Trump's Address on Iran On Now

Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?
What did he say? Are we retaliating
NO. More sanctions, Trump called for the JCPOA countries to get involved in forcing Iran to knock it off. He is not running his mouth and being a jerk. His wishes were clear. Iran gives up running terrorists and gives up nuclear dreams. In turn, we'll make 'em rich and happy. He wants the rest of the world to help.

Trump made no more threats.
I just wonder if the Iranian regime want that. Look at what they turned iran into..... What it used to be...
Plus, im not sure they will stop until we leave. IDK
I hope for the best!
Where's the video of the bases that were damaged by the missiles?
Where's the "immediate" retribution for attacking an American base?
Not gonna' happen.
Trump has backed down.
Fat Bastard has backed down.


Same old crap. Nothing new learned. He's such a terrible speaker.

Maybe you are just a terrible listener.

I heard him repeat the 150 billion dollar lie again.

It's not a lie, It was the Shah's money, not Iran.

What's your source?
I said yesterday Trump would fold like a cheap card table

today, he folded like a cheap card table.

So you want us to Incinerate Iran, Right?

Or do you want us to send them more Obama Bucks to buy Obama Bombs from Mother Russia to have Ayatollah Assahollah point them at Americans?
Watched the Speech and in my opinion Trump was most likely advised by Senate and even House members of his own political party take the shallow victory and let not get dragged into a conflict.

Also willing to bet a call from Putin and was told let slow this disaster train down unless you want a full scale war.

My spin of it is that Trump want to play nice now but the question is does Iran play nice or wait until near the election to do something that could sway the vote against Trump?

All I know is Gawd Help us and I am back to meditating and dreaming of Ana De Armas because now I have to turn off the REM song End of the World as we know it...

Has anyone ever been worse reading off a teleprompter? He never took his eyes off of it. I wonder if they have a little dot that moves along as he reads like a karaoke machine.

This is what you have to offer after his speech? You have to admit that that is pretty pathetic. :laughing0301:

It was a honest assessment of his speech. The speech itself was pretty tame with lots of back patting of himself and not much substance. He used a lot of words and said very every other politician.
Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

I don't care how he delivers it, I care about the content. YMMV and you may base everything on superficial BS (apparently you do)
Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

I did think that I heard him put the EMPHAsis
On the wrong SyLLABLE twice.

Devastated, I was not.
What did he say? Are we retaliating

Wow!, I can't believe a 'warmonger' like Trump is restraining himself
I mean, just yesterday we heard from the media how Trump is going to escalate it into a war with Iran.

President Trump just smacked the fake news around again.

The Leftists don't know the difference between a rocket and missile.

The left aren't very bright as you know.
Most Presidential words he has ever spoken, possibly best in my living memory of any president, I have heard. That is how the leader of the free world speaks.
And once again the left media look like the laughing court jesters they are.
Especially CNN, there dire Armageddon take on the killing of their top terrorist - dreading and speculating just how bad Iran's retaliation could be. Speculating about neighboring countries... in the end... the "retaliation" was Iran giving our military heads up they were going to toss some missiles in some empty fields near our bases.
So now...there are a few more holes in Iraq soil.
That's it.
Or... as CNN desperately HOPES for - this was just an evil decoy to a much greater attack.... ANY DAY!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA
Watched the Speech and in my opinion Trump was most likely advised by Senate and even House members of his own political party take the shallow victory and let not get dragged into a conflict.

Also willing to bet a call from Putin and was told let slow this disaster train down unless you want a full scale war.

My spin of it is that Trump want to play nice now but the question is does Iran play nice or wait until near the election to do something that could sway the vote against Trump?

All I know is Gawd Help us and I am back to meditating and dreaming of Ana De Armas because now I have to turn off the REM song End of the World as we know it...

Has anyone ever been worse reading off a teleprompter? He never took his eyes off of it. I wonder if they have a little dot that moves along as he reads like a karaoke machine.

This is what you have to offer after his speech? You have to admit that that is pretty pathetic. :laughing0301:

It was a honest assessment of his speech. The speech itself was pretty tame with lots of back patting of himself and not much substance. He used a lot of words and said very every other politician.

You don't listen very well, do you. Do you have a listening disability?
Quite the dud.

He obviously has no clue how to fix this, except more of that exact same nonsense that didn't work before, but he's the only one. One might also find increasing desperation in his attempts to point to everybody else who is to bear responsibility for his monumental eff-up. The latest on this, the JCPOA caused all that Middle Eastern mayhem.

Let's just note one plus in all of that benighted nonsense: The mullahs gave him an off-ramp, and some of his satraps saw it, apparently dragged him down, and prevented him from gloating all too overtly. So far, so good.

Let's hope the Iranian hardliners will keep the calm.

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