Trump's Address on Iran On Now

Trump might be the smartest president this country has ever had.
trump must be the most idiotic president in history, he just gave away irak to iran on a golden plate despite all the sacrifices of last 30 years.
the thousands of american servicemen and civilians dead or hurt, the $ 2 trillion wasted, the continuation of iran's nuclear program...etc, are still here to remind us, so is the treat .
Now, iraq is a province of iran and syria is next.
Great job Mr president.
Let them have it. Iran gets incinerated in Ezekiel 38 and so does anyone that is dumb enough to ally with them.

There are so many bodies it takes 7 months to bury them and 7 years to clear the battlefield of wreckage and their destruction comes in a single day, with Millions upon Millions lost between them and their Russian Islamic Alliance when they attack Israel.

One country you don't want to be right before Armageddon is Iran. You also don't want to be Russia or Syria....either.
I just wonder why they hate humans soo much.
Like the Democrats, they only love you if you hate everyone they hate.
yeah, it's that hate thing. I don't get it.
Absolutely! This site is famous for the Con-dumbs and Russian Trolls, and I do enjoy tweaking them. I must confess to it being an act of cruelty at times, but someone has to do do the job. Personally, I think they ought to neuter them all, but we can't have that...

Trump might be the smartest president this country has ever had.

You just made head explode.

Only to those successfully hooked by obvious troll comments.

'Con-dumbs'. I like it. I guess you can call me an abashedly unashamed moderate. I use the term 'Cult45' when referring to similar folks I believe, but could be wrong. However I don't think these folks are conservatives. They are some winger hybrid of far right and regressive leftist policy and theory depending on how the cult is told to act within that day's news cycle. Pot-A-to, Pot-O-to, I assume.
Andrea Mitchell thinks they have highly precise missiles and missed on purpose. (which they did)

Iran ‘deliberately missed’: MSNBC issues initial battle damage assessment

“That they have such highly precise missiles — we know they do, they were able to take out the major Aramco oil field in September in Saudi Arabia — we know that they can do this if they really want to, and they apparently, according to this early report, they may have hit a not populated part of the al-Asad base and, in Arbil, landed in a field,” she reported.

She thinks they have highly precise missiles. haahahahahahahaha she is as clueless as anyone I know. And she's a fking journalist? can't make it up.
i really have zero idea what they are using. but i would think that if they fired 20+ times and didn't hit anything, they didn't want to. if that is the case then Trumps warnings took root and they simply fired back to show their people they were not afraid of us. what i did hear last night is they (Iran) was reporting 80 people killed.

i was watching this on FOX last night and they were pretty annoying also with the constant insults to Iran and glowing praise of Trump. kinda the same as praising Iran to a large degree as it's simply catering to their target audience. i just want the news. that was it.

just hard to find "just the news" anymore. :)

any idea what missles they were using and where they were from?

I can't find too many details on the type of missiles, but the consensus seems to be around a dozen fired.
22 or 23, with 17 fired at the main base near the center of Iraq. The others went up north to another base.

Ah, thanks. Got the source on that? I'd like to find out a bit more, if you don't mind.

Try this for recent background on Iran's ballistic missile program: Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program: New Developments
Note what Pig Obama Bin Lying did to help Iran develop Nukes after he gave them a sweet deal and a load of cash to destroy Israel through their Nuclear Weapons Program.

Despite international concerns over Iran’s ballistic missile program, the Obama administration decided to compromise with Tehran on that program in exchange for concessions on its nuclear program, which was a high priority strategic concern for his administration. In a further compromise, Washington softened the language of UNSC Resolution 1929 (2010), which stipulated that “Iran shall not undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles capable of delivering nuclear weapons.” Resolution 2231, which passed on July 20, 2015 and which endorsed the nuclear deal, used more permissive language: “Iran is called upon not to undertake any activity related to ballistic missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons.”

With the nuclear agreement reached and the legal loophole created, the Iranians set about putting more effort into their ballistic missile program. As a result, their missiles have become a target of renewed international attention, and consequently the subject of numerous rounds of sanctions. The Trump administration decided to withdraw the US from the nuclear agreement in part on the grounds that it does not address Iran’s ongoing ballistic missile program.
Absolutely! This site is famous for the Con-dumbs and Russian Trolls, and I do enjoy tweaking them. I must confess to it being an act of cruelty at times, but someone has to do do the job. Personally, I think they ought to neuter them all, but we can't have that...

Trump might be the smartest president this country has ever had.

You just made head explode.

Only to those successfully hooked by obvious troll comments.

America is the best country.
Our system of government is the best.

Pres. Trump is the best President since Lincoln.

Get used to that reality.

You didn't have your hand over your heart when you wrote that. - -1! No Soup For YOU!
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
Tree, I listened to a mother of one of our military young men, and she made a point that I really can't argue. That point is this, we lost many a life and limb over in Iraq, and it would hurt american families to ignore all of that loss of life and limb to just hand the desert back to Iran. Fk the money we lost, even though trump wants that back if we left. We still have troops in Germany, and how long has WWII been over? If all we are there are a show of strength, I'm good with leaving the military there after hearing that mother.
Look man, I am patriotic as the next guy. Iraq has to start standing up on it's own, and if they can't they deserve to be subjugated by Iran.

Let the Dead Bury The Dead. Life is for The Living.

Even the Bible says that. I don't want to hear the stories of future mothers crying about the same things.

Iraq either gets some balls, or they can be Iran's bitches.

It's that simple.
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
Tree, I listened to a mother of one of our military young men, and she made a point that I really can't argue. That point is this, we lost many a life and limb over in Iraq, and it would hurt american families to ignore all of that loss of life and limb to just hand the desert back to Iran. Fk the money we lost, even though trump wants that back if we left. We still have troops in Germany, and how long has WWII been over? If all we are there are a show of strength, I'm good with leaving the military there after hearing that mother.
Look man, I am patriotic as the next guy. Iraq has to start standing up on it's own, and if they can't they deserve to be subjugated by Iran.

Let the Dead Bury The Dead. Life is for The Living.

Even the Bible says that. I don't want to hear the stories of future mothers crying about the same things.

Iraq either gets some balls, or they can be Iran's bitches.

It's that simple.
As much as I agree with all of that, the one fact that can't be ignored, is that the Iraqies can't stand on their own. That's just life in the desert I guess. I don't get it nor have I ever understood how a people can be so weak. But they are. Oil is valuable and it's use to fund terrorism has to be acknowledged. We must keep that oil from terrorists. Iraq won't.
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
Tree, I listened to a mother of one of our military young men, and she made a point that I really can't argue. That point is this, we lost many a life and limb over in Iraq, and it would hurt american families to ignore all of that loss of life and limb to just hand the desert back to Iran. Fk the money we lost, even though trump wants that back if we left. We still have troops in Germany, and how long has WWII been over? If all we are there are a show of strength, I'm good with leaving the military there after hearing that mother.
Look man, I am patriotic as the next guy. Iraq has to start standing up on it's own, and if they can't they deserve to be subjugated by Iran.

Let the Dead Bury The Dead. Life is for The Living.

Even the Bible says that. I don't want to hear the stories of future mothers crying about the same things.

Iraq either gets some balls, or they can be Iran's bitches.

It's that simple.
Bible omg
I give up
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
Tree, I listened to a mother of one of our military young men, and she made a point that I really can't argue. That point is this, we lost many a life and limb over in Iraq, and it would hurt american families to ignore all of that loss of life and limb to just hand the desert back to Iran. Fk the money we lost, even though trump wants that back if we left. We still have troops in Germany, and how long has WWII been over? If all we are there are a show of strength, I'm good with leaving the military there after hearing that mother.
Look man, I am patriotic as the next guy. Iraq has to start standing up on it's own, and if they can't they deserve to be subjugated by Iran.

Let the Dead Bury The Dead. Life is for The Living.

Even the Bible says that. I don't want to hear the stories of future mothers crying about the same things.

Iraq either gets some balls, or they can be Iran's bitches.

It's that simple.
As much as I agree with all of that, the one fact that can't be ignored, is that the Iraqies can't stand on their own. That's just life in the desert I guess. I don't get it nor have I ever understood how a people can be so weak. But they are. Oil is valuable and it's use to fund terrorism has to be acknowledged. We must keep that oil from terrorists. Iraq won't.

Read some history and how the Brits and BP started it all.
Psst, they think that we are terrorists and the oil is there's.
Bp originally gave them 3% for their own oil.
They stood on their own against Iraq when Saddam was in charge. They can stand on their own again.

We are not The World's Baby Daddy Mamma.

It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
Tree, I listened to a mother of one of our military young men, and she made a point that I really can't argue. That point is this, we lost many a life and limb over in Iraq, and it would hurt american families to ignore all of that loss of life and limb to just hand the desert back to Iran. Fk the money we lost, even though trump wants that back if we left. We still have troops in Germany, and how long has WWII been over? If all we are there are a show of strength, I'm good with leaving the military there after hearing that mother.
Look man, I am patriotic as the next guy. Iraq has to start standing up on it's own, and if they can't they deserve to be subjugated by Iran.

Let the Dead Bury The Dead. Life is for The Living.

Even the Bible says that. I don't want to hear the stories of future mothers crying about the same things.

Iraq either gets some balls, or they can be Iran's bitches.

It's that simple.
As much as I agree with all of that, the one fact that can't be ignored, is that the Iraqies can't stand on their own. That's just life in the desert I guess. I don't get it nor have I ever understood how a people can be so weak. But they are. Oil is valuable and it's use to fund terrorism has to be acknowledged. We must keep that oil from terrorists. Iraq won't.
Said he's on a few drugs.
A bit of word slurring.
They say his sex drug doesn't work any more

Even if it turned out Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) were a hardcore opioid addict, or a frequent black tar heroin user it would still be the least surprising revelation about him.
And he'd still Kick Obama and Shrillery's Ass in an Election.
Said he's on a few drugs.
A bit of word slurring.
They say his sex drug doesn't work any more

Even if it turned out Prezzie (Im)Peach(ed) were a hardcore opioid addict, or a frequent black tar heroin user it would still be the least surprising revelation about him.
And he'd still Kick Obama and Shrillery's Ass in an Election.

Yep, drug addicts are the bee's knees.
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
Tree, I listened to a mother of one of our military young men, and she made a point that I really can't argue. That point is this, we lost many a life and limb over in Iraq, and it would hurt american families to ignore all of that loss of life and limb to just hand the desert back to Iran. Fk the money we lost, even though trump wants that back if we left. We still have troops in Germany, and how long has WWII been over? If all we are there are a show of strength, I'm good with leaving the military there after hearing that mother.

Would that Mom want future Moms to lose their sons over our failure to understand that Islam changes everything and that we haven't a clue about Islam?

A wise person realizes that throwing good lives away instead of cutting our losses and realizing what a quagmire the Middle East is, amounts to insanity and bad judgment.
Absolutely! This site is famous for the Con-dumbs and Russian Trolls, and I do enjoy tweaking them. I must confess to it being an act of cruelty at times, but someone has to do do the job. Personally, I think they ought to neuter them all, but we can't have that...

Trump might be the smartest president this country has ever had.

You just made head explode.

Only to those successfully hooked by obvious troll comments.

America is the best country.
Our system of government is the best.

Pres. Trump is the best President since Lincoln.

Get used to that reality.

You didn't have your hand over your heart when you wrote that. - -1! No Soup For YOU!


It's what's for dinner.
Be proud of being a moron! You are proving it admirably.

A Con-dumb will never understand the connection...

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.

'only a sith deals in absolutes'

Is that what you wear when you pleasure yourself to the Jar Jar Binks poster on your ceiling?

Fuckin' dweeb.

Thanks, George. I try. :04:
Absolutely! This site is famous for the Con-dumbs and Russian Trolls, and I do enjoy tweaking them. I must confess to it being an act of cruelty at times, but someone has to do do the job. Personally, I think they ought to neuter them all, but we can't have that...

You just made head explode.

Only to those successfully hooked by obvious troll comments.

America is the best country.
Our system of government is the best.

Pres. Trump is the best President since Lincoln.

Get used to that reality.

You didn't have your hand over your heart when you wrote that. - -1! No Soup For YOU!


It's what's for dinner.

Well, Where Is It? (80's kids will get that)
I support accuracy and honesty. Two things you seem to have a disdain for.

Would it not be easier to just admit you made a mistake?
Hahah honesty hahah that’s funny haha

Not surprised you find honesty is something you lack
Your peers on here don’t think you’re honest

I have very few peers on here. You Trump worshipers do not count as my peers. And coming from a guy that said he was on the ground in Baghdad heading to the airport last have no room to talk about honesty.
My comment stands. No one here thinks you’re honest.. Only you can change that

Actually a lot of people do, it is just you Trump worshipers that have an issue with me and I cannot change it because I refuse to worship your god in the White House.
What did he say? Are we retaliating
  • The Iran attack was a non-starter. We knew it was coming and totally repulsed it.
  • Soleimani was a far worse dude than was generally known.
  • Trump is cranking up new sanctions on Iran even higher.
  • Life just got much worse for the Iranian leaders.
  • They continue to look at their options.
  • We will never let Iran have a nuke.
  • Trump invited all NATO countries to get more involved in settling the Iran problem once and for all.
  • Trump failed to live up to all of the horror stories and dire predictions of the Democrats, Hollywood, and all of the Trump-haters.
Repulsed it? How many missiles were shot down before they reached their mark?


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