Trump's BS boast he created the greatest economy in history



Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
So 4.4% the month before the economy closing

Hey idiot, that 's the unemployment rate declining which currently sits at 10.2% of the workforce out of work. Here is the Dept of Labor's report dated Aug 7, 2020 which states in part;

"THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — JULY 2020 Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 1.8 million in July, and the unemployment rate fell to 10.2 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. These improvements in the labor market reflected the continued resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and efforts to contain it. In July, notable job gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, government, retail trade, professional and business services, other services, and health care."

Look at your chart and read it instead of playing "Make A Wish". Your dumb ass can read the full 42 page report at; ~~ ~~

The Bad News you mentioned is all yours, dumb ass!
4.4% before the economy CLOSED. Pretty good number there, huh, Skippy. Yes, when you close the economy unemployment goes up.
Now it's dropping again. Thanks for sharing and showing that Trump is back to creating jobs.
4.4% before the economy CLOSED. Pretty good number there, huh, Skippy. Yes, when you close the economy unemployment goes up.
Now it's dropping again. Thanks for sharing and showing that Trump is back to creating jobs.
Which I addressed, your comprehension level is rather low.
I did address your unemployment. carry on Skippy.
Do you have a severe issue with reading comprehension, or are you prone to post off topic just to garner additional attention?

My post to another dealt with his declaration that..."president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before." The fucking foundation of the data I provided from the latest BLS 42 page report deals with UNEMPLOYMENT & NOT JOB CREATION. The topic started by the other poster DID NOT broach the topic of job creation in any wise but rather unemployment! You did and in doing such you attempted to steer the topic away from that which I had initiated a discussion with another. I have other items to discuss with you on this subject but I'll save those for a PM given I do not want to give you any excuse to ban my ass for upsetting your tender mercies.
Which I addressed, your comprehension level is rather low.
I did address your unemployment. carry on Skippy.
Which I addressed, your comprehension level is rather low.
I did address your unemployment. carry on Skippy.
So unintelligible response.

Anyway, fuck you very much, ass wipe!
Sorry the truth hurts and you had to go back and read what I posted
responding to your post. Sometimes it just bites, doesn't it?

Sorry the truth hurts and you had to go back and read what I posted
responding to your post. Sometimes it just bites, doesn't it?

WOW...that must have hit the a vulnerable spot on your EGO! You fucking asked for it and failed to relent, do what I suggested or just shut the fuck up.

Just a reminder, you appear to be trolling me now with your posts which is really fucking stupid to do for someone in your position. You are far from the topic now and I've already offered to take this to Private Messaging, but you are persisting with this inappropriate taunting and BANNED behavior. I know when to stop but obviously you don't...sobeit! I'm not going to jeopardize my membership because of a baiting SOB!


Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
So 4.4% the month before the economy closing

Hey idiot, that 's the unemployment rate declining which currently sits at 10.2% of the workforce out of work. Here is the Dept of Labor's report dated Aug 7, 2020 which states in part;

"THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — JULY 2020 Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 1.8 million in July, and the unemployment rate fell to 10.2 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. These improvements in the labor market reflected the continued resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and efforts to contain it. In July, notable job gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, government, retail trade, professional and business services, other services, and health care."

Look at your chart and read it instead of playing "Make A Wish". Your dumb ass can read the full 42 page report at; ~~ ~~

The Bad News you mentioned is all yours, dumb ass!
4.4% before the economy CLOSED. Pretty good number there, huh, Skippy. Yes, when you close the economy unemployment goes up.
Now it's dropping again. Thanks for sharing and showing that Trump is back to creating jobs.
4.4% before the economy CLOSED. Pretty good number there, huh, Skippy. Yes, when you close the economy unemployment goes up.
Now it's dropping again. Thanks for sharing and showing that Trump is back to creating jobs.
Which I addressed, your comprehension level is rather low.
I did address your unemployment. carry on Skippy.
Do you have a severe issue with reading comprehension, or are you prone to post off topic just to garner additional attention?

My post to another dealt with his declaration that..."president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before." The fucking foundation of the data I provided from the latest BLS 42 page report deals with UNEMPLOYMENT & NOT JOB CREATION. The topic started by the other poster DID NOT broach the topic of job creation in any wise but rather unemployment! You did and in doing such you attempted to steer the topic away from that which I had initiated a discussion with another. I have other items to discuss with you on this subject but I'll save those for a PM given I do not want to give you any excuse to ban my ass for upsetting your tender mercies.
Which I addressed, your comprehension level is rather low.
I did address your unemployment. carry on Skippy.
Which I addressed, your comprehension level is rather low.
I did address your unemployment. carry on Skippy.
So unintelligible response.

Anyway, fuck you very much, ass wipe!
Sorry the truth hurts and you had to go back and read what I posted
responding to your post. Sometimes it just bites, doesn't it?

Sorry the truth hurts and you had to go back and read what I posted
responding to your post. Sometimes it just bites, doesn't it?

WOW...that must have hit the a vulnerable spot on your EGO! You fucking asked for it and failed to relent, do what I suggested or just shut the fuck up.

Just a reminder, you appear to be trolling me now with your posts which is really fucking stupid to do for someone in your position. You are far from the topic now and I've already offered to take this to Private Messaging, but you are persisting with this inappropriate taunting and BANNED behavior. I know when to stop but obviously you don't...sobeit!

You started with the insult only posts and now are complaining about banned behavior?

We have a leftist on our hands. The snark and screech is so tiring yet predictable. Nothing has been added to the point, nothing whatsoever.

President Trump is a supreme job creator.


Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
So 4.4% the month before the economy closing

Hey idiot, that 's the unemployment rate declining which currently sits at 10.2% of the workforce out of work. Here is the Dept of Labor's report dated Aug 7, 2020 which states in part;

"THE EMPLOYMENT SITUATION — JULY 2020 Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 1.8 million in July, and the unemployment rate fell to 10.2 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. These improvements in the labor market reflected the continued resumption of economic activity that had been curtailed due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and efforts to contain it. In July, notable job gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, government, retail trade, professional and business services, other services, and health care."

Look at your chart and read it instead of playing "Make A Wish". Your dumb ass can read the full 42 page report at; ~~ ~~

The Bad News you mentioned is all yours, dumb ass!
4.4% before the economy CLOSED. Pretty good number there, huh, Skippy. Yes, when you close the economy unemployment goes up.
Now it's dropping again. Thanks for sharing and showing that Trump is back to creating jobs.
4.4% before the economy CLOSED. Pretty good number there, huh, Skippy. Yes, when you close the economy unemployment goes up.
Now it's dropping again. Thanks for sharing and showing that Trump is back to creating jobs.
Which I addressed, your comprehension level is rather low.
I did address your unemployment. carry on Skippy.
Do you have a severe issue with reading comprehension, or are you prone to post off topic just to garner additional attention?

My post to another dealt with his declaration that..."president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before." The fucking foundation of the data I provided from the latest BLS 42 page report deals with UNEMPLOYMENT & NOT JOB CREATION. The topic started by the other poster DID NOT broach the topic of job creation in any wise but rather unemployment! You did and in doing such you attempted to steer the topic away from that which I had initiated a discussion with another. I have other items to discuss with you on this subject but I'll save those for a PM given I do not want to give you any excuse to ban my ass for upsetting your tender mercies.
Which I addressed, your comprehension level is rather low.
I did address your unemployment. carry on Skippy.
Which I addressed, your comprehension level is rather low.
I did address your unemployment. carry on Skippy.
So unintelligible response.

Anyway, fuck you very much, ass wipe!
Sorry the truth hurts and you had to go back and read what I posted
responding to your post. Sometimes it just bites, doesn't it?

Sorry the truth hurts and you had to go back and read what I posted
responding to your post. Sometimes it just bites, doesn't it?

WOW...that must have hit the a vulnerable spot on your EGO! You fucking asked for it and failed to relent, do what I suggested or just shut the fuck up.

Just a reminder, you appear to be trolling me now with your posts which is really fucking stupid to do for someone in your position. You are far from the topic now and I've already offered to take this to Private Messaging, but you are persisting with this inappropriate taunting and BANNED behavior. I know when to stop but obviously you don't...sobeit!

You started with the insult only posts and now are complaining about banned behavior?

We have a leftist on our hands. The snark and screech is so tiring yet predictable. Nothing has been added to the point, nothing whatsoever.

President Trump is a supreme job creator.
You started with the insult only posts and now are complaining about banned behavior?
That's a load of bullshit and none of your fucking business anyway "Norman" even if you were a party to the kerfuffle as a spectator, fool!
We have a leftist on our hands. The snark and screech is so tiring yet predictable. Nothing has been added to the point, nothing whatsoever.
Correct that to Conservative that ran from the corrupt GOP in Aug 1974 when "I'm Not A Crook" Dickie Nixon fled the WH in abject disgrace. You got that ass wipe? I'm an Indy who has been a Conservative all my life, and you're not even a Repub. but a Trump sycophant which is close to being nothing but an ass kissing belly crawler!
President Trump is a supreme job creator.
If that is correct, why did you start this thread by posting that chart showing a 10.2% unemployment rate according to BLS on 7 August showing an unemployment rate that was absolutely in the range of the unemployment rates of the Great Depression. That puts the LIE to your claim that Trump is some kind of wizard of a job creator. The truth is you're fucking WRONG! Obviously, it hasn't dawned on you that we are in a real and dangerous recession!

I don't expect you to respond as an adult, so just don't waste your fucking time unless you are on point!
Lowest black unemployment ever. Biggest stock market gain ever.

Trump achieved incredible heights.
The previous record for black unemployment was 7.0% ... how much did Impeached Trump need to lower that rate to break the record?
Enough to make you look like an idiot.....don't you care about African Americans?...or maybe you just look at them as a tool to get your liberal communist nut case utopia?.....are you sure you are not Ice Cream Nancy?....
Lowest black unemployment ever. Biggest stock market gain ever.

Trump achieved incredible heights.
The previous record for black unemployment was 7.0% ... how much did Impeached Trump need to lower that rate to break the record?
Enough to make you look like an idiot.....don't you care about African Americans?...or maybe you just look at them as a tool to get your liberal communist nut case utopia?.....are you sure you are not Ice Cream Nancy?....
Pointing out reality really bothers you cultists, huh?
Lowest black unemployment ever. Biggest stock market gain ever.

Trump achieved incredible heights.
The previous record for black unemployment was 7.0% ... how much did Impeached Trump need to lower that rate to break the record?
Enough to make you look like an idiot.....don't you care about African Americans?...or maybe you just look at them as a tool to get your liberal communist nut case utopia?.....are you sure you are not Ice Cream Nancy?....
Pointing out reality really bothers you cultists, huh?

Leftist projection. You are spamming like I have never seen before trying to deny the facts and trying to paint a picture where the democrat lock downs are Trump's fault.

President Trump is a tremendous jobs president. You will just have to accept that fact.
Lowest black unemployment ever. Biggest stock market gain ever.

Trump achieved incredible heights.
The previous record for black unemployment was 7.0% ... how much did Impeached Trump need to lower that rate to break the record?
Enough to make you look like an idiot.....don't you care about African Americans?...or maybe you just look at them as a tool to get your liberal communist nut case utopia?.....are you sure you are not Ice Cream Nancy?....
Pointing out reality really bothers you cultists, huh?

Leftist projection. You are spamming like I have never seen before trying to deny the facts and trying to paint a picture where the democrat lock downs are Trump's fault.

President Trump is a tremendous jobs president.
I never said the lock downs were his fault. So you're hallucinating again.

Sad, really.
If that is correct, why did you start this thread by posting that chart showing a 10.2% unemployment rate according to BLS on 7 August showing an unemployment rate that was absolutely in the range of the unemployment rates of the Great Depression. That puts the LIE to your claim that Trump is some kind of wizard of a job creator. The truth is you're fucking WRONG! Obviously, it hasn't dawned on you that we are in a real and dangerous recession!
We're in the middle of a world wide pandemic, Socrates.
That kills jobs and depresses the job market. Maybe you just didn't notice.

Under the circumstances, which you ignore, Trump is doing quite well keeping people employed at the jobs that haven't vanished.

It never fails, the people with the biggest rock in their eye yell and harangue the most. Must be a
defense mechanism to cover for their dishonest blather.
If that is correct, why did you start this thread by posting that chart showing a 10.2% unemployment rate according to BLS on 7 August showing an unemployment rate that was absolutely in the range of the unemployment rates of the Great Depression. That puts the LIE to your claim that Trump is some kind of wizard of a job creator. The truth is you're fucking WRONG! Obviously, it hasn't dawned on you that we are in a real and dangerous recession!
We're in the middle of a world wide pandemic, Socrates.
That kills jobs and depresses the job market. Maybe you just didn't notice.

Under the circumstances, which you ignore, Trump is doing quite well keeping people employed at the jobs that haven't vanished.

It never fails, the people with the biggest rock in their eye yell and harangue the most. Must be a
defense mechanism to cover for their dishonest blather.
We're in the middle of a world wide pandemic, Socrates.
That kills jobs and depresses the job market. Maybe you just didn't notice.

Under the circumstances, which you ignore, Trump is doing quite well keeping people employed at the jobs that haven't vanished.

It never fails, the people with the biggest rock in their eye yell and harangue the most. Must be a
defense mechanism to cover for their dishonest blather.
You dumped that shit directly above as if it had something to do with the paragraph's topic to which you responded. But I wrote it for another post to which I had already responded. You repurposed it OUT OF CONTEXT you God Damn Fraud! That paragraph was in answer to post #184 and nothing at all with the fucking bullshit you've scribbled. Did your dishonest ass really think you could pull off that bait and switch and get away with it you fucking dishonest piece of shit?

Here it is as written in Post #184.
President Trump is a supreme job creator.
If that is correct, why did you start this thread by posting that chart showing a 10.2% unemployment rate according to BLS on 7 August showing an unemployment rate that was absolutely in the range of the unemployment rates of the Great Depression. That puts the LIE to your claim that Trump is some kind of wizard of a job creator. The truth is you're fucking WRONG! Obviously, it hasn't dawned on you that we are in a real and dangerous recession!
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
Trump doesn't create any jobs as president. He may be in office when more people go to work than before but he didn't create the jobs that hire more people.
But Presidents and government can get in the way. Trump has tried and is trying to open up our manufacturing again. Do you really believe Progs are going to create massive growth? Gas was 5 dollars a gallon under Obama. You and your crazy agendas. Real big growth means "tough love" in our social programs and salaries, benefits and pensions. Bring sanity back to the overpaid.
And ignoring the Great Recession under Obama and ignoring the pandemic under Trump, there were still more manufacturing jobs added under Obama than there were under Trump.

Obama took over at the bottom of a deep recession. He should have had astronomically great numbers just getting the economy back to where it was. But he f'ed that up and had the slowest recovery in a hundred years

Suure, kazzer. And right now, if Impeached Trump was doing a good job, we'd have 2% unemployment. See how making shit up works?

That had nothing to do with what I said
Of course it did. You made up some fantasy about the economy under Obama and I echoed that.

You think I made up how slow the recession was? You're full of shit, that's basic economic data. It was the slowest recession recovery in over a century.

Obama took over at the bottom of a recession. Think about it, just getting back to where we were should have rocketed his numbers, and it didn't. They were terrible
"You think I made up how slow the recession was? You're full of shit"

Now you're just kazzing again. No, kazzer, you made up how fabulous the recovery should have been. :eusa_liar:

So be honest, you are actually eight years old, aren't you? You hate me you hate me you hate me. You're angry and you hate me. You hate me. You're angry. Angry and you hate me.

I got it. Don't care, but I got it
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
Trump doesn't create any jobs as president. He may be in office when more people go to work than before but he didn't create the jobs that hire more people.
But Presidents and government can get in the way. Trump has tried and is trying to open up our manufacturing again. Do you really believe Progs are going to create massive growth? Gas was 5 dollars a gallon under Obama. You and your crazy agendas. Real big growth means "tough love" in our social programs and salaries, benefits and pensions. Bring sanity back to the overpaid.
And ignoring the Great Recession under Obama and ignoring the pandemic under Trump, there were still more manufacturing jobs added under Obama than there were under Trump.

Obama took over at the bottom of a deep recession. He should have had astronomically great numbers just getting the economy back to where it was. But he f'ed that up and had the slowest recovery in a hundred years

Suure, kazzer. And right now, if Impeached Trump was doing a good job, we'd have 2% unemployment. See how making shit up works?

That had nothing to do with what I said
Of course it did. You made up some fantasy about the economy under Obama and I echoed that.

You think I made up how slow the recession was? You're full of shit, that's basic economic data. It was the slowest recession recovery in over a century.

Obama took over at the bottom of a recession. Think about it, just getting back to where we were should have rocketed his numbers, and it didn't. They were terrible
"You think I made up how slow the recession was? You're full of shit"

Now you're just kazzing again. No, kazzer, you made up how fabulous the recovery should have been. :eusa_liar:

So be honest, you are actually eight years old, aren't you? You hate me you hate me you hate me. You're angry and you hate me. You hate me. You're angry. Angry and you hate me.

I got it. Don't care, but I got it

You're unhinged, I don't hate you. I pity you.
You dumped that shit directly above as if it had something to do with the paragraph's topic to which you responded. But I wrote it for another post to which I had already responded. You repurposed it OUT OF CONTEXT you God Damn Fraud! That paragraph was in answer to post #184 and nothing at all with the fucking bullshit you've scribbled. Did your dishonest ass really think you could pull off that bait and switch and get away with it you fucking dishonest piece of shit?
Get some help. Mental health is important. Then maybe come back and address my comments.
Try lithium.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
Trump doesn't create any jobs as president. He may be in office when more people go to work than before but he didn't create the jobs that hire more people.
But Presidents and government can get in the way. Trump has tried and is trying to open up our manufacturing again. Do you really believe Progs are going to create massive growth? Gas was 5 dollars a gallon under Obama. You and your crazy agendas. Real big growth means "tough love" in our social programs and salaries, benefits and pensions. Bring sanity back to the overpaid.
And ignoring the Great Recession under Obama and ignoring the pandemic under Trump, there were still more manufacturing jobs added under Obama than there were under Trump.

Obama took over at the bottom of a deep recession. He should have had astronomically great numbers just getting the economy back to where it was. But he f'ed that up and had the slowest recovery in a hundred years

Suure, kazzer. And right now, if Impeached Trump was doing a good job, we'd have 2% unemployment. See how making shit up works?

That had nothing to do with what I said
Of course it did. You made up some fantasy about the economy under Obama and I echoed that.

You think I made up how slow the recession was? You're full of shit, that's basic economic data. It was the slowest recession recovery in over a century.

Obama took over at the bottom of a recession. Think about it, just getting back to where we were should have rocketed his numbers, and it didn't. They were terrible
"You think I made up how slow the recession was? You're full of shit"

Now you're just kazzing again. No, kazzer, you made up how fabulous the recovery should have been. :eusa_liar:

So be honest, you are actually eight years old, aren't you? You hate me you hate me you hate me. You're angry and you hate me. You hate me. You're angry. Angry and you hate me.

I got it. Don't care, but I got it

You're unhinged, I don't hate you. I pity you.

My God. Sorry for saying you're an eight year old boy. You're an eight year old girl. Here's a tissue, my dear. Have a good cry
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
Trump doesn't create any jobs as president. He may be in office when more people go to work than before but he didn't create the jobs that hire more people.

Meaning, he created the booming economy, that created those jobs, that made it possible for more people to get jobs.

Its all connected and, Trump did it.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
Like it or lump it, he did exactly that. And you assholes can cry about it all you want and try to spin, twist and squirm but thems the numbers so you can all shut the fuck up and sit down.
Buckle up for another four years of TRUMP!
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.

It wasn't required, it was forced upon us by out of control, panic stricken people who had no idea what they were doing.

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