trump's China So Called Ban Useless. Most East Coast Virus Came From Europe

This smells like China funded "research" to me.

We're going to be seeing far more Chinese propaganda like this coming up. And luckily for the CHICOMs, there are more than enough Americans willing to help them spread their misinformation.

China is currently ramping up a propaganda war. Beijing’s war strategy is simple: Shift away from themselves all blame for the outbreak, the botched initial response, and its early spread into the broader world. At stake is China’s global reputation, as well as the potential of a fundamental shift away from China for trade and manufacturing.

Also at risk is the personal legacy of General Secretary Xi Jinping, who has staked his legitimacy on his technocratic competence. If the liberal one half of our society and our biased news media doesn't figure this out in a hurry, we're liable to be fucked three ways to Sunday.

I"m seriously not joking here.
One of the few good things about this outbreak is China's treachery and evil has been flushed out into the open. We need to keep up a full court press on Xi and his evil regime.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

So don't ban travel from China and have twice as many cases?

I see.
He did not halt it, he just restricted it. Over 300,00 people traveled back and forth despite restrictions. His followers will believe anything he says.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

So don't ban travel from China and have twice as many cases?

I see.
He did not halt it, he just restricted it. Over 300,00 people traveled back and forth despite restrictions. His followers will believe anything he says.

Do you really believe the government is all-powerful? Apparently you do. Even though President Trump put restrictions on travel to and from China, enforcing those restrictions is a far greater undertaking that would have required steps that the Democrats would have never agreed to.

Regardless, even Fauci, who has worked for multiple administrations said “If we had not done that, we would have had many, many more cases right here that we would have to be dealing with.”
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

So don't ban travel from China and have twice as many cases?

I see.
He did not halt it, he just restricted it. Over 300,00 people traveled back and forth despite restrictions. His followers will believe anything he says.

Do you really believe the government is all-powerful? Apparently you do. Even though President Trump put restrictions on travel to and from China, enforcing those restrictions is a far greater undertaking that would have required steps that the Democrats would have never agreed to.

Regardless, even Fauci, who has worked for multiple administrations said “If we had not done that, we would have had many, many more cases right here that we would have to be dealing with.”
Trump said he stopped travel from Chiba, and he did not do it.
This is interesting. Doctors and scientists have been looking at, and monitoring the virus as they treat people. And, when they started to compare the viruses and how they had mutated, not only did they find out that it had been here longer than originally thought, but most of the cases in NYC didn't come from China, but rather people returning from Europe. So much for Trump saying that he did such a good job in stopping the virus by banning travel from China.

Research indicates the majority of coronavirus cases in New York trace back to Europe, with the first cases circulating in the area by mid-February.

“The majority is clearly European,” Harm van Bakel, a geneticist at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and who co-wrote a study currently awaiting peer review, told The New York Times.

A separate research team at New York University's Grossman School of Medicine, studying different cases but also analyzing coronavirus genomes taken from New Yorkers beginning in mid-March, reached similar conclusions, the Times reported.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

Just stop. Had he done that the entire Left would have freaked out. You people are out of it.
The left DID have a fit, they claimed he was over reacting when he banned china and then Europe, now suddenly with the help of a media that won't remind people of that they claim he did not act fast enough.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

It didn't make a difference on the east coast.

Not only did trump allow people from all over the world to come here, he didn't do much of anything to test, quarantine or track them.

Because of that, the virus ran wild.

If he had, you and your fellow lemmings would have just screamed about him being a racist and a xenophobe. Just shut up, you're not fooling anyone.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

So don't ban travel from China and have twice as many cases?

I see.
We banned everyfugginbody. Ticos aren't even allowed back right now. I was supposed to go to the US of C-19 on Feb 24 but my brain took over. Sittin' tight. UNTIL ? I sure could use the couple grand a week up'ar. Oh well, I'll suffer with the crowds in Q here
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

So don't ban travel from China and have twice as many cases?

I see.
We banned everyfugginbody. Ticos aren't even allowed back right now. I was supposed to go to the US of C-19 on Feb 24 but my brain took over. Sittin' tight. UNTIL ? I sure could use the couple grand a week up'ar. Oh well, I'll suffer with the crowds in Q here

I don't know what you said, but it sounded nice. Are you stuck in some country? Maybe you'd better apply for citizenship there, just in case. There may not be a country left by the time you get back.

This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

So don't ban travel from China and have twice as many cases?

I see.
We banned everyfugginbody. Ticos aren't even allowed back right now. I was supposed to go to the US of C-19 on Feb 24 but my brain took over. Sittin' tight. UNTIL ? I sure could use the couple grand a week up'ar. Oh well, I'll suffer with the crowds in Q here

I don't know what you said, but it sounded nice. Are you stuck in some country? Maybe you'd better apply for citizenship there, just in case. There may not be a country left by the time you get back.

Unlike Merrykuhhh. It takes 20 years for citizenship and I've only had permanent residency for 15 years.
Even after. If'n you weren't born in Costa Rica you can never vote or run for any public office. Not even police chief or Bld'ng & zoning supervisor. The correct system.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

When they are not TDS threads (and this one isn' many ways.

They are fucking Monday Morning Quarterbacking threads.

Everyone is an expert after the fact.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

So don't ban travel from China and have twice as many cases?

I see.
We banned everyfugginbody. Ticos aren't even allowed back right now. I was supposed to go to the US of C-19 on Feb 24 but my brain took over. Sittin' tight. UNTIL ? I sure could use the couple grand a week up'ar. Oh well, I'll suffer with the crowds in Q here

I don't know what you said, but it sounded nice. Are you stuck in some country? Maybe you'd better apply for citizenship there, just in case. There may not be a country left by the time you get back.

Unlike Merrykuhhh. It takes 20 years for citizenship and I've only had permanent residency for 15 years.
Even after. If'n you weren't born in Costa Rica you can never vote or run for any public office. Not even police chief or Bld'ng & zoning supervisor. The correct system.

Ahh ok. You're in Costa Rica. I think you mentioned that once before. They're not looking too bad: 539 confirmed cases and only 3 deaths. Must be something in the water.
This is very interesting.

Tests on people in the east show that the virus they had or that killed them came from Europe.

Not China.

trump should have banned ALL people from all over the world. Not just some people from China.

And it came to Europe from where?
You’re such a close minded, intolerant, hateful person.

Yes, it went to Europe from China, but only China and a handful of other countries were travel banned when this first started. Trump didn't shut down travel with Europe until AFTER Italy became a hot spot.

To tell you the truth, there should have been testing on ANYONE who had been to China 30 days prior to the first travel ban, even if they were coming from Europe, and it could be verified by their passport. And, I'm guessing that the customs agents in NYC when this first started weren't checking all the countries the person had been to, just the one they came from.
The American left: "Trump is a racist xenophobe for banning travel !"

The American left: Trump should have banned travel much sooner" !

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