Trump's Address on Iran On Now

Really?! That’s good to hear. How was the weather there in October?

I’m probably gonna go in June/July
40s give or take. but the wind is the killer. i gave up any pretenses of setting up a tripod for pictures with the wind going on usually. when it wasn't, there was usually a herd of japanese tourists with a line of tripods on the walkway or bridge getting in peoples way. :)

but the scenery coming out of the Reykjavik airport was the surreal part. broken up ground that was in fact more or less lava w/moss on them to give a green appearance.

we stayed on the south of the island and went to the most southern point for a drive. at that point the weather was freaking insane. wind, rain, and just power of it all. drove out of that town 5 minutes and it was back to just a summer rain.

did some of the VIKINGS waterfalls tours.

my first real attempt to photoshop out people and "man-made" stuff.
wow, that is epic. I’m so pumped to check it out. Experience the awe of Mother Nature in a whole new level. Were the Northern lights out?
no. there are programs / apps that can give you a % chance of seeing them, but iceland is "overcast" quite a bit and even if they are out, odds are you'll see a blank sky. but when the sky is clear - it's breath taking.

what is strange you won't notice at first is no birds, no crickets, no squirrels running around. at least in october when we went. also, when you rent a car they will flat out tell you to hold onto the door (HOLD THE DOOR!!!!) when opening it cause the wind WILL blow it back and cost you a fortune to repair the vehicle.

the waterfalls here were pretty open and not that crowded. the ones about 30 minutes south were jam packed. but those you can walk behind. i suppose you could walk behind this one too but i'd not recommend it.

i did photoshop out the stairs going to the top of the falls but you can walk up there if you'd like.

here was the original.
I have a buddy Who lives there, he’s a fantastic musician and is actually currently on Iceland’s dancing with the stars tv show. So hoping he can show us the good local spots. Thanks for all the info, I’m getting fired up for the trip!!
we stayed out of the towns for the most part. Reykjavik is a pretty modern city and we found a great soup spot (there are tons of those) close to the spiral monument. but anyone local can get you around far better than i could describe it.

look out for elf houses - they take those pretty seriously. i didn't even know about it until someone messaged me while there to ask if i had seen any. looked 'em up and then i was seeing them all over the place.

Ten Pictures of Icelandic Elf Houses (a Strange Icelandic Tradition)

JFC, take it off line or to personal messages. Off topic as all get out
Anyone who thinks this episode is over is an utter simpleton. Trump has earned nothing but scorn. He killed an ersatz diplomat who was on a mission to Iraq, and thus now we have both Iran and Iraq working more closely than they were. Iraqi leaders have already asked us to leave, so how on earth is this winning? My goodness, we lost all those thousands of American lives only for Trump to help make Iraq and Iran allies that both hate the US. The cool thing about Cons is that do not think is any depth, but they believe they do. Silly dicks...

Everyone knows he has already won---blew up their main terrorist; scared the shit out of the Ayatollah; had them responding by shooting at the desert to be sure not to kill any Americans. (You are safer in an Iraqi Base than at the dead terrorist's funeral OR in a commercial jet leaving Tehran with paranoid gunners scared Bad Orange Man coming.)

Trump will call off the dogs, because he knows he has won. Will keep up the economic sanctions, maybe get more help from the European Pussies on sanctions---hopefully crash out this ridiculous religious zealot regime in the Iranian people...and bring our troops home.

Trump wins wars with Economic Policy.

Very Sane Genius.

We are not tired of winning!

I got as far as your use of the term "diplomat" and started laughing too hard to continue.

Are you even out of middle school, yet, child?

It's passionate, I gave it that, :04: but I cringed a bit there as well. Technically, it might even be correct. But hardly anyone is going to realistically cop to that descriptor of Soleimani outside of Iran. He was not a good guy. Honestly, both comments seem a bit bat shit wingery to take seriously.
Anyone who thinks this episode is over is an utter simpleton. Trump has earned nothing but scorn. He killed an ersatz diplomat who was on a mission to Iraq, and thus now we have both Iran and Iraq working more closely than they were. Iraqi leaders have already asked us to leave, so how on earth is this winning? My goodness, we lost all those thousands of American lives only for Trump to help make Iraq and Iran allies that both hate the US. The cool thing about Cons is that do not think is any depth, but they believe they do. Silly dicks...

Everyone knows he has already won---blew up their main terrorist; scared the shit out of the Ayatollah; had them responding by shooting at the desert to be sure not to kill any Americans. (You are safer in an Iraqi Base than at the dead terrorist's funeral OR in a commercial jet leaving Tehran with paranoid gunners scared Bad Orange Man coming.)

Trump will call off the dogs, because he knows he has won. Will keep up the economic sanctions, maybe get more help from the European Pussies on sanctions---hopefully crash out this ridiculous religious zealot regime in the Iranian people...and bring our troops home.

Trump wins wars with Economic Policy.

Very Sane Genius.

We are not tired of winning!

I got as far as your use of the term "diplomat" and started laughing too hard to continue.

Are you even out of middle school, yet, child?

It's passionate, I gave it that, :04: but I cringed a bit there as well. Technically, it might even be correct. But hardly anyone is going to realistically cop to that descriptor of Soleimani outside of Iran. He was not a good guy. Honestly, both comments seem a bit bat shit wingery to take seriously.

What's next - calling Charles Manson a " party facilitator" ?

Nah, Hitler was a misunderstood artist.
Anyone who thinks this episode is over is an utter simpleton. Trump has earned nothing but scorn. He killed an ersatz diplomat who was on a mission to Iraq, and thus now we have both Iran and Iraq working more closely than they were. Iraqi leaders have already asked us to leave, so how on earth is this winning? My goodness, we lost all those thousands of American lives only for Trump to help make Iraq and Iran allies that both hate the US. The cool thing about Cons is that do not think is any depth, but they believe they do. Silly dicks...

Everyone knows he has already won---blew up their main terrorist; scared the shit out of the Ayatollah; had them responding by shooting at the desert to be sure not to kill any Americans. (You are safer in an Iraqi Base than at the dead terrorist's funeral OR in a commercial jet leaving Tehran with paranoid gunners scared Bad Orange Man coming.)

Trump will call off the dogs, because he knows he has won. Will keep up the economic sanctions, maybe get more help from the European Pussies on sanctions---hopefully crash out this ridiculous religious zealot regime in the Iranian people...and bring our troops home.

Trump wins wars with Economic Policy.

Very Sane Genius.

We are not tired of winning!

I got as far as your use of the term "diplomat" and started laughing too hard to continue.

Are you even out of middle school, yet, child?

It's passionate, I gave it that, :04: but I cringed a bit there as well. Technically, it might even be correct. But hardly anyone is going to realistically cop to that descriptor of Soleimani outside of Iran. He was not a good guy. Honestly, both comments seem a bit bat shit wingery to take seriously.

What's next - calling Charles Manson a " party facilitator" ?
Trump might be the smartest president this country has ever had.
trump must be the most idiotic president in history, he just gave away irak to iran on a golden plate despite all the sacrifices of last 30 years.
the thousands of american servicemen and civilians dead or hurt, the $ 2 trillion wasted, the continuation of iran's nuclear program...etc, are still here to remind us, so is the treat .
Now, iraq is a province of iran and syria is next.
Great job Mr president.
Let them have it. Iran gets incinerated in Ezekiel 38 and so does anyone that is dumb enough to ally with them.

There are so many bodies it takes 7 months to bury them and 7 years to clear the battlefield of wreckage and their destruction comes in a single day, with Millions upon Millions lost between them and their Russian Islamic Alliance when they attack Israel.

One country you don't want to be right before Armageddon is Iran. You also don't want to be Russia or Syria....either.
I just wonder why they hate humans soo much.
Absolutely! This site is famous for the Con-dumbs and Russian Trolls, and I do enjoy tweaking them. I must confess to it being an act of cruelty at times, but someone has to do do the job. Personally, I think they ought to neuter them all, but we can't have that...

Trump might be the smartest president this country has ever had.

You just made head explode.

Only to those successfully hooked by obvious troll comments.

America is the best country.
Our system of government is the best.

Pres. Trump is the best President since Lincoln.

Get used to that reality.
Anyone who thinks this episode is over is an utter simpleton. Trump has earned nothing but scorn. He killed an ersatz diplomat who was on a mission to Iraq, and thus now we have both Iran and Iraq working more closely than they were. Iraqi leaders have already asked us to leave, so how on earth is this winning? My goodness, we lost all those thousands of American lives only for Trump to help make Iraq and Iran allies that both hate the US. The cool thing about Cons is that do not think is any depth, but they believe they do. Silly dicks...

Everyone knows he has already won---blew up their main terrorist; scared the shit out of the Ayatollah; had them responding by shooting at the desert to be sure not to kill any Americans. (You are safer in an Iraqi Base than at the dead terrorist's funeral OR in a commercial jet leaving Tehran with paranoid gunners scared Bad Orange Man coming.)

Trump will call off the dogs, because he knows he has won. Will keep up the economic sanctions, maybe get more help from the European Pussies on sanctions---hopefully crash out this ridiculous religious zealot regime in the Iranian people...and bring our troops home.

Trump wins wars with Economic Policy.

Very Sane Genius.

We are not tired of winning!
Trump might be the smartest president this country has ever had.
trump must be the most idiotic president in history, he just gave away irak to iran on a golden plate despite all the sacrifices of last 30 years.
the thousands of american servicemen and civilians dead or hurt, the $ 2 trillion wasted, the continuation of iran's nuclear program...etc, are still here to remind us, so is the treat .
Now, iraq is a province of iran and syria is next.
Great job Mr president.
Let them have it. Iran gets incinerated in Ezekiel 38 and so does anyone that is dumb enough to ally with them.

There are so many bodies it takes 7 months to bury them and 7 years to clear the battlefield of wreckage and their destruction comes in a single day, with Millions upon Millions lost between them and their Russian Islamic Alliance when they attack Israel.

One country you don't want to be right before Armageddon is Iran. You also don't want to be Russia or Syria....either.
I just wonder why they hate humans soo much.
Like the Democrats, they only love you if you hate everyone they hate.
this is the only press conference that mattered today!

Obviously the guy is an egotistical bastard but in this case I think the japs are out to get him for making them lose face. After all he took two Japanese companies headed for failure and turned them around. Maybe he's an egotistical asshole but that's their entire cultural basis.
was anyone killed? if not then you have to question either their technology (and from what i understand it is pretty solid) or their aim. so what would their mark be in this instance?

looks more like a PR move on Irans part to say they did something back yet not enough for a counter-attack.
Andrea Mitchell thinks they have highly precise missiles and missed on purpose. (which they did)

Iran ‘deliberately missed’: MSNBC issues initial battle damage assessment

“That they have such highly precise missiles — we know they do, they were able to take out the major Aramco oil field in September in Saudi Arabia — we know that they can do this if they really want to, and they apparently, according to this early report, they may have hit a not populated part of the al-Asad base and, in Arbil, landed in a field,” she reported.

She thinks they have highly precise missiles. haahahahahahahaha she is as clueless as anyone I know. And she's a fking journalist? can't make it up.
i really have zero idea what they are using. but i would think that if they fired 20+ times and didn't hit anything, they didn't want to. if that is the case then Trumps warnings took root and they simply fired back to show their people they were not afraid of us. what i did hear last night is they (Iran) was reporting 80 people killed.

i was watching this on FOX last night and they were pretty annoying also with the constant insults to Iran and glowing praise of Trump. kinda the same as praising Iran to a large degree as it's simply catering to their target audience. i just want the news. that was it.

just hard to find "just the news" anymore. :)

any idea what missles they were using and where they were from?

I can't find too many details on the type of missiles, but the consensus seems to be around a dozen fired.
22 or 23, with 17 fired at the main base near the center of Iraq. The others went up north to another base.

Ah, thanks. Got the source on that? I'd like to find out a bit more, if you don't mind.

Try this for recent background on Iran's ballistic missile program: Iran’s Ballistic Missile Program: New Developments
You must have looked up ersatz, and that makes you slightly brighter than you were. You can thank me for that. But, you're still in the moron range, and there is no fixing that. I'm sorry. I truly am. But remedial education might help.

Anyone who thinks this episode is over is an utter simpleton. Trump has earned nothing but scorn. He killed an ersatz diplomat who was on a mission to Iraq, and thus now we have both Iran and Iraq working more closely than they were. Iraqi leaders have already asked us to leave, so how on earth is this winning? My goodness, we lost all those thousands of American lives only for Trump to help make Iraq and Iran allies that both hate the US. The cool thing about Cons is that do not think is any depth, but they believe they do. Silly dicks...

Everyone knows he has already won---blew up their main terrorist; scared the shit out of the Ayatollah; had them responding by shooting at the desert to be sure not to kill any Americans. (You are safer in an Iraqi Base than at the dead terrorist's funeral OR in a commercial jet leaving Tehran with paranoid gunners scared Bad Orange Man coming.)

Trump will call off the dogs, because he knows he has won. Will keep up the economic sanctions, maybe get more help from the European Pussies on sanctions---hopefully crash out this ridiculous religious zealot regime in the Iranian people...and bring our troops home.

Trump wins wars with Economic Policy.

Very Sane Genius.

We are not tired of winning!

I got as far as your use of the term "diplomat" and started laughing too hard to continue.

Are you even out of middle school, yet, child?

It's passionate, I gave it that, :04: but I cringed a bit there as well. Technically, it might even be correct. But hardly anyone is going to realistically cop to that descriptor of Soleimani outside of Iran. He was not a good guy. Honestly, both comments seem a bit bat shit wingery to take seriously.

What's next - calling Charles Manson a " party facilitator" ?
Iran gets burned up in a Fiery Inferno, Judged By God and those who are dumb enough to ally with them. 90% of their Military is destroyed, and back home the entire Nation of Iran is set ablaze.

Ezekiel 38.

I have zero concern about Iran. They have a special judgment reserved for them.
So we lost all those lives in Iraq for that what you are saying?

Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
It's good to know we're staying in Iraq … today.
Iraq wants us there.
Iraq doesn't deserve us there and we should leave. They made a deal with The Devil, and allowed Iran in to their bed. Now they can sleep in the bed they made for them and Iran. Iraqis will find out soon enough that Saddam Hussein was a much Nicer Guy than Ayatollah Assahollah. And Barry Hussein was a fraud.

We can pack up and leave and let The Saudis and Israel keep them in line.
Tree, I listened to a mother of one of our military young men, and she made a point that I really can't argue. That point is this, we lost many a life and limb over in Iraq, and it would hurt american families to ignore all of that loss of life and limb to just hand the desert back to Iran. Fk the money we lost, even though trump wants that back if we left. We still have troops in Germany, and how long has WWII been over? If all we are there are a show of strength, I'm good with leaving the military there after hearing that mother.

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