Trumps Amnesia

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Donald Trump: (22:53)

Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you.

[Biden] also admitted that he would have still pulled troops from Afghanistan without former President Donald Trump's deal to get everyone out by May 1 – in a reversal of his repeated finger-pointing at his predecessor for the chaos.

Not only did Biden fuck up the withdrawal from Afghanistan...he also fuck'd up your attempt to absolve him of responsibility.

Just a world class fuckup all the way around.
[Biden] also admitted that he would have still pulled troops from Afghanistan without former President Donald Trump's deal to get everyone out by May 1 – in a reversal of his repeated finger-pointing at his predecessor for the chaos.

Not only did Biden fuckup the withdrawal from Afghanistan...he also fuckup'd your attempt to absolve him of responsibility.

Just a world class fuckup all the way around.
Only 4 days left to get Trump reinstated.

Better get moving.
Only 4 days left to get Trump reinstated.

Better get moving.
I understand that the bombers were released by trump when he was sucking taliban cock.

"Have some guns as well................"
Wait till those $500 million in loans that your boy owes come due in a couple years. Maybe you can save your lunch money to help out poor Donnie.
Yeah, Trump, his family and his organization are clearly hurting for money. In other news World Wide Disaster *Joe became filthy rich as a career politician. His net worth is way more than a politician can earn. How do you think that happened?

I dont think he has amnesia. He is just a low grade individual.

Progressive Socialists professional bullshit artists. Politicians who are comparable to great small business people who work 18 hours a day to succeed. Except as government leeches they work to print fiat currency up as they live like royalty. Tonite they are partying again, as the furrows on their forehead create new ideas to remove more money from every peasant and congratulating each other for their honor to serve us peasants trying to survive. Biden has removed every great thing Trump did. We are the last bright light in the world. And over the last few decades the light has been getting dimmer and dimmer as the Socialist monsters have taken more and more rights from us. There is no more after us.
"Amnesia" is debilitating mental condition. Advice to left wing foreign posters, be real careful about the can 'o worms you want to open about mental conditions with regard to current politicians.
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OP violates Clean Start, next time start it in Badlands. Closed.
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