Trump's "deregulating" everything is tantamount to.......

Anything That damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. Dip shit

This might be the most idiotic post I have ever read on this forum, and that is a high bar to get over.

It is a crying shame that people as stupid as you get to vote. There really should be an IQ test for voting, anyone with an IQ lower than a head of cabbage is barred from voting. Then I would not have to worry about people like you voting.
The federal government and the country or not one in the same. dumbass

No shit sherlock. That does not change the fact it is mornic to say that hurting the government helps the country. Anyone that thinks that way does not have the brains that God gave a head of cabbage, it is really that simple.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
Where do they prefer volume over quality?
The lack of it. Cut, cut, cut, no matter what the consequences.

The mirror image of the Democrats, in perfect reversal.

You are assuming they are cutting whilly nilly, without regard to anything.

An example of them leaving things in is with the whole net neutrality thing. Providers are still required to publish any throttling as a notice to their customers.
There are always exceptions. But look at the posts on this very board. Bring up the need for financial regulations (and I'm in the industry), and the righties immediately default to the standard one-sided talking points about the meltdown.

There is a point of equilibrium to this issue, and neither end seems terribly interested in finding it. So, we'll just continue to crash this way and that, since no one is communicating.

When Republicans actually remove more than the 5-10% of regulations they are aiming for, you may have a point. Until then let the weed cutters fly.

it's actually one of the few small government things they actually support, so I don't want to stop them.
Well, that's pretty much my point.

Ok then.
There needs to be a reasonable amount of regulation; the problem is getting the right amount. Over regulation can be as bad as under regulation or no regulation.

.....and you know that Trump has reached just the right amount of deregulation, exactly how???

Trump hated those building codes' regulators with a passion back in NYC.
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)

If you really want to discuss the issue, a little less partisan filler would encourage that.

Just saying.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
It seems to me that, over time, a majority of conservatives have been conditioned to believe that any government outside of the military is bad. A pure libertarian approach.

Who has conditioned them to think this way? The usual suspects.

Rather than take Reagan's "government is the problem" quote for what it was - a simplistic partisan speech tag line - they have taken it as gospel.

And this what you get.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
It seems to me that, over time, a majority of conservatives have been conditioned to believe that any government outside of the military is bad. A pure libertarian approach.

Who has conditioned them to think this way? The usual suspects.

Rather than take Reagan's "government is the problem" quote for what it was - a simplistic partisan speech tag line - they have taken it as gospel.

And this what you get.

But they do not actually think that way. They have no problem with the government telling someone who they cannot marry or what mind altering substance they can use or who they can have sex with. They have no problem with the government telling someone what they can say on the radio or the TV.

Texas had no qualms about taking Fed Govt money after a disaster.

And the funniest part of all is that nobody has ever grown the Fed Govt like Reagan did, and yet these brainless morons hold him up as the paragon of conservatism and small government.
progressives seem to equate volume of regulation with it's level of effectiveness. People who actually work in the regulated industries would beg to differ.
Well, I do work in one of them, and I do agree that Democrats confuse volume of regulation with effectiveness.

But unfortunately, and as usual, the Republicans do precisely the same thing.

Where do they prefer volume over quality?
The lack of it. Cut, cut, cut, no matter what the consequences.

The mirror image of the Democrats, in perfect reversal.

You are assuming they are cutting whilly nilly, without regard to anything.

An example of them leaving things in is with the whole net neutrality thing. Providers are still required to publish any throttling as a notice to their customers.
There are always exceptions. But look at the posts on this very board. Bring up the need for financial regulations (and I'm in the industry), and the righties immediately default to the standard one-sided talking points about the meltdown.

There is a point of equilibrium to this issue, and neither end seems terribly interested in finding it. So, we'll just continue to crash this way and that, since no one is communicating.

Yes there is a point you are right. The major difference in my 60 years of political cognizance though is there seems a right brain left brain party ideology at play.

For example, left-brain people are more organized and systematic. Right-brain people are more creative and intuitive.
As a result the right brain liberal party seems to take the exception and make it the rule.
This is best shown by how they follow the MSM's prime motive anymore to take exceptional issues and make it sound like it happens all the time.
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)

If you really want to discuss the issue, a little less partisan filler would encourage that.

Just saying.

BP is polluting Lake Michigan - tribunedigital-chicagotribune

Did President Trump Make It Legal to Dump Coal Mining Waste Into ...

Why Trump just killed a rule restricting coal companies from dumping ...

Stream Protection: Senate Repeals Rule, Coal Miners Rejoice | Fortune

There needs to be a reasonable amount of regulation; the problem is getting the right amount. Over regulation can be as bad as under regulation or no regulation.

.....and you know that Trump has reached just the right amount of deregulation, exactly how???

Trump hated those building codes' regulators with a passion back in NYC.

And for good cause!
Case in point...
  • "Water closets"
Sanitation. - 1910.141 | Occupational Safety and Health Administration
For example are you aware that PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4
81 to 110................................................. 5
111 to 150................................................6
Over 150 ..................................................1 for every 40 employees.

So based on the above small businesses alone would think twice about hiring more people.

  • Overtime rule
Millions more employees are about to become eligible for overtime pay under a final regulation that will be issued soon by the U.S. Department of Labor.
That’s because the proposed rule nearly doubles the salary threshold where overtime pay is required.
Workers who make up to $55,440 a year would be eligible for overtime pay under the proposed rule.

  • Reporting pay data by gender and race
As a tool for combating wage discrimination, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission wants to require employers with 100 or more workers to report how much they pay workers, broken down by sex and ethnicity. The form for doing so looks daunting: It includes 12 rows for different pay levels in 10 broad job categories, ranging from executives to service workers. For each of these rows, there are 15 columns identifying employees by gender and ethnicity — not just white, black or Latino, but also Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, Asian, Native American or Alaska Native, or “Two or More Races.
  • EPA’s expansion of Clean Water Act jurisdiction
Property owners such as small businesses will have less flexibility on using their land under the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Water Rule, which extends federal jurisdiction to bodies of water that can flow into rivers and lakes.
Opponents of the rule, who are fighting it in court, contend the regulation is so broad that it covers ditches, ponds and streams that only flow when it rains. They contend the rule makes it more difficult for property owners to develop their land and interferes with local land use decisions.
Under the rule, property owners would have “to spend tens of thousands of dollars to obtain federal permits before doing things as simple as landscaping or dredging soil if the land (or land near it) collects water for any significant period of time throughout the year,” the National Federation of Independent Business states.
How anyone can look at what happened in 2008/9 and still push for broad deregulation is a testament to the power of partisan ideology.

There was no financial deregulation prior to 2008. In fact, what happened the was under the direction of the regulators, like forcing banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)

No, it's tantamount to making America great again. Cutting regulations back to 1960s level, which already were high.

Studies say that we would be living in mars by now if it weren't for the obscene amount of regulations and the cost the induce to the economy. Over 2 trillion a year just so that some whale looking feminist can have a useless job.
How anyone can look at what happened in 2008/9 and still push for broad deregulation is a testament to the power of partisan ideology.

There was no financial deregulation prior to 2008. In fact, what happened the was under the direction of the regulators, like forcing banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.
That was but one part of it. We were badly under-regulated, and the financial industry ran with it.

I was in the middle of it.
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)

No, it's tantamount to making America great again. Cutting regulations back to 1960s level, which already were high.

Studies say that we would be living in mars by now if it weren't for the obscene amount of regulations and the cost the induce to the economy. Over 2 trillion a year just so that some whale looking feminist can have a useless job.

Please provide a link to those studies.
How anyone can look at what happened in 2008/9 and still push for broad deregulation is a testament to the power of partisan ideology.

There was no financial deregulation prior to 2008. In fact, what happened the was under the direction of the regulators, like forcing banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.
That was but one part of it. We were badly under-regulated, and the financial industry ran with it.

I was in the middle of it.

We were NOT under regulated, here's how this entire mess got started...

1. Politicians wanting to score points with voters encouraged, pressured, and in some cases forced lenders to abandon LONG standing home loan qualification standards e.g. income, debt to income ratios, and down payments. By enabling millions more to buy a home this superheated the economy.

2. Who buys up most of the home loans from lenders? Yes Fannie and Freddie, but they won't accept loans which do not meet lending standards for down payments, income, and debt ratios. No problem the politicians just had Fannie and Freddie abandon the standards.

3. This still left a pool of very high risk loans likely to be defaulted on, no problem government allowed those to be packaged into mortgage backed securities so the lenders could dump them before people started defaulting on the loans.

All the above enabled people to then act stupid. Purchasing more home than they could afford. Taking out 2nd mortgages and home loans to go on a spending spree. As home values were skyrocketing during this artificial government propped up house of cards people were even engaged in risky buying and flipping schemes.

AFTER THE CRASH all government morons did was to force lenders to go back to the exact same lending standards they had always used before the politicians forced them to abandon them in the first place.
How anyone can look at what happened in 2008/9 and still push for broad deregulation is a testament to the power of partisan ideology.

There was no financial deregulation prior to 2008. In fact, what happened the was under the direction of the regulators, like forcing banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.
That was but one part of it. We were badly under-regulated, and the financial industry ran with it.

I was in the middle of it.

We were NOT under regulated, here's how this entire mess got started...

1. Politicians wanting to score points with voters encouraged, pressured, and in some cases forced lenders to abandon LONG standing home loan qualification standards e.g. income, debt to income ratios, and down payments. By enabling millions more to buy a home this superheated the economy.

2. Who buys up most of the home loans from lenders? Yes Fannie and Freddie, but they won't accept loans which do not meet lending standards for down payments, income, and debt ratios. No problem the politicians just had Fannie and Freddie abandon the standards.

3. This still left a pool of very high risk loans likely to be defaulted on, no problem government allowed those to be packaged into mortgage backed securities so the lenders could dump them before people started defaulting on the loans.

All the above enabled people to then act stupid. Purchasing more home than they could afford. Taking out 2nd mortgages and home loans to go on a spending spree. As home values were skyrocketing during this artificial government propped up house of cards people were even engaged in risky buying and flipping schemes.

AFTER THE CRASH all government morons did was to force lenders to go back to the exact same lending standards they had always used before the politicians forced them to abandon them in the first place.
Of course we were.
  • AIG was selling credit default swaps like candy with NO reserve requirements to back them up.
  • Banks were creating CDO's and CMO's with virtually ZERO oversight as to their contents.
  • The ratings agencies were selling AAA ratings to shit securities that were sold all over the world and failed, with no requirements.
  • Mortgage companies were selling mortgages to dogs (literally) because they knew a CDO would snap them up within 24 hours with no requirements.
  • Banks were shorting - buying CDS's against - CDO's at the very time they were selling them for huge fees, no requirements or laws.
  • Banks made CDO's they knew would fail so they could short them.
  • CDO's were were created with not only shit underlying mortgages, but shit underlying credit cards and high-risk loans, no requirements, AAA ratings.
This was fraud and under-regulation on a scale we have never seen.

This is a silly conversation. I've had it a thousand times with people who will only spew talk radio scripts. Believe what you will.
1 million regulations instead of 22 million is anarchy?

Wow. That's just dumb

Btw if this is so bad then trump and Republicans will lose and you can add them all back
How anyone can look at what happened in 2008/9 and still push for broad deregulation is a testament to the power of partisan ideology.

There was no financial deregulation prior to 2008. In fact, what happened the was under the direction of the regulators, like forcing banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.
That was but one part of it. We were badly under-regulated, and the financial industry ran with it.

I was in the middle of it.

We were NOT under regulated, here's how this entire mess got started...

1. Politicians wanting to score points with voters encouraged, pressured, and in some cases forced lenders to abandon LONG standing home loan qualification standards e.g. income, debt to income ratios, and down payments. By enabling millions more to buy a home this superheated the economy.

2. Who buys up most of the home loans from lenders? Yes Fannie and Freddie, but they won't accept loans which do not meet lending standards for down payments, income, and debt ratios. No problem the politicians just had Fannie and Freddie abandon the standards.

3. This still left a pool of very high risk loans likely to be defaulted on, no problem government allowed those to be packaged into mortgage backed securities so the lenders could dump them before people started defaulting on the loans.

All the above enabled people to then act stupid. Purchasing more home than they could afford. Taking out 2nd mortgages and home loans to go on a spending spree. As home values were skyrocketing during this artificial government propped up house of cards people were even engaged in risky buying and flipping schemes.

AFTER THE CRASH all government morons did was to force lenders to go back to the exact same lending standards they had always used before the politicians forced them to abandon them in the first place.
Of course we were.
  • AIG was selling credit default swaps like candy with NO reserve requirements to back them up.
  • Banks were creating CDO's and CMO's with virtually ZERO oversight as to their contents.
  • The ratings agencies were selling AAA ratings to shit securities that were sold all over the world and failed, with no requirements.
  • Mortgage companies were selling mortgages to dogs (literally) because they knew a CDO would snap them up within 24 hours with no requirements.
  • Banks were shorting - buying CDS's against - CDO's at the very time they were selling them for huge fees, no requirements or laws.
  • Banks made CDO's they knew would fail so they could short them.
  • CDO's were were created with not only shit underlying mortgages, but shit underlying credit cards and high-risk loans, no requirements, AAA ratings.
This was fraud and under-regulation on a scale we have never seen.

This is a silly conversation. I've had it a thousand times with people who will only spew talk radio scripts. Believe what you will.

:eusa_hand: none of this crap existed until politicians stuck their nose into the private sector.
I know tantamount to liberty and less gubmint. Remember the gubmint is crucial to the "survival" of the judeocrats
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)
I think most of the hype around Trump's deregulation is just that. Hype. A hoax.

The tards are easily hoaxed. Trump knows and counts on this.
How anyone can look at what happened in 2008/9 and still push for broad deregulation is a testament to the power of partisan ideology.

There was no financial deregulation prior to 2008. In fact, what happened the was under the direction of the regulators, like forcing banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.
That was but one part of it. We were badly under-regulated, and the financial industry ran with it.

I was in the middle of it.

We were NOT under regulated, here's how this entire mess got started...

1. Politicians wanting to score points with voters encouraged, pressured, and in some cases forced lenders to abandon LONG standing home loan qualification standards e.g. income, debt to income ratios, and down payments. By enabling millions more to buy a home this superheated the economy.

2. Who buys up most of the home loans from lenders? Yes Fannie and Freddie, but they won't accept loans which do not meet lending standards for down payments, income, and debt ratios. No problem the politicians just had Fannie and Freddie abandon the standards.

3. This still left a pool of very high risk loans likely to be defaulted on, no problem government allowed those to be packaged into mortgage backed securities so the lenders could dump them before people started defaulting on the loans.

All the above enabled people to then act stupid. Purchasing more home than they could afford. Taking out 2nd mortgages and home loans to go on a spending spree. As home values were skyrocketing during this artificial government propped up house of cards people were even engaged in risky buying and flipping schemes.

AFTER THE CRASH all government morons did was to force lenders to go back to the exact same lending standards they had always used before the politicians forced them to abandon them in the first place.
Of course we were.
  • AIG was selling credit default swaps like candy with NO reserve requirements to back them up.
  • Banks were creating CDO's and CMO's with virtually ZERO oversight as to their contents.
  • The ratings agencies were selling AAA ratings to shit securities that were sold all over the world and failed, with no requirements.
  • Mortgage companies were selling mortgages to dogs (literally) because they knew a CDO would snap them up within 24 hours with no requirements.
  • Banks were shorting - buying CDS's against - CDO's at the very time they were selling them for huge fees, no requirements or laws.
  • Banks made CDO's they knew would fail so they could short them.
  • CDO's were were created with not only shit underlying mortgages, but shit underlying credit cards and high-risk loans, no requirements, AAA ratings.
This was fraud and under-regulation on a scale we have never seen.

This is a silly conversation. I've had it a thousand times with people who will only spew talk radio scripts. Believe what you will.

:eusa_hand: none of this crap existed until politicians stuck their nose into the private sector.
Ah. Okay, well, show me how. It's my profession, I need to stay on top of this kind of thing.

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