Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

Why would it cost that? Everyone keeps throwing around these numbers, but never say where the numbers are derived from. Are these just rhetorical numbers that someone pulled off the top of their head in the Bush camp and everyone just parrots them or do they have substance. I have yet to hear anyone explain why it would cost what some are saying.
Just remember, as you listen to reports on Trump and his plans, the liberal and dishonest mainstream media wants a Bush candidacy because they know he'll lose. Any numbers or statistics they report will be exaggerations or outright lies. The establishment does NOT want someone like Trump as POTUS and they are making it obvious. When both the Democrats and the GOP unite to bash Trump because the people are supporting him that ought to be a hint he's onto something and so are we. If there's a valid reason Trump is so much worse than what we've had or what the others will bring, then let's see it. Just throwing around arbitrary numbers to scare people is, well, typical of the Left the rules both parties at the moment.

All I know is Trump will NOT be more of the same. Trump is listening to us and hopefully will listen to us if elected, unlike most of the people in DC.
Why would it cost that? Everyone keeps throwing around these numbers, but never say where the numbers are derived from. Are these just rhetorical numbers that someone pulled off the top of their head in the Bush camp and everyone just parrots them or do they have substance. I have yet to hear anyone explain why it would cost what some are saying.
The source of the numbers are well documented throughout this thread.
Why would it cost that? Everyone keeps throwing around these numbers, but never say where the numbers are derived from. Are these just rhetorical numbers that someone pulled off the top of their head in the Bush camp and everyone just parrots them or do they have substance. I have yet to hear anyone explain why it would cost what some are saying.
The source of the numbers are well documented throughout this thread.
Really? I have read this thread and find no such thing. Perhaps you can link to or quote the posts you're referring to? I'd love to see them.

Why would it cost that? Everyone keeps throwing around these numbers, but never say where the numbers are derived from. Are these just rhetorical numbers that someone pulled off the top of their head in the Bush camp and everyone just parrots them or do they have substance. I have yet to hear anyone explain why it would cost what some are saying.
The source of the numbers are well documented throughout this thread.
Really? I have read this thread and find no such thing. Perhaps you can link to or quote the posts you're referring to? I'd love to see them.


Nope. I have posted at least 3 times the exact source of the numbers, on this thread. If you are not inclined Google it, or to open my previous links, I see no future in any efforts to educate you, myself.
Why would it cost that? Everyone keeps throwing around these numbers, but never say where the numbers are derived from. Are these just rhetorical numbers that someone pulled off the top of their head in the Bush camp and everyone just parrots them or do they have substance. I have yet to hear anyone explain why it would cost what some are saying.
They took the total funding from ICE and divided by the number of deportations..................
The budget would be the same anyway for the numbers..........doesn't mean it actually costs what they they are trying to back up the POTUS'S POLICIES.........................
I am sure you would have plenty of people willing to volunteer their time toward the effort. The cost excuse is horse shit. So nice when did anyone in government care about the price tag of anything?
Why would it cost that? Everyone keeps throwing around these numbers, but never say where the numbers are derived from. Are these just rhetorical numbers that someone pulled off the top of their head in the Bush camp and everyone just parrots them or do they have substance. I have yet to hear anyone explain why it would cost what some are saying.
The source of the numbers are well documented throughout this thread.
Really? I have read this thread and find no such thing. Perhaps you can link to or quote the posts you're referring to? I'd love to see them.


Nope. I have posted at least 3 times the exact source of the numbers, on this thread. If you are not inclined Google it, or to open my previous links, I see no future in any efforts to educate you, myself.
Quote it then. I can't find it. If you're telling the truth, quote your post(s). It shouldn't be hard.
Why would it cost that? Everyone keeps throwing around these numbers, but never say where the numbers are derived from. Are these just rhetorical numbers that someone pulled off the top of their head in the Bush camp and everyone just parrots them or do they have substance. I have yet to hear anyone explain why it would cost what some are saying.
The source of the numbers are well documented throughout this thread.

There is nothing in this thread that is "well documented."
They aren't going to be "eliminated." The are going to be sent back where they came from. You oppose that because it would "break up families." Well, putting muggers, armed robbers and drug dealers also breaks up families. IF that's your justification for letting illegals stay, then it's also an argument for not locking up felons of various types.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
You talk a lot but I will make it short for you. You can give me all the 14th crap you want. Brown babies born in this country are US citizens either you like it or not.
Any illegals committed heinous crime should be deported. Other than that illegals are here to stay.

But you are incorrect because you're misinterpreting the 14th Amendment. There is no "birthright citizenship" in the Constitution... doesn't exist. You can keep misinterpreting the 14th and believe there is.. that seems to be the problem here. But you are wrong. Yes-- I realize that comes as a big blow to your overblown ego, but... you CAN be wrong. In this case, you are.

ONLY Congress has plenary power to determine who is a citizen. It is an enumerated power, one of only several delegated to the Congress by Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. If you don't like that, you can amend the Constitution. ..........Good Luck!
And again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Babies are born, and "subject to" here, nearly without exception. Congress didn't have to write it that way, but they did. Wong proves you Wrong...

At the time the 14th Amendment was created, The Civil War had just come to an end, defeating the Confederacy. Abraham Lincoln, who was acting President, had declared the slaves freed at the end of the war; however, there were still a lot of lingering questions regarding the former Confederates and the status of slaves in the country. To answer these questions, congress created the Reconstruction Amendments which included the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the constitution. The 13th Amendment was ratified in December of 1865 and officially put an end to slavery within the United States. This new law declared that slaves were no longer the property of the people, but it didn't answer questions about the new rights that they were now guaranteed. As a result, the members of Congress created the 14thAmendment to detail the rights of these newly-freed former slaves.

The majority of Southern states rejected this amendment, but it was still ratified because the necessary three-fourths of the states had agreed to pass it. In addition to offering equality for all people no matter what color of their skin, the 14th Amendment forbid any state to deny someone the right to receive a fair chance with issues of life, property and due process regardless of how they looked. The 14th Amendment was also created to give anyone under the jurisdiction of the law the right to equality. This became known as the Equal Protection Clause. The final amendment in the Reconstruction era was the creation of the 15th Amendment (ratified in 1870), which gave citizens the right to vote despite their race, prior servitude or color. These three amendments worked together to provide former slaves with equality and freedom thus changing the course of history forever.

Thus it's important to look at the period of history to fully understand the circumstances behind the reason as to WHY the amendment had to be established and created, and so keeping the interpretation of what's written in the Constitution "within it's proper context". It's not that hard when you begin to look at it correctly and understand the true intention of those who wrote it.
We need in a plan in Commerce well regulated that will earn the People $100-$200 billion dollars.

Ahh... that's so easy man... We just have the Federal Reserve print up $100-200 billion for every American! Simple! Problem solved, right??? :dunno:
Only to the allegedly capitalist right. The left still may believe in the laws of the demand and supply.
Guys, I would really love to debate you about self evident truths, because Trump supporters are kind of like the moles that pop up in a Wack-a-mole game, but I am really too busy watching the stock market. So, party on, with your circle yerk! In the meantime, make sure that you get on David Dukes tweet list!
HenryB 12134112
That $200 Billion sounds like a lot until you compare it to the Trillions that would be added to The Great Ohamasinkhole through doing nothing.

What Trillions on immigration would be added to what Obamasinkhole? Do you have some CBO or other credible source for your numbers.
You are far more stupid than I thought. Yes we are putting drug dealers, robbers or muggers to jail. And it breaks up families. But we are talking about families that didn't commit these kind of crime you specified. And we are not using that as justification either.
It is you who is using this kind justifications to prove your unrealistic opinion.
I know exactly what and how your are going to respond.... They come here illegally they are criminals.

I know this seems to be a difficult question for some to grasp, but I'll ask it anyways - Are immigrants being referred to as "illegal" for following Federal Immigration Laws? Let's use some on on sense here.

In reference to my previous post, I was stating that government immigration enforcement agencies carry the same authority as police officers and the DEA who are called to follow suspected leads in cracking down on drugs in this country. The excuse of separating people from their families is called "consequences" from one's OWN actions and decisions, and is irrelevant in a court of law. Whether they were caught from their choice to pursue a life of drugs, a teacher raping a student, a DUI that leads to an innocent death, or crossing the border illegally, it's still considered a CRIME under Federal Law. You can't weasel your way around it as if to try and "justify" that person's actions, the fact remains it's still a crime under the law.
You talk a lot but I will make it short for you. You can give me all the 14th crap you want. Brown babies born in this country are US citizens either you like it or not.
Any illegals committed heinous crime should be deported. Other than that illegals are here to stay.

But you are incorrect because you're misinterpreting the 14th Amendment. There is no "birthright citizenship" in the Constitution... doesn't exist. You can keep misinterpreting the 14th and believe there is.. that seems to be the problem here. But you are wrong. Yes-- I realize that comes as a big blow to your overblown ego, but... you CAN be wrong. In this case, you are.

ONLY Congress has plenary power to determine who is a citizen. It is an enumerated power, one of only several delegated to the Congress by Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. If you don't like that, you can amend the Constitution. ..........Good Luck!
And again:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

Babies are born, and "subject to" here, nearly without exception. Congress didn't have to write it that way, but they did. Wong proves you Wrong...

At the time the 14th Amendment was created, The Civil War had just come to an end, defeating the Confederacy. Abraham Lincoln, who was acting President, had declared the slaves freed at the end of the war; however, there were still a lot of lingering questions regarding the former Confederates and the status of slaves in the country. To answer these questions, congress created the Reconstruction Amendments which included the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the constitution. The 13th Amendment was ratified in December of 1865 and officially put an end to slavery within the United States. This new law declared that slaves were no longer the property of the people, but it didn't answer questions about the new rights that they were now guaranteed. As a result, the members of Congress created the 14thAmendment to detail the rights of these newly-freed former slaves.

The majority of Southern states rejected this amendment, but it was still ratified because the necessary three-fourths of the states had agreed to pass it. In addition to offering equality for all people no matter what color of their skin, the 14th Amendment forbid any state to deny someone the right to receive a fair chance with issues of life, property and due process regardless of how they looked. The 14th Amendment was also created to give anyone under the jurisdiction of the law the right to equality. This became known as the Equal Protection Clause. The final amendment in the Reconstruction era was the creation of the 15th Amendment (ratified in 1870), which gave citizens the right to vote despite their race, prior servitude or color. These three amendments worked together to provide former slaves with equality and freedom thus changing the course of history forever.

Thus it's important to look at the period of history to fully understand the circumstances behind the reason as to WHY the amendment had to be established and created, and so keeping the interpretation of what's written in the Constitution "within it's proper context". It's not that hard when you begin to look at it correctly and understand the true intention of those who wrote it.
Intention or not, I know what the Supreme Court has ruled...
I wonder how those who insist (despite many long years of practice and precedent) that children born here to illegal immigrants are not citizens would classify the grandchildren or great grandchildren of illegal immigrants if the line remained such by happenstance.
I wonder how those who insist (despite many long years of practice and precedent) that children born here to illegal immigrants are not citizens would classify the grandchildren or great grandchildren of illegal immigrants if the line remained such by happenstance.
They would be grandfathered in should the laws be effective date.....................
I wonder how those who insist (despite many long years of practice and precedent) that children born here to illegal immigrants are not citizens would classify the grandchildren or great grandchildren of illegal immigrants if the line remained such by happenstance.
They would be grandfathered in should the laws be effective date.....................

But after that, generation after generation born here would remain 'illegal'?

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