Trumps decision to have Independence Day celebration (I hope he refers to it with that name also) at Mount Rushmore...calculating

No masks required, social distancing will not be tolerated.

Do I detect a note of envy as the left has nothing to celebrate other than their rapidly approaching demise?
...Do I detect a note of envy as the left has nothing to celebrate other than their rapidly approaching demise?
Ahhhhh, yes... the delusional Arrogance of the Incumbent... gotta love it... you go right on thinking that way... please... :cool:
Rest assured I will. Right on through the election in November. What are your plans for election morning, more bawling and screaming at the sky?
Trump is scamming taxpayers to pay for a campaign rally.
Another paranoid lib that thinks everyplace Trump goes is another campaign rally. Trump is definitely living rent free in your head
Well, he's not going there to light the fireworks himself; he's not going to check tickets at the gate. He's going so he can give a speech to upwards of 45,000 people allowed in with the allocated passes (6 people per vehicle are allowed with every pass). There are going to be politicians giving speeches, including Trump. It may be that some people will arrive at 9 p.m. just for the fireworks--I know I would. We'll see what kind of turnout the pols have for their speeches.
...Rest assured I will. Right on through the election in November...

...What are your plans for election morning, more bawling and screaming at the sky?
The morning of November 4th?

Cheering over your Orange Demigod's demise, laughing at you-and-yours, then anticipating the inauguration of Sleepy Old Uncle Joe. ;)

Uncle Joe isn't anybody's ideal candidate, and he'll be a one-term Placeholder President, but, hell, a fence-post would be better than reelecting your boy.

And that's a shame... we deserve better... but your boy is so dangerous the The People and the Republic and its Constitution that Uncle Joe will take the prize.

Personally, I'm all for harsh treatment for Illegals and tight border controls, breaking our dependency upon China, revitalizing the military, etc...

It's just that an amoral, arrogant, ignorant, lying, unstable, incompetent, inarticulate a$$ like we have now, is too high a price, to get what I want.
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Trump's rally will be another howl straight from the white nationalist gut. Trump is hoping for a "whiteout" on voting day, not a wipeout!
People are gonna just Die for it!

A speech like you've NEVER heard before.
It'll be fabulous. It'll be Hyuge!
They'll be more people there than EVER before!

...South Dakota's problem 1500 miles away.
Yep... until one of the infected attendees flies or drives to your neck-of-the-woods, and plays Typhoid Mary nearby where YOU live...
The rioters...they were immune!

Yep, and not a peep from the libs or the media when they were raping, killing, destroying property, pillaging............all while packed on top of each other like sardines. No thanks, I'll do whatever I want.

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