Trump's big scary European adventure

First it was Trump unable to find the car...

Then there was the Polish first lady

Then he got lost on stage

Then he had an opinion (based on the last person he spoke to, which happened to be the Polish President).

Trump takes swipe at Russia's 'destabilising behaviour' on eve of Putin meeting

He spoke of Putin's "destabilizing behavior"

"We urge Russia to cease its destabilising activities in Ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes including Syria and Iran," said Mr Trump.

"And to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and the defence of civilisation itself."

Then he got to Hamburg, only to find out that the hotels had been booked up.

Donald Trump 'has trouble finding hotel room at G20 summit'

Donald Trump has reportedly had trouble getting a hotel room for the upcoming G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

His team apparently waited too long to book accommodations for the President and his travelling staff and were told none of the major hotels had vacancies, Buzzfeed reported. "

Then, what next? This could be a fun trip for the rest of the world, embarrassing for the US.

Seriously, Frigid? The First Lady of Poland was in the process of reaching for the First Lady of the United States when Trump offered her his hand. As soon as she'd finished shaking hands with Melania, she shook hands with President Trump! The fact that you're trying to make THAT into something telling simply shows how desperate you folks are on the left these days!

Oh, right and the right would never have mocked Obama.....

Desperate? No, I'm not desperate, it's just his trip isn't going so well, is it? He's a laughing stock, every five minutes he's providing entertainment for those who think he's an idiot

I sure as hell wouldn't have "mocked" Obama because of a handshake! Dude, the laughingstock here is you and people like you who are so desperate to attack Trump that you attempt to make an issue out something that trivial!

Oh, please, spare me the dramatics.
Spare you the dramatics? LOL You've made a handshake into drama! How much more of a drama queen could you possibly be?
Spare you the dramatics? LOL You've made a handshake into drama! How much more of a drama queen could you possibly be?

It's funny how you play these partisan politics. Say the same thing about Obama and you'd have been jumping along happily.

Let's have a look at your record shall we?

Man, for a functional idiot (which is how the Left always portrayed "Dubya") to be able to force an intellectual GIANT like Barack Obama to do all those things...George W. Bush must secretly be a "mastermind"!!!:blowup:

Joe Biden was his Vice President, Mud...who would want that idiot sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office? That's why nobody took out Obama!

It's amazing that after 8 long years of the "Barack Obama Amateur Hour" that you're suddenly concerned about incompetency in the White House!

Joe Biden is about as close to a drooling idiot as we have in Washington. God help us if anything ever happens to Obama.

Our idiot President

Need I go on?
First it was Trump unable to find the car...

Then there was the Polish first lady

Then he got lost on stage

Then he had an opinion (based on the last person he spoke to, which happened to be the Polish President).

Trump takes swipe at Russia's 'destabilising behaviour' on eve of Putin meeting

He spoke of Putin's "destabilizing behavior"

"We urge Russia to cease its destabilising activities in Ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes including Syria and Iran," said Mr Trump.

"And to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and the defence of civilisation itself."

Then he got to Hamburg, only to find out that the hotels had been booked up.

Donald Trump 'has trouble finding hotel room at G20 summit'

Donald Trump has reportedly had trouble getting a hotel room for the upcoming G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

His team apparently waited too long to book accommodations for the President and his travelling staff and were told none of the major hotels had vacancies, Buzzfeed reported. "

Then, what next? This could be a fun trip for the rest of the world, embarrassing for the US.

Seriously, Frigid? The First Lady of Poland was in the process of reaching for the First Lady of the United States when Trump offered her his hand. As soon as she'd finished shaking hands with Melania, she shook hands with President Trump! The fact that you're trying to make THAT into something telling simply shows how desperate you folks are on the left these days!

Oh, right and the right would never have mocked Obama.....

Desperate? No, I'm not desperate, it's just his trip isn't going so well, is it? He's a laughing stock, every five minutes he's providing entertainment for those who think he's an idiot

I sure as hell wouldn't have "mocked" Obama because of a handshake! Dude, the laughingstock here is you and people like you who are so desperate to attack Trump that you attempt to make an issue out something that trivial!

Oh, please, spare me the dramatics.

You mean the dramatics like you based this thread on? My are you leftwing nut jobs desperate. Lol!
Spare you the dramatics? LOL You've made a handshake into drama! How much more of a drama queen could you possibly be?

It's funny how you play these partisan politics. Say the same thing about Obama and you'd have been jumping along happily.

Let's have a look at your record shall we?

Man, for a functional idiot (which is how the Left always portrayed "Dubya") to be able to force an intellectual GIANT like Barack Obama to do all those things...George W. Bush must secretly be a "mastermind"!!!:blowup:

Joe Biden was his Vice President, Mud...who would want that idiot sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office? That's why nobody took out Obama!

It's amazing that after 8 long years of the "Barack Obama Amateur Hour" that you're suddenly concerned about incompetency in the White House!

Joe Biden is about as close to a drooling idiot as we have in Washington. God help us if anything ever happens to Obama.

Our idiot President

Need I go on?

Pointing out that Joe Biden is an idiot is playing partisan politics?
Pointing out how amusing it is for folks on the left to both portray W. as a functional idiot yet endowed him with the mental genius to force Barack Obama to bend to his will is playing partisan politics? You can't have it both ways, Frigid! Either Bush was an idiot or he's not...he can't be both!

How pray tell are either of those things anything like you making something HUGE out of an awkward moment shaking hands...something that happens to all of us on practically a daily basis and we don't shake a fraction of the hands that a world leader does!
First it was Trump unable to find the car...

Then there was the Polish first lady

Then he got lost on stage

Then he had an opinion (based on the last person he spoke to, which happened to be the Polish President).

Trump takes swipe at Russia's 'destabilising behaviour' on eve of Putin meeting

He spoke of Putin's "destabilizing behavior"

"We urge Russia to cease its destabilising activities in Ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes including Syria and Iran," said Mr Trump.

"And to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and the defence of civilisation itself."

Then he got to Hamburg, only to find out that the hotels had been booked up.

Donald Trump 'has trouble finding hotel room at G20 summit'

Donald Trump has reportedly had trouble getting a hotel room for the upcoming G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

His team apparently waited too long to book accommodations for the President and his travelling staff and were told none of the major hotels had vacancies, Buzzfeed reported. "

Then, what next? This could be a fun trip for the rest of the world, embarrassing for the US.

The Orange Idiot embarrasses himself and the American people once again.
First it was Trump unable to find the car...

Then there was the Polish first lady

Then he got lost on stage

Then he had an opinion (based on the last person he spoke to, which happened to be the Polish President).

Trump takes swipe at Russia's 'destabilising behaviour' on eve of Putin meeting

He spoke of Putin's "destabilizing behavior"

"We urge Russia to cease its destabilising activities in Ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes including Syria and Iran," said Mr Trump.

"And to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and the defence of civilisation itself."

Then he got to Hamburg, only to find out that the hotels had been booked up.

Donald Trump 'has trouble finding hotel room at G20 summit'

Donald Trump has reportedly had trouble getting a hotel room for the upcoming G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

His team apparently waited too long to book accommodations for the President and his travelling staff and were told none of the major hotels had vacancies, Buzzfeed reported. "

Then, what next? This could be a fun trip for the rest of the world, embarrassing for the US.

The Orange Idiot embarrasses himself and the American people once again.

You embarrass yourself with posts like this, Clayton! Seriously, is this what it's come to? Critiquing the President on handshakes and the ability to find a car? You folks on the left have gone way past desperate...all the way to pathetic! You need to take a step back and consider what it is you've become!
First it was Trump unable to find the car...

Then there was the Polish first lady

Then he got lost on stage

Then he had an opinion (based on the last person he spoke to, which happened to be the Polish President).

Trump takes swipe at Russia's 'destabilising behaviour' on eve of Putin meeting

He spoke of Putin's "destabilizing behavior"

"We urge Russia to cease its destabilising activities in Ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes including Syria and Iran," said Mr Trump.

"And to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and the defence of civilisation itself."

Then he got to Hamburg, only to find out that the hotels had been booked up.

Donald Trump 'has trouble finding hotel room at G20 summit'

Donald Trump has reportedly had trouble getting a hotel room for the upcoming G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

His team apparently waited too long to book accommodations for the President and his travelling staff and were told none of the major hotels had vacancies, Buzzfeed reported. "

Then, what next? This could be a fun trip for the rest of the world, embarrassing for the US.

The Orange Idiot embarrasses himself and the American people once again.

You embarrass yourself with posts like this, Clayton! Seriously, is this what it's come to? Critiquing the President on handshakes and the ability to find a car? You folks on the left have gone way past desperate...all the way to pathetic! You need to take a step back and consider what it is you've become!

Calm down Oldstyle...
after all, he made the same fuss about Obama walking into a window, thinking it was a door, right?
First it was Trump unable to find the car...

Then there was the Polish first lady

Then he got lost on stage

Then he had an opinion (based on the last person he spoke to, which happened to be the Polish President).

Trump takes swipe at Russia's 'destabilising behaviour' on eve of Putin meeting

He spoke of Putin's "destabilizing behavior"

"We urge Russia to cease its destabilising activities in Ukraine and elsewhere and its support for hostile regimes including Syria and Iran," said Mr Trump.

"And to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and the defence of civilisation itself."

Then he got to Hamburg, only to find out that the hotels had been booked up.

Donald Trump 'has trouble finding hotel room at G20 summit'

Donald Trump has reportedly had trouble getting a hotel room for the upcoming G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany.

His team apparently waited too long to book accommodations for the President and his travelling staff and were told none of the major hotels had vacancies, Buzzfeed reported. "

Then, what next? This could be a fun trip for the rest of the world, embarrassing for the US.

The Orange Idiot embarrasses himself and the American people once again.

You embarrass yourself with posts like this, Clayton! Seriously, is this what it's come to? Critiquing the President on handshakes and the ability to find a car? You folks on the left have gone way past desperate...all the way to pathetic! You need to take a step back and consider what it is you've become!

Calm down Oldstyle...
after all, he made the same fuss about Obama walking into a window, thinking it was a door, right?

I find it amusing to see the same people who were 100% certain Trump would be impeached for Russian "collusion" a month attacking him for the most petty little things because the whole collusion thing has died with a whimper. I don't think they realize how ridiculous they appear doing it.

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