Trump's "deregulating" everything is tantamount to.......

ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)
I think most of the hype around Trump's deregulation is just that. Hype. A hoax.

The tards are easily hoaxed. Trump knows and counts on this.

Post of the day. Trump has a photo op and they think he actually cut some regulations. Hell even with the removal of net neutrality all that happened is that a different agency now has more of a micromanaging role than before. This way the Trump appointee can pick and choose which telecoms to approve based upon their donation levels to Trump
How anyone can look at what happened in 2008/9 and still push for broad deregulation is a testament to the power of partisan ideology.

Like that regulation that forced Fannie and Freddie to make 55% of their mortgage purchases,
subprime mortgages. Good stuff!!!
There was no such regulation.

And you should know that by the end of 2005, AIG FP discovered that the private secondary market CDOs they were insuring were filled more than 90 percent with toxic subprime loans.

That's why AIG announced soon after they were out of that business. But it was too late for them. They were a walking zombie.
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)

Exaggerations like this are a huge part of why Trump is so popular. Nobody in the Trump camp is pushing for anarchy.

On top of that, I thought the problem was that Trump is alt-right and he's gonna be the next Hitler. Hate to break it to you, but Hitler and the alt-right was/are peddlers of authoritarian ideologies, not anarchism. You can't be an anarchist and simultaneously be the alt-right Hitler. Try and FIRST make your mind up on what you're hysterical about, and THEN resume screaming at the sky.
You see, boys and girls, our history has demonstrated god knows how many times, countless times, that every time you de-regulate a business sector too much, they INVARIABLY find a way to screw the pooch.

Every. Single. Time.

Just ask Enron.

Just ask Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns.

Just ask Worldcomm.

Just ask Arthur Anderson.

Just ask Long Term Capital Management.

Just ask the savings and loan industry.

Just ask Michael Milken.
How anyone can look at what happened in 2008/9 and still push for broad deregulation is a testament to the power of partisan ideology.

There was no financial deregulation prior to 2008. In fact, what happened the was under the direction of the regulators, like forcing banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.
That was but one part of it. We were badly under-regulated, and the financial industry ran with it.

I was in the middle of it.

We were badly under-regulated, and the financial industry ran with it.

Please explain further...............thanks.
How anyone can look at what happened in 2008/9 and still push for broad deregulation is a testament to the power of partisan ideology.

Like that regulation that forced Fannie and Freddie to make 55% of their mortgage purchases,
subprime mortgages. Good stuff!!!

His most successful effort was to impose what were called "affordable housing" requirements on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 1992. Before that time, these two government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) had been required to buy only mortgages that institutional investors would buy--in other words, prime mortgages--but Frank and others thought these standards made it too difficult for low income borrowers to buy homes. The affordable housing law required Fannie and Freddie to meet government quotas when they bought loans from banks and other mortgage originators.

At first, this quota was 30%; that is, of all the loans they bought, 30% had to be made to people at or below the median income in their communities. HUD, however, was given authority to administer these quotas, and between 1992 and 2007, the quotas were raised from 30% to 50% under Clinton in 2000 and to 55% under Bush in 2007. Despite Frank's effort to make this seem like a partisan issue, it isn't. The Bush administration was just as guilty of this error as the Clinton administration. And Frank is right to say that he eventually saw his error and corrected it when he got the power to do so in 2007, but by then it was too late.

Hey, Barney Frank: The Government Did Cause the Housing Crisis
You see, boys and girls, our history has demonstrated god knows how many times, countless times, that every time you de-regulate a business sector too much, they INVARIABLY find a way to screw the pooch.

Every. Single. Time.

Just ask Enron.

Just ask Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns.

Just ask Worldcomm.

Just ask Arthur Anderson.

Just ask Long Term Capital Management.

Just ask the savings and loan industry.

Just ask Michael Milken.

Just ask Enron.

Enron failed due to fraud, not deregulation.

Just ask Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns.

Lehman and Bear Stearns failed because they bought a bunch of crappy debt and financed it with overnight loans. Not because of deregulation.

Just ask Worldcomm.


Just ask Arthur Anderson.

Abetting fraud.

Just ask Long Term Capital Management.


Just ask the savings and loan industry.

Fraud and government tax and rules changes.

Just ask Michael Milken.

What should we ask him?
You see, boys and girls, our history has demonstrated god knows how many times, countless times, that every time you de-regulate a business sector too much, they INVARIABLY find a way to screw the pooch.

Every. Single. Time.

Just ask Enron.

Just ask Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns.

Just ask Worldcomm.

Just ask Arthur Anderson.

Just ask Long Term Capital Management.

Just ask the savings and loan industry.

Just ask Michael Milken.

Just ask Enron.

Enron failed due to fraud, not deregulation.

Enron abused the deregulation of the California market to commit fraud. They also asked for their accounting regulations to be changed to mark to market accounting, which enabled them to perpetrate the fraud which eventually brought them down.

Just ask Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns.

Lehman and Bear Stearns failed because they bought a bunch of crappy debt and financed it with overnight loans. Not because of deregulation.

Lehman, Stearns, et. al. failed because of the CMFA deregulation and because of the unanimous SEC ruling which enabled them to change their capital reserve requirements.

Accounting fraud enable by deregulation.

Abetting fraud.

Sarbannes-Oxley was a direct result of Arthur Anderson.[/quote][/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
You see, boys and girls, our history has demonstrated god knows how many times, countless times, that every time you de-regulate a business sector too much, they INVARIABLY find a way to screw the pooch.

Every. Single. Time.

Just ask Enron.

Just ask Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns.

Just ask Worldcomm.

Just ask Arthur Anderson.

Just ask Long Term Capital Management.

Just ask the savings and loan industry.

Just ask Michael Milken.

Just ask Enron.

Enron failed due to fraud, not deregulation.

Enron abused the deregulation of the California market to commit fraud. They also asked for their accounting regulations to be changed to mark to market accounting, which enabled them to perpetrate the fraud which eventually brought them down.

Just ask Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs and Merrill Lynch and Bear Stearns.

Lehman and Bear Stearns failed because they bought a bunch of crappy debt and financed it with overnight loans. Not because of deregulation.

Lehman, Stearns, et. al. failed because of the CMFA deregulation and because of the unanimous SEC ruling which enabled them to change their capital reserve requirements.

Accounting fraud enable by deregulation.

Abetting fraud.

Sarbannes-Oxley was a direct result of Arthur Anderson.

Enron abused the deregulation of the California market to commit fraud.

Yeah, California only deregulated half their electricity market.
Made things worse on both ends. Idiots.

Lehman, Stearns, et. al. failed because of the CMFA deregulation

Bullshit. Nothing that was changed by that legislation would have prevented their purchases of crappy debt.

Accounting fraud enable by deregulation.

Please expand on your claim.

Sarbannes-Oxley was a direct result of Arthur Anderson.

So what?
Exaggerations like this are a huge part of why Trump is so popular. Nobody in the Trump camp is pushing for anarchy.

Two things about your first two sentences......

a. Who the fuck is stating that "trump is so popular"....except Trump cultists?

b. I didn't say that we are at the point of anarchy, BUT constantly pushing the demagoguery of removing any and all regulations could lead to corporatocracy, an obvious prelude to corporations running the entire government (through bribes of elected officials) that would THEN result in the type of anarchy where laws must yield to run-away profits.
Anything That damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. Dip shit

This might be the most idiotic post I have ever read on this forum, and that is a high bar to get over.

It is a crying shame that people as stupid as you get to vote. There really should be an IQ test for voting, anyone with an IQ lower than a head of cabbage is barred from voting. Then I would not have to worry about people like you voting.
The federal government and the country or not one in the same. dumbass

No shit sherlock. That does not change the fact it is mornic to say that hurting the government helps the country. Anyone that thinks that way does not have the brains that God gave a head of cabbage, it is really that simple.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
The federal government is the enemy
Anything That damages the federal government is a good thing for the country. Dip shit

This might be the most idiotic post I have ever read on this forum, and that is a high bar to get over.

It is a crying shame that people as stupid as you get to vote. There really should be an IQ test for voting, anyone with an IQ lower than a head of cabbage is barred from voting. Then I would not have to worry about people like you voting.
The federal government and the country or not one in the same. dumbass

No shit sherlock. That does not change the fact it is mornic to say that hurting the government helps the country. Anyone that thinks that way does not have the brains that God gave a head of cabbage, it is really that simple.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?
The federal government is the enemy

You are a fucking moron and not worth the waste of oxygen to type any more than that. Bye Bye.
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)

Except.....he hasn't. Lol. Now, let us know when deregulation really happens so we can celebrate.
Except.....he hasn't. Lol. Now, let us know when deregulation really happens so we can celebrate.

Here, have a drink......

How anyone can look at what happened in 2008/9 and still push for broad deregulation is a testament to the power of partisan ideology.

There was no financial deregulation prior to 2008. In fact, what happened the was under the direction of the regulators, like forcing banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.
That was but one part of it. We were badly under-regulated, and the financial industry ran with it.

I was in the middle of it.
You must be joking. The regulators forced banks to do things they would never have done on their own because they were stupid. Regulators forced banks to grant mortgages to people who couldn't pay them. What part of that do you think is a good idea?

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