Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

And the actual story.....

Trump lawyer to O'Donnell and MSNBC: Your claim about Russians co-signing his loans is defamatory; Update: I made an error, says O'Donnell

O’Donnell said during last night’s show that “I want to stress that is a single source, that has not been confirmed by NBC News. I have not seen any documentation from Deutsche Bank that supports this and verifies this. This is just a single source who has revealed that to me.” Legal eagles, would that be enough to get a defamation suit dismissed? He’s not claiming it’s a fact that Russian oligarchs guaranteed Trump’s loans, he’s not claiming that he’s seen evidence to that effect, he’s not claiming that a second source has confirmed that it’s true. All he’s saying is that some guy says so … and, uh, that he trusts that guy enough to report what he said to the entire country.
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Good Gaea's gargantuan gazongas, but leftists are gullible morons.

They're conniving guttersnipes.
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

The criminal deutsche bank, laundering criminal russian money...

President Pussyboy, the criminal assisting in the task...

As everyone pretty much already knew.
Hey, you know how you like to pretend you're smart?

In reality, you're a moron. But MSDNC appreciates your mindless willingness to eat their shit.
Another trump cultist tantrum. How predictable.
Look, Skippy, you can eat all of MSDNC's shit you want. Just don't expect normal people to believe you when you say it's yummy.
The Geigh is Strong in many a Russian Collusion believers.
Hairy Man Butt Lovin isn't just a fantasy for Lefty, it's a way of life.
Bottom's up baby
Who said anything about collusion? Why would the Russians bother colluding with these idiots? Just because the Trump campaign met with Russians over a hundred times and wrote nothing down is not suspicious at all LOL. Every Republican senator and representative on intelligence committees agrees the Russians hacked the DNC server and gave the emails to WikiLeaks and thus Fox noise which went on about it along with CNN and MSNBC 4 a year. Wrecked the election along with big mouth GOP idiot James Comey. Sorry you missed all the news Tama brain-washed functional moron.

Every Republican senator and representative on intelligence committees agrees the Russians hacked the DNC server and gave the emails to WikiLeaks

Don't you hate it when Dem corruption is exposed?

There ought to be a law, eh comrade?
Give us a call when it actually happens, brainwashed functional moron. By the way what the f*** are you talkin about you idiot?

Give us a call when it actually happens,

The "hack" didn't expose Dem corruption?

That's great!

What did it expose?
It revealed staffers at the DNC bullshiting, not a damn thing. Brainwashed functional moron. We have this thing called innocent until proven guilty and you can't even get law enforcement interested. They already investigated everything and nothing but b******* propaganda. The GOP has brainwashed you with so many phony scandals now they have to call it a giant conspiracy of our government against you. Absolute idiocy...
It revealed staffers at the DNC bullshiting, not a damn thing.

Then why do liberals blame that for Hillary's loss? Whiney, useless twat.
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell retracts claim that Russian oligarchs co-signed Trump's bank loans | Daily Mail Online

MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell retracts claim that Russian oligarchs co-signed Trump's bank loans after president' lawyer threatened to sue - but #RussianCosigners had Already trended on Twitter

But, what's the basis for impeaching?
I stated it already: an unacceptable conflict of interest that was actively hidden from the american people.
What's the crime?

It doesn't have to be a formal crime in order to be impeached for it. And, of course, if impeachment occurs, this will be but one item on the laundry list.
So, it's just a way to undo an election.

That's what I figured. I just wanted to be sure.

Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

The criminal deutsche bank, laundering criminal russian money...

President Pussyboy, the criminal assisting in the task...

As everyone pretty much already knew.
Hey, you know how you like to pretend you're smart?

In reality, you're a moron. But MSDNC appreciates your mindless willingness to eat their shit.
Another trump cultist tantrum. How predictable.
Look, Skippy, you can eat all of MSDNC's shit you want. Just don't expect normal people to believe you when you say it's yummy.
Wow, still whining.

So, cultist, a question:

What about any of this would surprise you?
You mean they aren't any different? You're rhetoric is certainly interesting and very divisive. I understand your anger as you wasted your life and now blame everyone else who is more successful. I do pity you, Mr. Franco.
All the people who call themselves classical liberals libertarians etc etc just found another form of GOP propaganda total garbage.....

You're the one giving childish smileys. So sad. A 70 year old acting like a 7 year old.
Sorry they don't have one for you are an idiot and should shut the hell up, brainwashed functional....

At least I have something to wash. You jealous?
I am done with you until you come up with a relevant argument and not just b******* insults, troll.

Says the king of smiley faces and terms like "brainwashed functional moron". When you grow up, ping me.
What part of the deadbeat president sucking russian balls because they cosigned his loans in order to expedite the laundering of their criminal money surprises you?

The part where you are wrong you stupid imbecile. We'll be waiting for your apology now that we have O'Donnell's...OH SNAP! :auiqs.jpg:

O'Donnell tweeted that, "Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process." "I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air.
On the other hand it might still turn out to be true you know.... He made so many apologies before he said it I think this is all a bit ridiculous. But that's what you get with the gigantic scary GOP propaganda machine. And never a retraction from those Liars and propagandists....
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

The criminal deutsche bank, laundering criminal russian money...

President Pussyboy, the criminal assisting in the task...

As everyone pretty much already knew.
Hey, you know how you like to pretend you're smart?

In reality, you're a moron. But MSDNC appreciates your mindless willingness to eat their shit.
Another trump cultist tantrum. How predictable.
Look, Skippy, you can eat all of MSDNC's shit you want. Just don't expect normal people to believe you when you say it's yummy.
Wow, still whining.

So, cultist, a question:

What about any of this would surprise you?
That it happened at all. The whole thing is absolutely unbelievable.

Meanwhile, you're still operating under the belief that it did...because that's what you were told to believe. And you lack the wit to question your programming.
What part of the deadbeat president sucking russian balls because they cosigned his loans in order to expedite the laundering of their criminal money surprises you?

The part where you are wrong you stupid imbecile. We'll be waiting for your apology now that we have O'Donnell's...OH SNAP! :auiqs.jpg:

O'Donnell tweeted that, "Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process." "I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air.
On the other hand it might still turn out to be true you know.... He made so many apologies before he said it I think this is all a bit ridiculous. But that's what you get with the gigantic scary GOP propaganda machine. And never a retraction from those Liars and propagandists....

What an idiot.
You mean, busted making shit up?

Maybe,maybe not. The report could be accurate. President pussyboy could put the rumor to rest by disclosing a few documents.

But, he hasnt and won't. I wonder what the most simple explanation for that behavior is?


Why? Forced by NBC, notorious far-left Progressive Lawrence O'Donnell rushed out a desperate Tweet saying, "Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process. I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight."

NBC knew O'Donnell had stepped in it and stepped in it bad when they got the letter from President Trump's attorney's. That's finally when they reviewed the "story" and saw it was totally FAKE NEWS. EVEN THEY say Oh S***!
What part of the deadbeat president sucking russian balls because they cosigned his loans in order to expedite the laundering of their criminal money surprises you?

The part where you are wrong you stupid imbecile. We'll be waiting for your apology now that we have O'Donnell's...OH SNAP! :auiqs.jpg:

O'Donnell tweeted that, "Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process." "I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air.
On the other hand it might still turn out to be true you know.... He made so many apologies before he said it I think this is all a bit ridiculous. But that's what you get with the gigantic scary GOP propaganda machine. And never a retraction from those Liars and propagandists....

What an idiot.
No it is a disgraceful lying character assassinating garbage propaganda machine, the worst thing that's ever happened to American politics in the last 50 years.
He apologized and retracted
False, he did not retract his claim . You literally just made that up.


Lawrence O'Donnell

"Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process. I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight."
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FAKE FAKE FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Idiot O'Donnell should tell the truth....then he wouldn't have to apologize every other day! :mad-61:


Lawrence O'Donnell


Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process. I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight.

5:53 AM - Aug 29, 2019
He apologized and retracted
False, he did not retract his claim . You literally just made that up.


"Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process. I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight."

Fart Fun Indy loses again.
But that's what losers do....

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