Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Knock yourself out ; I'm sure you're quite talented when it comes to doodling fanciful images.

Personally I'll pay attention to the legality of the matter in question and whether or not the evidence presented merits serious consideration.

Feel free to continue on with your game of DONNY'S GOING DOWN! THE INFINITE LOOP EDITION......:rolleyes:

Cute gear change there. Never did I say DONNY IS GOING DOWN. But when you act like you can't understand the potential implications of the sitting president in-debt to a foreign adversary, I question what the hell you are doing on a political message board.

LOL, keep it up... maybe if you rant & rave about it enough you'll actually convince someone who matters that what you're on about approaches something actually worthy of consideration.

In the meantime, THANKS FOR THE LAUGHS... when Trump said he had no dealings with Russians he was lying? They co-signed his fucking LOANS??
This is such a lie. No Billionaire needs any Asshole to Co-sign a Loan. Every member of The Trump Family are Millionaires and Billionaires, and their credit rating is a corporate credit rating that is through the roof. They have unlimited credit.
I guess you missed it but Deutsche Bank was the ONLY bank that would give him a loan because of his shitty credit and numerous bankruptcies. It looks like we now know why they were willing to take the chance...of course their money laundering for Russian Oligarchs could have a lot to do with it...
I guess you missed it.

But no.Youre a dork.
Applicant worth $5Bil does not need a co-signer for a $25mil construction loan.

You do if you are not worth $5Bil and you are broke...

This has been my favourite for years at what would break him... Banks don't do business with people who screw them in bankruptcy...

There is also the investments, $200m to build a village that will never see that money back, smells like laundering...

I say Trump was laundering the Russians money... They were in turn investing in him...

No one expected him to come President but when he did, they had him...

In its 2018 billionaires ranking, Forbes estimated Trump's net worth at $3.1 billion (766th in the world, 248th in the U.S.).
Our "cash-strapped" Prez donates his $400,000/yr salary to various charities. I wonder if any went to the Clinton Foundation?
Idiots like CowboyTed continue to spew leftarded silliness because ... they're leftarded.
O'Donnell just climbed down from his claim?

Looks like MSNBC is - once again - suffering from a case of Premature Articulation... :21:

The Retards on the Left Wing of the MSM are every bit as bad as the Retards on the Right Wing of the MSM... just in different ways.
Applicant worth $5Bil does not need a co-signer for a $25mil construction loan.
Only if he can prove he is actually a billionaire & has any credit left.

He can either release his tax returns, or shut the fuck up. The only way he can prove he's a billionaire/

Release his tax returns

He wants to prove hes being slandered?

Release his tax returns

No tax returns, O Donnells story stands, and he is broke like every body that's accused him of it.

End of story.

Release tax returns, or you got nothin'

Now, put up or shut up.

No taxes for you, grasshopper......:boohoo:.

End of story.

Fine. ODonnells story stands. Trump had a Russian Oligarch cosign for loans, and unless Trump shows his taxes, he cannot prove otherwise.
Even O'Donnell doesn't believe his bullshit story.

But you'll believe it because you were told to believe it.

Man, leftists are gullible.

Gullible, stupid and brain dead to the point that they all have shitforbrains.
Applicant worth $5Bil does not need a co-signer for a $25mil construction loan.

You do if you are not worth $5Bil and you are broke...

This has been my favourite for years at what would break him... Banks don't do business with people who screw them in bankruptcy...

There is also the investments, $200m to build a village that will never see that money back, smells like laundering...

I say Trump was laundering the Russians money... They were in turn investing in him...

No one expected him to come President but when he did, they had him...

In its 2018 billionaires ranking, Forbes estimated Trump's net worth at $3.1 billion (766th in the world, 248th in the U.S.).
Our "cash-strapped" Prez donates his $400,000/yr salary to various charities.
Which, if you believe his net worth, translates to the median American household giving $13/yr to charity. Of course, the average american doesn't also steal from chatities....
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Applicant worth $5Bil does not need a co-signer for a $25mil construction loan.
Only if he can prove he is actually a billionaire & has any credit left.

He can either release his tax returns, or shut the fuck up. The only way he can prove he's a billionaire/

Release his tax returns

He wants to prove hes being slandered?

Release his tax returns

No tax returns, O Donnells story stands, and he is broke like every body that's accused him of it.

End of story.

Release tax returns, or you got nothin'

Now, put up or shut up.

He can either release his tax returns, or shut the fuck up. The only way he can prove he's a billionaire/

Release his tax returns

My tax returns don't show my net worth. Do yours? LOL!

Have you always been a moron?
We all know it is a political process. I just wanted to be sure you were down with Clinton getting impeached for a fucking blow job.
Oops, looks like you need another correction.

Clinton was impeached for lying, actually. And clinton should immediately have resigned, once we knew he lied to congress.

What else ya got, Mr. Whataboutism?
I love the way Republicans say well Trump lied he just didn’t do it to Congress.
Well, one is a crime (perjury), the other is not...BUT...

It was impeachment for a fucking blow job. It was complete bullshit. Everybody knows it. And, these asswipes want to impeach Trump for more bullshit.


It was impeachment for a fucking blow job

Lying under oath while testifying in a sexual harassment lawsuit.

' another snowflake to bite on ANOTHER debunked fake news 'Russian Collusion' story...I'm glad there's no limit on catching SUCKERS...and half the fun is throwing them back so you can catch them all over again later...this NEVER gets old!'
yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times and never wrote anything down is not suspicious at all. Super duper.

yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times

Oh yeah? Did they exchange Reset buttons?
Did they get all flexible?


' another snowflake to bite on ANOTHER debunked fake news 'Russian Collusion' story...I'm glad there's no limit on catching SUCKERS...and half the fun is throwing them back so you can catch them all over again later...this NEVER gets old!'
yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times and never wrote anything down is not suspicious at all. Super duper.

yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times

Oh yeah? Did they exchange Reset buttons?
Did they get all flexible?


Didn't Bill Clinton have dinner at Putin's house in Russia?
If it was true, why did Mr. O'Donnell denounce his own story and withdraw it?
He didn't retract his claim.
Well, in that case, I think O'Donnell needs to go on record and say that very thing.

He needs to say that his prior reporting was totally true and that he did nothing wrong. He needs to state publicly that all he reported is unequivocally true and he has sources to prove it.

Do you think he will?

Why not?

I will wait for your undoubtedly snarky-assed response.

I say that story had one source that was unverified that has already been debunked and we have him now thread number100,000,000,0001 coming to a far left cable news network near you soon.

' another snowflake to bite on ANOTHER debunked fake news 'Russian Collusion' story...I'm glad there's no limit on catching SUCKERS...and half the fun is throwing them back so you can catch them all over again later...this NEVER gets old!'
yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times and never wrote anything down is not suspicious at all. Super duper.

yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times

Oh yeah? Did they exchange Reset buttons?
Did they get all flexible?


Didn't Bill Clinton have dinner at Putin's house in Russia?

I don't know about that, but President Clinton did get into woman's clothes and pose for a painting he gave to his BFF Jeff Epstein.
I just want to know why in hell O'Donnell tweeted this statement below if he intended to stand by his earlier comments on air as being true?

Last night I made an error in judgment by reporting an item about the president’s finances that didn’t go through our rigorous verification and standards process. I shouldn’t have reported it and I was wrong to discuss it on the air. I will address the issue on my show tonight."

We have been told that the above statement was NOT a retraction, and O'Donnell is standing by his original report as true.

Why say that he was "wrong to discuss it on air" if it was the truth?

Why state publicly that it did not go through the rigors of verification if he is NOT retracting those prior statements made on air?

Does merely asking these questions demonstrate that Fort Fun Indiana is wrong?

yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times and never wrote anything down is not suspicious at all. Super duper.
Unlike Hillary, who paid a foreign spy for Russian Counter-Intel .....
Trumps kids already said money is pouring in from Russia. O’Donnell got it right.
Deutsche bank has the tax returns and they lent Donald Trump $2 billion.
Nobody puts out that kind of money to someone with six bankruptcies.
Not unless there’s somebody guaranteeing the loan.

' another snowflake to bite on ANOTHER debunked fake news 'Russian Collusion' story...I'm glad there's no limit on catching SUCKERS...and half the fun is throwing them back so you can catch them all over again later...this NEVER gets old!'
yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times and never wrote anything down is not suspicious at all. Super duper.

yeah, just because the Trump campaign met with the Russians over a hundred times

Oh yeah? Did they exchange Reset buttons?
Did they get all flexible?


Didn't Bill Clinton have dinner at Putin's house in Russia?

I don't know about that, but President Clinton did get into woman's clothes and pose for a painting he gave to his BFF Jeff Epstein.

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