping your meds?
1. Throw a tantrum
2. Foreign leaders and diplomats kiss his butt and stroke his ego.
3. Nothing changes
4. Trump claims success.

Unfortunately, most of Trump's supporters believe him when he claims success, even though nothing changed.

Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Don't be stupider than you have to be. What's changing is the attitude of our allies and the level of respect and influence we have in the world. Both are declining rapidly.

You mean more "stupider" than you? How can we have any lower respect and influence than during the Obama years where basically Obama took the United States out of the world picture as nothing more than a follower than a leader? I guess many got used to that role and it is hard for many of them and you to accept the USA as a leader once again. Like it or not, Trump is reasserting ourselves and changing the world order. Sorry if that flies in the face of Leftist Doctrine.
You are quoting fake news. The things you are blaming President Obama for never actually happened.

Which fake news stories am I quoting?
What things of Obama did I say that never actually happened?
Didn't the doctor warn you about skipping your meds?
What did you post?
What things did you say about Obama?
Thise are the fake news that never happened.
It's not that hard dude, maybe they need to dial back your meds a bitm
Funny how you idiots paint yourselves into a logical corner and never even realize you do so--- --- --- ---

--- --- --- ---If nothing ever changed because of Trump and he succeeded at nothing, then what the hell are all of you always railing about? In other words, the great disaster of Trump is that he's left everything exactly as Obama had put it? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Don't be stupider than you have to be. What's changing is the attitude of our allies and the level of respect and influence we have in the world. Both are declining rapidly.

You mean more "stupider" than you? How can we have any lower respect and influence than during the Obama years where basically Obama took the United States out of the world picture as nothing more than a follower than a leader? I guess many got used to that role and it is hard for many of them and you to accept the USA as a leader once again. Like it or not, Trump is reasserting ourselves and changing the world order. Sorry if that flies in the face of Leftist Doctrine.
You are quoting fake news. The things you are blaming President Obama for never actually happened.

Which fake news stories am I quoting?
What things of Obama did I say that never actually happened?
Didn't the doctor warn you about skipping your meds?
What did you post?
What things did you say about Obama?
Thise are the fake news that never happened.
It's not that hard dude, maybe they need to dial back your meds a bitm

Dude, you're so fucking lost, you don't know what day of the week it is. Try having the nurse wipe the drool off your chin. You keep talking about "fake news," but can't even tell us what fucking fake news you are referring to.

Was it fake news that Obama pulled out of Eastern Europe allowing the takeover of Crimea?
Was it fake news how he let Russia firmly establish its Syria stronghold unchallenged?
Was it fake news the "red line" he drew about chemicals that amounted to nothing?
Was it fake news how he stood by with his finger up his ass while China developed the international China Sea?
What about Uranium One?
The IRS?
ISIS being a junior varsity team?
Being flexible after the election?
Laughing at Romney when Mitt said Russia and Putin were our greatest threat?

Maybe you'd like to hear some of it right from the fox's mouth as president jackass squirms in his chair as even his own network challenges his claims?

IN EVERY CASE, Obama took a backseat to action, allowing other countries to decide their own outcome while he did little more than pay lip service to the world.
Don't be stupider than you have to be. What's changing is the attitude of our allies and the level of respect and influence we have in the world. Both are declining rapidly.

You mean more "stupider" than you? How can we have any lower respect and influence than during the Obama years where basically Obama took the United States out of the world picture as nothing more than a follower than a leader? I guess many got used to that role and it is hard for many of them and you to accept the USA as a leader once again. Like it or not, Trump is reasserting ourselves and changing the world order. Sorry if that flies in the face of Leftist Doctrine.
You are quoting fake news. The things you are blaming President Obama for never actually happened.

Which fake news stories am I quoting?
What things of Obama did I say that never actually happened?
Didn't the doctor warn you about skipping your meds?
What did you post?
What things did you say about Obama?
Thise are the fake news that never happened.
It's not that hard dude, maybe they need to dial back your meds a bitm

Dude, you're so fucking lost, you don't know what day of the week it is. Try having the nurse wipe the drool off your chin. You keep talking about "fake news," but can't even tell us what fucking fake news you are referring to.

Was it fake news that Obama pulled out of Eastern Europe allowing the takeover of Crimea?
Was it fake news how he let Russia firmly establish its Syria stronghold unchallenged?
Was it fake news the "red line" he drew about chemicals that amounted to nothing?
Was it fake news how he stood by with his finger up his ass while China developed the international China Sea?
What about Uranium One?
The IRS?
ISIS being a junior varsity team?
Being flexible after the election?
Laughing at Romney when Mitt said Russia and Putin were our greatest threat?

Maybe you'd like to hear some of it right from the fox's mouth as president jackass squirms in his chair as even his own network challenges his claims?

IN EVERY CASE, Obama took a backseat to action, allowing other countries to decide their own outcome while he did little more than pay lip service to the world.

The only item you mentioned with a shred of truth to it is the red line and if he had enforced it you would be pissed about that too.

The rest of that is 100% fake. Made up republican talking points with no basis in reality.

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