Trump's Disapproval Rating Just set Another Record


Gold Member
Feb 9, 2017
Comrade Trump just keeps hitting new lows.

According to the latest Gallup Daily Tracking poll, 60% of Americans disapproved of Trump’s job performance, while 36% approved.

The Gallup Daily Tracking poll provides approval ratings data dating back to Harry Truman. Trump is the only President to hit a 60% disapproval rating within the first four-and-a-half months of his presidency. Bill Clinton had a 50% disapproval rating this far in to his presidency.

President Trump's Disapproval Rating Just Hit Another Record High
Or as DEPLORABLES see it: winning.
Exactly, Pathological liar Limbaugh claimed today that Tramp's approval is UNCHANGED since he became prez at 47%.
The Truth is Tramp is DOWN from 57%, but the truth never stops Limbaugh from lying in service to Tramp!
Or as DEPLORABLES see it: winning.
Exactly, Pathological liar Limbaugh claimed today that Tramp's approval is UNCHANGED since he became prez at 47%.
The Truth is Tramp is DOWN from 57%, but the truth never stops Limbaugh from lying in service to Tramp!
Limbaugh is a paid liar like Sarah Huckabee Sanders..
When he hits a 70% disapproval rating will his whores start to reassess their blind allegiance to him????
Looney liberals and their goofy polls. ...... :cuckoo:

You would think after the Hillary debacle they would have learned their lesson about trusting poll numbers. ... :lol: .. :lol:
Again, we American patriots didn't vote for Trump to care about approval or disapproval ratings. We voted for him to make America great again and bring back Nationalism. He's on his way of doing just that.
The polls the polls....Hillary will win by a landslide. I never saw so many non stop liars.
Looney liberals and their goofy polls. ...... :cuckoo:

You would think after the Hillary debacle they would have learned their lesson about trusting poll numbers. ... :lol: .. :lol:
Yeah Gallup doesn't know what they're doing. Lmao
Definition of fake news to a trump whore: anything that makes him look bad.
The polls the polls....Hillary will win by a landslide. I never saw so many non stop liars.
Trump's lied over 600 times since taking the oath of office. Ya think Americans wouldn't notice?
They're not all partisan assholes like you.
The polls the polls....Hillary will win by a landslide. I never saw so many non stop liars.
The corruption and blindness of the left during the election was phenomenal.
Oh look a squirrel.
I really don't give a shit what ratings he gets. I still want to give him a chance. Seems like deplorable people want to do the same, so fuck 'em and their polls.
The polls the polls....Hillary will win by a landslide. I never saw so many non stop liars.
Trump's lied over 600 times since taking the oath of office. Ya think Americans wouldn't notice?
They're not all partisan assholes like you.
Proof? No?
Here we go again.., advertising how little you know..
I love smashing you in the face with reality.
In 137 days, President Trump has made 623 false and misleading claims

365 days of Trump’s claims

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