Trump's Address on Iran On Now

Trump gave an excellent speech. A few key points
1. American military and economic strength is a deterrent. We don't want to use the military, but having a strong one helps us keep the peace.
2. The U.S. is energy independent and Europe needs to step up their efforts to keep Iran in check. They need Iranian oil; we don't.
3. The (incredibly stupid worst foreign policy action in history) Iran Nuclear deal basically means that the Obama gave Iran the cash to escalate terrorism. We were perfectly justified in killing Soleimani, who orchestrated much of their terrorism.

I'll also note that Iran sells over $1B of illegal drugs each year through our southern border. This provides more funding for terrorism - and is another reason to protect the border (along with keeping their terrorist agents out).
as horrible about that also. not to distract from trump being an arrogant ass - just saying it seems to be a trait found in many "leaders".

Lets say it is a trait found in many people with power. Neither Trump nor Obama have any actual leadership ability.
I'll also note that Iran sells over $1B of illegal drugs each year through our southern border. This provides more funding for terrorism - and is another reason to protect the border (along with keeping their terrorist agents out).

Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it
Is there a way for you to go back to Iran? I'll pay for it.
Never been there... got many other places on my travel list above Iran. Think my next adventure is going to be Iceland
So, maybe we send you to Siberia, then?
I’m already booked to Iceland. Go ahead to Siberia without me, let me know how you like it
went to iceland in october. it's surreal in the most of amazing of ways.
Really?! That’s good to hear. How was the weather there in October?

I’m probably gonna go in June/July
Watched the Speech and in my opinion Trump was most likely advised by Senate and even House members of his own political party take the shallow victory and let not get dragged into a conflict.

Also willing to bet a call from Putin and was told let slow this disaster train down unless you want a full scale war.

My spin of it is that Trump want to play nice now but the question is does Iran play nice or wait until near the election to do something that could sway the vote against Trump?

All I know is Gawd Help us and I am back to meditating and dreaming of Ana De Armas because now I have to turn off the REM song End of the World as we know it...

Has anyone ever been worse reading off a teleprompter? He never took his eyes off of it. I wonder if they have a little dot that moves along as he reads like a karaoke machine.

At least we know he can read.
Good thing Barry Hussein never used a teleprompter, huh?

He could not survive without one. But at least he could take his eye off it and not lose his place.
Watched the Speech and in my opinion Trump was most likely advised by Senate and even House members of his own political party take the shallow victory and let not get dragged into a conflict.

Also willing to bet a call from Putin and was told let slow this disaster train down unless you want a full scale war.

My spin of it is that Trump want to play nice now but the question is does Iran play nice or wait until near the election to do something that could sway the vote against Trump?

All I know is Gawd Help us and I am back to meditating and dreaming of Ana De Armas because now I have to turn off the REM song End of the World as we know it...

Has anyone ever been worse reading off a teleprompter? He never took his eyes off of it. I wonder if they have a little dot that moves along as he reads like a karaoke machine.

At least we know he can read.
Good thing Barry Hussein never used a teleprompter, huh?

Scuze moi, but TOTUS was the brains of the outfit.

yesterday Trump was the king, and his drones were humping his WAR ASS yammering how he was going to bomb the fk out of Iran

Today he is the king because hes not bombing Iran -

ssdd comedy from the circus.
yeah, we understand your love for terrorists. hug that doll harder for us. BTW, true leaders know when to attack and the strategic value in it. Moral people accept the surrender of their opponent gracefully and extend an olive branch to begin a new. If you thought that Iran meant anything other than appeasing their people with bombing sand, I can't help you, but again, you love that terrorist doll and hug it daily.

Trump's response was the greatest slap of all: he basically said that Iran's "attack" was to pathetic and weenie, that we didn't even consider it a threat worth dignifying with a military response at all! We bitch-slapped them!
No, Trump and his team bitch slapped them. We got to watch a true leader.
Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

Only the dumbshits suffering from TDS, like you.

Trump made very measured speech. Firm but not angry sounding.

Markets opened higher and the price of oil went down. The world knows last night was a nothing burger.

You stupid TDS afflicted Moon Bats have been neutered with your uneducated hatefulness bullshit about Trump being a war monger.

TDS stands for Trump Delusional Syndrome.
Same old crap. Nothing new learned. He's such a terrible speaker.

Maybe you are just a terrible listener.

I heard him repeat the 150 billion dollar lie again.

It's not a lie, It was the Shah's money, not Iran.

What's your source?

It's an easy lookup. Go do it yourself.

You made the claim. The burden of proof is on you.
Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

I did think that I heard him put the EMPHAsis
On the wrong SyLLABLE twice.

Devastated, I was not.
Haha, agreed. Do you think he reads these speeches before presenting them? I watch and It sounds like he is reading for the first time
Watched the Speech and in my opinion Trump was most likely advised by Senate and even House members of his own political party take the shallow victory and let not get dragged into a conflict.

Also willing to bet a call from Putin and was told let slow this disaster train down unless you want a full scale war.

My spin of it is that Trump want to play nice now but the question is does Iran play nice or wait until near the election to do something that could sway the vote against Trump?

All I know is Gawd Help us and I am back to meditating and dreaming of Ana De Armas because now I have to turn off the REM song End of the World as we know it...

Has anyone ever been worse reading off a teleprompter? He never took his eyes off of it. I wonder if they have a little dot that moves along as he reads like a karaoke machine.

This is what you have to offer after his speech? You have to admit that that is pretty pathetic. :laughing0301:

It was a honest assessment of his speech. The speech itself was pretty tame with lots of back patting of himself and not much substance. He used a lot of words and said very every other politician.

You don't listen very well, do you. Do you have a listening disability?

Nope not at all. But seeing as I am not a Trump worshiper like yourself I can give an honest assessment of the speech.

Your "assessment" had all to do with delivery and nothing to do with content. You assessed his capability for reading a prompter. You can't make that shit up. I don't worship Trump - That was an assumption on your part. You have a bias and you just showed it in spades.
I said yesterday Trump would fold like a cheap card table

today, he folded like a cheap card table.

Announcing new sanctions and telling Iran they will get hit hard if they keep up their bullshit is folding in your world?

Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

For fucks sake you dicks, how much sleep did Trump get in the past 24 hours maybe a couple hours? You sit in the big chair and address the world on little sleep and we'll see how well you speak live on camera. :eusa_hand:

He obviously has gotten plenty of rest:
Trump ordered Iran airstrike 'while on holiday at his golf club' | Metro News
Is there any way to get him a reading tutor? It’s soooo painful watching him try and navigate the teleprompter. I pay for it

Of course your jumping onto Gator's insignificant drivel about the teleprompter. I wouldn't have expected any less.
I haven’t heard Gators analysis but I’m not surprise that others share my view. Do you honestly not cringe just a little while watching him struggle through those speeches? Honestly?

Only the dumbshits suffering from TDS, like you.

Trump made very measured speech. Firm but not angry sounding.

Markets opened higher and the price of oil went down. The world knows last night was a nothing burger.

You stupid TDS afflicted Moon Bats have been neutered with your uneducated hatefulness bullshit about Trump being a war monger.
What’s deranged about my observation? It’s more comical than angry
Maybe you are just a terrible listener.

I heard him repeat the 150 billion dollar lie again.

It's not a lie, It was the Shah's money, not Iran.

What's your source?

It's an easy lookup. Go do it yourself.

You made the claim. The burden of proof is on you.

No it isn't. I could care less if you actually know the truth. I was just trying to help you out.
What did he say? Are we retaliating
NO. More sanctions, Trump called for the JCPOA countries to get involved in forcing Iran to knock it off. He is not running his mouth and being a jerk. His wishes were clear. Iran gives up running terrorists and gives up nuclear dreams. In turn, we'll make 'em rich and happy. He wants the rest of the world to help.

Trump made no more threats.
I just wonder if the Iranian regime want that. Look at what they turned iran into..... What it used to be...
Plus, im not sure they will stop until we leave. IDK
I hope for the best!
Of course Iran doesn't want that. We are asking them to give up BOTH the security of having nuclear capability and telling them that they must stop supporting their allies. We dangled a dollar bill in front of their noses, but as much as the young people in Iran want to get rid of the fusty old Ayatollah, money is probably not going to be the factor that convinces them to stop either of those activities.

Like you, TN, I'm hoping for the best.

Same old crap. Nothing new learned. He's such a terrible speaker.

Maybe you are just a terrible listener.

I heard him repeat the 150 billion dollar lie again.

So you are a terrible listener.

Are you saying he didn't repeat the 150 billion dollar lie?

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