Trump's Deal with Mueller

Trump told Mueller: you know I didn't collude with Russia, you've been investigating this crap for years now. Wrap it the fuck up, and put a bow on it, or I'll turn Mad Dog Sessions loose on Comey, Clapper, Rice, Hillary, Barack until there's no one left in Democrat Leadership.

Retard, Mueller and Comey are Republicans.

You are out to lunch.

Retard, Trump has a deal with Mueller. That's the only thing that's kept Comey out of Gitmo

Frank (and I know this maybe a bit late to be explained to someone who is already adult aged) but just because you can imagine something does not mean that is the reality.

You are describing a FANTASY in your head.

"How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?" -- Sherlock Holmes

LOL- and to support your fantasy claims- you quote a fictional character?

Right, a fictional character written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

I'm not getting your point
They are both regressive liberals, I don't care what party they are.

lol based on WHAT? Your prefered fantasy?
Based on their actions. Just like based on your stupid remarks here, you are the same thing. A no good regressive America hating liberal.

WHICH ACTIONS??? Actions you simply don't like, or actions indicative of bias?

Comey-the-boy-scout's actions have been to play hardball with Lynch and to torpedo Clinton's presidential run 7 days before election. How the hell is that in line with whatever-the-fuck-it-is-you-are-accusing-him-of?
All his actions prove he's a liberal pos. Now you run along and play with your denial.

I gave you one major action taken by lifelong Republican named Comey to hit Clinton at a critical point of campaign.

Your response? NOTHING.
He's a liberal scum bag. Always has been and always will be. Now go away troll.
lol based on WHAT? Your prefered fantasy?
Based on their actions. Just like based on your stupid remarks here, you are the same thing. A no good regressive America hating liberal.

WHICH ACTIONS??? Actions you simply don't like, or actions indicative of bias?

Comey-the-boy-scout's actions have been to play hardball with Lynch and to torpedo Clinton's presidential run 7 days before election. How the hell is that in line with whatever-the-fuck-it-is-you-are-accusing-him-of?
All his actions prove he's a liberal pos. Now you run along and play with your denial.

I gave you one major action taken by lifelong Republican named Comey to hit Clinton at a critical point of campaign.

Your response? NOTHING.
He's a liberal scum bag. Always has been and always will be. Now go away troll.

Your response is still NOTHING.
Ok that's what I thought.

You can't actually show any evidence of self identified Republicans that would go out of their way to protect Clinton.

I believe Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller are Republicans, but also professionals doing their damn job.

I'm a Democrat you know. Democrats are against free speech, I hate that. They are against gun rights, I oppose Democrats on that too. They are for illegal immigration, it's awful.

That's the nature of Moonglow's answer to the question why he's a Republican.

You'd believe that, that I'm a Democrat. Sssurrrreeeee you would there, Skipper ...

I don't believe you are a Democrat because you just said you aren't. DUH?

I am a Democrat. I voted for them in the last election

:rolleyes: you are an idiot Republican

Swosh, another one goes over your head.

But Moonglow is an idiot Democrat.

One of his reasons for voting Republican was that he opposes the wall ...

You admitted to being a Republican and that you should not be trusted when you say you are a then tried to say you are a Democrat.

Come on Kaz, you are going to tell me that IS NOT idiotic?

Moonglow says he is a Republican and voted for Trump last election. I take him at his word just like I take you at your word.
Trump told Mueller: you know I didn't collude with Russia, you've been investigating this crap for years now. Wrap it the fuck up, and put a bow on it, or I'll turn Mad Dog Sessions loose on Comey, Clapper, Rice, Hillary, Barack until there's no one left in Democrat Leadership.
Bob Mueller doesn’t take orders from Trump. Mueller does what he wants to do and the thin skinned whiny little bitch can’t handle it.
Fat boi also can’t handle that Mueller has more integrity in his pinky finger than trump does in his fat bloated body.
Trump told Mueller: you know I didn't collude with Russia, you've been investigating this crap for years now. Wrap it the fuck up, and put a bow on it, or I'll turn Mad Dog Sessions loose on Comey, Clapper, Rice, Hillary, Barack until there's no one left in Democrat Leadership.
Bob Mueller doesn’t take orders from Trump. Mueller does what he wants to do and the thin skinned whiny little bitch can’t handle it.
Fat boi also can’t handle that Mueller has more integrity in his pinky finger than trump does in his fat bloated body.

Since the FISA warrant is a total Fugazy, Trump has Mueller eating out of his fucking hand. Mueller will give Trump EVERYTHING he wants because he does not want to have Mad Dog Sessions gnawing on his shins
Trump told Mueller: you know I didn't collude with Russia, you've been investigating this crap for years now. Wrap it the fuck up, and put a bow on it, or I'll turn Mad Dog Sessions loose on Comey, Clapper, Rice, Hillary, Barack until there's no one left in Democrat Leadership.

Retard, Mueller and Comey are Republicans.

You are out to lunch.
They are both regressive liberals, I don't care what party they are.

lol based on WHAT? Your prefered fantasy?
Based on their actions. Just like based on your stupid remarks here, you are the same thing. A no good regressive America hating liberal.

WHICH ACTIONS??? Actions you simply don't like, or actions indicative of bias?

Comey-the-boy-scout's actions have been to play hardball with Lynch and to torpedo Clinton's presidential run 7 days before election. How the hell is that in line with whatever-the-fuck-it-is-you-are-accusing-him-of?
it walks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it floats like a's a duck.
I'm a Democrat you know. Democrats are against free speech, I hate that. They are against gun rights, I oppose Democrats on that too. They are for illegal immigration, it's awful.

That's the nature of Moonglow's answer to the question why he's a Republican.

You'd believe that, that I'm a Democrat. Sssurrrreeeee you would there, Skipper ...

I don't believe you are a Democrat because you just said you aren't. DUH?

I am a Democrat. I voted for them in the last election

:rolleyes: you are an idiot Republican

Swosh, another one goes over your head.

But Moonglow is an idiot Democrat.

One of his reasons for voting Republican was that he opposes the wall ...

You admitted to being a Republican and that you should not be trusted when you say you are a then tried to say you are a Democrat.

Come on Kaz, you are going to tell me that IS NOT idiotic?

Moonglow says he is a Republican and voted for Trump last election. I take him at his word just like I take you at your word.

I said I'm a Democrat to yank your chain that Moonglow claims he is a Republican even though every explanation he gives why is that he hates Republicans and yet you say he is because he self identifies as a Republican.

I've never claimed I'm a Republican because I'm not and you've read plenty of my posts to know that and see me arguing with Republicans on the board all the time. Democrats are simpletons who aren't smart enough to subdivide non leftists into different groups, so we have to all be Republicans or you can't use your talking points and you have nothing left to argue because you can't think of anything on your own
I don't believe you are a Democrat because you just said you aren't. DUH?

I am a Democrat. I voted for them in the last election

:rolleyes: you are an idiot Republican

Swosh, another one goes over your head.

But Moonglow is an idiot Democrat.

One of his reasons for voting Republican was that he opposes the wall ...

You admitted to being a Republican and that you should not be trusted when you say you are a then tried to say you are a Democrat.

Come on Kaz, you are going to tell me that IS NOT idiotic?

Moonglow says he is a Republican and voted for Trump last election. I take him at his word just like I take you at your word.

I said I'm a Democrat to yank your chain that Moonglow claims he is a Republican even though every explanation he gives why is that he hates Republicans and yet you say he is because he self identifies as a Republican.

I've never claimed I'm a Republican because I'm not and you've read plenty of my posts to know that and see me arguing with Republicans on the board all the time. Democrats are simpletons who aren't smart enough to subdivide non leftists into different groups, so we have to all be Republicans or you can't use your talking points and you have nothing left to argue because you can't think of anything on your own

...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.
I am a Democrat. I voted for them in the last election

:rolleyes: you are an idiot Republican

Swosh, another one goes over your head.

But Moonglow is an idiot Democrat.

One of his reasons for voting Republican was that he opposes the wall ...

You admitted to being a Republican and that you should not be trusted when you say you are a then tried to say you are a Democrat.

Come on Kaz, you are going to tell me that IS NOT idiotic?

Moonglow says he is a Republican and voted for Trump last election. I take him at his word just like I take you at your word.

I said I'm a Democrat to yank your chain that Moonglow claims he is a Republican even though every explanation he gives why is that he hates Republicans and yet you say he is because he self identifies as a Republican.

I've never claimed I'm a Republican because I'm not and you've read plenty of my posts to know that and see me arguing with Republicans on the board all the time. Democrats are simpletons who aren't smart enough to subdivide non leftists into different groups, so we have to all be Republicans or you can't use your talking points and you have nothing left to argue because you can't think of anything on your own

...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.

Saying you don't get it is such an intellectual argument. Well done. :rolleyes:

Gotcha, so Moonglow is a Republican because he opposes the wall and is against Republican policies. That was his answer, and you believe him. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid, and you're stupid
:rolleyes: you are an idiot Republican

Swosh, another one goes over your head.

But Moonglow is an idiot Democrat.

One of his reasons for voting Republican was that he opposes the wall ...

You admitted to being a Republican and that you should not be trusted when you say you are a then tried to say you are a Democrat.

Come on Kaz, you are going to tell me that IS NOT idiotic?

Moonglow says he is a Republican and voted for Trump last election. I take him at his word just like I take you at your word.

I said I'm a Democrat to yank your chain that Moonglow claims he is a Republican even though every explanation he gives why is that he hates Republicans and yet you say he is because he self identifies as a Republican.

I've never claimed I'm a Republican because I'm not and you've read plenty of my posts to know that and see me arguing with Republicans on the board all the time. Democrats are simpletons who aren't smart enough to subdivide non leftists into different groups, so we have to all be Republicans or you can't use your talking points and you have nothing left to argue because you can't think of anything on your own

...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.

Saying you don't get it is such an intellectual argument. Well done. :rolleyes:

Gotcha, so Moonglow is a Republican because he opposes the wall and is against Republican policies. That was his answer, and you believe him. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid, and you're stupid
Don't forget perpetual liars.
Trump told Mueller: you know I didn't collude with Russia, you've been investigating this crap for years now. Wrap it the fuck up, and put a bow on it, or I'll turn Mad Dog Sessions loose on Comey, Clapper, Rice, Hillary, Barack until there's no one left in Democrat Leadership.

Retard, Mueller and Comey are Republicans.

You are out to lunch.
In name only, there is a lot of that going around.
:rolleyes: you are an idiot Republican

Swosh, another one goes over your head.

But Moonglow is an idiot Democrat.

One of his reasons for voting Republican was that he opposes the wall ...

You admitted to being a Republican and that you should not be trusted when you say you are a then tried to say you are a Democrat.

Come on Kaz, you are going to tell me that IS NOT idiotic?

Moonglow says he is a Republican and voted for Trump last election. I take him at his word just like I take you at your word.

I said I'm a Democrat to yank your chain that Moonglow claims he is a Republican even though every explanation he gives why is that he hates Republicans and yet you say he is because he self identifies as a Republican.

I've never claimed I'm a Republican because I'm not and you've read plenty of my posts to know that and see me arguing with Republicans on the board all the time. Democrats are simpletons who aren't smart enough to subdivide non leftists into different groups, so we have to all be Republicans or you can't use your talking points and you have nothing left to argue because you can't think of anything on your own

...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.

Saying you don't get it is such an intellectual argument. Well done. :rolleyes:

Gotcha, so Moonglow is a Republican because he opposes the wall and is against Republican policies. That was his answer, and you believe him. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid, and you're stupid

Is Joe Scarborough a Republican?
Swosh, another one goes over your head.

But Moonglow is an idiot Democrat.

One of his reasons for voting Republican was that he opposes the wall ...

You admitted to being a Republican and that you should not be trusted when you say you are a then tried to say you are a Democrat.

Come on Kaz, you are going to tell me that IS NOT idiotic?

Moonglow says he is a Republican and voted for Trump last election. I take him at his word just like I take you at your word.

I said I'm a Democrat to yank your chain that Moonglow claims he is a Republican even though every explanation he gives why is that he hates Republicans and yet you say he is because he self identifies as a Republican.

I've never claimed I'm a Republican because I'm not and you've read plenty of my posts to know that and see me arguing with Republicans on the board all the time. Democrats are simpletons who aren't smart enough to subdivide non leftists into different groups, so we have to all be Republicans or you can't use your talking points and you have nothing left to argue because you can't think of anything on your own

...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.

Saying you don't get it is such an intellectual argument. Well done. :rolleyes:

Gotcha, so Moonglow is a Republican because he opposes the wall and is against Republican policies. That was his answer, and you believe him. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid, and you're stupid

Is Joe Scarborough a Republican?

In what possible way does my post say that? He was exactly like Moonglow before he finally admitted what he was and left the party. That supports my argument, not yours
You admitted to being a Republican and that you should not be trusted when you say you are a then tried to say you are a Democrat.

Come on Kaz, you are going to tell me that IS NOT idiotic?

Moonglow says he is a Republican and voted for Trump last election. I take him at his word just like I take you at your word.

I said I'm a Democrat to yank your chain that Moonglow claims he is a Republican even though every explanation he gives why is that he hates Republicans and yet you say he is because he self identifies as a Republican.

I've never claimed I'm a Republican because I'm not and you've read plenty of my posts to know that and see me arguing with Republicans on the board all the time. Democrats are simpletons who aren't smart enough to subdivide non leftists into different groups, so we have to all be Republicans or you can't use your talking points and you have nothing left to argue because you can't think of anything on your own

...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.

Saying you don't get it is such an intellectual argument. Well done. :rolleyes:

Gotcha, so Moonglow is a Republican because he opposes the wall and is against Republican policies. That was his answer, and you believe him. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid, and you're stupid

Is Joe Scarborough a Republican?

In what possible way does my post say that? He was exactly like Moonglow before he finally admitted what he was and left the party. That supports my argument, not yours

Yes, Scarborough left the party just recently, but does that mean he is working to "save Democrat leadership"???

Point you are not getting is that just because Republicans make them want to puke doesn't mean they give a shit if Democrats are legitimately prosecuted.

Mueller and Comey don't give a shit about Clinton or Obama or Rice, they have no personal or ideological investment in them. Proposing that Trump can trade off "going after them" for something is fantastical lunacy.
I said I'm a Democrat to yank your chain that Moonglow claims he is a Republican even though every explanation he gives why is that he hates Republicans and yet you say he is because he self identifies as a Republican.

I've never claimed I'm a Republican because I'm not and you've read plenty of my posts to know that and see me arguing with Republicans on the board all the time. Democrats are simpletons who aren't smart enough to subdivide non leftists into different groups, so we have to all be Republicans or you can't use your talking points and you have nothing left to argue because you can't think of anything on your own

...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.

Saying you don't get it is such an intellectual argument. Well done. :rolleyes:

Gotcha, so Moonglow is a Republican because he opposes the wall and is against Republican policies. That was his answer, and you believe him. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid, and you're stupid

Is Joe Scarborough a Republican?

In what possible way does my post say that? He was exactly like Moonglow before he finally admitted what he was and left the party. That supports my argument, not yours

Yes, Scarborough left the party just recently, but does that mean he is working to "save Democrat leadership"???

Point you are not getting is that just because Republicans make them want to puke doesn't mean they give a shit if Democrats are legitimately prosecuted.

Mueller and Comey don't give a shit about Clinton or Obama or Rice, they have no personal or ideological investment in them. Proposing that Trump can trade off "going after them" for something is fantastical lunacy.

You completely lost me at whatever point you think you're making to anything I ever said
I said I'm a Democrat to yank your chain that Moonglow claims he is a Republican even though every explanation he gives why is that he hates Republicans and yet you say he is because he self identifies as a Republican.

I've never claimed I'm a Republican because I'm not and you've read plenty of my posts to know that and see me arguing with Republicans on the board all the time. Democrats are simpletons who aren't smart enough to subdivide non leftists into different groups, so we have to all be Republicans or you can't use your talking points and you have nothing left to argue because you can't think of anything on your own

...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.

Saying you don't get it is such an intellectual argument. Well done. :rolleyes:

Gotcha, so Moonglow is a Republican because he opposes the wall and is against Republican policies. That was his answer, and you believe him. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid, and you're stupid

Is Joe Scarborough a Republican?

In what possible way does my post say that? He was exactly like Moonglow before he finally admitted what he was and left the party. That supports my argument, not yours

Yes, Scarborough left the party just recently, but does that mean he is working to "save Democrat leadership"???

Point you are not getting is that just because Republicans make them want to puke doesn't mean they give a shit if Democrats are legitimately prosecuted.

Mueller and Comey don't give a shit about Clinton or Obama or Rice, they have no personal or ideological investment in them. Proposing that Trump can trade off "going after them" for something is fantastical lunacy.
except that they did illegal things. hmmmmmmmm
...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.

Saying you don't get it is such an intellectual argument. Well done. :rolleyes:

Gotcha, so Moonglow is a Republican because he opposes the wall and is against Republican policies. That was his answer, and you believe him. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid, and you're stupid

Is Joe Scarborough a Republican?

In what possible way does my post say that? He was exactly like Moonglow before he finally admitted what he was and left the party. That supports my argument, not yours

Yes, Scarborough left the party just recently, but does that mean he is working to "save Democrat leadership"???

Point you are not getting is that just because Republicans make them want to puke doesn't mean they give a shit if Democrats are legitimately prosecuted.

Mueller and Comey don't give a shit about Clinton or Obama or Rice, they have no personal or ideological investment in them. Proposing that Trump can trade off "going after them" for something is fantastical lunacy.
except that they did illegal things. hmmmmmmmm

tutu doesn't care about party, he just wants to get to the truth. That's why he's a big backer of a second special counsel to investigate the investigators. Right tutu?
...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.

Saying you don't get it is such an intellectual argument. Well done. :rolleyes:

Gotcha, so Moonglow is a Republican because he opposes the wall and is against Republican policies. That was his answer, and you believe him. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid, and you're stupid

Is Joe Scarborough a Republican?

In what possible way does my post say that? He was exactly like Moonglow before he finally admitted what he was and left the party. That supports my argument, not yours

Yes, Scarborough left the party just recently, but does that mean he is working to "save Democrat leadership"???

Point you are not getting is that just because Republicans make them want to puke doesn't mean they give a shit if Democrats are legitimately prosecuted.

Mueller and Comey don't give a shit about Clinton or Obama or Rice, they have no personal or ideological investment in them. Proposing that Trump can trade off "going after them" for something is fantastical lunacy.

You completely lost me at whatever point you think you're making to anything I ever said

Read the OP again and what he is talking about.
Swosh, another one goes over your head.

But Moonglow is an idiot Democrat.

One of his reasons for voting Republican was that he opposes the wall ...

You admitted to being a Republican and that you should not be trusted when you say you are a then tried to say you are a Democrat.

Come on Kaz, you are going to tell me that IS NOT idiotic?

Moonglow says he is a Republican and voted for Trump last election. I take him at his word just like I take you at your word.

I said I'm a Democrat to yank your chain that Moonglow claims he is a Republican even though every explanation he gives why is that he hates Republicans and yet you say he is because he self identifies as a Republican.

I've never claimed I'm a Republican because I'm not and you've read plenty of my posts to know that and see me arguing with Republicans on the board all the time. Democrats are simpletons who aren't smart enough to subdivide non leftists into different groups, so we have to all be Republicans or you can't use your talking points and you have nothing left to argue because you can't think of anything on your own

...yes silly, I know why you did it, but it was a bad argument.

Take Joe Scarborough for example - spends his days bashing Trump and Republicans on MSNBC - does that mean he is a Clinton lackey? Of course not.

There are many such orphaned Republicans nowadays who could NEVER get with the rest of right that jumped all in on Trump's clown cart.

Saying you don't get it is such an intellectual argument. Well done. :rolleyes:

Gotcha, so Moonglow is a Republican because he opposes the wall and is against Republican policies. That was his answer, and you believe him. You can fix ignorant, but you can't fix stupid, and you're stupid

Is Joe Scarborough a Republican?

As much as JakeStarkey

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