Trump's big beautiful wall: A solution looking for a problem


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Using the military? - No Donald .. that's even dumber than your stupid wall.

This clearly makes sense to a president used to doing pretty much whatever he wants with a budget. And the money -- around $30 billion for starters -- is certainly in the Pentagon’s till. But, for starters, it would put the kibosh on another oft-repeated campaign promise: rebuilding a 350-ship Navy. That’s enough money to build 15 much-needed Arleigh Burke destroyers.

In addition, if the president tried to use defense funds to build his wall, he would certainly face significant political and legal pushback from Congress across both parties. Lawmakers clearly have only authorized $1.6 billion toward the wall, not the full price tag. As the saying in Washington goes, “The Executive Branch proposes, the Congress disposes.”​

The Military Shouldn't Pay for Trump's Wall. No One Should

More good reads - Illegal border crossings declined precipitously under Obama. There are more Mexicans leaving than there are coming.

Are more undocumented immigrants leaving than coming?
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Trump makes false claim about illegal immigration

What is a good solution then?

A solution for a non-problem or at least not much of a problem?

Artificial intel, drones, increase in budget for border patrol, and tighten down PORTS where most of the drugs come through.
Using the military? - No Donald .. that's even dumber than your stupid wall.

This clearly makes sense to a president used to doing pretty much whatever he wants with a budget. And the money -- around $30 billion for starters -- is certainly in the Pentagon’s till. But, for starters, it would put the kibosh on another oft-repeated campaign promise: rebuilding a 350-ship Navy. That’s enough money to build 15 much-needed Arleigh Burke destroyers.

In addition, if the president tried to use defense funds to build his wall, he would certainly face significant political and legal pushback from Congress across both parties. Lawmakers clearly have only authorized $1.6 billion toward the wall, not the full price tag. As the saying in Washington goes, “The Executive Branch proposes, the Congress disposes.”​

The Military Shouldn't Pay for Trump's Wall. No One Should

More good reads - Illegal border crossings declined precipitously under Obama. There are more Mexicans leaving than there are coming.

Are more undocumented immigrants leaving than coming?
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Trump makes false claim about illegal immigration


Doesn't matter. He'll just print up another fake Time Magazine claiming it all worked out. With a second story about how he shot somebody on Fifth Avenue. And the Rumpbots will lick it up like candy.
Roughly 13 million illegals in the US is the problem

And the fact that they're not coming from that border is the inconvenient context.

But "you don't sell solutions -- you sell FEELINGS". And the Gullibles line up for it like it was Mal-Wart on Black Friday.
It's good we are sending the military to the border. They will be there and hopefully stop a foreign invasion from a hostile country.
There IS a problem on the border and I am not sure why the left is so set on pretending it isn't there. People are still coming over on a daily basis, though the numbers have come down some due to the increased actions of ICE and the general Trump atmosphere. I have also heard reports that about a million illegals have returned to Mexico in the past year.

Look, guys. We have a country that is safer, cleaner and better at education, health care, and with greater employment opportunities than they have at home. So duh, they're going to try to get here, especially if all it takes is some cash and squeezing into an overcrowded truck or sneaking through the desert for a couple days.

What I have always wondered is why we don't devote some of our time and energy (and please don't say we don't stick our big nose wherever we feel like it) into helping those sending countries fix their problems so people stay home?
For real, if you could raise your family just fine at home, why would you move somewhere that is totally foreign, where you don't even speak the language, and where you will constantly be looking over your shoulder waiting for immigration to snatch you?

It takes desperation to make that kind of choice and take those kinds of risks. Their need is real. If we helped Honduras et al stabilize their countries (where in hell is the CIA when you NEED them?) we wouldn't need to build a Wall.

We've seen a drop in illegals coming from Mexico since America started sending factories there. People have jobs, they stay home. It would certainly help. It beats all why we have been sending our soldiers to die in the Middle East for two decades and help them fight their civil wars when right here at home, within spitting distance, we have countries in as big a mess and we totally ignore it.
Using the military? - No Donald .. that's even dumber than your stupid wall.

This clearly makes sense to a president used to doing pretty much whatever he wants with a budget. And the money -- around $30 billion for starters -- is certainly in the Pentagon’s till. But, for starters, it would put the kibosh on another oft-repeated campaign promise: rebuilding a 350-ship Navy. That’s enough money to build 15 much-needed Arleigh Burke destroyers.

In addition, if the president tried to use defense funds to build his wall, he would certainly face significant political and legal pushback from Congress across both parties. Lawmakers clearly have only authorized $1.6 billion toward the wall, not the full price tag. As the saying in Washington goes, “The Executive Branch proposes, the Congress disposes.”​

The Military Shouldn't Pay for Trump's Wall. No One Should

More good reads - Illegal border crossings declined precipitously under Obama. There are more Mexicans leaving than there are coming.

Are more undocumented immigrants leaving than coming?
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Trump makes false claim about illegal immigration


Illegal immigration from Mexicans down. Illegal immigration from Central American countries way up and growing.
Using the military? - No Donald .. that's even dumber than your stupid wall.

This clearly makes sense to a president used to doing pretty much whatever he wants with a budget. And the money -- around $30 billion for starters -- is certainly in the Pentagon’s till. But, for starters, it would put the kibosh on another oft-repeated campaign promise: rebuilding a 350-ship Navy. That’s enough money to build 15 much-needed Arleigh Burke destroyers.

In addition, if the president tried to use defense funds to build his wall, he would certainly face significant political and legal pushback from Congress across both parties. Lawmakers clearly have only authorized $1.6 billion toward the wall, not the full price tag. As the saying in Washington goes, “The Executive Branch proposes, the Congress disposes.”​

The Military Shouldn't Pay for Trump's Wall. No One Should

More good reads - Illegal border crossings declined precipitously under Obama. There are more Mexicans leaving than there are coming.

Are more undocumented immigrants leaving than coming?
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
Trump makes false claim about illegal immigration


Illegal immigration from Mexicans down. Illegal immigration from Central American countries way up and growing.
And Mexico helping them.

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