Trump's Address on Iran On Now

Watched the Speech and in my opinion Trump was most likely advised by Senate and even House members of his own political party take the shallow victory and let not get dragged into a conflict.

Also willing to bet a call from Putin and was told let slow this disaster train down unless you want a full scale war.

My spin of it is that Trump want to play nice now but the question is does Iran play nice or wait until near the election to do something that could sway the vote against Trump?

All I know is Gawd Help us and I am back to meditating and dreaming of Ana De Armas because now I have to turn off the REM song End of the World as we know it...

Has anyone ever been worse reading off a teleprompter? He never took his eyes off of it. I wonder if they have a little dot that moves along as he reads like a karaoke machine.

At least we know he can read.

I was pretty impressed he got hyper-sonic correct. He only stumbled once or twice, he is getting better.
Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it
Everyone knows he has already won---blew up their main terrorist; scared the shit out of the Ayatollah; had them responding by shooting at the desert to be sure not to kill any Americans. (You are safer in an Iraqi Base than at the dead terrorist's funeral OR in a commercial jet leaving Tehran with paranoid gunners scared Bad Orange Man coming.)

Trump will call off the dogs, because he knows he has won. Will keep up the economic sanctions, maybe get more help from the European Pussies on sanctions---hopefully crash out this ridiculous religious zealot regime in the Iranian people...and bring our troops home.

Trump wins wars with Economic Policy.

Very Sane Genius.

We are not tired of winning!

So much winning! However I'm still not tired of it, so so far Trump was wrong there. However I'm pretty sure the dumbcrats are really sick and tired of conservatives wins and them losing and losing and losing, time after time after time. And now he's got Iran screaming at it sky too by shooting expensive missiles at empty sand. Now I wonder who's gonna wise up first and give in, the dumbocrats or Iran.

Obummer must be feeling especially stupid right now after being shown to be the fool he so clearly is.
What did he say? Are we retaliating
  • The Iran attack was a non-starter. We knew it was coming and totally repulsed it.
  • Soleimani was a far worse dude than was generally known.
  • Trump is cranking up new sanctions on Iran even higher.
  • They continue to look at their options.
  • We will never let Iran have a nuke.
  • Trump invited all NATO countries to get more involved in settling the Iran problem once and for all.
  • Trump failed to live up to all of the horror stories and dire predictions of the Democrats, Hollywood, and all of the Trump-haters.

That was Trump's response to Iran's missile attack, more sanctions and an olive branch to Iran, stop being a douche and we'll work with you.
Did you hear an olive branch? I sure didn't! There was no good news in there I heard that the Ayatollah will be happy to hear about! Of course, if they don't like it, they can attack us again and the shit will just hit the fan. Meantime, did you get a look at that room?! POTUS, VP, Mike Pompeo, all the top generals-- -- -- -- it was like a WHO's WHO of everyone the Ayatollah would bust a gut and pay anything if he could just wipe out of existence. Too bad he'll never have that ability.

Screen Shot 2020-01-08 at 11.53.20 AM.jpg

And poor Nancy was once again denied her chance to claim Trump is a psycho incompetent, out of control war-monger.
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What did he say? Are we retaliating
NO. More sanctions, Trump called for the JCPOA countries to get involved in forcing Iran to knock it off. He is not running his mouth and being a jerk. His wishes were clear. Iran gives up running terrorists and gives up nuclear dreams. In turn, we'll make 'em rich and happy. He wants the rest of the world to help.

Trump made no more threats.
I just wonder if the Iranian regime want that. Look at what they turned iran into..... What it used to be...
Plus, im not sure they will stop until we leave. IDK
I hope for the best!
Watched the Speech and in my opinion Trump was most likely advised by Senate and even House members of his own political party take the shallow victory and let not get dragged into a conflict.

Also willing to bet a call from Putin and was told let slow this disaster train down unless you want a full scale war.

My spin of it is that Trump want to play nice now but the question is does Iran play nice or wait until near the election to do something that could sway the vote against Trump?

All I know is Gawd Help us and I am back to meditating and dreaming of Ana De Armas because now I have to turn off the REM song End of the World as we know it...

Has anyone ever been worse reading off a teleprompter? He never took his eyes off of it. I wonder if they have a little dot that moves along as he reads like a karaoke machine.

This is what you have to offer after his speech? You have to admit that that is pretty pathetic. :laughing0301:
yesterday Trump was the king, and his drones were humping his WAR ASS yammering how he was going to bomb the fk out of Iran

Today he is the king because hes not bombing Iran -

ssdd comedy from the circus.
yeah, we understand your love for terrorists. hug that doll harder for us. BTW, true leaders know when to attack and the strategic value in it. Moral people accept the surrender of their opponent gracefully and extend an olive branch to begin a new. If you thought that Iran meant anything other than appeasing their people with bombing sand, I can't help you, but again, you love that terrorist doll and hug it daily.
Watched the Speech and in my opinion Trump was most likely advised by Senate and even House members of his own political party take the shallow victory and let not get dragged into a conflict.

Also willing to bet a call from Putin and was told let slow this disaster train down unless you want a full scale war.

My spin of it is that Trump want to play nice now but the question is does Iran play nice or wait until near the election to do something that could sway the vote against Trump?

All I know is Gawd Help us and I am back to meditating and dreaming of Ana De Armas because now I have to turn off the REM song End of the World as we know it...

Has anyone ever been worse reading off a teleprompter? He never took his eyes off of it. I wonder if they have a little dot that moves along as he reads like a karaoke machine.

At least we know he can read.

I was pretty impressed he got hyper-sonic correct. He only stumbled once or twice, he is getting better.

Perhaps. Thankfully, at least it was short. I couldn't handle much more.
What did he say? Are we retaliating
NO. More sanctions, Trump called for the JCPOA countries to get involved in forcing Iran to knock it off. He is not running his mouth and being a jerk. His wishes were clear. Iran gives up running terrorists and gives up nuclear dreams. In turn, we'll make 'em rich and happy. He wants the rest of the world to help.

Trump made no more threats.
I just wonder if the Iranian regime want that. Look at what they turned iran into..... What it used to be...
Plus, im not sure they will stop until we leave. IDK
I hope for the best!
Before Radical Islam, Iran was actually a pretty cool place to go vacation at. The People were awesome, The Girls were friendly, attractive and wore Western clothing but still had some morals, and there were all kinds of cool places to visit. Now Iran is worse than The Soviet Union. Total Tyranny Reigns over there.
What did he say? Are we retaliating
  • The Iran attack was a non-starter. We knew it was coming and totally repulsed it.
  • Soleimani was a far worse dude than was generally known.
  • Trump is cranking up new sanctions on Iran even higher.
  • They continue to look at their options.
  • We will never let Iran have a nuke.
  • Trump invited all NATO countries to get more involved in settling the Iran problem once and for all.
  • Trump failed to live up to all of the horror stories and dire predictions of the Democrats, Hollywood, and all of the Trump-haters.

That was Trump's response to Iran's missile attack, more sanctions and an olive branch to Iran, stop being a douche and we'll work with you.
Did you hear an olive branch? I sure didn't! There was no good news in there I heard that the Ayatollah will be happy to hear about! Of course, if they don't like it, they can attack us again and the shit will just hit the fan.

Trump olive branch was directed at the Iranian people not the regime. The regime is a bunch of evil murderers who will never change. Its going to be up to the Iranian people to throw those bums out and Trump is telling them we stand ready to assist the people of Iran.
I said yesterday Trump would fold like a cheap card table

today, he folded like a cheap card table.


Iran folded like a cheap lawn chair in fear of Trump and the U.S.

That is absolutely correct!

That attack last night was a big nothing burger, only designed for internal Iran consumption.

Trump is managing this brilliantly. He used strength against the Mullahs and they backed down and now he is telling them they had better get with the program because there will be further sanctions. The sanctions are doing tremendous damage to the Mullahs.

All of this without an escalation of war.

Those idiot Democrats can't credibly accuse Trump of being a war monger anymore.

Trump is being a great President. Not weak like Obama that tried to buy them off.
And -

The markets took off during the speech.

Winner for every one on the planet, except American Democratics.
What did he say? Are we retaliating
NO. More sanctions, Trump called for the JCPOA countries to get involved in forcing Iran to knock it off. He is not running his mouth and being a jerk. His wishes were clear. Iran gives up running terrorists and gives up nuclear dreams. In turn, we'll make 'em rich and happy. He wants the rest of the world to help.

Trump made no more threats.
BTW, More sanctions is the retaliation.

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