Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

YOUR SOURCE, RAW STORY is a left-leaning American online news organization founded in 2004 by John K. Byrne. It covers current national and international political and economic news and publishes its own editorials and investigative pieces. The Raw Story is a progressive news site,[3]bringing attention to stories that it sees as downplayed or ignored by other media outlets. It is owned by Washington, D.C.-based Raw Story Media, Inc.
The Russian narrative has already failed, dumbfuck. The rest of you bigoted lying loons have moved on to white supremacy and recession.
The hell it has, brainwashed functional moron....
The Geigh is Strong in many a Russian Collusion believer.
Hairy Man Butt Lovin isn't just a fantasy for Lefty, it's a way of life.
Bottom's up baby.
Last edited:
The Russian narrative has already failed, dumbfuck. The rest of you bigoted lying loons have moved on to white supremacy and recession.
The hell it has, brainwashed functional moron....
The Geigh is Strong in many a Russian Collusion believers.
Hairy Man Butt Lovin isn't just a fantasy for Lefty, it's a way of life.
Bottom's up baby
Who said anything about collusion? Why would the Russians bother colluding with these idiots? Just because the Trump campaign met with Russians over a hundred times and wrote nothing down is not suspicious at all LOL. Every Republican senator and representative on intelligence committees agrees the Russians hacked the DNC server and gave the emails to WikiLeaks and thus Fox noise which went on about it along with CNN and MSNBC 4 a year. Wrecked the election along with big mouth GOP idiot James Comey. Sorry you missed all the news Tama brain-washed functional moron.
The Russian narrative has already failed, dumbfuck. The rest of you bigoted lying loons have moved on to white supremacy and recession.
The hell it has, brainwashed functional moron....
The Geigh is Strong in many a Russian Collusion believers.
Hairy Man Butt Lovin isn't just a fantasy for Lefty, it's a way of life.
Bottom's up baby
Who said anything about collusion? Why would the Russians bother colluding with these idiots? Just because the Trump campaign met with Russians over a hundred times and wrote nothing down is not suspicious at all LOL. Every Republican senator and representative on intelligence committees agrees the Russians hacked the DNC server and gave the emails to WikiLeaks and thus Fox noise which went on about it along with CNN and MSNBC 4 a year. Wrecked the election along with big mouth GOP idiot James Comey. Sorry you missed all the news Tama brain-washed functional moron.

Who was the POTUS when all this was going on?
The Russian narrative has already failed, dumbfuck. The rest of you bigoted lying loons have moved on to white supremacy and recession.
The hell it has, brainwashed functional moron....
The Geigh is Strong in many a Russian Collusion believers.
Hairy Man Butt Lovin isn't just a fantasy for Lefty, it's a way of life.
Bottom's up baby
Who said anything about collusion? Why would the Russians bother colluding with these idiots? Just because the Trump campaign met with Russians over a hundred times and wrote nothing down is not suspicious at all LOL. Every Republican senator and representative on intelligence committees agrees the Russians hacked the DNC server and gave the emails to WikiLeaks and thus Fox noise which went on about it along with CNN and MSNBC 4 a year. Wrecked the election along with big mouth GOP idiot James Comey. Sorry you missed all the news Tama brain-washed functional moron.

Every Republican senator and representative on intelligence committees agrees the Russians hacked the DNC server and gave the emails to WikiLeaks

Don't you hate it when Dem corruption is exposed?

There ought to be a law, eh comrade?
The Russian narrative has already failed, dumbfuck. The rest of you bigoted lying loons have moved on to white supremacy and recession.
Life-long Republicans Bob Mueller and Bill Barr respected Trump's "red line" about his personal finances figuring into their "investigation." Don't expect Democrats will be as gutless, but you never know.
Donald Trump "extremely nervous" about tax returns, says Nixon's White House counsel: "There could be a lot of trouble"
You understand that John Dean's knowledge of Trump's state of anxiety is from watching Trump on television. It was something to say to CNN's chief alcoholic, Don Lemon. Otherwise Dean has Nothing to say.
You understand that John Dean's knowledge of Trump's state of anxiety is from watching Trump on television. It was something to say to CNN's chief alcoholic, Don Lemon. Otherwise Dean has Nothing to say.
You understand John Dean has a deeper understanding of presidential anxiety over obstruction of justice prospects than you do, right?

Donald Trump "extremely nervous" about tax returns, says Nixon's White House counsel: "There could be a lot of trouble"

"The White House counsel to President Richard Nixon said President Donald Trump looks 'extremely nervous' about the release of his tax returns after Deutsche Bank implied that it holds copies of the documents sought by Congress.

"Deutsche Bank said in a filing at a New York federal appeals court that it holds tax returns relating to the subject of congressional subpoenas, but redacted the name, citing client confidentiality and contractual agreements. Trump has long had a relationship with Deutsche Bank.

"'In addition, the Bank has such documents related to parties not named in the subpoenas but who may constitute "immediate family" within the definition provided in the subpoenas,' the filing stated, in what is widely interpreted to mean President Trump and his children.

"'There could be a lot of trouble there for Mr. Trump,' John Dean, who helped orchestrate the Watergate scandal and pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice during the affair, told CNN on Tuesday night."

Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when the first family of grifters goes to prison?
Nah, you haven't touched nothin but Hairy Man Butt, Troll Holio

Sorry dude..I don't go that way. Talk to one of your Trumper buddies. Maybe they'll help you out

Herr Lesh believes that anyone who disagrees with him is a "Trumper".
If they don't vote Democrat, they are no different. Brainwashed functional morons.

You mean they aren't any different? You're rhetoric is certainly interesting and very divisive. I understand your anger as you wasted your life and now blame everyone else who is more successful. I do pity you, Mr. Franco.
The Russian narrative has already failed, dumbfuck. The rest of you bigoted lying loons have moved on to white supremacy and recession.
The hell it has, brainwashed functional moron....
The Geigh is Strong in many a Russian Collusion believers.
Hairy Man Butt Lovin isn't just a fantasy for Lefty, it's a way of life.
Bottom's up baby
Who said anything about collusion? Why would the Russians bother colluding with these idiots? Just because the Trump campaign met with Russians over a hundred times and wrote nothing down is not suspicious at all LOL. Every Republican senator and representative on intelligence committees agrees the Russians hacked the DNC server and gave the emails to WikiLeaks and thus Fox noise which went on about it along with CNN and MSNBC 4 a year. Wrecked the election along with big mouth GOP idiot James Comey. Sorry you missed all the news Tama brain-washed functional moron.
Russia Russia Russia is just Lefty code for "Join in on the Hairy Man Butt Loving Choo Choo Train."

I heard you are the caboose.
B359-WEB-MS1B01-crop-c0-5__0-5-863x1050.png're the only one on this thread fixated on hairy man butt.


As far as Russia...let's just pretend they didn't screw around with our elections and are STILL doing so...
The Russian narrative has already failed, dumbfuck. The rest of you bigoted lying loons have moved on to white supremacy and recession.
The hell it has, brainwashed functional moron....
We know it’s your “truth” to keep the emotional fallacy rolling but it’s been at a dead stop for a while now.
Truth is acknowledging you have an XY Chromosome and are a man.

Lefty, doesn't seem to accept this science.
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

Trump's legal team is already threatening fake news NBC and Lawrence O’Donnell with legal action for defamation and malice for knowingly running a false story from a single source, when ample public documents exist that prove the story is false.
Typical liberal playbook, fabricate a story. Intentionally don't even attempt to verify. Run it to do as much damage as possible. O'Donnell is already back tracking and shitting his pants. Apparently ample public documents prove the story is false which rises to the level of malice. O'Donnell will be lucky if he doesn't get sued into bankruptcy.
Trump's legal team is already threatening fake news NBC and Lawrence O’Donnell with legal action for defamation and malice for knowingly running a false story from a single source, when ample public documents exist that prove the story is false.

LOL..the "discovery" portion of THAT lawsuit ought to be fun.

Go for it OrangeMan
Trump's legal team is already threatening fake news NBC and Lawrence O’Donnell with legal action for defamation and malice for knowingly running a false story from a single source, when ample public documents exist that prove the story is false.

LOL..the "discovery" portion of THAT lawsuit ought to be fun.

Go for it OrangeMan

The count down to O'Donnell's firing has begun. NBC will drop him like a hot potato.
The Russian narrative has already failed, dumbfuck. The rest of you bigoted lying loons have moved on to white supremacy and recession.
The hell it has, brainwashed functional moron....
The Geigh is Strong in many a Russian Collusion believers.
Hairy Man Butt Lovin isn't just a fantasy for Lefty, it's a way of life.
Bottom's up baby
Who said anything about collusion? Why would the Russians bother colluding with these idiots? Just because the Trump campaign met with Russians over a hundred times and wrote nothing down is not suspicious at all LOL. Every Republican senator and representative on intelligence committees agrees the Russians hacked the DNC server and gave the emails to WikiLeaks and thus Fox noise which went on about it along with CNN and MSNBC 4 a year. Wrecked the election along with big mouth GOP idiot James Comey. Sorry you missed all the news Tama brain-washed functional moron.
Russia Russia Russia is just Lefty code for "Join in on the Hairy Man Butt Loving Choo Choo Train."

I heard you are the caboose.
B359-WEB-MS1B01-crop-c0-5__0-5-863x1050.png're the only one on this thread fixated on hairy man butt.


As far as Russia...let's just pretend they didn't screw around with our elections and are STILL doing so...
Who was the POTUS during the 2016 election?

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