Trump's Address on Iran On Now

God Calls them the Great Satan.

He even tells us That Iran is one of the Few Nations that have a Powerful Demon Lording over them, called The Prince of Persia.

This is why God Destroys Iran like he did Sodom & Gomorrah.

Ezekiel 38.

Iran is The Great Satan & Just like The Democrat Party, they accuse their opponents of exactly what THEY are doing.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
“No one has EVER defended Iran......but” and then you proceed to justify and defend them
Idiot freaking lying loser


calling you a moron is acomplimeny -
They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
“No one has EVER defended Iran......but” and then you proceed to justify and defend them
Idiot freaking lying loser


calling you a moron is a compliment -
Iran calling us the Great Satan as they have for decades simpleton
Troops die and libs feel it was deserved. Terrorists die and libs weep.
Blow it out your ass. WHICH lib is weeping asshole. Name names
Quote the post of me weeping you piece of right wing shit
Too many to research. Post just one where you compliment the President or the USA.
Shit flying out of your mouth as retorts every five minutes and then silence when fact smacked.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
“No one has ever defended Iran...But” and then you proceed to justify and defend them
Idiot freaking lying loser

You fools think that anyone who doesn’t demand the complete destruction of the Iranian nation is “defending” the Iranians.

American policies of “better dead than red” kept the Shah of Iran in power for nearly 30 years. He killed 100,000 of his own people and imprisoned hundreds of thousand more. All to keep the people from democratically electing a government the Americans didn’t like.

You broke it, you own it. Perhaps if you spent a bit more time understanding how you got here, getting yourselves out of the mess wouldn’t look so formidable.
They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
“No one has ever defended Iran...But” and then you proceed to justify and defend them
Idiot freaking lying loser

You fools think that anyone who doesn’t demand the complete destruction of the Iranian nation is “defending” the Iranians.

American policies of “better dead than red” kept the Shah of Iran in power for nearly 30 years. He killed 100,000 of his own people and imprisoned hundreds of thousand more. All to keep the people from democratically electing a government the Americans didn’t like.

You broke it, you own it. Perhaps if you spent a bit more time understanding how you got here, getting yourselves out of the mess wouldn’t look so formidable.
What mess are you talking about? Cleaning up the mess that Obama left?
Trump seems very capable of cleaning things up.
They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
“No one has ever defended Iran...But” and then you proceed to justify and defend them
Idiot freaking lying loser

You fools think that anyone who doesn’t demand the complete destruction of the Iranian nation is “defending” the Iranians.

American policies of “better dead than red” kept the Shah of Iran in power for nearly 30 years. He killed 100,000 of his own people and imprisoned hundreds of thousand more. All to keep the people from democratically electing a government the Americans didn’t like.

You broke it, you own it. Perhaps if you spent a bit more time understanding how you got here, getting yourselves out of the mess wouldn’t look so formidable.

da shah had his negatives-------but as far is KILL rate------the AYATOILETS WIN
God Destroys Iran. No one is demanding anything. And America has nothing to do with it.

But you go ahead and defend Iran and call Our President an Existential Threat. It just seals your fate with theirs.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
“No one has ever defended Iran...But” and then you proceed to justify and defend them
Idiot freaking lying loser

You fools think that anyone who doesn’t demand the complete destruction of the Iranian nation is “defending” the Iranians.

American policies of “better dead than red” kept the Shah of Iran in power for nearly 30 years. He killed 100,000 of his own people and imprisoned hundreds of thousand more. All to keep the people from democratically electing a government the Americans didn’t like.

You broke it, you own it. Perhaps if you spent a bit more time understanding how you got here, getting yourselves out of the mess wouldn’t look so formidable.
Ezekiel 38 Calls you a liar.

You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
“No one has ever defended Iran...But” and then you proceed to justify and defend them
Idiot freaking lying loser

You fools think that anyone who doesn’t demand the complete destruction of the Iranian nation is “defending” the Iranians.

American policies of “better dead than red” kept the Shah of Iran in power for nearly 30 years. He killed 100,000 of his own people and imprisoned hundreds of thousand more. All to keep the people from democratically electing a government the Americans didn’t like.

You broke it, you own it. Perhaps if you spent a bit more time understanding how you got here, getting yourselves out of the mess wouldn’t look so formidable.

da shah had his negatives-------but as far is KILL rate------the AYATOILETS WIN
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
“No one has ever defended Iran...But” and then you proceed to justify and defend them
Idiot freaking lying loser

You fools think that anyone who doesn’t demand the complete destruction of the Iranian nation is “defending” the Iranians.

American policies of “better dead than red” kept the Shah of Iran in power for nearly 30 years. He killed 100,000 of his own people and imprisoned hundreds of thousand more. All to keep the people from democratically electing a government the Americans didn’t like.

You broke it, you own it. Perhaps if you spent a bit more time understanding how you got here, getting yourselves out of the mess wouldn’t look so formidable.
What mess are you talking about? Cleaning up the mess that Obama left?
Trump seems very capable of cleaning things up.

Obama left no mess in Iran. He left a multi-national peace treaty and Trump tore it up. Make no mistake. The rest of the world blames Donald Trump for this.
Mike Lee:

I had hoped and expected to see more information outlining the moral and legal justification. The briefing lasted only 75 minutes whereupon our briefers left. This is not the biggest problem I had with the briefing, which I might add is the worst briefing I've seen, at least on a military issue, in the nine years I've served on the United States Senate. What I found so distressing about the briefing is one of the messages we received from the briefers was "do not discuss, do not debate the issue of appropriateness of further military intervention against Iran and if so, you'll be emboldening Iran." The idea we would be less safe by having a debate or discussion about the appropriateness of further military involvement.
Fox News cut away from it as soon as they could so as not to alienate Dear Leader.
Mike Lee:

I had hoped and expected to see more information outlining the moral and legal justification. The briefing lasted only 75 minutes whereupon our briefers left. This is not the biggest problem I had with the briefing, which I might add is the worst briefing I've seen, at least on a military issue, in the nine years I've served on the United States Senate. What I found so distressing about the briefing is one of the messages we received from the briefers was "do not discuss, do not debate the issue of appropriateness of further military intervention against Iran and if so, you'll be emboldening Iran." The idea we would be less safe by having a debate or discussion about the appropriateness of further military involvement.
Fox News cut away from it as soon as they could so as not to alienate Dear Leader.

That briefing must have been quite something if even Mike Lee would hardly contain his outrage about this insult to Congress. Any open bets on how long it's going to take him to row back?

Anyway, they have nothing to present, and I, for one, haven't seen anyone not a permanent resident of Trump's cavernous rectum claiming the "intel" convinced them.
Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

For fucks sake you dicks, how much sleep did Trump get in the past 24 hours maybe a couple hours? You sit in the big chair and address the world on little sleep and we'll see how well you speak live on camera. :eusa_hand:
Does that explain all the sniffing?

Some puke liberal scumbag probably cut one and Trump was like ewww.
What mess are you talking about? Cleaning up the mess that Obama left?
Trump seems very capable of cleaning things up.

The only thing Trump is good at is serving his own self interests. That's it.
Hell, he wouldn't give any of his Deplorables the time of day....that's the funniest part of all!
No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You're showing yourself to be easily fooled.

The Iranian leadership and the Iranian people are two different things. The people are living in dire poverty, they are angry with their leadership. They were given three days off work to morn the loss of the vile terrorist Soleimani. If they did not go into the streets to demonstrate and wave placards or they would lose their job, housing and quite possibly be killed.
What mess are you talking about? Cleaning up the mess that Obama left?
Trump seems very capable of cleaning things up.

The only thing Trump is good at is serving his own self interests. That's it.
Hell, he wouldn't give any of his Deplorables the time of day....that's the funniest part of all!

What self-interests are being served?

Today Progressives have set a new high level of desperation and panic. Not only is President Donald Trump succeeding beyond all expectations with our economy, but he is also doing so with his foreign policy decisions.
What self-interests are being served?

Today Progressives have set a new high level of desperation and panic. Not only is President Donald Trump succeeding beyond all expectations with our economy, but he is also doing so with his foreign policy decisions.

Right now? He's wagging the dog....
LOL re the economy....RATFLMAO!!! Speaking of dogs. All he has done is kick the can further down the road. He is to fiscal responsibility what a fox is to a hen house...

His foreign policy decisions, like him, suck.
You fools think that anyone who doesn’t demand the complete destruction of the Iranian nation is “defending” the Iranians.

American policies of “better dead than red” kept the Shah of Iran in power for nearly 30 years. He killed 100,000 of his own people and imprisoned hundreds of thousand more. All to keep the people from democratically electing a government the Americans didn’t like.

You broke it, you own it. Perhaps if you spent a bit more time understanding how you got here, getting yourselves out of the mess wouldn’t look so formidable.

Specifically, where has President Donald Trump demanded the complete destruction of Iran?

Specifically, does President Trump, and his policies today have anything, whatsoever, to do with what was done with the Shah of Iran? You're just oozing gibberish in a pathetic effort to detract from the great job being done by this President.

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