Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

I wonder how those who insist (despite many long years of practice and precedent) that children born here to illegal immigrants are not citizens would classify the grandchildren or great grandchildren of illegal immigrants if the line remained such by happenstance.
They would be grandfathered in should the laws be effective date.....................

But after that, generation after generation born here would remain 'illegal'?
Only if the parents are illegal.
I wonder how those who insist (despite many long years of practice and precedent) that children born here to illegal immigrants are not citizens would classify the grandchildren or great grandchildren of illegal immigrants if the line remained such by happenstance.
They would be grandfathered in should the laws be effective date.....................

But after that, generation after generation born here would remain 'illegal'?
Only if the parents are illegal.

Two sets of illegal immigrants have children in the US, those children spend all their lives exclusively in the US, meet, marry, and have children...those children too are illegal? And on and on? (an unlikely hypothetical, admittedly)
Why would it cost that? Everyone keeps throwing around these numbers, but never say where the numbers are derived from. Are these just rhetorical numbers that someone pulled off the top of their head in the Bush camp and everyone just parrots them or do they have substance. I have yet to hear anyone explain why it would cost what some are saying.
The source of the numbers are well documented throughout this thread.
Really? I have read this thread and find no such thing. Perhaps you can link to or quote the posts you're referring to? I'd love to see them.


Nope. I have posted at least 3 times the exact source of the numbers, on this thread. If you are not inclined Google it, or to open my previous links, I see no future in any efforts to educate you, myself.
You, sir, are a liar as evidenced by your failure to prove your statement. Instead you use the lame old ploy of feigning weariness in repeating yourself.

The fact is you are a bald-faced liar until you can quote one of the posts you claimed littered this place. Nice try, but you lose.
Guys, I would really love to debate you about self evident truths, because Trump supporters are kind of like the moles that pop up in a Wack-a-mole game, but I am really too busy watching the stock market. So, party on, with your circle yerk! In the meantime, make sure that you get on David Dukes tweet list!
You are just way too clever for us. Thank goodness you are sparing us. No one is a match for your imaginary facts.

Your debating skills are nonexistent and I have video of you to prove it. I would post it, but you would just say it wasn't you, so I am not going to. However, you can trust me, I really do have video of you.
I wonder how those who insist (despite many long years of practice and precedent) that children born here to illegal immigrants are not citizens would classify the grandchildren or great grandchildren of illegal immigrants if the line remained such by happenstance.
They would be grandfathered in should the laws be effective date.....................

But after that, generation after generation born here would remain 'illegal'?
Only if the parents are illegal.

Two sets of illegal immigrants have children in the US, those children spend all their lives exclusively in the US, meet, marry, and have children...those children too are illegal? And on and on? (an unlikely hypothetical, admittedly)
The illegal part.................again it's illegal.............and I understand that our country has neglected the law for quite some time...................but that needs to change..............and the only reason we are discussing the children is because they DO USE THEM AS ANCHORS already under the system. Other countries have seen this and said no more.........................and it can be done here...........

We can't allow the numbers to keep coming................and we need to clean up what we have allowed to happen here.
I wonder how those who insist (despite many long years of practice and precedent) that children born here to illegal immigrants are not citizens would classify the grandchildren or great grandchildren of illegal immigrants if the line remained such by happenstance.
They would be grandfathered in should the laws be effective date.....................

But after that, generation after generation born here would remain 'illegal'?
Only if the parents are illegal.

Two sets of illegal immigrants have children in the US, those children spend all their lives exclusively in the US, meet, marry, and have children...those children too are illegal? And on and on? (an unlikely hypothetical, admittedly)
The illegal part.................again it's illegal.............and I understand that our country has neglected the law for quite some time...................but that needs to change..............and the only reason we are discussing the children is because they DO USE THEM AS ANCHORS already under the system. Other countries have seen this and said no more.........................and it can be done here...........

We can't allow the numbers to keep coming................and we need to clean up what we have allowed to happen here.

All that doesn't answer my question though.
They would be grandfathered in should the laws be effective date.....................

But after that, generation after generation born here would remain 'illegal'?
Only if the parents are illegal.

Two sets of illegal immigrants have children in the US, those children spend all their lives exclusively in the US, meet, marry, and have children...those children too are illegal? And on and on? (an unlikely hypothetical, admittedly)
The illegal part.................again it's illegal.............and I understand that our country has neglected the law for quite some time...................but that needs to change..............and the only reason we are discussing the children is because they DO USE THEM AS ANCHORS already under the system. Other countries have seen this and said no more.........................and it can be done here...........

We can't allow the numbers to keep coming................and we need to clean up what we have allowed to happen here.

All that doesn't answer my question though.
No one is sure what to do with the ones already here and who have been here.......................Most are saying deal with them only after we secure the border.................implying citizenship only after the flood gates have been closed...................

Your point on endless illegal babies here...............exponential growth................... I have already stated that those before the effective date would have to be grandfathered in to the old system.

Want do you want done? Spell it out.
The 14th amendment is fine the way it is and has been understood/judged for ages. Control the border and it's not an issue.
The 14th amendment is fine the way it is and has been understood/judged for ages. Control the border and it's not an issue.
It would be less of an issue................time for the baby......get passport for vacation in the U.S.............arrive have baby.................instant U.S. citizen while on vacation..........................

So controlling the border alone doesn't fix it all............
The 14th amendment is fine the way it is and has been understood/judged for ages. Control the border and it's not an issue.
It would be less of an issue................time for the baby......get passport for vacation in the U.S.............arrive have baby.................instant U.S. citizen while on vacation..........................

So controlling the border alone doesn't fix it all............

You can't bring fruit into the country, must be irradiated inside and out, and 20 ounces of milk will bring a bazooka to your head but those eagle-eyes at TSA can't spot a pregnant woman?
The 14th amendment is fine the way it is and has been understood/judged for ages. Control the border and it's not an issue.
It would be less of an issue................time for the baby......get passport for vacation in the U.S.............arrive have baby.................instant U.S. citizen while on vacation..........................

So controlling the border alone doesn't fix it all............

You can't bring fruit into the country, must be irradiated inside and out, and 20 ounces of milk will bring a bazooka to your head but those eagle-eyes at TSA can't spot a pregnant woman?
I said.................passport.................vacation here.....................pop the baby out..........instant citizen.....................Via legal means to enter this country.
Big facepalm over at the RNC...

I thought the Neo-Cons were all about the small government?????? A 1600 mile WALL is small government?

These people have completely lost their little pea brains.
The 14th amendment is fine the way it is and has been understood/judged for ages. Control the border and it's not an issue.
It would be less of an issue................time for the baby......get passport for vacation in the U.S.............arrive have baby.................instant U.S. citizen while on vacation..........................

So controlling the border alone doesn't fix it all............

You can't bring fruit into the country, must be irradiated inside and out, and 20 ounces of milk will bring a bazooka to your head but those eagle-eyes at TSA can't spot a pregnant woman?
I said.................passport.................vacation here.....................pop the baby out..........instant citizen.....................Via legal means to enter this country.

And I said control the border. What are you not understanding?
The 14th amendment is fine the way it is and has been understood/judged for ages. Control the border and it's not an issue.
It would be less of an issue................time for the baby......get passport for vacation in the U.S.............arrive have baby.................instant U.S. citizen while on vacation..........................

So controlling the border alone doesn't fix it all............

You can't bring fruit into the country, must be irradiated inside and out, and 20 ounces of milk will bring a bazooka to your head but those eagle-eyes at TSA can't spot a pregnant woman?
I said.................passport.................vacation here.....................pop the baby out..........instant citizen.....................Via legal means to enter this country.

And I said control the border. What are you not understanding?
I understand controlling the border......................what you fail to grasp from my comments are legal ways to visit and use the anchor baby 14th to make the new born a citizen via other means.....................

Me and you still don't agree on the anchor baby situation.
Holy crap, you withhold tourist visas for anyone visibly pregnant. How hard is this to grasp?
I wonder how those who insist (despite many long years of practice and precedent) that children born here to illegal immigrants are not citizens would classify the grandchildren or great grandchildren of illegal immigrants if the line remained such by happenstance.
They would be grandfathered in should the laws be effective date.....................

But after that, generation after generation born here would remain 'illegal'?
Only if the parents are illegal.

Two sets of illegal immigrants have children in the US, those children spend all their lives exclusively in the US, meet, marry, and have children...those children too are illegal? And on and on? (an unlikely hypothetical, admittedly)

We'd make an exception in their case and grant them citizenship, as we would probably do in any other bizarre and extenuating example that can be dreamed up. Did that answer your question?

Why is it that every national survey shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans want the border secured, every politician running for office, D or R, says he/she wants us to secure the border, every liberal here will praise Obama for the job he's done the past 8 years securing the border.. BUT... when someone speaks seriously about a plan to really secure the border, it feels like we're trying to get the cat in the bathtub? Every nut and kook comes rolling out with this scenario and that scenario, demanding to know how it will be handled... Trump suggests building a wall and deporting illegals who commit crimes.... the next day, his plans are turned into: Trump wants to start kicking down doors and demanding to see papers!

It sounds to me like the 47%ers don't REALLY want the border secure. I'd like to know why we keep being lied to? Stop talking out of both sides of your mouth and explain why we're better off ignoring the problem and not securing the border? I mean, that IS the obvious position of the left, despite their repeated claims they want to secure the border. It's time to stop the charade. Stop running around LYING about your heartfelt desires to solve this problem, then demagoguing every effort to do so.
Holy crap, you withhold tourist visas for anyone visibly pregnant. How hard is this to grasp?

You DO understand about 40% of the illegal aliens in this country are those who've overstayed their visas, right?

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