Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

Hey dummy, it's illegal to work in the US if you're a non-citizen and don't have a work permit. Also just because something hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done.

I've never had a work permit in my life. I guess that, according to your misinformation, I have been in violation of the law for 50 years. Of course, nobody has ever asked me if I am a citizen or not, so i guess that those who hired are are also in violation.


Of course you're a non-citizen, right?

Take me to court and find out. Trump says that he can do that at no cost to you.

No need, unless you lied about being an axillary sheriff.

As a matter of fact, I serve with a Latino in the Auxiliary. Also, two of our deputies are Latinos. None of them are at risk, because if Trump's gestapo rounds them up, they can prove citizenship. So can about 300,000 Latinos down here. The rest can, too. All they have to do is;
1. Go to a Tucson graveyard.
2. Find a grave with a latino name, born about the same year they were born
3. Go to the dept. of Vital Statistics, and tell them that he is that person, and purchase a replacement for his "lost" birth certificate
4. Go the the SS office and request a duplicate of that person's "lost" ss card
5. go to the DMV and take the test, showing his documents, and get a driver's license
6. Presto! He are a citizen!

Then, when Trump comes knocking on the door, this person can open it, and tell him:
"Work permit? Work permit? I don't need no stinkin' work permit!"

So, how many billions of dollars did Trump just throw into the waste basket?

So now you're defending felons, good job law guy. LMFAO
I've never had a work permit in my life. I guess that, according to your misinformation, I have been in violation of the law for 50 years. Of course, nobody has ever asked me if I am a citizen or not, so i guess that those who hired are are also in violation.


Of course you're a non-citizen, right?

Take me to court and find out. Trump says that he can do that at no cost to you.

No need, unless you lied about being an axillary sheriff.

As a matter of fact, I serve with a Latino in the Auxiliary. Also, two of our deputies are Latinos. None of them are at risk, because if Trump's gestapo rounds them up, they can prove citizenship. So can about 300,000 Latinos down here. The rest can, too. All they have to do is;
1. Go to a Tucson graveyard.
2. Find a grave with a latino name, born about the same year they were born
3. Go to the dept. of Vital Statistics, and tell them that he is that person, and purchase a replacement for his "lost" birth certificate
4. Go the the SS office and request a duplicate of that person's "lost" ss card
5. go to the DMV and take the test, showing his documents, and get a driver's license
6. Presto! He are a citizen!

Then, when Trump comes knocking on the door, this person can open it, and tell him:
"Work permit? Work permit? I don't need no stinkin' work permit!"

So, how many billions of dollars did Trump just throw into the waste basket?

So now you're defending felons, good job law guy. LMFAO

Nope. only defending my wallet against RW nuts. This identity scam, BTW, has been done for least ever since WW2.
I've never had a work permit in my life. I guess that, according to your misinformation, I have been in violation of the law for 50 years. Of course, nobody has ever asked me if I am a citizen or not, so i guess that those who hired are are also in violation.


Of course you're a non-citizen, right?

Take me to court and find out. Trump says that he can do that at no cost to you.

No need, unless you lied about being an axillary sheriff.

As a matter of fact, I serve with a Latino in the Auxiliary. Also, two of our deputies are Latinos. None of them are at risk, because if Trump's gestapo rounds them up, they can prove citizenship. So can about 300,000 Latinos down here. The rest can, too. All they have to do is;
1. Go to a Tucson graveyard.
2. Find a grave with a latino name, born about the same year they were born
3. Go to the dept. of Vital Statistics, and tell them that he is that person, and purchase a replacement for his "lost" birth certificate
4. Go the the SS office and request a duplicate of that person's "lost" ss card
5. go to the DMV and take the test, showing his documents, and get a driver's license
6. Presto! He are a citizen!

Then, when Trump comes knocking on the door, this person can open it, and tell him:
"Work permit? Work permit? I don't need no stinkin' work permit!"

So, how many billions of dollars did Trump just throw into the waste basket?

So now you're defending felons, good job law guy. LMFAO
capitalism is Only useless to the right.
Of course you're a non-citizen, right?

Take me to court and find out. Trump says that he can do that at no cost to you.

No need, unless you lied about being an axillary sheriff.

As a matter of fact, I serve with a Latino in the Auxiliary. Also, two of our deputies are Latinos. None of them are at risk, because if Trump's gestapo rounds them up, they can prove citizenship. So can about 300,000 Latinos down here. The rest can, too. All they have to do is;
1. Go to a Tucson graveyard.
2. Find a grave with a latino name, born about the same year they were born
3. Go to the dept. of Vital Statistics, and tell them that he is that person, and purchase a replacement for his "lost" birth certificate
4. Go the the SS office and request a duplicate of that person's "lost" ss card
5. go to the DMV and take the test, showing his documents, and get a driver's license
6. Presto! He are a citizen!

Then, when Trump comes knocking on the door, this person can open it, and tell him:
"Work permit? Work permit? I don't need no stinkin' work permit!"

So, how many billions of dollars did Trump just throw into the waste basket?

So now you're defending felons, good job law guy. LMFAO
capitalism is Only useless to the right.

What the fuck does that have to do with the subject at hand? Your ESL is failing you dumb fuck.
How does "the Donald" plan on finding 11 million illegals in this country? Does he plan on doing a search on every house in this nation--looking in every nook and crack? I think that illegal searches in this country are still illegal--LOL Look Donald Trump is a nutcase--and he has thrilled all the other nut-cases with his non-sense.

The ONLY thing Donald Trump has done is to chase millions of legal voting hispanic citizens into Hillary Clinton's column--and that was designed by Bill Clinton & Donald Trump. It's the Clinton/Trump strategy. One that discussed by telephone (Bill Clinton & Donald Trump) just prior to Trump announcing his candidacy. The Trumps & Clinton's have been good friends for decades--even their daughters are best friends.
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton -

Donald Trump has absolutely no intentions of becoming President, he's just here to insure that Hillary makes it into the oval office--DA DUH!

Donald Trump is Bill Clinton's Trojan Horse

The only way hillary clinton gets to the oval office is with a parole officer.
Take me to court and find out. Trump says that he can do that at no cost to you.

No need, unless you lied about being an axillary sheriff.

As a matter of fact, I serve with a Latino in the Auxiliary. Also, two of our deputies are Latinos. None of them are at risk, because if Trump's gestapo rounds them up, they can prove citizenship. So can about 300,000 Latinos down here. The rest can, too. All they have to do is;
1. Go to a Tucson graveyard.
2. Find a grave with a latino name, born about the same year they were born
3. Go to the dept. of Vital Statistics, and tell them that he is that person, and purchase a replacement for his "lost" birth certificate
4. Go the the SS office and request a duplicate of that person's "lost" ss card
5. go to the DMV and take the test, showing his documents, and get a driver's license
6. Presto! He are a citizen!

Then, when Trump comes knocking on the door, this person can open it, and tell him:
"Work permit? Work permit? I don't need no stinkin' work permit!"

So, how many billions of dollars did Trump just throw into the waste basket?

So now you're defending felons, good job law guy. LMFAO
capitalism is Only useless to the right.

What the fuck does that have to do with the subject at hand? Your ESL is failing you dumb fuck.
it merely requires a clue and a Cause; did you lose yours? :p
Take me to court and find out. Trump says that he can do that at no cost to you.

No need, unless you lied about being an axillary sheriff.

As a matter of fact, I serve with a Latino in the Auxiliary. Also, two of our deputies are Latinos. None of them are at risk, because if Trump's gestapo rounds them up, they can prove citizenship. So can about 300,000 Latinos down here. The rest can, too. All they have to do is;
1. Go to a Tucson graveyard.
2. Find a grave with a latino name, born about the same year they were born
3. Go to the dept. of Vital Statistics, and tell them that he is that person, and purchase a replacement for his "lost" birth certificate
4. Go the the SS office and request a duplicate of that person's "lost" ss card
5. go to the DMV and take the test, showing his documents, and get a driver's license
6. Presto! He are a citizen!

Then, when Trump comes knocking on the door, this person can open it, and tell him:
"Work permit? Work permit? I don't need no stinkin' work permit!"

So, how many billions of dollars did Trump just throw into the waste basket?

So now you're defending felons, good job law guy. LMFAO
capitalism is Only useless to the right.

What the fuck does that have to do with the subject at hand? Your ESL is failing you dumb fuck.
I told y'all a year ago that she wouldn't be the nominee. Time will tell if I'm right. I believe that she's even too crooked for Democrats.
Bripat From your post #1012.
Thousands of illegals deported each year is correct. However most or all are illegals caught crossing the borders. We are talking 11 millions or more that you are trying to eliminate.
All kids born in this country are US citizens. Maybe you are not aware that all kids born in this country are us citizens.

Sorry, but plenty of legal scholars disagree, and the Senator who wrote the 14th Amendment disagrees.
You can fuck the senators if you want but that is the law of the land. Either you like it or not. If the senators that wrote this law didn't agree so why in the world they made that law to begin with.

Have you considered at all the historical time period to which it was written? The 14 amendment was written with the intent to end slavery, and those slave owners who took on slave mistresses. Unfortunately, this is what haopene when you take the historical account out of the picture and mold amendments to whatever legislation certain political ideological extremists would prefer to see passed. Why exactly? To avoid the clear written Constitutional process of ratifying or establishing a new amendment that would put such legislative choices BACK in the hands of "we the people" to decide. You know, that little inconvenient process that includes ratification through 2/3 of the states? Do you recall that part of the ,Constitution?
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Well, that settles it, then. It is against the law to profile Latinos and pull them over and demand proof of citizenship, without probable cause that they committed a crime. If you don't believe me, ask Sheriff Joe. That being the case, Trump obviously has no plan on how to deport any of them that are not engaged in criminal activity.

If illegals are suspected to work at a specific sight or through an employer, government agents have every right under their authority of upholding "the law", to go in and investigate the same as officers that enforce our drug laws. We don't offer them asylum like sanctuary cities and give excuses to ignore the law

The open borders assholes think that's acting like the Gestapo.

Can you believe these morons? Perhaps we shouldn't arrest drug dealers and throw them in prison because that would separate them from their children!
No moron. Read your post if that will make any sense to you.
All I mean all when someone commit a felony will be arrested and put to jail. You are talking illegals that are drug dealers and killers.
We are talking about 40 millions of people that you are going eliminate.

They aren't going to be "eliminated." The are going to be sent back where they came from. You oppose that because it would "break up families." Well, putting muggers, armed robbers and drug dealers also breaks up families. IF that's your justification for letting illegals stay, then it's also an argument for not locking up felons of various types.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
If illegals are suspected to work at a specific sight or through an employer, government agents have every right under their authority of upholding "the law", to go in and investigate the same as officers that enforce our drug laws. We don't offer them asylum like sanctuary cities and give excuses to ignore the law

The open borders assholes think that's acting like the Gestapo.

Can you believe these morons? Perhaps we shouldn't arrest drug dealers and throw them in prison because that would separate them from their children!
No moron. Read your post if that will make any sense to you.
All I mean all when someone commit a felony will be arrested and put to jail. You are talking illegals that are drug dealers and killers.
We are talking about 40 millions of people that you are going eliminate.

They aren't going to be "eliminated." The are going to be sent back where they came from. You oppose that because it would "break up families." Well, putting muggers, armed robbers and drug dealers also breaks up families. IF that's your justification for letting illegals stay, then it's also an argument for not locking up felons of various types.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
Could we have that in English please?
The open borders assholes think that's acting like the Gestapo.

Can you believe these morons? Perhaps we shouldn't arrest drug dealers and throw them in prison because that would separate them from their children!
No moron. Read your post if that will make any sense to you.
All I mean all when someone commit a felony will be arrested and put to jail. You are talking illegals that are drug dealers and killers.
We are talking about 40 millions of people that you are going eliminate.

They aren't going to be "eliminated." The are going to be sent back where they came from. You oppose that because it would "break up families." Well, putting muggers, armed robbers and drug dealers also breaks up families. IF that's your justification for letting illegals stay, then it's also an argument for not locking up felons of various types.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
Could we have that in English please?
Sure; how about this propaganda and rhetoric for political purposes:

Is now the best time to "make fun of the Right" for Only knowing how to create "barriers to entry" or "emergency legislation/Regulation" regarding drug laws, instead of "unfettered" Capitalism.
If illegals are suspected to work at a specific sight or through an employer, government agents have every right under their authority of upholding "the law", to go in and investigate the same as officers that enforce our drug laws. We don't offer them asylum like sanctuary cities and give excuses to ignore the law

The open borders assholes think that's acting like the Gestapo.

Can you believe these morons? Perhaps we shouldn't arrest drug dealers and throw them in prison because that would separate them from their children!
No moron. Read your post if that will make any sense to you.
All I mean all when someone commit a felony will be arrested and put to jail. You are talking illegals that are drug dealers and killers.
We are talking about 40 millions of people that you are going eliminate.

They aren't going to be "eliminated." The are going to be sent back where they came from. You oppose that because it would "break up families." Well, putting muggers, armed robbers and drug dealers also breaks up families. IF that's your justification for letting illegals stay, then it's also an argument for not locking up felons of various types.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
You talk a lot but I will make it short for you. You can give me all the 14th crap you want. Brown babies born in this country are US citizens either you like it or not.
Any illegals committed heinous crime should be deported. Other than that illegals are here to stay.
The open borders assholes think that's acting like the Gestapo.

Can you believe these morons? Perhaps we shouldn't arrest drug dealers and throw them in prison because that would separate them from their children!
No moron. Read your post if that will make any sense to you.
All I mean all when someone commit a felony will be arrested and put to jail. You are talking illegals that are drug dealers and killers.
We are talking about 40 millions of people that you are going eliminate.

They aren't going to be "eliminated." The are going to be sent back where they came from. You oppose that because it would "break up families." Well, putting muggers, armed robbers and drug dealers also breaks up families. IF that's your justification for letting illegals stay, then it's also an argument for not locking up felons of various types.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
You talk a lot but I will make it short for you. You can give me all the 14th crap you want. Brown babies born in this country are US citizens either you like it or not.
Any illegals committed heinous crime should be deported. Other than that illegals are here to stay.

Some people are just not respectful of our laws and our Constitution, there's no denying that. Look at the immigrants who DO go through our system "legally", some even having to wait years in order to finally be called American citizens. Now we don't want to be bringing this up in the discussion at all, now do we? They endure putting themselves through all the processing government checks our system requires, works hard to learn our language, study our history, they don't expect to be just handed something for nothing but rather earn their way towards that hard working achievement of calling themselves a citizen of the United States. It was a considered a huge accomplishment that was held in high esteem and pride. so what do we tell these immigrants who have endured so much? How do we treat their efforts? We give a select group who break the law special exemption and treatment, we reward these people with amnesty, we cheapen these other hard working immigrants who spend years working towards the same goal.... all for a few loyal votes to help keep your party in office as repayment. Where is the respect for these other immigrants?
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The open borders assholes think that's acting like the Gestapo.

Can you believe these morons? Perhaps we shouldn't arrest drug dealers and throw them in prison because that would separate them from their children!
No moron. Read your post if that will make any sense to you.
All I mean all when someone commit a felony will be arrested and put to jail. You are talking illegals that are drug dealers and killers.
We are talking about 40 millions of people that you are going eliminate.

They aren't going to be "eliminated." The are going to be sent back where they came from. You oppose that because it would "break up families." Well, putting muggers, armed robbers and drug dealers also breaks up families. IF that's your justification for letting illegals stay, then it's also an argument for not locking up felons of various types.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
You talk a lot but I will make it short for you. You can give me all the 14th crap you want. Brown babies born in this country are US citizens either you like it or not.
Any illegals committed heinous crime should be deported. Other than that illegals are here to stay.

But you are incorrect because you're misinterpreting the 14th Amendment. There is no "birthright citizenship" in the Constitution... doesn't exist. You can keep misinterpreting the 14th and believe there is.. that seems to be the problem here. But you are wrong. Yes-- I realize that comes as a big blow to your overblown ego, but... you CAN be wrong. In this case, you are.

ONLY Congress has plenary power to determine who is a citizen. It is an enumerated power, one of only several delegated to the Congress by Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. If you don't like that, you can amend the Constitution. ..........Good Luck!
No moron. Read your post if that will make any sense to you.
All I mean all when someone commit a felony will be arrested and put to jail. You are talking illegals that are drug dealers and killers.
We are talking about 40 millions of people that you are going eliminate.

They aren't going to be "eliminated." The are going to be sent back where they came from. You oppose that because it would "break up families." Well, putting muggers, armed robbers and drug dealers also breaks up families. IF that's your justification for letting illegals stay, then it's also an argument for not locking up felons of various types.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
You talk a lot but I will make it short for you. You can give me all the 14th crap you want. Brown babies born in this country are US citizens either you like it or not.
Any illegals committed heinous crime should be deported. Other than that illegals are here to stay.

But you are incorrect because you're misinterpreting the 14th Amendment. There is no "birthright citizenship" in the Constitution... doesn't exist. You can keep misinterpreting the 14th and believe there is.. that seems to be the problem here. But you are wrong. Yes-- I realize that comes as a big blow to your overblown ego, but... you CAN be wrong. In this case, you are.

ONLY Congress has plenary power to determine who is a citizen. It is an enumerated power, one of only several delegated to the Congress by Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. If you don't like that, you can amend the Constitution. ..........Good Luck!
And again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Babies are born, and "subject to" here, nearly without exception. Congress didn't have to write it that way, but they did. Wong proves you Wrong...
They aren't going to be "eliminated." The are going to be sent back where they came from. You oppose that because it would "break up families." Well, putting muggers, armed robbers and drug dealers also breaks up families. IF that's your justification for letting illegals stay, then it's also an argument for not locking up felons of various types.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
You talk a lot but I will make it short for you. You can give me all the 14th crap you want. Brown babies born in this country are US citizens either you like it or not.
Any illegals committed heinous crime should be deported. Other than that illegals are here to stay.

But you are incorrect because you're misinterpreting the 14th Amendment. There is no "birthright citizenship" in the Constitution... doesn't exist. You can keep misinterpreting the 14th and believe there is.. that seems to be the problem here. But you are wrong. Yes-- I realize that comes as a big blow to your overblown ego, but... you CAN be wrong. In this case, you are.

ONLY Congress has plenary power to determine who is a citizen. It is an enumerated power, one of only several delegated to the Congress by Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. If you don't like that, you can amend the Constitution. ..........Good Luck!
And again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Babies are born, and "subject to" here, nearly without exception. Congress didn't have to write it that way, but they did. Wong proves you Wrong...

Yes, I think I have covered this at least a dozen times here in various threads. The part in red is not inconsequential. It's not there for decoration or to reaffirm we are talking about people IN the US. It means, not owing allegiance to any other... illegal aliens still owe allegiance to their home country because they have not fulfilled the obligations of naturalization for this country.

Wong reaffirms this principle. Wong was not a case about ILLEGAL aliens.
The open borders assholes think that's acting like the Gestapo.

Can you believe these morons? Perhaps we shouldn't arrest drug dealers and throw them in prison because that would separate them from their children!
No moron. Read your post if that will make any sense to you.
All I mean all when someone commit a felony will be arrested and put to jail. You are talking illegals that are drug dealers and killers.
We are talking about 40 millions of people that you are going eliminate.

They aren't going to be "eliminated." The are going to be sent back where they came from. You oppose that because it would "break up families." Well, putting muggers, armed robbers and drug dealers also breaks up families. IF that's your justification for letting illegals stay, then it's also an argument for not locking up felons of various types.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
You talk a lot but I will make it short for you. You can give me all the 14th crap you want. Brown babies born in this country are US citizens either you like it or not.

Another racist liberal.

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