Trump's BS boast he created the greatest economy in history

Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

It wasn't required, it was forced upon us by out of control, panic stricken people who had no idea what they were doing.
oh contrare my friend, they knew exactly what they were doing. all of the other options failed, this was supposed to be it. However, wall street bounced back quite quickly.
He defeated Hillary, the DNC, Barry and his entire criminal administration, Pelosi, Schumer, Nadler, Schiff, the entire Democratic Party....and he is now watching the US AG put the conspirators in jail...

Oh yeah, the Democrats hate Trump's f*ing guts and will NEVER be able to let that go.


Obama's legacies, falling by the wayside, one by one, has caused some real butthurt.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
So 4.4% the month before the economy closing

Hey idiot, that 's the unemployment rate declining which currently sits at 10.2% of the workforce out of work. Here is the Dept of Labor's report dated Aug 7, 2020 which states in part;

"THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — JULY 2020 Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 1.8 million in July, and the unemployment rate fell to 10.2 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. These improvements in the labor market reflected the continued resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and efforts to contain it. In July, notable job gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, government, retail trade, professional and business services, other services, and health care."

Look at your chart and read it instead of playing "Make A Wish". Your dumb ass can read the full 42 page report at; ~~ ~~

The Bad News you mentioned is all yours, dumb ass!
4.4% before the economy CLOSED. Pretty good number there, huh, Skippy. Yes, when you close the economy unemployment goes up.
Now it's dropping again. Thanks for sharing and showing that Trump is back to creating jobs.
What jobs did Trump personally create and how many employees did Trump hire?

President Trump has cut burdensome regulations and cut the corporate tax from second highest rate in the world to one of the lower ones.

Incredible president! Completely amazing! This man loves America and freedom.

The only things Democrats are interested in are, power and wealth, for THEMSELVES, everyone else can go pound sand.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
So 4.4% the month before the economy closing

Hey idiot, that 's the unemployment rate declining which currently sits at 10.2% of the workforce out of work. Here is the Dept of Labor's report dated Aug 7, 2020 which states in part;

"THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — JULY 2020 Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 1.8 million in July, and the unemployment rate fell to 10.2 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. These improvements in the labor market reflected the continued resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and efforts to contain it. In July, notable job gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, government, retail trade, professional and business services, other services, and health care."

Look at your chart and read it instead of playing "Make A Wish". Your dumb ass can read the full 42 page report at; ~~ ~~

The Bad News you mentioned is all yours, dumb ass!
4.4% before the economy CLOSED. Pretty good number there, huh, Skippy. Yes, when you close the economy unemployment goes up.
Now it's dropping again. Thanks for sharing and showing that Trump is back to creating jobs.
What jobs did Trump personally create and how many employees did Trump hire?

President Trump has cut burdensome regulations and cut the corporate tax from second highest rate in the world to one of the lower ones.

Incredible president! Completely amazing! This man loves America and freedom.

The only things Democrats are interested in are, power and wealth, for THEMSELVES, everyone else can go pound sand.
especially blacks.
Idaho is open, we don't have partial shutdowns....but we're a red state. Go to those blue ones where they
want to play politics to hurt Trump, they have the partial shutdowns
Like Texass and Florida those blue states?

Here in Floriday, deaths are down 31% since a month ago. We still only have a third the deaths of New York and we have a larger population.

Your argument is a big old fat fail. We flared up, we increased prevention and it's going back down. Exactly the plan
The discussion was over how both red and blue states have had partial shutdowns and it just wasn't the red states only....

Overall, blue State shutdowns have been stronger and slower to end while the Democrat national party keeps calling for national shutdowns.

It's geared to hurting Trump in the election. Any number of deaths and destroyed lives is worth it to Democrats to get back behind the steering wheel

Blue states are the ones threatening the citizens with arrests and jail, if they don't wear masks and, social distance......BUT, if you're government officials, you can still attend funerals, enmasse, you can still attend sporting events, without a mask (I guess, as long as you have one hanging around your neck, it counts. )

The people who are insisting the only way to stay safe, is to wear a mask, don't seem too concerned about this virus......because, itz all a bunch of bull, not about a virus at all, but, control.
  • Thanks
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Idaho is open, we don't have partial shutdowns....but we're a red state. Go to those blue ones where they
want to play politics to hurt Trump, they have the partial shutdowns
Like Texass and Florida those blue states?

Here in Floriday, deaths are down 31% since a month ago. We still only have a third the deaths of New York and we have a larger population.

Your argument is a big old fat fail. We flared up, we increased prevention and it's going back down. Exactly the plan
The discussion was over how both red and blue states have had partial shutdowns and it just wasn't the red states only....

Overall, blue State shutdowns have been stronger and slower to end while the Democrat national party keeps calling for national shutdowns.

It's geared to hurting Trump in the election. Any number of deaths and destroyed lives is worth it to Democrats to get back behind the steering wheel

Blue states are the ones threatening the citizens with arrests and jail, if they don't wear masks and, social distance......BUT, if you're government officials, you can still attend funerals, enmasse, you can still attend sporting events, without a mask (I guess, as long as you have one hanging around your neck, it counts. )

The people who are insisting the only way to stay safe, is to wear a mask, don't seem too concerned about this virus......because, itz all a bunch of bull, not about a virus at all, but, control.

Yep. Control is exactly what it's about. They are collectivists. It's not really possible to tell one leftist on the board from another. They all have the exact same position on every issue for the same reason and they justify it with the same DNC talking points. Conform and do as your told is the Democrat Party message. The Biden virus is a great opportunity for them to push that further
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
Trump doesn't create any jobs as president. He may be in office when more people go to work than before but he didn't create the jobs that hire more people.
But Presidents and government can get in the way. Trump has tried and is trying to open up our manufacturing again. Do you really believe Progs are going to create massive growth? Gas was 5 dollars a gallon under Obama. You and your crazy agendas. Real big growth means "tough love" in our social programs and salaries, benefits and pensions. Bring sanity back to the overpaid.
And ignoring the Great Recession under Obama and ignoring the pandemic under Trump, there were still more manufacturing jobs added under Obama than there were under Trump.

Obama took over at the bottom of a deep recession. He should have had astronomically great numbers just getting the economy back to where it was. But he f'ed that up and had the slowest recovery in a hundred years

Suure, kazzer. And right now, if Impeached Trump was doing a good job, we'd have 2% unemployment. See how making shit up works?

That had nothing to do with what I said
Of course it did. You made up some fantasy about the economy under Obama and I echoed that.

You think I made up how slow the recession was? You're full of shit, that's basic economic data. It was the slowest recession recovery in over a century.

Obama took over at the bottom of a recession. Think about it, just getting back to where we were should have rocketed his numbers, and it didn't. They were terrible
"You think I made up how slow the recession was? You're full of shit"

Now you're just kazzing again. No, kazzer, you made up how fabulous the recovery should have been. :eusa_liar:

So be honest, you are actually eight years old, aren't you? You hate me you hate me you hate me. You're angry and you hate me. You hate me. You're angry. Angry and you hate me.

I got it. Don't care, but I got it

You're unhinged, I don't hate you. I pity you.

My God. Sorry for saying you're an eight year old boy. You're an eight year old girl. Here's a tissue, my dear. Have a good cry
Idaho is open, we don't have partial shutdowns....but we're a red state. Go to those blue ones where they
want to play politics to hurt Trump, they have the partial shutdowns
Like Texass and Florida those blue states?

Here in Floriday, deaths are down 31% since a month ago. We still only have a third the deaths of New York and we have a larger population.

Your argument is a big old fat fail. We flared up, we increased prevention and it's going back down. Exactly the plan
The discussion was over how both red and blue states have had partial shutdowns and it just wasn't the red states only....

Overall, blue State shutdowns have been stronger and slower to end while the Democrat national party keeps calling for national shutdowns.

It's geared to hurting Trump in the election. Any number of deaths and destroyed lives is worth it to Democrats to get back behind the steering wheel

Blue states are the ones threatening the citizens with arrests and jail, if they don't wear masks and, social distance......BUT, if you're government officials, you can still attend funerals, enmasse, you can still attend sporting events, without a mask (I guess, as long as you have one hanging around your neck, it counts. )

The people who are insisting the only way to stay safe, is to wear a mask, don't seem too concerned about this virus......because, itz all a bunch of bull, not about a virus at all, but, control.

Yep. Control is exactly what it's about. They are collectivists. It's not really possible to tell one leftist on the board from another. They all have the exact same position on every issue for the same reason and they justify it with the same DNC talking points. Conform and do as your told is the Democrat Party message. The Biden virus is a great opportunity for them to push that further

They are bunch of sheep on a mission towards free shit. They should have never been allowed into USA, the capital of freedom and independent thought.
You dumped that shit directly above as if it had something to do with the paragraph's topic to which you responded. But I wrote it for another post to which I had already responded. You repurposed it OUT OF CONTEXT you God Damn Fraud! That paragraph was in answer to post #184 and nothing at all with the fucking bullshit you've scribbled. Did your dishonest ass really think you could pull off that bait and switch and get away with it you fucking dishonest piece of shit?
Get some help. Mental health is important. Then maybe come back and address my comments.
Try lithium.
Get some help. Mental health is important. Then maybe come back and address my comments.
Try lithium.
We both know what you did and your displays only fool the gullible.
Hopefully, you've not had people in your life see this ugly and deceitful side of you. In closing, Fuck You Very Much!
Idaho is open, we don't have partial shutdowns....but we're a red state. Go to those blue ones where they
want to play politics to hurt Trump, they have the partial shutdowns
Like Texass and Florida those blue states?

Here in Floriday, deaths are down 31% since a month ago. We still only have a third the deaths of New York and we have a larger population.

Your argument is a big old fat fail. We flared up, we increased prevention and it's going back down. Exactly the plan
The discussion was over how both red and blue states have had partial shutdowns and it just wasn't the red states only....

Overall, blue State shutdowns have been stronger and slower to end while the Democrat national party keeps calling for national shutdowns.

It's geared to hurting Trump in the election. Any number of deaths and destroyed lives is worth it to Democrats to get back behind the steering wheel

Blue states are the ones threatening the citizens with arrests and jail, if they don't wear masks and, social distance......BUT, if you're government officials, you can still attend funerals, enmasse, you can still attend sporting events, without a mask (I guess, as long as you have one hanging around your neck, it counts. )

The people who are insisting the only way to stay safe, is to wear a mask, don't seem too concerned about this virus......because, itz all a bunch of bull, not about a virus at all, but, control.

Yep. Control is exactly what it's about. They are collectivists. It's not really possible to tell one leftist on the board from another. They all have the exact same position on every issue for the same reason and they justify it with the same DNC talking points. Conform and do as your told is the Democrat Party message. The Biden virus is a great opportunity for them to push that further

They are bunch of sheep on a mission towards free shit. They should have never been allowed into USA, the capital of freedom and independent thought.
Sure is. Look at the size and budget of the billionaire/industrial complex....and food bank lines. Numero uno !!!
Idaho is open, we don't have partial shutdowns....but we're a red state. Go to those blue ones where they
want to play politics to hurt Trump, they have the partial shutdowns
Like Texass and Florida those blue states?

Here in Floriday, deaths are down 31% since a month ago. We still only have a third the deaths of New York and we have a larger population.

Your argument is a big old fat fail. We flared up, we increased prevention and it's going back down. Exactly the plan
The discussion was over how both red and blue states have had partial shutdowns and it just wasn't the red states only....

Overall, blue State shutdowns have been stronger and slower to end while the Democrat national party keeps calling for national shutdowns.

It's geared to hurting Trump in the election. Any number of deaths and destroyed lives is worth it to Democrats to get back behind the steering wheel

Blue states are the ones threatening the citizens with arrests and jail, if they don't wear masks and, social distance......BUT, if you're government officials, you can still attend funerals, enmasse, you can still attend sporting events, without a mask (I guess, as long as you have one hanging around your neck, it counts. )

The people who are insisting the only way to stay safe, is to wear a mask, don't seem too concerned about this virus......because, itz all a bunch of bull, not about a virus at all, but, control.

Yep. Control is exactly what it's about. They are collectivists. It's not really possible to tell one leftist on the board from another. They all have the exact same position on every issue for the same reason and they justify it with the same DNC talking points. Conform and do as your told is the Democrat Party message. The Biden virus is a great opportunity for them to push that further

They are bunch of sheep on a mission towards free shit. They should have never been allowed into USA, the capital of freedom and independent thought.
Sure is. Look at the size and budget of the billionaire/industrial complex....and food bank lines. Numero uno !!!

Obama was the food stamp President. He massively exploded the program by providing endlessly more people who needed government assistance
Idaho is open, we don't have partial shutdowns....but we're a red state. Go to those blue ones where they
want to play politics to hurt Trump, they have the partial shutdowns
Like Texass and Florida those blue states?

Here in Floriday, deaths are down 31% since a month ago. We still only have a third the deaths of New York and we have a larger population.

Your argument is a big old fat fail. We flared up, we increased prevention and it's going back down. Exactly the plan
The discussion was over how both red and blue states have had partial shutdowns and it just wasn't the red states only....

Overall, blue State shutdowns have been stronger and slower to end while the Democrat national party keeps calling for national shutdowns.

It's geared to hurting Trump in the election. Any number of deaths and destroyed lives is worth it to Democrats to get back behind the steering wheel

Blue states are the ones threatening the citizens with arrests and jail, if they don't wear masks and, social distance......BUT, if you're government officials, you can still attend funerals, enmasse, you can still attend sporting events, without a mask (I guess, as long as you have one hanging around your neck, it counts. )

The people who are insisting the only way to stay safe, is to wear a mask, don't seem too concerned about this virus......because, itz all a bunch of bull, not about a virus at all, but, control.

Yep. Control is exactly what it's about. They are collectivists. It's not really possible to tell one leftist on the board from another. They all have the exact same position on every issue for the same reason and they justify it with the same DNC talking points. Conform and do as your told is the Democrat Party message. The Biden virus is a great opportunity for them to push that further

They are bunch of sheep on a mission towards free shit. They should have never been allowed into USA, the capital of freedom and independent thought.
Sure is. Look at the size and budget of the billionaire/industrial complex....and food bank lines. Numero uno !!!

Obama was the food stamp President. He massively exploded the program by providing endlessly more people who needed government assistance

And, that's what they hoped to continue, until Trump came along and spoiled everything for them.

They then spent 4 years with one investigation after another, which also proved nothing.

Now, they have Covid19.

I believe we all have heard what is the definition of insanity?

The democrats have been demonstrating it for the past 4 years.
Idaho is open, we don't have partial shutdowns....but we're a red state. Go to those blue ones where they
want to play politics to hurt Trump, they have the partial shutdowns
Like Texass and Florida those blue states?

Here in Floriday, deaths are down 31% since a month ago. We still only have a third the deaths of New York and we have a larger population.

Your argument is a big old fat fail. We flared up, we increased prevention and it's going back down. Exactly the plan
The discussion was over how both red and blue states have had partial shutdowns and it just wasn't the red states only....

Overall, blue State shutdowns have been stronger and slower to end while the Democrat national party keeps calling for national shutdowns.

It's geared to hurting Trump in the election. Any number of deaths and destroyed lives is worth it to Democrats to get back behind the steering wheel

Blue states are the ones threatening the citizens with arrests and jail, if they don't wear masks and, social distance......BUT, if you're government officials, you can still attend funerals, enmasse, you can still attend sporting events, without a mask (I guess, as long as you have one hanging around your neck, it counts. )

The people who are insisting the only way to stay safe, is to wear a mask, don't seem too concerned about this virus......because, itz all a bunch of bull, not about a virus at all, but, control.

Yep. Control is exactly what it's about. They are collectivists. It's not really possible to tell one leftist on the board from another. They all have the exact same position on every issue for the same reason and they justify it with the same DNC talking points. Conform and do as your told is the Democrat Party message. The Biden virus is a great opportunity for them to push that further

They are bunch of sheep on a mission towards free shit. They should have never been allowed into USA, the capital of freedom and independent thought.
Sure is. Look at the size and budget of the billionaire/industrial complex....and food bank lines. Numero uno !!!

Obama was the food stamp President. He massively exploded the program by providing endlessly more people who needed government assistance

And, that's what they hoped to continue, until Trump came along and spoiled everything for them.

They then spent 4 years with one investigation after another, which also proved nothing.

Now, they have Covid19.

I believe we all have heard what is the definition of insanity?

The democrats have been demonstrating it for the past 4 years.
Democrats have not spent 4 years investigating Impeached Trump. You're truly fucked in the head, con. :cuckoo:
Trump said it was really bad for a president to not get 3% or more gdp growth. Now that is him....
Idaho is open, we don't have partial shutdowns....but we're a red state. Go to those blue ones where they
want to play politics to hurt Trump, they have the partial shutdowns
Like Texass and Florida those blue states?

Here in Floriday, deaths are down 31% since a month ago. We still only have a third the deaths of New York and we have a larger population.

Your argument is a big old fat fail. We flared up, we increased prevention and it's going back down. Exactly the plan
The discussion was over how both red and blue states have had partial shutdowns and it just wasn't the red states only....

Overall, blue State shutdowns have been stronger and slower to end while the Democrat national party keeps calling for national shutdowns.

It's geared to hurting Trump in the election. Any number of deaths and destroyed lives is worth it to Democrats to get back behind the steering wheel

Blue states are the ones threatening the citizens with arrests and jail, if they don't wear masks and, social distance......BUT, if you're government officials, you can still attend funerals, enmasse, you can still attend sporting events, without a mask (I guess, as long as you have one hanging around your neck, it counts. )

The people who are insisting the only way to stay safe, is to wear a mask, don't seem too concerned about this virus......because, itz all a bunch of bull, not about a virus at all, but, control.

Yep. Control is exactly what it's about. They are collectivists. It's not really possible to tell one leftist on the board from another. They all have the exact same position on every issue for the same reason and they justify it with the same DNC talking points. Conform and do as your told is the Democrat Party message. The Biden virus is a great opportunity for them to push that further

They are bunch of sheep on a mission towards free shit. They should have never been allowed into USA, the capital of freedom and independent thought.
Sure is. Look at the size and budget of the billionaire/industrial complex....and food bank lines. Numero uno !!!

Obama was the food stamp President. He massively exploded the program by providing endlessly more people who needed government assistance
Trump has the biggest bailouts.
Fact: After 8 years of Obama where my business lost 60%, today I have more work than I can handle. Even during this so-called 'pandemic.'
Trump said it was really bad for a president to not get 3% or more gdp growth. Now that is him....
Not only has Impeached Trump not had a year of 3% growth or more ... he's the only president to not have a quarter above 3½%. He's the only president to reach -32.9%. And GDP under his entire presidency up to this point is -1.1%.
Trump is ranked #1 at taking credit for what others have accomplished!
/——/ Only Trump has talked up the economy. S&P and Nasdaq at record highs, Target biggest profit ever, and Apple is the first 2 trillion dollar company. What have DemocRATs done?
Helped to pump lot's of govt debt into the economy..Unlike during Oblama when the Repubs demanded sequestration.
/—-/ Yes, both Dems and Republicans abandoned sequestration the first chance they had.

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