Trump's Address on Iran On Now

In case you missed it......

Thanks for the 10 minutes of sniffing...WTF is up with that?


it was a perfect imminent danger, and a perfect assassination, and a perfect retaliation and a perfect wag the dog.. !!!! :rolleyes:

fed to perfect IDIOTS.

And used by perfect enemies of America to wage a peaceful Jihad here.

The ‘peaceful’ Jihad in America
By Andrew C. McCarthy

Most Americans don’t realize that jihad is about much more than terrorism.

Even the terrorists don’t blow up buildings for the sake of blowing up buildings. There is method in their madness.

Jihad is not mindless mass-murder, nor is it a syrupy “internal struggle to become a better person.” No, jihad is the mission to establish and spread sharia.

The installation of Allah’s law, believed by Muslims to be a divine injunction, is the necessary precondition to the creation of Islamic societies. While it can, and often is, waged forcibly, Islamists don’t resort to violence (or, at least, to more violence) where surrenders, appeasements and capitulations are available.

More at link.
It wasn't Islam.

Now who is the dummy?

That's right, you and Ollie Assburn.

look fuktard you said islam invaded iraq -

youre a damn idiot -

The history of Islam in Iraq goes back almost 1,400 years to the lifetime of Muhammad (died 632). Iraq's Muslims follow two distinct traditions, Shia Islam (majority in South and East Iraq) and Sunni Islam (majority in North and West Iraq).
There was a time before Islam where Iraq was a beautiful place. Islam makes everything Ugly, especially you.

Ollie Assburn is a fake god. He cannot even keep Bin Laden, Baghdadi, or El Salami alive.

Now go cry to The Ayatollah's Assahollah.
Maybe you will be blessed with a "divine wind".

youre full of trump shit -

He is a proud respectable patriot.

You post like America's enemies.

the stupid old fart doesnt know islam from baptist -

stupidity doesnt make a patriot -


How would you know anything?

You are an enemy of America.
The civilized world must send a clear and unified message to the Iranian regime: Your campaign of terror, murder, mayhem will not be tolerated any longer
Trump wins wars with Economic Policy.

Trumps only strategy is asking all remaining JCPOA participants , which would be everyone but the USofA , to back out of the pack , and create a new one

Dibs this'll work out about as good as his new ACA & NAFTA plan did

Well, it's that, or just let Israel take out all of their Nuclear Sites. Iran has a choice.
I believe one took down a Jet Liner with 186 people on it. ooops.
You could be right. The Iranians sure are being tight-lipped about it holding onto the black box.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
look fuktard you said islam invaded iraq -

youre a damn idiot -

The history of Islam in Iraq goes back almost 1,400 years to the lifetime of Muhammad (died 632). Iraq's Muslims follow two distinct traditions, Shia Islam (majority in South and East Iraq) and Sunni Islam (majority in North and West Iraq).
There was a time before Islam where Iraq was a beautiful place. Islam makes everything Ugly, especially you.

Ollie Assburn is a fake god. He cannot even keep Bin Laden, Baghdadi, or El Salami alive.

Now go cry to The Ayatollah's Assahollah.
Maybe you will be blessed with a "divine wind".

youre full of trump shit -

He is a proud respectable patriot.

You post like America's enemies.

the stupid old fart doesnt know islam from baptist -

stupidity doesnt make a patriot -


How would you know anything?

You are an enemy of America.
"it" has proven that repeatedly.
They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

Anyone who criticizes Trump while he is up to his elbows in enemies is an enemy.

Anyone who criticizes America while the enemies are trying to overturn our government is an enemy.

I'm not confused.

Anyone who posts like an enemy should be prepared to be treated like an enemy.
Beginning to sound like Stalin dude. Trump is a cult.
Nothing Wrong with a Cult, if it's a CULT of AMERICAN CULTURE.

That's why we are blessed. We still love God, and still fight Evil.

Most of us anyway. But you don't, nope, you don't.
Advocating genocide and forceably separating children from their parents is not an American value nor is it fighting evil.

But dont worry, unlike you I am not going to grab guns and start shooting "undesirables"...I will vote.
Advocating genocide and forceably separating children from their parents is not an American value nor is it fighting evil.

who is doing that?
You could be right. The Iranians sure are being tight-lipped about it holding onto the black box.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
“No one has EVER defended Iran......but” and then you proceed to justify and defend them
Idiot freaking lying loser
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Nice to see a little orange added to the hair this time. The "natural" white can no longer be "toler-air-ided" 7:27
Thez accompishmenshades are historic
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Which is The Existential Threat?

Trump or Iran?

Who is defending America and who is attacking it?

Thus Endeth Thy Lesson.

You could be right. The Iranians sure are being tight-lipped about it holding onto the black box.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

no one?

No one has EVER defended Iran, but we do understand why the Iranians consider the Americans the Great Satan, and why, if you had been born in Iran, you'd feel the same way.

You fools tried this "criticizing the President is aiding and abetting the terrorists" bullshit when W was President. It didn't work then and it won't work now. Especially not with this President, and the lies he's trying to sell to win re-election.

Iran will not negotiate with Trump. The Iranians feel that Trump is a dishonest negotiator, and he negotiates in bad faith. That assessment is 100% correct.

Once again, Trump has totally underestimated his opponent.
“No one has EVER defended Iran......but” and then you proceed to justify and defend them
Idiot freaking lying loser


calling you a moron is a compliment -

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