Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Applicant worth $5Bil does not need a co-signer for a $25mil construction loan.
Only if he can prove he is actually a billionaire & has any credit left.

He can either release his tax returns, or shut the fuck up. The only way he can prove he's a billionaire/

Release his tax returns

He wants to prove hes being slandered?

Release his tax returns

No tax returns, O Donnells story stands, and he is broke like every body that's accused him of it.

End of story.

Release tax returns, or you got nothin'

Now, put up or shut up.
In this country, we believe in innocent until proven guilty. I expect this is a new concept for you.

' another snowflake to bite on ANOTHER debunked fake news 'Russian Collusion' story...I'm glad there's no limit on catching SUCKERS...and half the fun is throwing them back so you can catch them all over again later...this NEVER gets old!'
yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times and never wrote anything down is not suspicious at all. Super duper.

You're deranged......thanks to Trump.
That is a fact, the Trump campaign met over a hundred times with the Russians and never wrote anything down. You are a brainwashed functional moron who doesn't know half of what is going on....
You need to learn the legal definition of "retraction"
No, apparently, you do.
Here you go.

"A retraction is a withdrawal of a legal document in a lawsuit or other legal proceeding, or withdrawal of a promise or offer of contract. In the context of defamation, it refers to the correction of any false statement published in a newspaper or magazine or broadcast on radio or television, usually upon the demand of the person about whom the damaging false statement was made. A retraction will usually be made to prevent the defamed party from going forward with a lawsuit for damages for libel. In most states a retraction must be demanded before the suit is filed in order to attempt to resolve the dispute without litigation. Retraction is often made in cases of error, fraud, or misconduct."
Retraction Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Spin that, you miserable twat.

And yet, the claim was not retracted. Like I said. Sorry, swing and a miss for you, there.

So, a you fools saying, "see! He lied! Its false" are fools.
Applicant worth $5Bil does not need a co-signer for a $25mil construction loan.
Only if he can prove he is actually a billionaire & has any credit left.

He can either release his tax returns, or shut the fuck up. The only way he can prove he's a billionaire/

Release his tax returns

He wants to prove hes being slandered?

Release his tax returns

No tax returns, O Donnells story stands, and he is broke like every body that's accused him of it.

End of story.

Release tax returns, or you got nothin'

Now, put up or shut up.

No taxes for you, grasshopper......:boohoo:.

End of story.

Fine. ODonnells story stands. Trump had a Russian Oligarch cosign for loans, and unless Trump shows his taxes, he cannot prove otherwise.
Even O'Donnell doesn't believe his bullshit story.

But you'll believe it because you were told to believe it.

Man, leftists are gullible.
You think it's true because you were told to think it's true.
No idiot, I think it is true for the reasons I know, the reasons you can't work up the stones to which to respond, instead substituting your usual, embarrassing hissy fit.
Even O'Donnell doesn't believe his bullshit story.
Oh, I think he does. And i think we will probably find out for sure

Of course, your cult leader could put this to bed by releasing a document or two.

I wonder why he doesn't?

We all know why, including you cackling cultists.
Another trump cultist tantrum. How predictable.
Look, Skippy, you can eat all of MSDNC's shit you want. Just don't expect normal people to believe you when you say it's yummy.
Wow, still whining.

So, cultist, a question:

What about any of this would surprise you?
That it happened at all. The whole thing is absolutely unbelievable.

Meanwhile, you're still operating under the belief that it did...because that's what you were told to believe. And you lack the wit to question your programming.

There was a report. Why would anyone not consider it?

A report that makes sense & explains why Trump is hiding his relationship with this bank.
It's been reported that you lick yogurt off of hobos' feet. I reported it, and it makes sense, so you should consider it.

Dood. That's nasty. You need to cut that out.
every GOP dupe turns out to be a troll in the end.... They have to be ignorant to believe all that crap.
You think it's true because you were told to think it's true.
No idiot, I think it is true for the reasons I know, the reasons you can't work up the stones to which to respond, instead substituting your usual, embarrassing hissy fit.
You need to give up the condescension. You're no good at it.

Meanwhile, you believe what you're told to believe. Sheep.
Even O'Donnell doesn't believe his bullshit story.
Oh, I think he does. And i think we will probably find out for sure

Of course, your cult leader could put this to bed by releasing a document or two.

I wonder why he doesn't?

We all know why, including you cackling cultists.
You don't think at all, sheep. You emote, on cue and as ordered.
Look, Skippy, you can eat all of MSDNC's shit you want. Just don't expect normal people to believe you when you say it's yummy.
Wow, still whining.

So, cultist, a question:

What about any of this would surprise you?
That it happened at all. The whole thing is absolutely unbelievable.

Meanwhile, you're still operating under the belief that it did...because that's what you were told to believe. And you lack the wit to question your programming.

There was a report. Why would anyone not consider it?

A report that makes sense & explains why Trump is hiding his relationship with this bank.
It's been reported that you lick yogurt off of hobos' feet. I reported it, and it makes sense, so you should consider it.

Dood. That's nasty. You need to cut that out.
every GOP dupe turns out to be a troll in the end.... They have to be ignorant to believe all that crap.
Have...have you read your posts?
Applicant worth $5Bil does not need a co-signer for a $25mil construction loan.

Trump was never worth $5Bil according to everyone except Trump himself. And by his own account Trump was worth less than a street beggar at one point.

Further, Duetche bank has had a lot of history with Trump and there were instances of them losing big money on him and even getting sued by him. (Why Did Deutsche Bank Keep Lending to Donald Trump? — “Trump, Inc.” Podcast — ProPublica)

Does all that mean Trump had Russians to co--sign a loan with him? No, but it's certainly not a counter factual possiblity at this point.
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You think it's true because you were told to think it's true.
No idiot, I think it is true for the reasons I know, the reasons you can't work up the stones to which to respond, instead substituting your usual, embarrassing hissy fit.
You need to give up the condescension. You're no good at it.

Meanwhile, you believe what you're told to believe. Sheep.
Wow, you never get tired of whining, do you?

Yes, the russian criminal, money laundering cosigner would fully explain deutsche bank's apparently very abnormal lending to Trump.
In this country, we believe in innocent until proven guilty. a court.
Well, yeah. And when the prosecutor meets the burden of proof, and the jury agrees, the courts set punishment.

You kinda seem to have forgotten about the court's involvement in the punishment phase, and want to go straight to witch-burning. Your raging butthurt has no bearing on anything.

You're destined to go through life bitter, disappointed, and filled with incoherent rage.

It really sucks to be you, doesn't it?
You think it's true because you were told to think it's true.
No idiot, I think it is true for the reasons I know, the reasons you can't work up the stones to which to respond, instead substituting your usual, embarrassing hissy fit.
You need to give up the condescension. You're no good at it.

Meanwhile, you believe what you're told to believe. Sheep.
Wow, you never get tired of whining, do you?

Yes, the russian criminal, money laundering cosigner would fully explain deutsche bank's apparently very abnormal lending to Trump.
Speaking of whining, there you are, pissed off that rational people don't share your delusions.

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