Trump's Address on Iran On Now

You didn't have your hand over your heart when you wrote that. - -1! No Soup For YOU!


It's what's for dinner.

To be honest, I'm elbow-deep in Elk and Venison ATM.

Just like a Muslim.

Only MUSLIMS are worthy of elk. Kafirs are made to beg for soup and be grateful for it, eh?

I'm a hunter and an atheist. WTF are you on about? :auiqs.jpg:Thought you were sane, my mistake.

Anyone who bashes America or Trump deserves our ire.

:dunno: Okay. Welp, I know America isn't perfect. The constitution allows me to criticize it all I want. So your 'ire' means very little to me. You can either get the fuck over it or don't, I don't care either way.
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
WE invaded THEM.
Why do you continue wishing that Americans be killed and suffer in a grave recession?

I have never wished for either, why must you make up shit?

Why can't you just sit back in awe, relax, and enjoy the good times? You don't have to worship anyone, just grin and admit he's doing a heck of a good job, so far. Dang it, maybe I should jump on board or at least tone it down so if he keeps on winning,

I agree that one does not have to worship someone, yet so many on here do.

Trump is doing better than the last two, that much is for sure.
No one worships Trump, but plenty of Heathens worship Iran's fake god Ollie Assburn, who couldn't protect Obama Bin Laden, couldn't protect your daddy Al Baghdadi, and couldn't protect General Salami. And when Ayatollah Assahollah finally got the chance to use those Obama Bucks to launch Obama Bombs bought from Russia, Ollie Assburn couldn't even kill a single American nor strike terror in to the hearts of The American Infidel.

Now, go home, sit down and Cry and Stuff some Ice Cream in to your Ugly Face to console yourself.

Oh please, Trump is worshiped even more than Obama was . The man gives a 15 minute talk where he says basically nothing and does a shitty job of reading it and he is the greatest and smartest president in our history and other such tripe. That is worship, nothing else. Now, since you are just a Russian bot spouting programmed words you would not understand that.

Only half wits who consume the Leftist, treasonous media's bile posts like you do.

I will prove it.

You cant make a half way credible argument in support of Trump.

And that means you only appeal to other half wits.

Sit down and learn what a great POTUS looks like.

Trump's long list of accomplishments in office.

Click on the deeds to read about them.
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
WE invaded THEM.

Do you think we would have invaded them if Muslims had been honest with us about Islam's goal of global domination and Jihad?

You didn't have your hand over your heart when you wrote that. - -1! No Soup For YOU!


It's what's for dinner.

To be honest, I'm elbow-deep in Elk and Venison ATM.

Just like a Muslim.

Only MUSLIMS are worthy of elk. Kafirs are made to beg for soup and be grateful for it, eh?

I'm a hunter and an atheist. WTF are you on about? :auiqs.jpg:Thought you were sane, my mistake.
So wait, you take the life of God's creatures, and they give you and your family nutrition and sustenance, and you don't give thanks to God for that?

I bet if you were in a God Forsaken land, and starving your ass off, I bet your tune would change.

I'm an atheist. It appears you don't fully get that. It's okay, because you're kind of thick. Would you like to try again?
Funny but not really. compared to the previous president who considered punctuality to be..... ummmm... I don't think the Kenyan ever learned that word.
Are you a broken record, or what? I've moved on from 2016, guy. Maybe you should, too.
Quit being a bitch. You know damn well that he's very busy. Otherwise he would be making tweets to trigger you jackass party of slavery, racism and Jim Crow supporters.
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Only half wits who consume the Leftist, treasonous media's bile posts like you do.

I will prove it.

You cant make a half way credible argument in support of Trump.

And that means you only appeal to other half wits.

Sit down and learn what a great POTUS looks like.

Trump's long list of accomplishments in office.

Click on the deeds to read about them.

I "support" Trump all the time. I gave him full credit for his quick and decisive response to our embassy in Iraq being attacked, he had back up in the air in less than 15 minutes, that was awesome. I fully supported both of his SCOTUS picks, his changing of the Fed Regulations to make it easier to get rid of dead weight, and many other things.

Trump is better than the last two, that is all he is so far. Maybe that will change, but it has not yet.
I can't find too many details on the type of missiles, but the consensus seems to be around a dozen fired.
22 or 23, with 17 fired at the main base near the center of Iraq. The others went up north to another base.
I believe one took down a Jet Liner with 186 people on it. ooops.
You could be right. The Iranians sure are being tight-lipped about it holding onto the black box.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.
Why do you continue wishing that Americans be killed and suffer in a grave recession?

I have never wished for either, why must you make up shit?

Why can't you just sit back in awe, relax, and enjoy the good times? You don't have to worship anyone, just grin and admit he's doing a heck of a good job, so far. Dang it, maybe I should jump on board or at least tone it down so if he keeps on winning,

I agree that one does not have to worship someone, yet so many on here do.

Trump is doing better than the last two, that much is for sure.
Last week he wanted to leave Iraq, and now he wants them first to buy the airbase we built to invade them.

It's what's for dinner.

To be honest, I'm elbow-deep in Elk and Venison ATM.

Just like a Muslim.

Only MUSLIMS are worthy of elk. Kafirs are made to beg for soup and be grateful for it, eh?

I'm a hunter and an atheist. WTF are you on about? :auiqs.jpg:Thought you were sane, my mistake.
So wait, you take the life of God's creatures, and they give you and your family nutrition and sustenance, and you don't give thanks to God for that?

I bet if you were in a God Forsaken land, and starving your ass off, I bet your tune would change.

I'm an atheist. It appears you don't fully get that. It's okay, because you're kind of thick. Would you like to try again?

Atheism is the chosen guise of Muslims who don't like fundamentalism but still want Islam to prevail.

Being a hunter (or saying so) helps said Muslims to convince trusting American Conservatives to treat them like allies.

It's what's for dinner.

To be honest, I'm elbow-deep in Elk and Venison ATM.

Just like a Muslim.

Only MUSLIMS are worthy of elk. Kafirs are made to beg for soup and be grateful for it, eh?

I'm a hunter and an atheist. WTF are you on about? :auiqs.jpg:Thought you were sane, my mistake.
So wait, you take the life of God's creatures, and they give you and your family nutrition and sustenance, and you don't give thanks to God for that?

I bet if you were in a God Forsaken land, and starving your ass off, I bet your tune would change.

I'm an atheist. It appears you don't fully get that. It's okay, because you're kind of thick. Would you like to try again?
There are no Atheists on Judgment Day, and No Atheists in Heaven.
To be honest, I'm elbow-deep in Elk and Venison ATM.

Just like a Muslim.

Only MUSLIMS are worthy of elk. Kafirs are made to beg for soup and be grateful for it, eh?

I'm a hunter and an atheist. WTF are you on about? :auiqs.jpg:Thought you were sane, my mistake.
So wait, you take the life of God's creatures, and they give you and your family nutrition and sustenance, and you don't give thanks to God for that?

I bet if you were in a God Forsaken land, and starving your ass off, I bet your tune would change.

I'm an atheist. It appears you don't fully get that. It's okay, because you're kind of thick. Would you like to try again?

Atheism is the chosen guise of Muslims who don't like fundamentalism but still want Islam to prevail.

Being a hunter (or saying so) helps said Muslims to convince trusting American Conservatives to treat them like allies.
That is true, and they also pretend to be "Moderates" on message boards while spewing 24-7 hatred at Trump.

Let me tell you something. If The Jihadi Worshippers of Ollie Assburn hate Trump, I am voting for him, because they LOOOOOVVVVED Obama Bin Lying.
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
Tree, I listened to a mother of one of our military young men, and she made a point that I really can't argue. That point is this, we lost many a life and limb over in Iraq, and it would hurt american families to ignore all of that loss of life and limb to just hand the desert back to Iran. Fk the money we lost, even though trump wants that back if we left. We still have troops in Germany, and how long has WWII been over? If all we are there are a show of strength, I'm good with leaving the military there after hearing that mother.

Would that Mom want future Moms to lose their sons over our failure to understand that Islam changes everything and that we haven't a clue about Islam?

A wise person realizes that throwing good lives away instead of cutting our losses and realizing what a quagmire the Middle East is, amounts to insanity and bad judgment.
reasonable argument. I am not the one that can answer that. i didn't have anyone I love lose a life or limb. But to weigh it out as to strategic or not, is what I believe is the best thing for the US as a whole. Terrorist will always exist. Again, we can fight them there or here. And on that one, I see the value of a strategic unit stationed there. We still have military in Germany as I said. why? We basically own Iraq, it is strategic to the ME.Oil money would be used to fund terrorism and keep Iran dangerous in their current set up.

I would ask those mothers the same question with a twist, would they rather we leave and have terrorist exist around the globe that take out innocent civilians when their sons would have made a difference in keeping that from happening?
22 or 23, with 17 fired at the main base near the center of Iraq. The others went up north to another base.
I believe one took down a Jet Liner with 186 people on it. ooops.
You could be right. The Iranians sure are being tight-lipped about it holding onto the black box.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

Anyone who criticizes Trump while he is up to his elbows in enemies is an enemy.

Anyone who criticizes America while the enemies are trying to overturn our government is an enemy.

I'm not confused.

Anyone who posts like an enemy should be prepared to be treated like an enemy.
I believe one took down a Jet Liner with 186 people on it. ooops.
You could be right. The Iranians sure are being tight-lipped about it holding onto the black box.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

Anyone who criticizes Trump while he is up to his elbows in enemies is an enemy.

Anyone who criticizes America while the enemies are trying to overturn our government is an enemy.

I'm not confused.

Anyone who posts like an enemy should be prepared to be treated like an enemy.
Beginning to sound like Stalin dude. Trump is a cult.
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
Tree, I listened to a mother of one of our military young men, and she made a point that I really can't argue. That point is this, we lost many a life and limb over in Iraq, and it would hurt american families to ignore all of that loss of life and limb to just hand the desert back to Iran. Fk the money we lost, even though trump wants that back if we left. We still have troops in Germany, and how long has WWII been over? If all we are there are a show of strength, I'm good with leaving the military there after hearing that mother.

Would that Mom want future Moms to lose their sons over our failure to understand that Islam changes everything and that we haven't a clue about Islam?

A wise person realizes that throwing good lives away instead of cutting our losses and realizing what a quagmire the Middle East is, amounts to insanity and bad judgment.
reasonable argument. I am not the one that can answer that. i didn't have anyone I love lose a life or limb. But to weigh it out as to strategic or not, is what I believe is the best thing for the US as a whole. Terrorist will always exist. Again, we can fight them there or here. And on that one, I see the value of a strategic unit stationed there. We still have military in Germany as I said. why? We basically own Iraq, it is strategic to the ME.Oil money would be used to fund terrorism and keep Iran dangerous in their current set up.
Just train them and sell them weapons.

Set up an alliance of friendly Middle Eastern Nations friendly to The US, and let them watch each other's backs.
Why do you continue wishing that Americans be killed and suffer in a grave recession?

I have never wished for either, why must you make up shit?

Why can't you just sit back in awe, relax, and enjoy the good times? You don't have to worship anyone, just grin and admit he's doing a heck of a good job, so far. Dang it, maybe I should jump on board or at least tone it down so if he keeps on winning,

I agree that one does not have to worship someone, yet so many on here do.

Trump is doing better than the last two, that much is for sure.
Last week he wanted to leave Iraq, and now he wants them first to buy the airbase we built to invade them.

He is a petulant child, he was good with leaving when it was his idea, but as soon as they started talking about forcing us out, everything changed.
You could be right. The Iranians sure are being tight-lipped about it holding onto the black box.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.

Anyone who criticizes Trump while he is up to his elbows in enemies is an enemy.

Anyone who criticizes America while the enemies are trying to overturn our government is an enemy.

I'm not confused.

Anyone who posts like an enemy should be prepared to be treated like an enemy.
Beginning to sound like Stalin dude. Trump is a cult.
Nothing Wrong with a Cult, if it's a CULT of AMERICAN CULTURE.

That's why we are blessed. We still love God, and still fight Evil.

Most of us anyway. But you don't, nope, you don't.
22 or 23, with 17 fired at the main base near the center of Iraq. The others went up north to another base.
I believe one took down a Jet Liner with 186 people on it. ooops.
You could be right. The Iranians sure are being tight-lipped about it holding onto the black box.
Some scared Iranian kid at some anti aircraft battery with and itchy trigger finger in fear of his impending doom shot down that Ukrainian Airliner, Guaranteed.

If that weren't true, Iran would RUN to the chance to share The Black Box with The World, but they are hiding it, probably trying to hack the damn thing knowing them.

They sound like US Demwits trying to figure out how they can lie and spin and twist the facts in order to make them serve their purpose.

No wonder the media defends Iran. They are just like US Leftists.
You seem to confuse criticizing Trump with defending Iran. No one is defending Iran.
sure seems like it. that's why he said that.

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