Trump's discernment

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Clinton is going to lose to Bernie. She isn't going to be a factor.

Trump's tendency to overlook mob ties in his business partners isn't exactly a secret. And if he has a history of working with them in his private ventures what reason do we have to think they would cease now?

I dunno, as was stated, most mob ties are union. Wouldn't that be a good thing for the Democrats?

And then, most of his projects in this country are in very large cities. (New York, Chicago, etc) Who runs those cities? Guess if had to deal with mobsters there, we have to know where they came from, correct?

And what if he actually imported them? Well we all know those "saintly" Democrats would instantly refuse to do business with him as they would be aghast; right? I mean hell, he gave money to Hillary didn't he? I am sure he is so "mobbed up" that she refused to take it, or has returned it because of her morals-)

The premise of this thread is ridiculous, but it is always fun to ask questions, for which the left has no answers!

Who exactly is talking to the left?
I have to wonder how it is we are supposed to believe he is going to surround Himself with the best and brightest advisors when he has a track record of picking abysmal and down right criminal business partners. Will we have mobsters in his cabinet like he has had in his partners?

Maybe so, maybe so. But one thing we know for sure is that the people surrounding the Clinton's sure were/are dirty.

Remember, this name? Mark Rich? How considering that pardon anyone can consider another Clinton in office is really hard to fathom. To this day have the Clintons ever explain why they let Rich slip the hook?

Don't vote for Trump, I won't unless up against Mrs. Bosnia Clinton, but voting for Mrs. Clinton? Really?

Bill Clinton’s pardon of fugitive Marc Rich continues to pay big | New York Post

Fifteen years ago this month, on Jan. 20, 2001, his last day in office, Bill Clinton issued a pardon for international fugitive Marc Rich. It would become perhaps the most condemned official act of Clinton’s political career. A New York Times editorial called it “a shocking abuse of presidential power.” The usually Clinton-friendly New Republic noted it “is often mentioned as Exhibit A of Clintonian sliminess.”

The thread is about Trump.

Correct, and those who don't give a crap about Mrs. Bosnia Clinton's obvious dealings with criminals certainly should not be concerned with Trump.

I say they both should be thrown out.
Clinton is going to lose to Bernie. She isn't going to be a factor.

Trump's tendency to overlook mob ties in his business partners isn't exactly a secret. And if he has a history of working with them in his private ventures what reason do we have to think they would cease now?

How exactly would someone do business in NYC, or New York, without at some point coming in contact with the mob? Certainly in his line of business contact is inevitable, but pardoning Marc Rich, that as intentional. I can see a difference.

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