Trumps Amnesia

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Well, look here. Little Tommy has come to blow, I guess. Or blow, SOMEONE'S horn. Eat shit and die, punk...
Tommy's topics are always

This is the bullshit the Zionist left wants you to believe
I dont think he has amnesia. He is just a low grade individual.
British Parliament holds Xiden in CONTEMPT, like the rest of us do.

As for Trump being a low grade individual, you must not know what his organization looks like, duh...
Donald Trump: (22:53)

Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you.

British Parliament holds Xiden in CONTEMPT, like the rest of us do.

As for Trump being a low grade individual, you must not know what his organization looks like, duh...
View attachment 531333
Wait till those $500 million in loans that your boy owes come due in a couple years. Maybe you can save your lunch money to help out poor Donnie.

I dont think he has amnesia. He is just a low grade individual.

No, you're a low grade individual evidenced by....

A. You're projecting as PROGS do.
B. You can't tell the difference between the foundation of a plan and execution.
C. You're insecure because you supported Xiden.
D. You supported Xiden.
E. You have a low IQ, because your video doesn't mean dick.

I dont think he has amnesia. He is just a low grade individual.

Trump set up the withdrawal which we needed to do and Biden extended the time in Afghanistan to better prepare and Biden overlooked military intelligence and screwed up.

Not caring on how Trump would have handled this, we don't know, he is not the President.

Biden is President, it is on him. He has had eight months to figure and plan and he failed.

The attempt to try to make Trump responsible is just more of the left wing hate and lefties still letting Trump live rent free inside their tiny minds.
Wait till those $500 million in loans that your boy owes come due in a couple years. Maybe you can save your lunch money to help out poor Donnie.
I'm not a Trump fan, we have better. Wonder who he bought-off to get all those tax loopholes? Remember he was a democrat first.
The thick fucker is going on about how much he loves bin Laden now. Probably because Osama gave him the biggest building in New York.
What a shit he is.
The thick fucker is going on about how much he loves bin Laden now. Probably because Osama gave him the biggest building in New York.
What a shit he is.
Poor Tomboi, he lets Trump consume him. Trump lives inside TommyBoi's head rent free. Tom has nothing up there so it can't be too crowed.

Maybe one day you won't let others control you as much as Trump has. Sad life there nutter.
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