Trump's Disapproval Rating Just set Another Record

Comrade Trump is the biggest failure of any president 5 months in. Not one bill passed. No wall, no Muslim ban, no HC bill... no commitment to alternative energy. Only a big wet kiss to big oil and polluters . No wonder he's at 60% disapproval rating.
Like I've said before, the only thing Trump has done so far is make promises, sign EO's, play golf, and tell everyone how great it's going to be.

Only problem is, no legislation has been passed for Trump to sign yet. The only thing I've heard Congress try to get through is to take away Trump's ability to get rid of the Russian sanctions. Matter of fact, Congress is voting to make them more severe.

Guess Putin is having buyer's remorse right about now. He thought sanctions would be lifted, but they are being made more strict.
Or as DEPLORABLES see it: winning.
Exactly, Pathological liar Limbaugh claimed today that Tramp's approval is UNCHANGED since he became prez at 47%.
The Truth is Tramp is DOWN from 57%, but the truth never stops Limbaugh from lying in service to Tramp!

I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. However is is a Trump Davidian which means he is a lying weasel.

Again, we American patriots didn't vote for Trump to care about approval or disapproval ratings. We voted for him to make America great again and bring back Nationalism. He's on his way of doing just that.

The people who voted for Trump are not patriots. They are hateful people. They masquerade as patriots but they put Trump above the US.
Comrade Trump just keeps hitting new lows.

According to the latest Gallup Daily Tracking poll, 60% of Americans disapproved of Trump’s job performance, while 36% approved.

The Gallup Daily Tracking poll provides approval ratings data dating back to Harry Truman. Trump is the only President to hit a 60% disapproval rating within the first four-and-a-half months of his presidency. Bill Clinton had a 50% disapproval rating this far in to his presidency.

President Trump's Disapproval Rating Just Hit Another Record High

Gallup "Trump has no path to the White House" Polling
Comrade Trump is the biggest failure of any president 5 months in. Not one bill passed. No wall, no Muslim ban, no HC bill... no commitment to alternative energy. Only a big wet kiss to big oil and polluters . No wonder he's at 60% disapproval rating.
....if you were accurate you would be happy. Anyone with eyes can see you have been driven mad by what's been happening. Drilling is up, the Canadian pipeline moving forward, the SCOTUS pick (yeah), coal jobs, climate hoax scam nixed, jobs program announced just yesterday...and best of all, he isn't Hillary Clinton. A candidate so corrupt even the leftist press couldn't sell here.

Let us know when Trump's approval numbers drop down to their levels.
I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh. However is is a Trump Davidian which means he is a lying weasel.

The people who voted for Trump are not patriots. They are hateful people. They masquerade as patriots but they put Trump above the US.
You're full of shit. All you have to back up your claims is more shit. More lies. More propaganda. More hate. And you think you can sell it?
Gallup did NOT do presidential polling in 2016.

Really?? ... :cool:

Clinton Wins Third Debate, Gains Ground as 'Presidential'

^^^^^ Gallup poll
Figures a Trumpist is too stupid to know the difference between a debate and an election!

Frank Newport of Gallup discusses public opinion polls, voter priorities

Frank Newport of Gallup discusses public opinion polls, voter priorities
By Annie Yang | Feb 4, 2016

Despite the controversy behind Gallup's decision to move away from polling leading up to the 2016 presidential elections, Editor-in-Chief of Gallup Frank Newport argued that polling is more than just election polling in a lecture Wednesday afternoon.

In light of the 2016 state presidential primaries, Newport asserted that Gallup decided to move away from focusing on polling during this election cycle in order to focus on overall public opinion. Although Gallup is known for its role in developing horse-race polling, and has been one of the primary voices on election polling, in recent years it has decided to focus on issues and voter priorities instead of forecasting election results.

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