Trump's Address on Iran On Now

Iran purposely avoided hitting personnel...their rockets landed in a field...Trump would be wise to step back here and apply maximum pressure on Iran behind the scenes and recruit other nations to stand behind us.....however if Iran refuses to stand down we should go all in and remove their leaders from the face of the earth....

You know Iran rang Iraq and told them they were bombing the base. Iran had no intention of taking life.

The same for the Embassy Mob attack... They were told over loudspeaker not to invade the main compound. Again no life taken or harmed.

The only life taken by Iran in this last spat was unnamed American Contractor who was killed by a Miltia who was meant to be under Iranian control. That might be looser than it sounds.

US responded to that with 25 dead and 55 injured, doesn't sound like a proportioned response.

By the way the biggest death toll in this whole thing:
Iran: dozens dead in crush at Suleimani burial procession
AP FACT CHECK: Trump minimizes IS risk, distorts Iran payout
AP FACT CHECK: Trump minimizes IS risk, distorts Iran payout
"Crucially, the United States halted a delivery of fighter jets that Iran’s pre-revolution government had already paid $400 million for. Normally the US would have returned the money if it wasn’t going to deliver the planes, since countries don’t just break formal agreements like that. But the US government had already frozen Iranian assets in the United States as punishment for the hostage-taking — and that included the $400 million.

The hostage crisis was eventually resolved in 1981, at a conference in Algiers. But the Algiers Accords didn’t resolve every outstanding issue — including the legal status of the $400 million.

Instead, the accord set up an international court, based in the Hague, to deal with any legal claims that the governments of Iran and the United States had against each other, or that individual citizens of either country had against the other country.

This court, called the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, functioned as a kind of binding arbitration. To deal with cases, the involved parties could either negotiate a settlement out of court or take it to a panel made up of three US-appointed judges, three Iranian-appointed judges, and three neutral judges. The panel would then hear the case and issue a binding ruling.

This process, as you might guess, was very, very slow. By the time Obama’s second term in office began, the tribunal still had not come to a ruling on the issue of the $400 million. Sometime afterward, the Associated Press’s Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper report, the US government apparently concluded that it was going to lose the case — and lose big: Iran was seeking $10 billion in today’s dollars.

"US officials had expected a ruling on the Iranian claim from the tribunal any time, and feared a ruling that would have made the interest payments much higher," Lee and Klapper write.

So the Obama administration decided to settle out of court, opening up negotiations with Iran on the terms of the settlement. It did this at the same time it was negotiating the nuclear deal and the return of four US citizens who had been detained by Iran more recently.

However, the people working on the nuclear deal and the prisoner release were different from the team working on the court case around the weapons money — some of the latter group had been involved with the claims tribunal for years.

By January 2016, the countries had struck a deal — the US would pay Iran $1.7 billion, which amounts to about $300 million in interest on top of the originally frozen assets (accounting for inflation).

This settlement was announced the same day in January as Iran received its first round of sanctions relief from the Iran deal."

The US paid Iran $1.3 billion in secret. It’s not a scandal.

It's a huge scandal.

If there was nothing wrong with "returning" the money, with pallets of cash President Obama would not have intended the bribe to be made in total secrecy. Had the New York Times not exposed the transfer of cash, we wouldn't have known until President Donald Trump took office.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

Anyone who criticizes Trump while he is up to his elbows in enemies is an enemy.

Anyone who criticizes America while the enemies are trying to overturn our government is an enemy.

I'm not confused.

Anyone who posts like an enemy should be prepared to be treated like an enemy.

Well . . . . let's just say this:
If many of the people here posted the way they do against their government in countries like Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, China, etc., and even in the UK and Canada as they do here against the USA, they'd be taken away and never seen again or at least be in a lot of hot water thanks to the liberties afforded them by the fighting men and women of our country who give their blood and sweat every day fighting to defend our freedoms and way of life so that they can sit here and trash America.​
I have never heard Coyote "trash" America. She has a different view from the predominantly conservative one on this board. She is doing EXACTLY what we have always defended, and that includes criticizing the President and his administration when it makes big blunders or gets caught with its hand in the cookie jar.

I get very tired of the heavy handedness here. No one here is obligated to agree with you. It certainly doesn't give you a right to infer they love their country less than you.

I'm sorry, are you responding to MY post above? Because, if you are, SHOW ME where I said ONE WORD about Coyote? SHOW ME where I said SHE was trashing America. Blow it out your ass, OL and learn to read. I was talking generally about that small faction of people here who rip this country to bits incessantly for everything accusing and blaming it for every crank theory they dig up on some kook website and the fact that in many places in the world, you would never get away with such crap. You'd be literally arrested and jailed. Do you think Trump's speech on TV yesterday was seen by anyone in Iran on their street? No. I bet hardly no one but officials there allowed themselves to hear it unadulterated. If they did play it, they "translated" it to say something different and YOU KNOW THAT. You can't even express an opinion in Canada anymore without risk of condemnation! A few people here would concern me if I was charged with homeland security and I'm all for differences of opinion especially if they can be JUSTIFIED, but some of the talk here goes far beyond the pale, liberal, conservative or otherwise. Some people here have Trump already labeled a tyrant, Hitler, a dictator, starting WW III, before anything even happened. Bullshit.
Iran purposely avoided hitting personnel...their rockets landed in a field...Trump would be wise to step back here and apply maximum pressure on Iran behind the scenes and recruit other nations to stand behind us.....however if Iran refuses to stand down we should go all in and remove their leaders from the face of the earth....

You know Iran rang Iraq and told them they were bombing the base. Iran had no intention of taking life.

The same for the Embassy Mob attack... They were told over loudspeaker not to invade the main compound. Again no life taken or harmed.

The only life taken by Iran in this last spat was unnamed American Contractor who was killed by a Miltia who was meant to be under Iranian control. That might be looser than it sounds.

US responded to that with 25 dead and 55 injured, doesn't sound like a proportioned response.

By the way the biggest death toll in this whole thing:
Iran: dozens dead in crush at Suleimani burial procession
Thanks for keeping count for the Mullahs you traitor...
AP FACT CHECK: Trump minimizes IS risk, distorts Iran payout
AP FACT CHECK: Trump minimizes IS risk, distorts Iran payout
"Crucially, the United States halted a delivery of fighter jets that Iran’s pre-revolution government had already paid $400 million for. Normally the US would have returned the money if it wasn’t going to deliver the planes, since countries don’t just break formal agreements like that. But the US government had already frozen Iranian assets in the United States as punishment for the hostage-taking — and that included the $400 million.

The hostage crisis was eventually resolved in 1981, at a conference in Algiers. But the Algiers Accords didn’t resolve every outstanding issue — including the legal status of the $400 million.

Instead, the accord set up an international court, based in the Hague, to deal with any legal claims that the governments of Iran and the United States had against each other, or that individual citizens of either country had against the other country.

This court, called the Iran–United States Claims Tribunal, functioned as a kind of binding arbitration. To deal with cases, the involved parties could either negotiate a settlement out of court or take it to a panel made up of three US-appointed judges, three Iranian-appointed judges, and three neutral judges. The panel would then hear the case and issue a binding ruling.

This process, as you might guess, was very, very slow. By the time Obama’s second term in office began, the tribunal still had not come to a ruling on the issue of the $400 million. Sometime afterward, the Associated Press’s Matt Lee and Bradley Klapper report, the US government apparently concluded that it was going to lose the case — and lose big: Iran was seeking $10 billion in today’s dollars.

"US officials had expected a ruling on the Iranian claim from the tribunal any time, and feared a ruling that would have made the interest payments much higher," Lee and Klapper write.

So the Obama administration decided to settle out of court, opening up negotiations with Iran on the terms of the settlement. It did this at the same time it was negotiating the nuclear deal and the return of four US citizens who had been detained by Iran more recently.

However, the people working on the nuclear deal and the prisoner release were different from the team working on the court case around the weapons money — some of the latter group had been involved with the claims tribunal for years.

By January 2016, the countries had struck a deal — the US would pay Iran $1.7 billion, which amounts to about $300 million in interest on top of the originally frozen assets (accounting for inflation).
Iran ph uked with Jimbo Carter. Reagan as president elect told them, "I am going to bomb you into the stone age" you. They gave up the hostages. Their point was made and then they kept it up. The nation was pissed back then. Sometimes being pushed over and over causes a reaction. Today it is clear that terrorism is not just one nation. But one nation and a few more can fund it.
This settlement was announced the same day in January as Iran received its first round of sanctions relief from the Iran deal."

The US paid Iran $1.3 billion in secret. It’s not a scandal.
Why do you continue wishing that Americans be killed and suffer in a grave recession?

I have never wished for either, why must you make up shit?

Why can't you just sit back in awe, relax, and enjoy the good times? You don't have to worship anyone, just grin and admit he's doing a heck of a good job, so far. Dang it, maybe I should jump on board or at least tone it down so if he keeps on winning,

I agree that one does not have to worship someone, yet so many on here do.

Trump is doing better than the last two, that much is for sure.
Last week he wanted to leave Iraq, and now he wants them first to buy the airbase we built to invade them.
then Salami attacked our embassy, and triggered the last two weeks. Value is value. a smart person accepts that somethings are not achievable, so the status quo might be best. Now if they want us to leave, ok, but now you must pay us.
Jeee, two months ago Solemani was an ally against Isis. but, hey, Trump said he personally defeated ISIS long before that …. before he was for pulling out of the ME …. or after he changed to being for staying in the ME … and after he was against the Iraq war after he was for it.
Why do you continue wishing that Americans be killed and suffer in a grave recession?

I have never wished for either, why must you make up shit?

Why can't you just sit back in awe, relax, and enjoy the good times? You don't have to worship anyone, just grin and admit he's doing a heck of a good job, so far. Dang it, maybe I should jump on board or at least tone it down so if he keeps on winning,

I agree that one does not have to worship someone, yet so many on here do.

Trump is doing better than the last two, that much is for sure.
Last week he wanted to leave Iraq, and now he wants them first to buy the airbase we built to invade them.
then Salami attacked our embassy, and triggered the last two weeks. Value is value. a smart person accepts that somethings are not achievable, so the status quo might be best. Now if they want us to leave, ok, but now you must pay us.
Jeee, two months ago Solemani was an ally against Isis. but, hey, Trump said he personally defeated ISIS long before that …. before he was for pulling out of the ME …. or after he changed to being for staying in the ME … and after he was against the Iraq war after he was for it.
why did he attack the US embassy? why do you avoid that? hmmmm you love Iran, eh traitor?
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
Not enough balls to call him an uppity nixxer
Why do you continue wishing that Americans be killed and suffer in a grave recession?

I have never wished for either, why must you make up shit?

Why can't you just sit back in awe, relax, and enjoy the good times? You don't have to worship anyone, just grin and admit he's doing a heck of a good job, so far. Dang it, maybe I should jump on board or at least tone it down so if he keeps on winning,

I agree that one does not have to worship someone, yet so many on here do.

Trump is doing better than the last two, that much is for sure.
Last week he wanted to leave Iraq, and now he wants them first to buy the airbase we built to invade them.
then Salami attacked our embassy, and triggered the last two weeks. Value is value. a smart person accepts that somethings are not achievable, so the status quo might be best. Now if they want us to leave, ok, but now you must pay us.
Jeee, two months ago Solemani was an ally against Isis. but, hey, Trump said he personally defeated ISIS long before that …. before he was for pulling out of the ME …. or after he changed to being for staying in the ME … and after he was against the Iraq war after he was for it.
I have got to hand it to you, that is some MAJOR bullshit that you cannot back up.

Soleimani was not allowed to leave Iran, because he was on a UN Travel Ban since 2007.
Why do you continue wishing that Americans be killed and suffer in a grave recession?

I have never wished for either, why must you make up shit?

Why can't you just sit back in awe, relax, and enjoy the good times? You don't have to worship anyone, just grin and admit he's doing a heck of a good job, so far. Dang it, maybe I should jump on board or at least tone it down so if he keeps on winning,

I agree that one does not have to worship someone, yet so many on here do.

Trump is doing better than the last two, that much is for sure.
Last week he wanted to leave Iraq, and now he wants them first to buy the airbase we built to invade them.
then Salami attacked our embassy, and triggered the last two weeks. Value is value. a smart person accepts that somethings are not achievable, so the status quo might be best. Now if they want us to leave, ok, but now you must pay us.
Jeee, two months ago Solemani was an ally against Isis. but, hey, Trump said he personally defeated ISIS long before that …. before he was for pulling out of the ME …. or after he changed to being for staying in the ME … and after he was against the Iraq war after he was for it.
I have got to hand it to you, that is some MAJOR bullshit that you cannot back up.

Soleimani was not allowed to leave Iran, because he was on a UN Travel Ban since 2007.
Why Obama, Bush, and Bibi All Passed on Killing Soleimani

but he wasn't an imminent threat, in Iraq 15 miles from our embassy.
Amazing how despite all the doom and gloom and promises of war Fromm the leftards, nobody bought a word of their BS. Stock market up, oil prices dropped, and the left look like fools again.
Amazing how despite all the doom and gloom and promises of war Fromm the leftards, nobody bought a word of their BS. Stock market up, oil prices dropped, and the left look like fools again.
Their “America...all bad all the time” has not been working on anyone with an IQ 100+
Amazing how despite all the doom and gloom and promises of war Fromm the leftards, nobody bought a word of their BS. Stock market up, oil prices dropped, and the left look like fools again.
Sorta like how the US was supposed to collapse by now under Trump as President...


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