Trump's adminitration is a clusterf*ck

No, the reasons for prisons is no longer about punishment, it has become its own industrial complex for making money and feeding the economy. You once again have proved you should stick to your day job.

Damn you just keep deflecting, I don't give a shit what you bleeding hearts think about prisons, public or private. They are there to get criminals off the damn streets as punishment for crimes committed. The idea is to make them not want to go back once released.


It's not that you don't care, it's that you are too proud to admit you are talking out the side of your neck and have no clue what is really going on, and too fucking stubborn to actually learn the truth.

No, I actually don't care. Criminals need to be locked up and we should return to hard labor. These damn gang recruiting sites they call prisons need to go back to the old ways. This three strikes and you're out is bullshit, it should be three strikes and you're dead.


It's been proven not to work. You don't have a fucking clue at all about what is going on. There are people getting a third strike for shoplifting or having an ounce of weed and getting a life sentence for it.

Making inmates work is technically a violation of human rights. It's indentured servitude. It was what happened with Jim Crow laws in the south.

I'd seriously show you things that would blow your mind, but at this point in your life you have your mind made up and don't give a shit. Well if you don't give a shit, then go post in threads that you do.

Indentured servitude when it's punishment for a crime is totally constitutional, read the 13th Amendment. BTW I don't care what the third strike is for, they've demonstrated they can't conduct themselves in accordance with the law and a civilized society, their permanent removal form society is justified. Stop making excuses for criminals.


Yes, but when the institution is a private prison and the inmates are getting paid pennies a day, and the institution is making rules and decisions that makes the inmates stay in the prison longer, in order for them to take advantage of their labor, that IS indentured servitude. It's exactly what some of the criminal justice reform talk is all about. Private prisons don't make money when they are empty. Use common sense, if you have any.

You don't give a fuck, you don't know shit, so why are you still posting?
lobbyist have never had it better.

Trump ran as their scourge, and governs as their benefactor!
Damn you just keep deflecting, I don't give a shit what you bleeding hearts think about prisons, public or private. They are there to get criminals off the damn streets as punishment for crimes committed. The idea is to make them not want to go back once released.


It's not that you don't care, it's that you are too proud to admit you are talking out the side of your neck and have no clue what is really going on, and too fucking stubborn to actually learn the truth.

No, I actually don't care. Criminals need to be locked up and we should return to hard labor. These damn gang recruiting sites they call prisons need to go back to the old ways. This three strikes and you're out is bullshit, it should be three strikes and you're dead.


It's been proven not to work. You don't have a fucking clue at all about what is going on. There are people getting a third strike for shoplifting or having an ounce of weed and getting a life sentence for it.

Making inmates work is technically a violation of human rights. It's indentured servitude. It was what happened with Jim Crow laws in the south.

I'd seriously show you things that would blow your mind, but at this point in your life you have your mind made up and don't give a shit. Well if you don't give a shit, then go post in threads that you do.

Indentured servitude when it's punishment for a crime is totally constitutional, read the 13th Amendment. BTW I don't care what the third strike is for, they've demonstrated they can't conduct themselves in accordance with the law and a civilized society, their permanent removal form society is justified. Stop making excuses for criminals.


Yes, but when the institution is a private prison and the inmates are getting paid pennies a day, and the institution is making rules and decisions that makes the inmates stay in the prison longer, in order for them to take advantage of their labor, that IS indentured servitude. It's exactly what some of the criminal justice reform talk is all about. Private prisons don't make money when they are empty. Use common sense, if you have any.

You don't give a fuck, you don't know shit, so why are you still posting?

Tell it to the judge child. They committed a crime to get in prison, they can work for their keep.

It's not that you don't care, it's that you are too proud to admit you are talking out the side of your neck and have no clue what is really going on, and too fucking stubborn to actually learn the truth.

No, I actually don't care. Criminals need to be locked up and we should return to hard labor. These damn gang recruiting sites they call prisons need to go back to the old ways. This three strikes and you're out is bullshit, it should be three strikes and you're dead.


It's been proven not to work. You don't have a fucking clue at all about what is going on. There are people getting a third strike for shoplifting or having an ounce of weed and getting a life sentence for it.

Making inmates work is technically a violation of human rights. It's indentured servitude. It was what happened with Jim Crow laws in the south.

I'd seriously show you things that would blow your mind, but at this point in your life you have your mind made up and don't give a shit. Well if you don't give a shit, then go post in threads that you do.

Indentured servitude when it's punishment for a crime is totally constitutional, read the 13th Amendment. BTW I don't care what the third strike is for, they've demonstrated they can't conduct themselves in accordance with the law and a civilized society, their permanent removal form society is justified. Stop making excuses for criminals.


Yes, but when the institution is a private prison and the inmates are getting paid pennies a day, and the institution is making rules and decisions that makes the inmates stay in the prison longer, in order for them to take advantage of their labor, that IS indentured servitude. It's exactly what some of the criminal justice reform talk is all about. Private prisons don't make money when they are empty. Use common sense, if you have any.

You don't give a fuck, you don't know shit, so why are you still posting?

Tell it to the judge child. They committed a crime to get in prison, they can work for their keep.


"draining the swamp is very difficult. people need to have a maniacal devotion to it" - Bannon conceded
You don't get it. He wants to go door to door and immigrants WITH LEGAL AMERICAN CHILDREN, he wants to separate them and deport the parents and keep the kids in fucking cages.

You don't get it, I don't give a flying fuck. The parents put those kids in that situation. They know they are subject to deportation, they chose to have kids anyway. Now they depend on you commies to not hold them responsible for their actions. Of course personal responsibility has never been something you commies have ever been concerned with.

The parents can either take the children with them, find a legal person to leave them with or put them up for adoption. I don't give a shit what they chose to do, they broke the law and should be deported as the law requires.


No I get it. You are a Trump supporter and lack empathy for people. Sociopaths get along quite easily.

Funny, I don't see you commies crying for citizen criminals who are separated form their children. Hypocrite much? LMAO

Legal consequences, due process requires we treat all criminals the same. I have no tears for any of them.


But you don't treat misdemeanors as capital crimes. Until Trump's "zero tolerance" policy, NO ONE was ever jailed awaiting trial on a non-violent misdemeanor crime. Nor were their children taken from them. Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor.

The law is meant to be a deterrent, vigorous enforcement is the best deterrent. 90% of those released don't show up for their court dates, many more don't leave when given the opportunity after a deportation order is issued. If history shows the vast majority won't appear, then remand is justified. You can keep children with their criminal parents while they are awaiting trial. If they don't want to be separated form their kids, they can stay the hell home or settle in Mexico. Thousands have refuse asylum when Mexico has offered it, they have no right to continue here without consequences. Deal with it.


Your post is full of lies. Deterrence has NEVER worked. Not in drugs, booze, or in immigration. Especially when Republican employers are waiting to greet them with open wallets. Everything Trump has done has driven the number of illegal border crossings up, which is just as he intended.

1. Trump stopped prosecuting employers. And he did it because he is one. He has knowingly and deliberately hired illegals at all of his golf clubs. If illegals can’t find work, they won’t come.

2. US policy in Central America has turned loose narco terrorists in the region. The Obama Administration was giving foreign aid to these countries to help them fight the drug gangs. Trump cut all of that funding.

3. Trump’s threats to close the border and build the wall have frightened people into believing that if they don’t come now, they won’t get in.

4. Metering asylum seekers is forcing them to make dangerous illegal crossings, driving up the number of apprehensions for illegal crossings, and giving border patrol the excuse of this misdemeanour criminal charge to kidnap and abuse their children.

5. These internment camps are run for profit. It is to their financial benefit to hold these people in custody. The get no payment once a prisoner is processed and released.

6. For profit prison companies were huge donors to Trump’s inauguration fund. They would also have no compunctions about disobeying the law and treating the prisoners badly.

7. Trump keeps firing DHS Chiefs because they’re not “tough enough” on immigrants. Given conditions outlined in multiple reports, including one prepared by DHS, conditions are over-crowded, dirty and dangerous. It appears that the for profit people are prepared to starve and abuse children upon the President’s request.

8. These camps will be shut down in quick order. This is beyond an outrage.
So purposefully reducing the population in certain areas is NOT political. How fucking stupid are you?

Not nearly as jacked off dumb as your trying to claim that artificially RAISING the population by seeding it with illegal aliens to get more funding for areas of high democratic population ISN'T political!
No one is encouraging illegal immigration. You are ridiculous.

You can't be serious. Of course the Democrats are encouraging illegal immigration. Sanctuary cities allow them to stay without fear of retribution, despite breaking the law. EVERY SINGLE democratic candidate said they support free healthcare for illegals. You don't think that is some incentive? You guys are not hitting on all cylinders.
Wrong. Democrats are encouraging treating refugees like refugees instead of criminals.

View attachment 267791

What part of this do you simply just refuse to get through your thick skull?
Why are refugees not being processed at those Ports, where they Must.
DOJ announces it will; print Census forms without the citizenship question.

Trump comes out later & vows to print them with the question on them.


Trump can't seem to manage anything including himself.
For more than two years we've been told Trump won't precipitate an authentic Constitutional crisis UNTIL he ignores a judge.

Are we there yet?

it seems more like a gender issue, from one perspective.

it is a simple "superiority issue", from a conflict of laws paradigm.
DOJ announces it will; print Census forms without the citizenship question.

Trump comes out later & vows to print them with the question on them.


Trump can't seem to manage anything including himself.
For more than two years we've been told Trump won't precipitate an authentic Constitutional crisis UNTIL he ignores a judge.

Are we there yet?

it seems more like a gender issue, from one perspective.

it is a simple "superiority issue", from a conflict of laws paradigm.

it seems more like a gender issue, from one perspective.

it is a simple "superiority issue", from a conflict of laws paradigm
Executive privilege on steroids, perhaps?

Trump considers executive order on citizenship question

"President Trump is considering an executive order to try to move forward with a citizenship question on the 2020 census, top sources tell Jonathan Swan and me.

  • 'We didn’t come this far just to throw in the towel,' said a senior administration official with direct knowledge of the conversations.
"Administration lawyers are exploring various legal options.

  • A senior legal source said: 'The administration is considering the appropriateness of an executive order that would address the constitutional need for the citizenship question to be included in the 2020 census.'
  • But there is considerable skepticism within the administration that an executive order would succeed.
"Why it matters: Trump's insistence on pushing ahead with the question, potentially without doing the legwork the Supreme Court called for, reflects his expansive view of executive power."
Last night, Americans witnessed a drunk history lesson from their stone cold sober President. He conflated the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, said that the Revolutionary forces had "captured the airports". His history lesson was so scrambled, and he equated America's "greatness", with its military.

He also said that the Revolutionary War was "citizens" rising up. Until recently, the USA was never about "citizens". It was about "people". People who came with little more than a dream, for the opportunity of making it come true. Trump doesn't care about people. He cares about wealth, power and the trappings of success. None of which equates to greatness.
Last night, Americans witnessed a drunk history lesson from their stone cold sober President. He conflated the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, said that the Revolutionary forces had "captured the airports". His history lesson was so scrambled, and he equated America's "greatness", with its military.

He also said that the Revolutionary War was "citizens" rising up. Until recently, the USA was never about "citizens". It was about "people". People who came with little more than a dream, for the opportunity of making it come true. Trump doesn't care about people. He cares about wealth, power and the trappings of success. None of which equates to greatness.
Socialism... no thanks
You don't get it, I don't give a flying fuck. The parents put those kids in that situation. They know they are subject to deportation, they chose to have kids anyway. Now they depend on you commies to not hold them responsible for their actions. Of course personal responsibility has never been something you commies have ever been concerned with.

The parents can either take the children with them, find a legal person to leave them with or put them up for adoption. I don't give a shit what they chose to do, they broke the law and should be deported as the law requires.


No I get it. You are a Trump supporter and lack empathy for people. Sociopaths get along quite easily.

Funny, I don't see you commies crying for citizen criminals who are separated form their children. Hypocrite much? LMAO

Legal consequences, due process requires we treat all criminals the same. I have no tears for any of them.


But you don't treat misdemeanors as capital crimes. Until Trump's "zero tolerance" policy, NO ONE was ever jailed awaiting trial on a non-violent misdemeanor crime. Nor were their children taken from them. Crossing the border illegally is a misdemeanor.

The law is meant to be a deterrent, vigorous enforcement is the best deterrent. 90% of those released don't show up for their court dates, many more don't leave when given the opportunity after a deportation order is issued. If history shows the vast majority won't appear, then remand is justified. You can keep children with their criminal parents while they are awaiting trial. If they don't want to be separated form their kids, they can stay the hell home or settle in Mexico. Thousands have refuse asylum when Mexico has offered it, they have no right to continue here without consequences. Deal with it.


Your post is full of lies. Deterrence has NEVER worked. Not in drugs, booze, or in immigration. Especially when Republican employers are waiting to greet them with open wallets. Everything Trump has done has driven the number of illegal border crossings up, which is just as he intended.

1. Trump stopped prosecuting employers. And he did it because he is one. He has knowingly and deliberately hired illegals at all of his golf clubs. If illegals can’t find work, they won’t come.

2. US policy in Central America has turned loose narco terrorists in the region. The Obama Administration was giving foreign aid to these countries to help them fight the drug gangs. Trump cut all of that funding.

3. Trump’s threats to close the border and build the wall have frightened people into believing that if they don’t come now, they won’t get in.

4. Metering asylum seekers is forcing them to make dangerous illegal crossings, driving up the number of apprehensions for illegal crossings, and giving border patrol the excuse of this misdemeanour criminal charge to kidnap and abuse their children.

5. These internment camps are run for profit. It is to their financial benefit to hold these people in custody. The get no payment once a prisoner is processed and released.

6. For profit prison companies were huge donors to Trump’s inauguration fund. They would also have no compunctions about disobeying the law and treating the prisoners badly.

7. Trump keeps firing DHS Chiefs because they’re not “tough enough” on immigrants. Given conditions outlined in multiple reports, including one prepared by DHS, conditions are over-crowded, dirty and dangerous. It appears that the for profit people are prepared to starve and abuse children upon the President’s request.

8. These camps will be shut down in quick order. This is beyond an outrage.

Well it appears you've mastered all the commie talking points. Did you get all that watching raunchy madcow? Oh and I must commend you on using all the commie propaganda buzz words, good job. My only question is why do you put illegals over the rights of US citizens and why do you hate your country? Or is it your country?

DOJ announces it will; print Census forms without the citizenship question.

Trump comes out later & vows to print them with the question on them.


Trump can't seem to manage anything including himself.
For more than two years we've been told Trump won't precipitate an authentic Constitutional crisis UNTIL he ignores a judge.

Are we there yet?

it seems more like a gender issue, from one perspective.

it is a simple "superiority issue", from a conflict of laws paradigm.

it seems more like a gender issue, from one perspective.

it is a simple "superiority issue", from a conflict of laws paradigm
Executive privilege on steroids, perhaps?

Trump considers executive order on citizenship question

"President Trump is considering an executive order to try to move forward with a citizenship question on the 2020 census, top sources tell Jonathan Swan and me.

  • 'We didn’t come this far just to throw in the towel,' said a senior administration official with direct knowledge of the conversations.
"Administration lawyers are exploring various legal options.

  • A senior legal source said: 'The administration is considering the appropriateness of an executive order that would address the constitutional need for the citizenship question to be included in the 2020 census.'
  • But there is considerable skepticism within the administration that an executive order would succeed.
"Why it matters: Trump's insistence on pushing ahead with the question, potentially without doing the legwork the Supreme Court called for, reflects his expansive view of executive power."

"the younger generation" seemed willing to take it to the man.
The answer to the judge is simple, it's been asked in one form or another on virtually every census since the founding. As I said, the maobama administration asked it every year on the ACS. It's not new or unique.

But the annual American Community Survey (ACS), a lesser-known tabulation conducted by the Census Bureau, asked recipients about their citizenship status every year during the Obama administration.

Obama's Census Bureau Asked About Citizenship in Yearly Survey | NTK Network

That's all the judge needs to know.

No ijit. A random survey doesn’t have any legal ramifications. The census does. And the intentional effort by lowlife trumpkin bigots to avoid the laws of this country is sad and pathetic.

horseshit. the dems don't want the question because most illegals live in dem districts and the dems see that as a way to gain seats in congress. anyone that does not see through this is dumb.
Our naturalization clause conforms to our commerce clause for the welfare, General.

yes, but it doesn't apply to people in this country illegally.

Why do we have to go over this so often? If someone is here illegally, they can't register for food stamps, HUD, and other programs because they don't have a social security number to do it... and if they use someone else's and start working, they almost NEVER file for a tax return which means ALL of that stays in the federal government.

So you end up with a bunch of illegals that work their asses off doing jobs that a lot of Americans think they are above doing, and they pay taxes that they don't reap the rewards from.

nope, the majority of them are paid in cash under the table and no taxes are ever collected on it. also, due to liberal idiocy in several states, WE are paying for illegals medical care, welfare, their kids schooling, and food stamps. In the sanctuary cities they are living free and clear and being sheltered from ICE and border patrol by libtardian city mayors.

And disobeying the Supreme Court. But what the hell nothing is going to happen to teflon don even is he has to have his family work day and night putting that question on the form.

the SCOTUS refused to hear the case. Trump is not disobeying them. Geez, do you ever tell the truth about anything?

Department of Commerce v. New York - SCOTUSblog

Of course they heard the case, and issued a 5-4 decision. Your ignorance led you to wrongly accuse someone of lying.

That's why Trump loves the uneducated.

Did you even bother to read what you posted?

", but the district court was warranted in remanding the case back to the agency where the evidence tells a story that does not match the secretary’s explanation for his decision."

exactly what do you think that means?
DOJ announces it will; print Census forms without the citizenship question.

Trump comes out later & vows to print them with the question on them.


Trump can't seem to manage anything including himself.

Yes, we know the Democrats (loser libtardos) support subverting the law to manipulate the census count to get representation in government.

Aren't you embarrassed about doing that? You want illegal aliens to get representation in government? You want them to be able to vote?

It is Republicans who are trying to subvert the law to manipulate the census. They admit that fewer Hispanic citizens will respond thus increasing their power.

bullshit, the census is intended to measure American citizens in the USA, not foreigners whether legal or illegal.

dems want illegals counted because they think it will gain them house seats. Stop lying about this

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