Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Applicant worth $5Bil does not need a co-signer for a $25mil construction loan.
Only if he can prove he is actually a billionaire & has any credit left.

He can either release his tax returns, or shut the fuck up. The only way he can prove he's a billionaire/

Release his tax returns

He wants to prove hes being slandered?

Release his tax returns

No tax returns, O Donnells story stands, and he is broke like every body that's accused him of it.

End of story.

Release tax returns, or you got nothin'

Now, put up or shut up.

No taxes for you, grasshopper......:boohoo:.

End of story.
We all know it is a political process. I just wanted to be sure you were down with Clinton getting impeached for a fucking blow job.
Oops, looks like you need another correction.

Clinton was impeached for lying, actually. And clinton should immediately have resigned, once we knew he lied to congress.

What else ya got, Mr. Whataboutism?
I love the way Republicans say well Trump lied he just didn’t do it to Congress.
Well, one is a crime (perjury), the other is not...BUT...

It was impeachment for a fucking blow job. It was complete bullshit. Everybody knows it. And, these asswipes want to impeach Trump for more bullshit.

So he should be impeached for (potentially) having taken out a loan with a Russian BEFORE he was president?
Absoulutely. That is an unacceptable conflict of interest that he should have disclosed during the campaign.

Really? Where is that written?
What election law is that?

The only thing that has to be reported is the loan and the source of the loan.
That would be reported on the financial disclosure.
Applicant worth $5Bil does not need a co-signer for a $25mil construction loan.
Only if he can prove he is actually a billionaire & has any credit left.

He can either release his tax returns, or shut the fuck up. The only way he can prove he's a billionaire/

Release his tax returns

He wants to prove hes being slandered?

Release his tax returns

No tax returns, O Donnells story stands, and he is broke like every body that's accused him of it.

End of story.

Release tax returns, or you got nothin'

Now, put up or shut up.

No taxes for you, grasshopper......:boohoo:.

End of story.

Fine. ODonnells story stands. Trump had a Russian Oligarch cosign for loans, and unless Trump shows his taxes, he cannot prove otherwise.
Do I think this claim is probably true?

Yep. It explains so much, including deutsche bank's otherwise very odd move of lending to trump while he was in default of another loan with them, including lending him money to pay off the defaulted loan.
Applicant worth $5Bil does not need a co-signer for a $25mil construction loan.
Only if he can prove he is actually a billionaire & has any credit left.

He can either release his tax returns, or shut the fuck up. The only way he can prove he's a billionaire/

Release his tax returns

He wants to prove hes being slandered?

Release his tax returns

No tax returns, O Donnells story stands, and he is broke like every body that's accused him of it.

End of story.

Release tax returns, or you got nothin'

Now, put up or shut up.

No taxes for you, grasshopper......:boohoo:.

End of story.

Fine. ODonnells story stands. Trump had a Russian Oligarch cosign for loans, and unless Trump shows his taxes, he cannot prove otherwise.

When they are mistaken, they retract And apologize. Unlike any of your Heroes have ever done. You admire them for being lying sacks of s***.
You mean, busted making shit up?

No that would be the GOP propaganda machine, the worst media in the modern world by far. Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc. Almost time for them to die off... I seriously don't like lying un American sacks of s***.you have so many phony scandals they finally had to make up the deep state conspiracy idiocy.... Poor America
You could have just typed "I know you are, but what am I" and saved some time.

O'Donnell said he only had one source but he believed it. and to take it with a grain of salt obviously. Now he has to save himself because the giant weight of the garbage GOP propaganda machine is trying to run him out of town. For not much. But it's happened before many times Dan Rather Brian Williams. Meanwhile Fox primetime Rush Limbaugh Savage etc.etc lie Non-Stop. But that's only opinion. What a bunch of crap. LOL aaarrrggghhh hhhh. It's like Lerner the head of the IRS taking the fifth just to duck the fox machine of crap.
The Russian narrative has already failed, dumbfuck. The rest of you bigoted lying loons have moved on to white supremacy and recession.

The "Russian narrative" has not failed at all. Trump is still promoting Putin's interests in opposition to American interests. There are still unanswered questions that need to be investigated by the House.

The Russian narrative was never fully investigated. Rosenstein blocked the attempt by Mueller to supoena Deutches Banke records.
When they are mistaken, they retract And apologize. Unlike any of your Heroes have ever done. You admire them for being lying sacks of s***.
You mean, busted making shit up?

No that would be the GOP propaganda machine, the worst media in the modern world by far. Rupert Murdoch Rush Limbaugh etc. Almost time for them to die off... I seriously don't like lying un American sacks of s***.you have so many phony scandals they finally had to make up the deep state conspiracy idiocy.... Poor America
You could have just typed "I know you are, but what am I" and saved some time.

bologna. I thought gentleman were supposed to lie about something like that, talk about a stupid witch Hunt and ambush. Made Bill very popular the whole thing.

' another snowflake to bite on ANOTHER debunked fake news 'Russian Collusion' story...I'm glad there's no limit on catching SUCKERS...and half the fun is throwing them back so you can catch them all over again later...this NEVER gets old!'
yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times and never wrote anything down is not suspicious at all. Super duper.
We all know it is a political process. I just wanted to be sure you were down with Clinton getting impeached for a fucking blow job.
Oops, looks like you need another correction.

Clinton was impeached for lying, actually. And clinton should immediately have resigned, once we knew he lied to congress.

What else ya got, Mr. Whataboutism?

Republicans investigate Clinton or having consensual sex. Then drape themselves all over Trump.

Explain that?
Oh, I agree. Nobody has a monopoly on hypocrisy.

Actually the GOP does.... Try a news outlet.

' another snowflake to bite on ANOTHER debunked fake news 'Russian Collusion' story...I'm glad there's no limit on catching SUCKERS...and half the fun is throwing them back so you can catch them all over again later...this NEVER gets old!'
yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times and never wrote anything down is not suspicious at all. Super duper.

You're deranged......thanks to Trump.
What part of the deadbeat president sucking russian balls because they cosigned his loans in order to expedite the laundering of their criminal money surprises you?

The part where you are wrong you stupid imbecile. We'll be waiting for your apology now that we have O'Donnell's...OH SNAP! :auiqs.jpg:

O'Donnell tweeted that, "Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process." "I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air.
On the other hand it might still turn out to be true you know.... He made so many apologies before he said it I think this is all a bit ridiculous. But that's what you get with the gigantic scary GOP propaganda machine. And never a retraction from those Liars and propagandists....

What an idiot.
No it is a disgraceful lying character assassinating garbage propaganda machine, the worst thing that's ever happened to American politics in the last 50 years.
Oh, now you're talking about the leftist media.
The Russian narrative has already failed, dumbfuck. The rest of you bigoted lying loons have moved on to white supremacy and recession.

The "Russian narrative" has not failed at all. Trump is still promoting Putin's interests in opposition to American interests. There are still unanswered questions that need to be investigated by the House.

The Russian narrative was never fully investigated. Rosenstein blocked the attempt by Mueller to supoena Deutches Banke records.

2 years, 35 Million Dollars, 500 subpoenas and 400 pages of report was not fully investigated? Can you show me the thread or post where you stated this BEFORE the Mueller report came out?

Thanks in advance.

Otherwise, you're a fucking partisan hack and not worth your weight in pig shit.
Republicans investigate Clinton or having consensual sex. Then drape themselves all over Trump.

Explain that?

Why do you keep repeating the same lie?

Felony perjury, as you know and know well.
Hey, you know how you like to pretend you're smart?

In reality, you're a moron. But MSDNC appreciates your mindless willingness to eat their shit.
Another trump cultist tantrum. How predictable.
Look, Skippy, you can eat all of MSDNC's shit you want. Just don't expect normal people to believe you when you say it's yummy.
Wow, still whining.

So, cultist, a question:

What about any of this would surprise you?
That it happened at all. The whole thing is absolutely unbelievable.

Meanwhile, you're still operating under the belief that it did...because that's what you were told to believe. And you lack the wit to question your programming.

There was a report. Why would anyone not consider it?

A report that makes sense & explains why Trump is hiding his relationship with this bank.
It's been reported that you lick yogurt off of hobos' feet. I reported it, and it makes sense, so you should consider it.

Dood. That's nasty. You need to cut that out.
"The source close to Deutsche bank"? What the hell is that? Another foreign agent hostile to the U.A. President enlisted by the left wing media?
All you blubbering trumpkins better brace yourselves for this report to be confirmed, eventually.

Hop on AM radio...i'm sure the preemptive talking points are being handed out already....
You think it's true because you were told to think it's true.

Your lemming-like behavior is not a compelling argument for normal people.

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