Trumps campaign based on "Springtime for Hitler"

Even though Trump is a rich man, he's the first "common man" to be in the White House since Truman.

I.E. He has the typical American mindset.

Trump is the most out of touch President to ever occupy the White House

He is totally clueless on popular culture, movies, books, music and humor
He really does not know how to deal with people.....only how he wants others to deal with him

Common man?
Trump doesn't know how to ride a bike, change a car tire, change a diaper, cook a hamburger, fill his car with gas


Great picture....

Shows an Obama willing to play with his little girls, actually go out and have FUN with his family

Something Trump has never been capable of.

And yes....Trump does not know how to ride a bike or swim
Trump has made you lose your mind, and it's funny. Go Trump!

Sounds like Bannon
What you guys claim as soon as someone disagrees with you
I don't recall saying anything about Bannon. Please show me where I have.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.
Bill Clinton had many character flaws ie narcissism, adultery, sexual predator, settled with women to avoid rape charges etc. You didn't mind you do.

Well, thank you for pointing out EXACTLY the similarities between Bill and Donny...With the exception of a couple of small items......Bill never claimed his evangelical and white supremacist leanings......NOR did he talk about having a BIGGER BUTTON.......
Trump is the most out of touch President to ever occupy the White House

He is totally clueless on popular culture, movies, books, music and humor
He really does not know how to deal with people.....only how he wants others to deal with him

Common man?
Trump doesn't know how to ride a bike, change a car tire, change a diaper, cook a hamburger, fill his car with gas


Great picture....

Shows an Obama willing to play with his little girls, actually go out and have FUN with his family

Something Trump has never been capable of.

And yes....Trump does not know how to ride a bike or swim
Trump has made you lose your mind, and it's funny. Go Trump!

Sounds like Bannon
What you guys claim as soon as someone disagrees with you
I don't recall saying anything about Bannon. Please show me where I have.

"Sounds like Bannon"
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.

The book contained quotes from more people than Bannon

Trumps "code of silence" is being broken
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.

The book contained quotes from more people than Bannon

Trumps "code of silence" is being broken

The author of the book is a confirmed liar and slanderer. It doesn't matter who he "quotes" in his book because they are all fake.
The author of the book is a confirmed liar and slanderer. It doesn't matter who he "quotes" in his book because they are all fake.

There are TAPES also, MiddleFingerBaby..........
Remember what those darn recordings did to Nixon???...................LOL
I really don't care how Trump got there, who helped him, or what his motivations were to run for president.

He has turn out to be the best president America has had in decades. ... :thup:
Not according to trump’s whole staff who characterized him as being” incompetent, unprepared, incurious, an idiot, an imbecile, dumb as shit etc”
It’s amazing the difference between the real Donald Trump and the view you deplorables have of him.
The people that work for him every single day have clearly said he’s an “ imbecile and has no idea what he’s doing.”

Best move Trump ever made was letting Michael Wolff take up residence in the White House and permit him to interview dozens of his staff.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.

The book contained quotes from more people than Bannon

Trumps "code of silence" is being broken

The author of the book is a confirmed liar and slanderer. It doesn't matter who he "quotes" in his book because they are all fake.
Is that what Hannity told you?
4. Trump loved 'pursuing' friends' wives
According to another excerpt from the book, obtained by US media, Mr Trump used to boast that sleeping with his friends' wives made "life worth living".

"In pursuing a friend's wife, he would try to persuade the wife that her husband was perhaps not what she thought," Wolff quotes a Trump friend as saying.

He would invite the wife to secretly listen on speakerphone to a conversation that Mr Trump would have in his office with her husband, according to the book.

Mr Trump would allegedly engage in sexual banter with the husband in the hope that he might say something indiscreet, asking questions such as: "Do you still like having sex with your wife? How often?"
7. Ivanka mocks dad's 'comb-over'
The US first daughter poked fun at her father's alleged "scalp-reduction surgery", according to the book.

"She treated her father with a degree of detachment, even irony, going so far as to make fun of his comb-over to others. She often described the mechanics behind it to friends: an absolutely clean pate - a contained island after scalp-reduction -surgery - surrounded by a furry circle of hair around the sides and front, from which all ends are drawn up to meet in the center and then swept back and secured by a stiffening spray. The color, she would point out to comical effect, was from a product called Just for Men - the longer it was left on, the darker it got. Impatience resulted in Trump's orange-blond hair color."

AZ: It wouldn't be particularly surprising if this is one of the anecdotes that Mr Trump finds most irksome. The president is proud of his hair, and once notably let late-night host Jimmy Fallon ruffle it to establish its authenticity. On windy days, Mr Trump usually wears a hat - the origin of the Make America Great Again ball cap - to ensure there are no coiffing malfunctions. The hair is as much a part of the Trump brand as big hotels and gold-plated escalators.
It’s not only Trump’s staff that called him an idiot.

10. Murdoch calls Trump 'idiot'
Trump admired Rupert Murdoch but the admiration was not mutual, according to Wolff's account of a call between Mr Murdoch and Mr Trump about the president's meeting with Silicon Valley executives.

Mr Trump is said to have told Mr Murdoch:

"'These guys really need my help. Obama was not very favorable to them, too much regulation. This is really an opportunity for me to help them.' 'Donald,' said Murdoch, 'for eight years these guys had Obama in their pocket. They practically ran the administration. They don't need your help.'

'Take this H-1B visa issue. They really need these H-1B visas.'Murdoch suggested that taking a liberal approach to H-1B visas, which open America's doors to select immigrants, might be hard to square with his promises to build a wall and close the borders. But Trump seemed unconcerned, assuring Murdoch, 'We'll figure it out.' 'What a f****** idiot,' said Murdoch, shrugging, as he got off the phone."
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.

The book contained quotes from more people than Bannon

Trumps "code of silence" is being broken

The author of the book is a confirmed liar and slanderer. It doesn't matter who he "quotes" in his book because they are all fake.
A confirmed liar like you calling a respected journalist a “ confirmed liar” is a hoot.
As revealed yesterday, Trump never thought he would actually win. His campaign was right out of " The Producers"
Run a campaign you know will bomb and then live off the attention

Like in the Producers.......Trump was shocked when the audience actually believed it
Nothing was revealed yesterday other than the ravings of a lunatic who tells lies to sell books.

The book contained quotes from more people than Bannon

Trumps "code of silence" is being broken

The author of the book is a confirmed liar and slanderer. It doesn't matter who he "quotes" in his book because they are all fake.


He seems to have named his sources.....something that Lying Donnie or yourself never do
Even though Trump is a rich man, he's the first "common man" to be in the White House since Truman.

I.E. He has the typical American mindset.

Trump is the most out of touch President to ever occupy the White House

He is totally clueless on popular culture, movies, books, music and humor
He really does not know how to deal with people.....only how he wants others to deal with him

Common man?
Trump doesn't know how to ride a bike, change a car tire, change a diaper, cook a hamburger, fill his car with gas


Great picture....

Shows an Obama willing to play with his little girls, actually go out and have FUN with his family

Something Trump has never been capable of.

And yes....Trump does not know how to ride a bike or swim
Trump has made you lose your mind, and it's funny. Go Trump!
According to Trump’s own staff THEY feel like he’s losing his mind.
Even though Trump is a rich man, he's the first "common man" to be in the White House since Truman.

I.E. He has the typical American mindset.

Trump is the most out of touch President to ever occupy the White House

He is totally clueless on popular culture, movies, books, music and humor
He really does not know how to deal with people.....only how he wants others to deal with him

Common man?
Trump doesn't know how to ride a bike, change a car tire, change a diaper, cook a hamburger, fill his car with gas


Great picture....

Shows an Obama willing to play with his little girls, actually go out and have FUN with his family

Something Trump has never been capable of.

And yes....Trump does not know how to ride a bike or swim
Trump has made you lose your mind, and it's funny. Go Trump!
According to Trump’s own staff THEY feel like he’s losing his mind.
Just more fake news.
Great depiction of how the bloated idiot spends his days.
Eating fast food, watching Tv and screaming at someone.
Trump is the most out of touch President to ever occupy the White House

He is totally clueless on popular culture, movies, books, music and humor
He really does not know how to deal with people.....only how he wants others to deal with him

Common man?
Trump doesn't know how to ride a bike, change a car tire, change a diaper, cook a hamburger, fill his car with gas


Great picture....

Shows an Obama willing to play with his little girls, actually go out and have FUN with his family

Something Trump has never been capable of.

And yes....Trump does not know how to ride a bike or swim
Trump has made you lose your mind, and it's funny. Go Trump!
According to Trump’s own staff THEY feel like he’s losing his mind.
Just more fake news.
Hilarious. Michael Wolff had access to dozens of Trump’s staff. They all had the same type comments.. that he’s an imbecile, dumb as shit etc.
From HR McMaster to Gary Cohn to Reince Preibus and dozens more.

You can’t “fake news” this news story away.
Even though Trump is a rich man, he's the first "common man" to be in the White House since Truman.

I.E. He has the typical American mindset.

Trump is the most out of touch President to ever occupy the White House

He is totally clueless on popular culture, movies, books, music and humor
He really does not know how to deal with people.....only how he wants others to deal with him

Common man?
Trump doesn't know how to ride a bike, change a car tire, change a diaper, cook a hamburger, fill his car with gas


Great picture....

Shows an Obama willing to play with his little girls, actually go out and have FUN with his family

Something Trump has never been capable of.

And yes....Trump does not know how to ride a bike or swim
Trump has made you lose your mind, and it's funny. Go Trump!
According to Trump’s own staff THEY feel like he’s losing his mind.

You mean "According to anonymous sources close to the administratation" HuffPo says: , amirite?
Trump is the most out of touch President to ever occupy the White House

He is totally clueless on popular culture, movies, books, music and humor
He really does not know how to deal with people.....only how he wants others to deal with him

Common man?
Trump doesn't know how to ride a bike, change a car tire, change a diaper, cook a hamburger, fill his car with gas


Great picture....

Shows an Obama willing to play with his little girls, actually go out and have FUN with his family

Something Trump has never been capable of.

And yes....Trump does not know how to ride a bike or swim
Trump has made you lose your mind, and it's funny. Go Trump!
According to Trump’s own staff THEY feel like he’s losing his mind.
Just more fake news.

Donald Trump was "befuddled" by his election win, did not enjoy his inauguration and was scared of the White House, according to a new book.

Journalist Michael Wolff's Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House also purports to lift the lid on Ivanka Trump's secret presidential ambitions.

The book details Mr Trump's regard for media titan Rupert Murdoch, though the admiration was apparently not mutual.

Michael Wolff says his work is based on more than 200 interviews and that he took up "something like a semi-permanent seat on a couch in the West Wing" following the president's inauguration for a close-up insight into the fledgling administration.

Here are 11 of the book's revelations, with commentary from the BBC's Anthony Zurcher.

11 explosive claims from new Trump book

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