Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

I don't care what Trump did, says, or wants to do, # 290,345,877.

This President could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he still wouldn't lose my vote.

A rare moment of Trumper honesty

I can be brutally honest. In fact, if you ever want to visit Fifth Avenue, I'd be more than happy to give you a free ride.
LOL, Confused by the big words?

Don't worry your empty lil' noggin about it because I wasn't talking to you anyways. :cool:

Maybe someone can draw you a picture about why the president shouldn't have personal debts tied to other nations, especially ones that are typically hostile towards us.

Knock yourself out ; I'm sure you're quite talented when it comes to doodling fanciful images.

Personally I'll pay attention to the legality of the matter in question and whether or not the evidence presented merits serious consideration.

Feel free to continue on with your game of DONNY'S GOING DOWN! THE INFINITE LOOP EDITION......:rolleyes:

Cute gear change there. Never did I say DONNY IS GOING DOWN. But when you act like you can't understand the potential implications of the sitting president in-debt to a foreign adversary, I question what the hell you are doing on a political message board.

LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS... when Trump said he had no dealings with Russians he was lying? They co-signed his fucking LOANS??
Word on the street is he told them he would have more flexibility after the elections.
LOL, Confused by the big words?

Don't worry your empty lil' noggin about it because I wasn't talking to you anyways. :cool:

Maybe someone can draw you a picture about why the president shouldn't have personal debts tied to other nations, especially ones that are typically hostile towards us.

Knock yourself out ; I'm sure you're quite talented when it comes to doodling fanciful images.

Personally I'll pay attention to the legality of the matter in question and whether or not the evidence presented merits serious consideration.

Feel free to continue on with your game of DONNY'S GOING DOWN! THE INFINITE LOOP EDITION......:rolleyes:

Cute gear change there. Never did I say DONNY IS GOING DOWN. But when you act like you can't understand the potential implications of the sitting president in-debt to a foreign adversary, I question what the hell you are doing on a political message board.

LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS...

Oh I get it, you weren't acting before. You are actually that out-of-touch.

How sad. But I'm glad I could help educate you.

You're welcome.

ROFLMAO! You're the brain dead, hyper partisan lemming that's trying to pass this unfounded bullshit off as fact and I'm out of touch?

... Jesus Christ, you're even more of a brainwashed idiot than I thought.:auiqs.jpg:
If Trump supporters were smart (which we know they aren't) they should actually be looking for Trumps connections to Russia.

Because if Trump is connected to Russia either through financial ties and debt he has or directly to the Kremlin, that would go a long way towards explaining his behavior towards Russia and his constant boot-licking of Putin while throwing Americans under the bus to do it.

However, if he's truly not connected to Russia, then his behavior of bending over backwards for Putin and publicly gushing over him just makes him look like a weak-ass bitch. And we know Trump supporters don't support weak-ass bitches, right?

Plus, even if concrete evidence came out connecting Russia to Trump, they should rest easy knowing the Senate won't do a damn thing about it.
LOL, Confused by the big words?

Don't worry your empty lil' noggin about it because I wasn't talking to you anyways. :cool:

Maybe someone can draw you a picture about why the president shouldn't have personal debts tied to other nations, especially ones that are typically hostile towards us.

Knock yourself out ; I'm sure you're quite talented when it comes to doodling fanciful images.

Personally I'll pay attention to the legality of the matter in question and whether or not the evidence presented merits serious consideration.

Feel free to continue on with your game of DONNY'S GOING DOWN! THE INFINITE LOOP EDITION......:rolleyes:

Cute gear change there. Never did I say DONNY IS GOING DOWN. But when you act like you can't understand the potential implications of the sitting president in-debt to a foreign adversary, I question what the hell you are doing on a political message board.

LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS... when Trump said he had no dealings with Russians he was lying?

Yeah.. probably, the sumbitch lies constantly, fortunately for him that's not illegal.

They co-signed his fucking LOANS??
There's NO evidence of that except for allegations by an anonymous source "close to Deutsche Bank", what is it about the difference between evidence and innuendo the so confuses you partisan lemmings?
Maybe someone can draw you a picture about why the president shouldn't have personal debts tied to other nations, especially ones that are typically hostile towards us.

Knock yourself out ; I'm sure you're quite talented when it comes to doodling fanciful images.

Personally I'll pay attention to the legality of the matter in question and whether or not the evidence presented merits serious consideration.

Feel free to continue on with your game of DONNY'S GOING DOWN! THE INFINITE LOOP EDITION......:rolleyes:

Cute gear change there. Never did I say DONNY IS GOING DOWN. But when you act like you can't understand the potential implications of the sitting president in-debt to a foreign adversary, I question what the hell you are doing on a political message board.

LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS...

Oh I get it, you weren't acting before. You are actually that out-of-touch.

How sad. But I'm glad I could help educate you.

You're welcome.

ROFLMAO! You're the brain dead, hyper partisan lemming that's trying to pass this unfounded bullshit off as fact and I'm out of touch?

... Jesus Christ, you're even more of a brainwashed idiot than I thought.:auiqs.jpg:

You must be what, 75+ at least? A bit senile clearly, as that's the only way to explain the fact that you can't remember who said what in this very thread.

Maybe it's time for a nap Granny?
If Trump supporters were smart (which we know they aren't) they should actually be looking for Trumps connections to Russia.

LOL, Why would "Trump supporters" bother? They have you retards looking under every rock & bush for them.

So far all you super sleuths have come up with is unsubstantiated innuendo and a highly dubious "dossier", WOOHOO! way to go morons, what's next on your agenda, a thorough investigation of the dietary habits of the Loch Ness Monster?
If Trump supporters were smart (which we know they aren't) they should actually be looking for Trumps connections to Russia.

Because if Trump is connected to Russia either through financial ties and debt he has or directly to the Kremlin, that would go a long way towards explaining his behavior towards Russia and his constant boot-licking of Putin while throwing Americans under the bus to do it.

However, if he's truly not connected to Russia, then his behavior of bending over backwards for Putin and publicly gushing over him just makes him look like a weak-ass bitch. And we know Trump supporters don't support weak-ass bitches, right?

Plus, even if concrete evidence came out connecting Russia to Trump, they should rest easy knowing the Senate won't do a damn thing about it.

Seriously, what Da fuq? I am having a hard time believing that you really believe what you're saying.

"Aug. 2 (UPI) -- President Donald Trump imposed new sanctions on Russia in connection with the poisoning of a former spy living in Britain more than a year ago..."

U.S. hits Russia with new sanctions for former spy's poisoning

"MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Russian Foreign Ministry said on Wednesday a new round of sanctions imposed by the United States undermined the possibility of normalizing bilateral ties, RIA news agency reported.."

Russia says new U.S. sanctions hurt prospects for bilateral ties: RIA

Look at that sad face..

Knock yourself out ; I'm sure you're quite talented when it comes to doodling fanciful images.

Personally I'll pay attention to the legality of the matter in question and whether or not the evidence presented merits serious consideration.

Feel free to continue on with your game of DONNY'S GOING DOWN! THE INFINITE LOOP EDITION......:rolleyes:

Cute gear change there. Never did I say DONNY IS GOING DOWN. But when you act like you can't understand the potential implications of the sitting president in-debt to a foreign adversary, I question what the hell you are doing on a political message board.

LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS...

Oh I get it, you weren't acting before. You are actually that out-of-touch.

How sad. But I'm glad I could help educate you.

You're welcome.

ROFLMAO! You're the brain dead, hyper partisan lemming that's trying to pass this unfounded bullshit off as fact and I'm out of touch?

... Jesus Christ, you're even more of a brainwashed idiot than I thought.:auiqs.jpg:

You must be what, 75+ at least? A bit senile clearly, as that's the only way to explain the fact that you can't remember who said what in this very thread.

Maybe it's time for a nap Granny?

LOL, pivot to DEFLECTION... what a novel approach. :rolleyes:

If Trump supporters were smart (which we know they aren't) they should actually be looking for Trumps connections to Russia.

LOL, Why would "Trump supporters" bother? They have you retards looking under every rock & bush for them.

So far all you super sleuths have come up with is unsubstantiated innuendo and a highly dubious "dossier", WOOHOO! way to go morons, what's next on your agenda, a thorough investigation of the dietary habits of the Loch Ness Monster?

I just explained why they should bother. Maybe you should try and read a little slower this time. I can't draw you a picture for every post.
Cute gear change there. Never did I say DONNY IS GOING DOWN. But when you act like you can't understand the potential implications of the sitting president in-debt to a foreign adversary, I question what the hell you are doing on a political message board.

LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS...

Oh I get it, you weren't acting before. You are actually that out-of-touch.

How sad. But I'm glad I could help educate you.

You're welcome.

ROFLMAO! You're the brain dead, hyper partisan lemming that's trying to pass this unfounded bullshit off as fact and I'm out of touch?

... Jesus Christ, you're even more of a brainwashed idiot than I thought.:auiqs.jpg:

You must be what, 75+ at least? A bit senile clearly, as that's the only way to explain the fact that you can't remember who said what in this very thread.

Maybe it's time for a nap Granny?

LOL, pivot to DEFLECTION... what a novel approach. :rolleyes:


Clearly you're having trouble keeping up with the thread. I know it's confusing that there might be multiple people in this same thread and you might have to *gasp* remember which one you're talking to.

Take a nap and when you wake up maybe you can ask one of your grandkids for help with how the internet works.
Knock yourself out ; I'm sure you're quite talented when it comes to doodling fanciful images.

Personally I'll pay attention to the legality of the matter in question and whether or not the evidence presented merits serious consideration.

Feel free to continue on with your game of DONNY'S GOING DOWN! THE INFINITE LOOP EDITION......:rolleyes:

Cute gear change there. Never did I say DONNY IS GOING DOWN. But when you act like you can't understand the potential implications of the sitting president in-debt to a foreign adversary, I question what the hell you are doing on a political message board.

LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS... when Trump said he had no dealings with Russians he was lying? They co-signed his fucking LOANS??
This is such a lie. No Billionaire needs any Asshole to Co-sign a Loan. Every member of The Trump Family are Millionaires and Billionaires, and their credit rating is a corporate credit rating that is through the roof. They have unlimited credit.
I guess you missed it but Deutsche Bank was the ONLY bank that would give him a loan because of his shitty credit and numerous bankruptcies. It looks like we now know why they were willing to take the chance...of course their money laundering for Russian Oligarchs could have a lot to do with it...

Douche Bank is where you bank.

That or First Vagina Savings.

Trust me, there ain't no saving your vagina.

Your Credit Rating Lie is embarrassing.....for you that is. You are a liar. What next? Telling us that Trump Hotels, Country Clubs and Maro Lago have Bed Bugs?

Yah, we already know that is the next bit of Propaganda you Demons from Hell are spinning.

How'd your Russian Collusion work out for you?

Turns out Hillary and Obama the Magic Muslim where having a threesome with Putin, and Hillary don't even like men. Obama does though. He loves him some Russian Sausage.

Pretty sure you like Hairy Man Butt too. All Leftist Commies do.
whatever Russia did with Trump and his banks , the answer is tied up in the courts to keep the public from finding out.
Maybe someone can draw you a picture about why the president shouldn't have personal debts tied to other nations, especially ones that are typically hostile towards us.

Knock yourself out ; I'm sure you're quite talented when it comes to doodling fanciful images.

Personally I'll pay attention to the legality of the matter in question and whether or not the evidence presented merits serious consideration.

Feel free to continue on with your game of DONNY'S GOING DOWN! THE INFINITE LOOP EDITION......:rolleyes:

Cute gear change there. Never did I say DONNY IS GOING DOWN. But when you act like you can't understand the potential implications of the sitting president in-debt to a foreign adversary, I question what the hell you are doing on a political message board.

LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS... when Trump said he had no dealings with Russians he was lying?

Yeah.. probably, the sumbitch lies constantly, fortunately for him that's not illegal.

They co-signed his fucking LOANS??
There's NO evidence of that except for allegations by an anonymous source "close to Deutsche Bank", what is it about the difference between evidence and innuendo the so confuses you partisan lemmings?
Close to Douche Bank means the Hooker on the Corner across the street from Douche Bank.
Cute gear change there. Never did I say DONNY IS GOING DOWN. But when you act like you can't understand the potential implications of the sitting president in-debt to a foreign adversary, I question what the hell you are doing on a political message board.

LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS... when Trump said he had no dealings with Russians he was lying? They co-signed his fucking LOANS??
This is such a lie. No Billionaire needs any Asshole to Co-sign a Loan. Every member of The Trump Family are Millionaires and Billionaires, and their credit rating is a corporate credit rating that is through the roof. They have unlimited credit.
I guess you missed it but Deutsche Bank was the ONLY bank that would give him a loan because of his shitty credit and numerous bankruptcies. It looks like we now know why they were willing to take the chance...of course their money laundering for Russian Oligarchs could have a lot to do with it...

Douche Bank is where you bank.

That or First Vagina Savings.

Trust me, there ain't no saving your vagina.

Your Credit Rating Lie is embarrassing.....for you that is. You are a liar. What next? Telling us that Trump Hotels, Country Clubs and Maro Lago have Bed Bugs?

Yah, we already know that is the next bit of Propaganda you Demons from Hell are spinning.

How'd your Russian Collusion work out for you?

Turns out Hillary and Obama the Magic Muslim where having a threesome with Putin, and Hillary don't even like men. Obama does though. He loves him some Russian Sausage.

Pretty sure you like Hairy Man Butt too. All Leftist Commies do.
Wow that was quite the rant. Touched a nerve I see
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

Famous Confucius quote:

“Do not be the bubble. Be outside the bubble.”
whatever Russia did with Trump and his banks , the answer is tied up in the courts to keep the public from finding out.
Please Satchmo. Why are you such a plantation slave? Don't you evah say nuthin the DemNazi mastahs tell you tah say?
LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS... when Trump said he had no dealings with Russians he was lying? They co-signed his fucking LOANS??
This is such a lie. No Billionaire needs any Asshole to Co-sign a Loan. Every member of The Trump Family are Millionaires and Billionaires, and their credit rating is a corporate credit rating that is through the roof. They have unlimited credit.
I guess you missed it but Deutsche Bank was the ONLY bank that would give him a loan because of his shitty credit and numerous bankruptcies. It looks like we now know why they were willing to take the chance...of course their money laundering for Russian Oligarchs could have a lot to do with it...

Douche Bank is where you bank.

That or First Vagina Savings.

Trust me, there ain't no saving your vagina.

Your Credit Rating Lie is embarrassing.....for you that is. You are a liar. What next? Telling us that Trump Hotels, Country Clubs and Maro Lago have Bed Bugs?

Yah, we already know that is the next bit of Propaganda you Demons from Hell are spinning.

How'd your Russian Collusion work out for you?

Turns out Hillary and Obama the Magic Muslim where having a threesome with Putin, and Hillary don't even like men. Obama does though. He loves him some Russian Sausage.

Pretty sure you like Hairy Man Butt too. All Leftist Commies do.
Wow that was quite the rant. Touched a nerve I see
Nah, you haven't touched nothin but Hairy Man Butt, Troll Holio

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