Trump's "deregulating" everything is tantamount to.......

Only a fool trusts the federal government

Then you are a fool.
Na, The last thing I would ever do would be to trust the federal government

You trust the Fed Govt everytime you drive your car, eat food you did not grow/kill yourself, fly in an airplane, put money in a bank, pay your taxes...the list is endless. You are just too stupid to know it.
You watch far too many Hollywood movies... lol
The free market is much better than the federal government at all of those things you mentioned

You keep your head up Trump's ass way too much. All of those things are regulated by the Fed Govt so if you use them or do them you are trusting the Fed Govt. it is really that simple.

The "free market" is an illusion, there never has been one in this country and never will be

You claim to be a libertarian, but here you are calling for more government regulation. Do you even know what libertarians believe?
You are a fucking moron and not worth the waste of oxygen to type any more than that. Bye Bye.
Only a fool trusts the federal government

Then you are a fool.
Na, The last thing I would ever do would be to trust the federal government

You trust the Fed Govt everytime you drive your car, eat food you did not grow/kill yourself, fly in an airplane, put money in a bank, pay your taxes...the list is endless. You are just too stupid to know it.
Wrong. We trust the companies who make the car, the food and the airplanes because they have a proven track record of producing safe reliable products. Government didn't make airlines safe, Boeing and the airlines did that on their own. Killing your customers is not good for business.

You are so naive it is almost comical, but in the end it is just pathetic.
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)

It's cute how the leftie wingnuts start clutching their pearls when they don't have an "authority" telling them what they can and can't do. It's a scary world out there without mommy's skirt isn't it Natalie.
Then you are a fool.
Na, The last thing I would ever do would be to trust the federal government

You trust the Fed Govt everytime you drive your car, eat food you did not grow/kill yourself, fly in an airplane, put money in a bank, pay your taxes...the list is endless. You are just too stupid to know it.
You watch far too many Hollywood movies... lol
The free market is much better than the federal government at all of those things you mentioned

You keep your head up Trump's ass way too much. All of those things are regulated by the Fed Govt so if you use them or do them you are trusting the Fed Govt. it is really that simple.

The "free market" is an illusion, there never has been one in this country and never will be

You claim to be a libertarian, but here you are calling for more government regulation. Do you even know what libertarians believe?

Where the fuck did I call for more of anything? Why are you Trump lemmings such fucking liars?
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)

Trump told them it was good, that is all that matters to them. Among the far right Trump is trusted more than the bible. He is their savior and his word is TRUTH.

Yup because he spews all the ignorance anger and bigotry that they want to hear.

No matter how insane or stupid or dangerous the orange Russian tool is
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)

Trump told them it was good, that is all that matters to them. Among the far right Trump is trusted more than the bible. He is their savior and his word is TRUTH.

If you keep jerking that, it's going to come off in your hand and make you go blind.
ANARCHY......a state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority..

Somehow, Trump cultist "think" that the removal of any safeguards for consumers and clients from "kind-hearted and altruistic" companies will be better for the common citizen.
After all, companies' main objective is to do what is morally and ethically best for consumers, and NOT to make huge profits with the least amount of expenditure.....CORRECT, right wingers???

Here's an example.......Health care most insurers have managed to BRIBE congress to make them EXEMPT from anti-trust regulations, so that they could be free to COLLUDE on price fixing and completely eliminate competition........basically the ANTITHESIS of capitalistic tenets.

Price fixing, a free hand in polluting, the emergence of scams to defraud, rising costs, abolition of competition, etc. ARE ALL "legally" ushered in through deregulation.

"Thank you" fat, stupid and inept orange clown.....

(It'll take quite a while to undo this idiot's and his cult's screw-ups.)

Trump told them it was good, that is all that matters to them. Among the far right Trump is trusted more than the bible. He is their savior and his word is TRUTH.

If you keep jerking that, it's going to come off in your hand and make you go blind.

Is it making you hot thinking about it?
Not to mention we didn't have a anarchy before any of these regulations existed.

Now , that's just stupid....Of course we didn't have an FAA when drafting the Constitution, for example.....
All that I am stating is that when a government in the hands of a charlatan like Trump swears to abolish many regulations (mostly because he has a hard-on for whatever Obama did) corporations take over to maximize profits and use those profits to further bribe lawmakers to vote for the corporations' will ....and THAT leads to anarchy which is defined as the absence of government and absolute freedom for the more powerful.
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There was no financial deregulation prior to 2008. In fact, what happened the was under the direction of the regulators, like forcing banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them.
That was but one part of it. We were badly under-regulated, and the financial industry ran with it.

I was in the middle of it.

We were NOT under regulated, here's how this entire mess got started...

1. Politicians wanting to score points with voters encouraged, pressured, and in some cases forced lenders to abandon LONG standing home loan qualification standards e.g. income, debt to income ratios, and down payments. By enabling millions more to buy a home this superheated the economy.

2. Who buys up most of the home loans from lenders? Yes Fannie and Freddie, but they won't accept loans which do not meet lending standards for down payments, income, and debt ratios. No problem the politicians just had Fannie and Freddie abandon the standards.

3. This still left a pool of very high risk loans likely to be defaulted on, no problem government allowed those to be packaged into mortgage backed securities so the lenders could dump them before people started defaulting on the loans.

All the above enabled people to then act stupid. Purchasing more home than they could afford. Taking out 2nd mortgages and home loans to go on a spending spree. As home values were skyrocketing during this artificial government propped up house of cards people were even engaged in risky buying and flipping schemes.

AFTER THE CRASH all government morons did was to force lenders to go back to the exact same lending standards they had always used before the politicians forced them to abandon them in the first place.
Of course we were.
  • AIG was selling credit default swaps like candy with NO reserve requirements to back them up.
  • Banks were creating CDO's and CMO's with virtually ZERO oversight as to their contents.
  • The ratings agencies were selling AAA ratings to shit securities that were sold all over the world and failed, with no requirements.
  • Mortgage companies were selling mortgages to dogs (literally) because they knew a CDO would snap them up within 24 hours with no requirements.
  • Banks were shorting - buying CDS's against - CDO's at the very time they were selling them for huge fees, no requirements or laws.
  • Banks made CDO's they knew would fail so they could short them.
  • CDO's were were created with not only shit underlying mortgages, but shit underlying credit cards and high-risk loans, no requirements, AAA ratings.
This was fraud and under-regulation on a scale we have never seen.

This is a silly conversation. I've had it a thousand times with people who will only spew talk radio scripts. Believe what you will.

:eusa_hand: none of this crap existed until politicians stuck their nose into the private sector.
Ah. Okay, well, show me how. It's my profession, I need to stay on top of this kind of thing.

Lenders are not in business to lose money. Before politicians stuck their nose in this business perspective buyers had to meet strict loan requirements. Income, income to debt ratio, employment, down payment, and all this had to be verified they just didn't take your word for it. This was the way it worked for decades.

Then politicians looking to get reelected demolished the lending standards. Pressured Fannie and Freddie into lowering their requirements. Look, lenders no longer hold these loans long term they immediately sell the loans to Fannie and Freddie. But prior to interference from politicians Fannie and Freddie refused to purchase risky loans, hence lenders did not make risky loans because they couldn't sell them on the secondary mortgage market.

Trust me on this, politicians screwed the whole thing up then pretended like it wasn't their fault. I still remember Frank the banking chair in congress insisting there was nothing at all wrong at Fannie and Freddie. Then when the housing bubble blew up in his face he was the first one to blame everyone else but himself.
That was but one part of it. We were badly under-regulated, and the financial industry ran with it.

I was in the middle of it.

We were NOT under regulated, here's how this entire mess got started...

1. Politicians wanting to score points with voters encouraged, pressured, and in some cases forced lenders to abandon LONG standing home loan qualification standards e.g. income, debt to income ratios, and down payments. By enabling millions more to buy a home this superheated the economy.

2. Who buys up most of the home loans from lenders? Yes Fannie and Freddie, but they won't accept loans which do not meet lending standards for down payments, income, and debt ratios. No problem the politicians just had Fannie and Freddie abandon the standards.

3. This still left a pool of very high risk loans likely to be defaulted on, no problem government allowed those to be packaged into mortgage backed securities so the lenders could dump them before people started defaulting on the loans.

All the above enabled people to then act stupid. Purchasing more home than they could afford. Taking out 2nd mortgages and home loans to go on a spending spree. As home values were skyrocketing during this artificial government propped up house of cards people were even engaged in risky buying and flipping schemes.

AFTER THE CRASH all government morons did was to force lenders to go back to the exact same lending standards they had always used before the politicians forced them to abandon them in the first place.
Of course we were.
  • AIG was selling credit default swaps like candy with NO reserve requirements to back them up.
  • Banks were creating CDO's and CMO's with virtually ZERO oversight as to their contents.
  • The ratings agencies were selling AAA ratings to shit securities that were sold all over the world and failed, with no requirements.
  • Mortgage companies were selling mortgages to dogs (literally) because they knew a CDO would snap them up within 24 hours with no requirements.
  • Banks were shorting - buying CDS's against - CDO's at the very time they were selling them for huge fees, no requirements or laws.
  • Banks made CDO's they knew would fail so they could short them.
  • CDO's were were created with not only shit underlying mortgages, but shit underlying credit cards and high-risk loans, no requirements, AAA ratings.
This was fraud and under-regulation on a scale we have never seen.

This is a silly conversation. I've had it a thousand times with people who will only spew talk radio scripts. Believe what you will.

:eusa_hand: none of this crap existed until politicians stuck their nose into the private sector.
Ah. Okay, well, show me how. It's my profession, I need to stay on top of this kind of thing.

Lenders are not in business to lose money. Before politicians stuck their nose in this business perspective buyers had to meet strict loan requirements. Income, income to debt ratio, employment, down payment, and all this had to be verified they just didn't take your word for it. This was the way it worked for decades.

Then politicians looking to get reelected demolished the lending standards. Pressured Fannie and Freddie into lowering their requirements. Look, lenders no longer hold these loans long term they immediately sell the loans to Fannie and Freddie. But prior to interference from politicians Fannie and Freddie refused to purchase risky loans, hence lenders did not make risky loans because they couldn't sell them on the secondary mortgage market.

Trust me on this, politicians screwed the whole thing up then pretended like it wasn't their fault. I still remember Frank the banking chair in congress insisting there was nothing at all wrong at Fannie and Freddie. Then when the housing bubble blew up in his face he was the first one to blame everyone else but himself.
You're focusing on the Fannie & Freddie aspect of this, and there's simply much more to it that has nothing to do with that crap.

The lenders didn't have to worry about losing money, because they were immediately packaging the dog shit sub-prime mortgages into dog shit CMO's and double dog shit CDO's, getting COMPLETELY FRAUDULENT AAA ratings from the ratings agencies who were making a ton literally selling ratings, and POOF, the dog shit was OFF THE BOOKS, sold to some unsuspecting investors who foolishly thought that AAA ratings actually MEANT something. Ha! Dumb shits! Suckers!

Meanwhile, AIG is making a SHITLOAD selling a few hundred billion dollars of CDS's with ZERO (0) actual "money" to back up those bets, to institutions that thought (suckers!) they were hedging their bets on those CDO's and other shit, only to find out that AIG NEVER HAD THE MONEY TO PAY THEM OFF. THEY NEVER HAD THE FUCKING MONEY, YET THEY TOOK THE FEES. WHAT A DEAL! Holy crap, talk about a boffo business model! But that's okay - they called the gubmit, told them they forgot to keep money in reserve (oops!), and got bailed out! How cool is THAT!

Oh yeah, it gets better -- THEN the banks were creating and selling these horrific dog shit CMO's and CDO's and selling them with their phony dog shit AAA ratings, while AT THE SAME TIME they were BUYING CDS's to fucking SHORT THE VERY SHIT THEY WERE SELLING. Brilliant! Win/Win! My personal FAVE was the Goldman Sachs/John Paulson crime partnership that made Paulson $1 billion, GS even more, and fucked over all KINDS of people with shit CDO's that they had PURPOSELY MADE shit CDO's. Whoopee!

So what does ANY of this have to do with Fannie and Freddie? And by the way....
  • Why were the ratings agencies getting away with slapping AAA - TREASURY LEVEL - ratings for SHIT securities?
  • Why was AIG able to sell hundreds of billions of dollars in swaps with NO RESERVE REQUIREMENTS?
  • Why were the creators of these shit securities able to bring them to market in the FIRST PLACE?
  • Why were no limits placed on the amount of CDS's that could be bought to transfer risk?
  • Why were there ZERO controls on the types of debt that were being shoved into these shit securities?
  • Why were banks allowed to be in bed with companies that were selling hyper-toxic "synthetic CDO's" with zero fucking oversight?
  • Why were the banks getting away with manipulating the value of CDS's, as they were buying them themselves?
  • Why were the banks getting away with SHORTING the very crap securities they were creating and selling?
Because there was no one saying "stop, we need to look at this". That's what a regulator does. In a normal world.

Are you really going to blame the Democrats ALONE for all that? Holy crap, come on.
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Are you really going to blame the Democrats ALONE for all that? Holy crap, come on.

I blame everyone, both political parties, lenders, the secondary mortgage market, wall street, AND the stupid morons who applied for these loans in the first place. I made out like a bandit, sold the old house at the top, built the new house at the bottom, and built 1/3 of the house these clowns claimed I was qualified for and put a bunch of money down.
Only a fool trusts the federal government

Then you are a fool.
Na, The last thing I would ever do would be to trust the federal government

You trust the Fed Govt everytime you drive your car, eat food you did not grow/kill yourself, fly in an airplane, put money in a bank, pay your taxes...the list is endless. You are just too stupid to know it.
Wrong. We trust the companies who make the car, the food and the airplanes because they have a proven track record of producing safe reliable products. Government didn't make airlines safe, Boeing and the airlines did that on their own. Killing your customers is not good for business.

You are so naive it is almost comical, but in the end it is just pathetic.
Life must be hard when everything you know is wrong.
Na, The last thing I would ever do would be to trust the federal government

You trust the Fed Govt everytime you drive your car, eat food you did not grow/kill yourself, fly in an airplane, put money in a bank, pay your taxes...the list is endless. You are just too stupid to know it.
You watch far too many Hollywood movies... lol
The free market is much better than the federal government at all of those things you mentioned

You keep your head up Trump's ass way too much. All of those things are regulated by the Fed Govt so if you use them or do them you are trusting the Fed Govt. it is really that simple.

The "free market" is an illusion, there never has been one in this country and never will be

You claim to be a libertarian, but here you are calling for more government regulation. Do you even know what libertarians believe?

Where the fuck did I call for more of anything? Why are you Trump lemmings such fucking liars?

You called for it right here, moron:

"You trust the Fed Govt everytime you drive your car, eat food you did not grow/kill yourself, fly in an airplane, put money in a bank, pay your taxes...the list is endless. You are just too stupid to know it."
Then you are a fool.
Na, The last thing I would ever do would be to trust the federal government

You trust the Fed Govt everytime you drive your car, eat food you did not grow/kill yourself, fly in an airplane, put money in a bank, pay your taxes...the list is endless. You are just too stupid to know it.
Wrong. We trust the companies who make the car, the food and the airplanes because they have a proven track record of producing safe reliable products. Government didn't make airlines safe, Boeing and the airlines did that on their own. Killing your customers is not good for business.

You are so naive it is almost comical, but in the end it is just pathetic.
Life must be hard when everything you know is wrong.

I would not know, but please tell me all about it.

Just out of curiosity, how many examples of comapines fucking over the consumer to cut cost and make more money would it take for you to admit you are wrong?

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