Trump's Comic Book


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Can we still generate 'thrill-themed' geo-political and civics storytelling (indicative of modern films such as Clear and Present Danger and The Jackal) under this new Kingpin-focused Trump Administration?

I'm starting to think of Trump as Kingpin, so will there be 'Trump-era censorship' jokes?


Seann was an ex-IRA man who became a wandering 'vigilante' who would wear a ski-mask (and suit) and carry a leather attache and steal bicycles every Halloween. Seann became known as 'The Bicycle Thief,' and he was threatening the social dominion of the crime syndicate The False Englishmen (led by Damien William). Damien believed The Bicycle Thief was causing a commotion and suggesting to people that 'petty pedestrian crime' can be as 'stylish' as organized crime, and he considered the possibility that the vigilante could subvert the underworld! The Bicycle Thief (Seann) came up with a devious plan to challenge Damien's False Englishmen. Seann was a big fan of the revolutionism-writer Frantz Fanon (an analyst of Algeria).

The Bicycle Thief was going to leave flashlights at every scene of a stolen bicycle on the following Halloween Eve in London. He would then an anonymous note to the London Times: "Perhaps the Bicycle Thief was on vacation while goons of the False Englishmen were busy stealing bikes to frame the eccentric self-proclaimed 'vigilante,' but who would miss the influence of a claustrophobia-calculating crime tyrant when they could be entertained by a masked-man with a somewhat giddy message about transcending meaningless theft!" Readers understood that the Bicycle Thief must be a prophet of anti-consumerism society evaluation.

Damien wanted to know, "If the Bicycle Thief is such a 'poetic messenger' about the blind obsession with 'possessions' even in the criminal underworld, then why are pedestrians curious about the model names and appearances of the symbolic bikes he steals every Halloween?" Damien realized that The Bicycle Thief (Seann) was using mob psychology to take advantage of a new age general morality-related 'social malaise' regarding consumerism-related uniformed criminality (e.g., Enron, Napster, etc.). How would Damien stop the almost-psychic Bicycle Thief? The crimelord decided to make an immigration-profit pact with Tijuana, Mexico (to extend the reach of his traffic-based prestige and gain the attention of the continental lucrativity-minded Trump Administration).


The Wretched of the Earth

Geez, the guy hasn't been in office a freaking month. Take a deep breath and give the guy at least six months.

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