Trump's carnival-show narcissism is dangerous in the face of COVID-19

Not good enough. Democrats working with the Chinese dictatorship has to be exposed.

While enemy democrats were directing attention to the Russian hoax it was them working with the Chinese all this time.
The chinese dictatorship infiltration of America is very deep and wide

thanks to the trade deficit they have $500 billion a year to bribe politicians, academics and journalists in America and other countries
Well that explains Ivanka's sudden aquisition of a whole of Chinese patents....
I would worry more about penniless politicians who become millionaires on a congressman's pay

they are easily for sale to the chinese
You mean politicians who are also businessmen? Who earned their wealth after leaving office? Joe Biden’s Tax Returns Show More Than $15 Million in Income After 2016
Biden still had some value on the open market as a former vp and possible future president.
The chinese dictatorship infiltration of America is very deep and wide

thanks to the trade deficit they have $500 billion a year to bribe politicians, academics and journalists in America and other countries
Well that explains Ivanka's sudden aquisition of a whole of Chinese patents....
I would worry more about penniless politicians who become millionaires on a congressman's pay

they are easily for sale to the chinese
You mean politicians who are also businessmen? Who earned their wealth after leaving office? Joe Biden’s Tax Returns Show More Than $15 Million in Income After 2016
Biden still had some value on the open market as a former vp and possible future president.
He still had influence for sale
Well that explains Ivanka's sudden aquisition of a whole of Chinese patents....
I would worry more about penniless politicians who become millionaires on a congressman's pay

they are easily for sale to the chinese
You mean politicians who are also businessmen? Who earned their wealth after leaving office? Joe Biden’s Tax Returns Show More Than $15 Million in Income After 2016
Biden still had some value on the open market as a former vp and possible future president.
He still had influence for sale
So does Ivanka.
I would worry more about penniless politicians who become millionaires on a congressman's pay

they are easily for sale to the chinese
You mean politicians who are also businessmen? Who earned their wealth after leaving office? Joe Biden’s Tax Returns Show More Than $15 Million in Income After 2016
Biden still had some value on the open market as a former vp and possible future president.
He still had influence for sale
So does Ivanka.
China may hope to compromise trump through ivanka

but I dont see much success for them so far

trump is the chinese communist dictatorships worst nightmare
What's way more dangerous is Liberals playing politics with the pandemic. You'd have to be a real human piece of shit to take advantage of people becoming ill and dying for the sake of political expediency.

Like you just did there?
You mean the folks who were saying do something now b4 it gets out of hand.
Confused tards.

It was Obama that waited for 1000 Americans to die before declaring an emergency, and refused to ban travel from infected areas, not Trump.

Porchsitters have a hard time with facts.
Trump's carnival-show narcissism is dangerous in the face of COVID-19

Just another one to add to the long list of Trump failures:
Protect Americans from virus: FAIL
Stock Markets: FAIL
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL

What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.

Thread: FAIL
I'm not talking about cuts or policy, I'm talking about his credibility.


If you were talking about Trump's credibility you wouldn't be doggin him continuously and you would give credit where credit is due.
What's way more dangerous is Liberals playing politics with the pandemic. You'd have to be a real human piece of shit to take advantage of people becoming ill and dying for the sake of political expediency.

Like you just did there?

Stop Pogo, ffs!

You ARE ONE of those liberals.

Stop trolling

If you were talking about Trump's credibility you wouldn't be doggin him continuously and you would give credit where credit is due.

He doesn't deserve any credit. He called the virus a "Hoax" after dismantling the infrastructure to fight it, and now he's scrambling to fix it.

Calm down Joe.

Trump didn't dismantle the infrastructure, OBAMA did!

Trump rebuilt and renamed the bureaucratic department which OBAMA dismantled.
Trump's carnival-show narcissism is dangerous in the face of COVID-19

Just another one to add to the long list of Trump failures:
Protect Americans from virus: FAIL
Stock Markets: FAIL
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL

What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.

Protect Americans from virus: FAIL

You expected trump keep the commie virus from reaching America?

no wonder you are a rabid trump hater because you demand the impossible
I expect Trump to at least be able to get the right test kits to health professionals, at the very least.
In South Korea, in only a week, a hundred new labs were set up around the country to analyse tests. America with two months to prepare could not even get the right test kits to health professionals. Trump is such a disgrace.
My state has plenty of test kits. In fact they have set up a drive up testing sight specifically for that purpose so you don’t even have to get out of your car. Our first cases only hit this week too. Hmm.
Trump's carnival-show narcissism is dangerous in the face of COVID-19

Just another one to add to the long list of Trump failures:
Protect Americans from virus: FAIL
Stock Markets: FAIL
Trade with China: FAIL
Build Wall at Mexico border: FAIL
Mexico to pay for that wall: FAIL
Repeal Obamacare: FAIL
Peace with N. Korea: FAIL

What did Trump do then? He decreased taxes for the rich to the point that now 60 supersize corporations pay ZERO TAXES, including Amazon, IBM, and Netflix by ballooning Federal Debt to bankruptcy levels. Well, Trump did bankrupt a $3 billion dollar casino, so I guess bankrupting America is next.

Protect Americans from virus: FAIL

You expected trump keep the commie virus from reaching America?

no wonder you are a rabid trump hater because you demand the impossible
I expect Trump to at least be able to get the right test kits to health professionals, at the very least.
In South Korea, in only a week, a hundred new labs were set up around the country to analyse tests. America with two months to prepare could not even get the right test kits to health professionals. Trump is such a disgrace.

Wow, you really are a dumb ass. Many of the tests in S. Korea and China were unreliable, they produced a lot of false results. Instead of rushing the US is taking the time to make sure the tests are reliable. Of course it doesn't help that the reagents needed are made in foreign countries, primarily in Germany.

And medicine is also manufactured in China. Which they are now threatening not to send to the US.

Progressives love the communist though.
What's way more dangerous is Liberals playing politics with the pandemic. You'd have to be a real human piece of shit to take advantage of people becoming ill and dying for the sake of political expediency.

This is not politics. This is life and how Trump is endangering it.
A new dingbat. TDS is far more dangerous than corona.

Actually Shithead, Trump Humpin is the most dangerous and it is being proven everyday.

and yet he is not welding your doors shut so you can’t leave your house during a forced quarantine.

Clearly you don’t even know what “ the most dangerous” means and can’t be taken seriously.
I'm not talking about cuts or policy, I'm talking about his credibility.


If you were talking about Trump's credibility you wouldn't be doggin him continuously and you would give credit where credit is due.
My point was very specific. He is not credible.

I know you won't read this, because it's outside of TrumpWorld, and therefore "fake news". But for the hell of it: Like the flu? Trump's coronavirus messaging confuses public, pandemic researchers say

History has shown that leaders trying to manage pandemics without full transparency hamper citizens from acting to help, said Steven Taylor, a psychiatry professor at the University of British Columbia and author of the 2019 book “The Psychology of Pandemics.” He maintains that if the public loses the trust of its leaders, people will not listen to them when they offer good advice.

“On the one hand it creates increased anxiety among those who doubt the truth is being told,” he said of a leader who has lost the trust of citizens. “And on the other it increases the number of people who think the whole thing is overblown.”

Trump simply lacks the capacity to strike a balance between caution and calm. Like those who worship him, he simply doesn't understand nuance or complexity. And that's what we need right now.
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This epidemic didn't just start. The US should have been well ahead of the curve with test kits.
I agree

we should be more proactive and prepare better for the next epidemic

but that shortcoming existed before trump

How is that? This virus broke out under his watch.
And trump will get most of the blame whether he deserves it or not

You have been giving him most of the praise for what he didn't deserve.
I have been rejecting the knee-jerk liberal attacks on trump

and thats all you will get till libs recover their senses

Right, but you clap your hands for Trump's knee-jerk attacks on everyone else. It is what makes you a hypocrite.
Actually Shithead, Trump Humpin is the most dangerous and it is being proven everyday.
Yes, butthurt is closely related to TDS. We know.

No butthurt is related to Trump Humpin
Yes. We know. Trump humped you and now you're butthurt. It is essentially a symptom of TDS.

We know Shithead that he humps you Trump Humpers, so you're right you are not butthurt because you are used to being humped.
You mean the folks who were saying do something now b4 it gets out of hand.
Confused tards.

It was Obama that waited for 1000 Americans to die before declaring an emergency, and refused to ban travel from infected areas, not Trump.

Porchsitters have a hard time with facts.

Really show me where Pres. Obama called it a "HOAX" and waited to take action.
What's way more dangerous is Liberals playing politics with the pandemic. You'd have to be a real human piece of shit to take advantage of people becoming ill and dying for the sake of political expediency.

This is not politics. This is life and how Trump is endangering it.
A new dingbat. TDS is far more dangerous than corona.

Actually Shithead, Trump Humpin is the most dangerous and it is being proven everyday.

and yet he is not welding your doors shut so you can’t leave your house during a forced quarantine.

Clearly you don’t even know what “ the most dangerous” means and can’t be taken seriously.

I don't know WTF you are talking about.

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