Trump's BS boast he created the greatest economy in history

Strongest economy in DECADES.

Lowest unemployment rate in DECADES.

Lowest MINORITY (Black/Latino/Asian) unemployment rate in US HISTORY.

Lowest WOMEN's unemployment rate in US HISTORY.

Youth unemployment lowest rate in nearly half a century

Most Americans working at 1 time in US HISTORY.

More Jobs

More Opportunity

Higher Wages



Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded

Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.

Under this administration, veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.

Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.

Brought back manufacturing - a feat Obama declared could NOT BE DONE

Did/Has NOT illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC Justices, presidential candidates, Presidents, started a war, dragged the US into a war like the 'Nobel Peace Prize Winner' did, did not affect a failed coup attempt....

and on and on and on and on.....


Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.
Lowest black unemployment ever. Biggest stock market gain ever.

Trump achieved incredible heights.
The previous record for black unemployment was 7.0% ... how much did Impeached Trump need to lower that rate to break the record?
Well, Trump did do what no other president could. I'm surprised that you're trying to diminish that fact.
Lowest black unemployment ever. Biggest stock market gain ever.

Trump achieved incredible heights.
The spread between Black/white unemployment is wider than it has been in years.

Trump put minorities back to work, setting US records in doing so....Democrats have taken those jobs away, spread racial division and violence, and have blacks not at work but on the streets looting, burning, attacking, assaulting, murdering......

The worst seen in decades.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.

Bad news for you... president Trump is creating jobs like we have never seen before.


President Trump is now more energized than ever.
Riiight ... he gained back 9 million of the 22 million jobs he lost and you idiotically shake your pom-poms

That's like celebrating a game because you scored a touchdown in the 4th quarter and only lost 21-7.

He defeated both the Chinese virus and democratic lock down orders.

When a president can deal with threats both foreign and domestic... a keeper.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.
Required? What the Constitution required it? You are the dumb ass
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.
Required? What the Constitution required it? You are the dumb ass

Democrats did require it. They were very butt hurt about Trump's incredible achievements. Remember, the official story was that the economy would immediately implode if the grand-master of business were to be elected.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
Ummm...hate to make you cry BUT>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yes Trump did give us the best economy in our history...up till the chinese turned loose their virus as the dems purposely spread it around. Everyone was working.
Data shows what Trump his laid claim to started before he even showed up and as for being the 'greatest in history' again, data shows other periods were better...US economy under Trump: The greatest ever?
10% unemployment is not great.
Just ignore the pandemic, and just ignore the shut down of the economy that your ilk wanted, and yes it's at 10%, It is coming down nucely now
that the economy opened up. Get rid of the unemployment incentive and it will drop like a rock.

Nobody wanted a shut down dumb ass. It was required.
Required? What the Constitution required it? You are the dumb ass

Democrats did require it. They were very butt hurt about Trump's incredible achievements. Remember, the official story was that the economy would immediately implode if the grand-master of business were to be elected.

Yes, Democrats did say that
Right now this geat economy is propped up with trillions from the govt. and the Federal Reserve. it isn't standing alone...The very thing that is propping it up is what Republicans claimed to be against when Oblama did it.

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