Trumps deportation plan would cost $100-$200 BILLION

And on and on and on. We HAVE ICE LAWS...............The Oath of office of the President and the Executive Branch is to enforce these laws..................

Those who are here illegally, are violating our immigration laws PERIOD. The LEFTIST here can talk this shit in circles forever and it doesn't change this fact.

Our Gov't CAN DEPORT THEM, which DOESN'T MEAN A WITCH HUNT, because it is the LAW OF THIS COUNTRY.............again.............PERIOD.

It is costing us too much money, both Federally and with the States allowing millions into this country that are NOT PART OF THE LEGAL PATH to either work here or be a citizen.


...and yet, like Trump, you do not state how you can identify and deport an illegal alien without unlawful racial profiling.
They get caught coming across the border..............that isn't racial profiling...........
They get caught in a traffic stop...........they ran a red light............then checking their legal status if in doubt is within the law....
Put up e-verify...........and they aren't legal...........then they don't get hired.......................

I'm not saying this is the KGB shit.............your papers are.....................

The flood needs to end...........and the laws need to be enforced.

Oh, but Trump is going to round up 11 million aliens! So, how is he going to round up Jose, who has not violated any federal law since he crossed the border back in 1991?

Jose has violated a federal law every day he remained or two if he worked, next.
BTW, I live in AZ, which is about as red a state as there is in the USA. Last election, the Tea Party included a ballot initiative asking voters whether or not it should be unconstitutional under AZ law to spend AZ money to enforce federal laws. I have no idea whether it passed or not, but that pretty much sums up the RW position on spending state money to enforce federal laws.
They get caught coming across the border..............that isn't racial profiling...........
They get caught in a traffic stop...........they ran a red light............then checking their legal status if in doubt is within the law....
Put up e-verify...........and they aren't legal...........then they don't get hired.......................

I'm not saying this is the KGB shit.............your papers are.....................

The flood needs to end...........and the laws need to be enforced.

Oh, but Trump is going to round up 11 million aliens! So, how is he going to round up Jose, who has not violated any federal law since he crossed the border back in 1991?
Didn't say he would................I said some would get caught and deported.......................If we push the e-verify and punish business that hires illegals........their work will dry up...................

I've said that the border first like most and then decide the fate of the 11 million plus illegals already here.................He's not gonna go house to house asking for their freaking papers.................which is what you are implying........

Bottom line...............THEY ARE HERE ILLEGALLY...................No statutes that I know of that says they can't be deported...................

I'm not in to saying kick em all out that have lived here that long........I said secure the border and then see what to do there. If they can't get a job then they'll have to come forward.

Well, then you are not saying what Trump is saying. He has assured his followers repeatedly that he is going to send the entire 11 million out of the country. And while he is at it, he is going to wave his magic haircomb and reverse constitutional rulings on anchor babies and send them all out of the country as well.

As for continuing to deport aliens who have been legally apprehended, 2,000,000 have been deported during the Obama administration, more than under any previous president.
I'm stating my views.....................There is no magic wand to wave to deal with a problem that is decades old....................Trump is just ramping up the volume but if he can get his plan passed..............which is believed to be partially written by Sessions.............then they would eventually have to be dealt with one way or another if they can't get their jobs.............

Now...................what is your plan to secure the border.................
You like bitching about securing the border.....................
Do you want to stop the influx of illegals here are not.........
That is really the main question here................not all the rhetoric or BS................Do you want it stopped or for more to come here...................which is it??????????????????????????????

i never bitch about securing the border, because I am quite content with what we are doing right now, which is as follows:
I'm not content...........because 5000 ICE border agents can't stop the masses coming over. They have been saying so..........and if it was effective we wouldn't have between 11 million to 40 million here depending on the site posting the data...........11 million may be very low....................

If it worked we wouldn't have that many here then now would we................They are flooding in................and you know it.......which means you don't want the border secured.

And on and on and on. We HAVE ICE LAWS...............The Oath of office of the President and the Executive Branch is to enforce these laws..................

Those who are here illegally, are violating our immigration laws PERIOD. The LEFTIST here can talk this shit in circles forever and it doesn't change this fact.

Our Gov't CAN DEPORT THEM, which DOESN'T MEAN A WITCH HUNT, because it is the LAW OF THIS COUNTRY.............again.............PERIOD.

It is costing us too much money, both Federally and with the States allowing millions into this country that are NOT PART OF THE LEGAL PATH to either work here or be a citizen.


...and yet, like Trump, you do not state how you can identify and deport an illegal alien without unlawful racial profiling.
They get caught coming across the border..............that isn't racial profiling...........
They get caught in a traffic stop...........they ran a red light............then checking their legal status if in doubt is within the law....
Put up e-verify...........and they aren't legal...........then they don't get hired.......................

I'm not saying this is the KGB shit.............your papers are.....................

The flood needs to end...........and the laws need to be enforced.

Oh, but Trump is going to round up 11 million aliens! So, how is he going to round up Jose, who has not violated any federal law since he crossed the border back in 1991?

Jose has violated a federal law every day he remained or two if he worked, next.

Oh! So you are going to cite a law to me that it is unlawful for an illegal alien to work?

And, no. Nobody has ever been prosecuted because he had 365 counts of being in the US illegally throughout 2014.
Eagle, this thread is about the hundreds of billions of dollars trump's plan would cost to deport 11 million aliens. If you are not advocating that, then we really have no arguement, here.
And on and on and on. We HAVE ICE LAWS...............The Oath of office of the President and the Executive Branch is to enforce these laws..................

Those who are here illegally, are violating our immigration laws PERIOD. The LEFTIST here can talk this shit in circles forever and it doesn't change this fact.

Our Gov't CAN DEPORT THEM, which DOESN'T MEAN A WITCH HUNT, because it is the LAW OF THIS COUNTRY.............again.............PERIOD.

It is costing us too much money, both Federally and with the States allowing millions into this country that are NOT PART OF THE LEGAL PATH to either work here or be a citizen.


...and yet, like Trump, you do not state how you can identify and deport an illegal alien without unlawful racial profiling.
They get caught coming across the border..............that isn't racial profiling...........
They get caught in a traffic stop...........they ran a red light............then checking their legal status if in doubt is within the law....
Put up e-verify...........and they aren't legal...........then they don't get hired.......................

I'm not saying this is the KGB shit.............your papers are.....................

The flood needs to end...........and the laws need to be enforced.

Oh, but Trump is going to round up 11 million aliens! So, how is he going to round up Jose, who has not violated any federal law since he crossed the border back in 1991?

Jose has violated a federal law every day he remained or two if he worked, next.

Oh! So you are going to cite a law to me that it is unlawful for an illegal alien to work?

And, no. Nobody has ever been prosecuted because he had 365 counts of being in the US illegally throughout 2014.
I'm saying a proposed law..........It's not the law yet is it...............and that is being pushed and has been pushed before..........

But they do get deported all the time...........which is the law...............
Eagle, this thread is about the hundreds of billions of dollars trump's plan would cost to deport 11 million aliens. If you are not advocating that, then we really have no arguement, here.
I agree with the proposal on Trumps site..............I also believe Sessions helped with that...........and Sessions isn't a light weight on this subject............but he's against the flow of the ones who like it as it is..............

I have no problem with the wall............and increased border agents............and cooperation with local and state law enforcement to decrease the flow of illegals.............

Will they find ways across.........yep.................but it may help lower the numbers...........but a wall without manpower will not stop the flow.............

As far as the cost more to allow too many to come using our system.....................It's costing us a lot the cost to stop it would save us money over time.
And, in fact, if an employer knowingly hires illegal aliens, he is prosecuted under current law, as reported here:
One example of thousands and thousands of cases doesn't solve the problem..............I've seen them bus them in with my own eyes...................everyone knew it...................and that's the problem...................
Fine. go for it. Just be aware that federal courts are currently maxed out, and 12 of them presently are 100% dedicated to deporting illegal aliens. There are no more prison cells, and in AZ, feds are paying close to $150 per day to private prison to house and feed them, before trial. Transportation is maxed out, so in AZ the feds are paying private companies for transporting them. The current system can handle 400,000 deportation by trial per year, and that is all. Another 600,000 are given the opportunity to be taken to the border without trial, if they volunteer to go (but, of course, these do not get a mark on their record for being a repeat offender). So, don't expect any of this is going to happen with your taxes paying for it, and since we are running a deficit, that probably means a tax increase.
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And on and on and on. We HAVE ICE LAWS...............The Oath of office of the President and the Executive Branch is to enforce these laws..................

Those who are here illegally, are violating our immigration laws PERIOD. The LEFTIST here can talk this shit in circles forever and it doesn't change this fact.

Our Gov't CAN DEPORT THEM, which DOESN'T MEAN A WITCH HUNT, because it is the LAW OF THIS COUNTRY.............again.............PERIOD.

It is costing us too much money, both Federally and with the States allowing millions into this country that are NOT PART OF THE LEGAL PATH to either work here or be a citizen.


...and yet, like Trump, you do not state how you can identify and deport an illegal alien without unlawful racial profiling.
They get caught coming across the border..............that isn't racial profiling...........
They get caught in a traffic stop...........they ran a red light............then checking their legal status if in doubt is within the law....
Put up e-verify...........and they aren't legal...........then they don't get hired.......................

I'm not saying this is the KGB shit.............your papers are.....................

The flood needs to end...........and the laws need to be enforced.

Oh, but Trump is going to round up 11 million aliens! So, how is he going to round up Jose, who has not violated any federal law since he crossed the border back in 1991?

Jose has violated a federal law every day he remained or two if he worked, next.

Oh! So you are going to cite a law to me that it is unlawful for an illegal alien to work?

And, no. Nobody has ever been prosecuted because he had 365 counts of being in the US illegally throughout 2014.

Hey dummy, it's illegal to work in the US if you're a non-citizen and don't have a work permit. Also just because something hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done.
...and yet, like Trump, you do not state how you can identify and deport an illegal alien without unlawful racial profiling.
They get caught coming across the border..............that isn't racial profiling...........
They get caught in a traffic stop...........they ran a red light............then checking their legal status if in doubt is within the law....
Put up e-verify...........and they aren't legal...........then they don't get hired.......................

I'm not saying this is the KGB shit.............your papers are.....................

The flood needs to end...........and the laws need to be enforced.

Oh, but Trump is going to round up 11 million aliens! So, how is he going to round up Jose, who has not violated any federal law since he crossed the border back in 1991?

Jose has violated a federal law every day he remained or two if he worked, next.

Oh! So you are going to cite a law to me that it is unlawful for an illegal alien to work?

And, no. Nobody has ever been prosecuted because he had 365 counts of being in the US illegally throughout 2014.

Hey dummy, it's illegal to work in the US if you're a non-citizen and don't have a work permit. Also just because something hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done.

I've never had a work permit in my life. I guess that, according to your misinformation, I have been in violation of the law for 50 years. Of course, nobody has ever asked me if I am a citizen or not, so I guess that those who hired are are also in violation. Anyway, I am not worried, because I am not in violation of any law until found guilty by a court. We'll start running every working person in America through a court. it will take about 100 years, but Trump will figure out how to make Mexico pay for it.

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They get caught coming across the border..............that isn't racial profiling...........
They get caught in a traffic stop...........they ran a red light............then checking their legal status if in doubt is within the law....
Put up e-verify...........and they aren't legal...........then they don't get hired.......................

I'm not saying this is the KGB shit.............your papers are.....................

The flood needs to end...........and the laws need to be enforced.

Oh, but Trump is going to round up 11 million aliens! So, how is he going to round up Jose, who has not violated any federal law since he crossed the border back in 1991?

Jose has violated a federal law every day he remained or two if he worked, next.

Oh! So you are going to cite a law to me that it is unlawful for an illegal alien to work?

And, no. Nobody has ever been prosecuted because he had 365 counts of being in the US illegally throughout 2014.

Hey dummy, it's illegal to work in the US if you're a non-citizen and don't have a work permit. Also just because something hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done.

I've never had a work permit in my life. I guess that, according to your misinformation, I have been in violation of the law for 50 years. Of course, nobody has ever asked me if I am a citizen or not, so i guess that those who hired are are also in violation.


Of course you're a non-citizen, right?
Oh, but Trump is going to round up 11 million aliens! So, how is he going to round up Jose, who has not violated any federal law since he crossed the border back in 1991?

Jose has violated a federal law every day he remained or two if he worked, next.

Oh! So you are going to cite a law to me that it is unlawful for an illegal alien to work?

And, no. Nobody has ever been prosecuted because he had 365 counts of being in the US illegally throughout 2014.

Hey dummy, it's illegal to work in the US if you're a non-citizen and don't have a work permit. Also just because something hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done.

I've never had a work permit in my life. I guess that, according to your misinformation, I have been in violation of the law for 50 years. Of course, nobody has ever asked me if I am a citizen or not, so i guess that those who hired are are also in violation.


Of course you're a non-citizen, right?

Take me to court and find out. Trump says that he can do that at no cost to you.
Jose has violated a federal law every day he remained or two if he worked, next.

Oh! So you are going to cite a law to me that it is unlawful for an illegal alien to work?

And, no. Nobody has ever been prosecuted because he had 365 counts of being in the US illegally throughout 2014.

Hey dummy, it's illegal to work in the US if you're a non-citizen and don't have a work permit. Also just because something hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done.

I've never had a work permit in my life. I guess that, according to your misinformation, I have been in violation of the law for 50 years. Of course, nobody has ever asked me if I am a citizen or not, so i guess that those who hired are are also in violation.


Of course you're a non-citizen, right?

Take me to court and find out. Trump says that he can do that at no cost to you.

No need, unless you lied about being an axillary sheriff.
Trumpian fantasies make 50 Shades of Grey look like a drug warning label. Sorry kids, the little brown Americans are not getting on the taco-express boxcars to Tijuana in January of 2017...
Trumpian fantasies make 50 Shades of Grey look like a drug warning label. Sorry kids, the little brown Americans are not getting on the taco-express boxcars to Tijuana in January of 2017...

Agreed--There is nothing in Trump's immigration policy that makes any sense--all the way from the 14th amendment to the fence. It's just a good dog and pony show.

The issue of birth right citizenship will more than likely fail in SCOTUS, but it should be challenged.
So it may very well come down to an Amendment to the Constitution to repeal that part of the 14th Amendment.

I have no problem with Challenging that. I also have no problem with Trump's statements of cutting off funding to SANCTUARY CITIES until they stop openly disobeying the laws of this country.
Those are sovereign federal laws. Cities cannot establish Any rules regarding immigration into the Union.
Oh! So you are going to cite a law to me that it is unlawful for an illegal alien to work?

And, no. Nobody has ever been prosecuted because he had 365 counts of being in the US illegally throughout 2014.

Hey dummy, it's illegal to work in the US if you're a non-citizen and don't have a work permit. Also just because something hasn't been done doesn't mean it can't be done.

I've never had a work permit in my life. I guess that, according to your misinformation, I have been in violation of the law for 50 years. Of course, nobody has ever asked me if I am a citizen or not, so i guess that those who hired are are also in violation.


Of course you're a non-citizen, right?

Take me to court and find out. Trump says that he can do that at no cost to you.

No need, unless you lied about being an axillary sheriff.

As a matter of fact, I serve with a Latino in the Auxiliary. Also, two of our deputies are Latinos. None of them are at risk, because if Trump's gestapo rounds them up, they can prove citizenship. So can about 300,000 Latinos down here. The rest can, too. All they have to do is;
1. Go to a Tucson graveyard.
2. Find a grave with a latino name, born about the same year they were born
3. Go to the dept. of Vital Statistics, and tell them that he is that person, and purchase a replacement for his "lost" birth certificate
4. Go the the SS office and request a duplicate of that person's "lost" ss card
5. go to the DMV and take the test, showing his documents, and get a driver's license
6. Presto! He are a citizen!

Then, when Trump comes knocking on the door, this person can open it, and tell him:
"Work permit? Work permit? I don't need no stinkin' work permit!"

So, how many billions of dollars did Trump just throw into the waste basket?
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