Trumps abortion flip flopping is costing him votes

Yes the sniper that had the suicide bomber in in his sights and was told not to take out the target
By Biden and Harris? Shut up stupid. If you want to dance on the graves of dead soldiers to get attention on the internet, go do it for someone else.
By Biden and Harris? Shut up stupid. If you want to dance on the graves of dead soldiers to get attention on the internet, go do it for someone else.
Who was the commander in chief? Harris said she was the last one in the room when they made the decision for Afghanistan. The people that are dancing on their graves, are you loons trying to put Trump down politicizing the memorial for those soldiers.

His problem is that he is shedding votes from the fake christian nutcases but not picking up votes from normal folk.
He is also at odds with his VP pick who probably voices the authentic GOP view.
IE Stone them now..
Its confusing for voters but trump himself let this Genie out of the bottle.
I dont know what the answer to this issue is.
I dont think there is an answer.
In contrast Kamala is very clear what her policy is. Simple, sensible and humane.
Tommy: You BITCH if he is FOR abortion and you BITCH if he is against abortion. Why don't you stop whining and making all these DUMB posts? You remind me of Kamala, an air head that has nothing to say....:5_1_12024:
Who was the commander in chief? Harris said she was the last one in the room when they made the decision for Afghanistan. The people that are dancing on their graves, are you loons trying to put Trump down politicizing the memorial for those soldiers.
I am not interested in your nauseating grave dancing. Nor that of your orange mangod.
I am not interested in your nauseating grave dancing. Nor that of your orange mangod.
The people grave dancing are you loons. Trump went to a ceremony that the family requested him do so. They asked for pictures and Trump did so. Then you loons politicized it trying to make it into a scandal against Trump. So fuck off.

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