Trumps Ego Knows No Holiday. Every Fallen Patriot Should Be Thankful For...Trump

It’s daily kos you idiots.
Trump is a promoter and always has been. Or don’t you remember Mike Tyson and the USFL?
Any trump supporter will acknowledge trump’s massive ego.
It’s the policies that matter.

So what. A broken watch is right twice a day. It not a massive ego but just plain nastiness.

His policies are mostly wrong and are unpopular with voters.
His policies got him elected.
One would think the Constitution would be easy enough for someone at a third grade level to understand and yet conservatives seems to have a hard time with it.

One would think that ignorant fools could better time their protests too...what gives?
BAD TIMING BUD....BAD TIMING...that’s all. Think.

Perhaps it is bad timing, but what's that got to do with patriotism?

Come on..really?
NO prideful, REAL American would think it’s acceptable or support a protest of any kind during the three minutes the flag is displayed and the anthem is played.
This can’t be it?

We do not worship a piece of cloth or a bunch of notes strung together. I support their RIGHT to do so. Constitutional rights are apparently confusing to you.

You’re absolutely right...YOU DON’T....and that’s the type of shit that differentiates the piece of shits of our nation from good, prideful, REAL Americans. You’re welcome to be an unAmerican piece of shit...that’s on you.

You are the piece of shit and garbage. You are not a good American. You have no clue what a real American is you piece of garbage. Nazi Germany had a flag and a anthem. What we have and what they didn't have is a Constitution that gives Americans unalienable rights. Those rights include not bowing to false idols. You need some lessons on what makes America great you filthy trash. Go back to the garbage dump where you belong.
He did no such thing whatsoever

Well, good Patriotic Americans and good soldiers would call you a liar...but you already knew that...right?

Good American patriots and soldiers would support his Constitutional freedom of expression that they put their lives on the line for. Fascists like you, on the other hand, think forced patriotism is liberty.

Good American patriots and soldiers would expect one to use better discretion and timing when deciding to protest. This is simple shit for third graders to understand.

You decide what good Americans and soldiers should think you degenerate trash. You are using the flag as a political weapon and are the one who is unpatriotic. Go to a football game in a red state like Alabama or Arkansas. During the anthem, the field is pretty much empty because everybody is in line for food and drinks. That sounds like disrespecting the anthem to me.

Good, positive contributing, law abiding citizens plan to start protesting the off the charts criminality level of Blacks and Wetbacks...we’re choosing to do this on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo each and every year. Get ready’s fucking on!

When they beat your butts then don't complain you racist trash. You have no idea what good, positive contributing, law abiding citizens are as you are white trash.
It’s daily kos you idiots.
Trump is a promoter and always has been. Or don’t you remember Mike Tyson and the USFL?
Any trump supporter will acknowledge trump’s massive ego.
It’s the policies that matter.

So what. A broken watch is right twice a day. It not a massive ego but just plain nastiness.

His policies are mostly wrong and are unpopular with voters.
His policies got him elected.

They did not. Of the people who voted for their candidate, Clinton won those voters. Trump won because more people were voting against the other candidate.
It’s daily kos you idiots.
Trump is a promoter and always has been. Or don’t you remember Mike Tyson and the USFL?
Any trump supporter will acknowledge trump’s massive ego.
It’s the policies that matter.

So what. A broken watch is right twice a day. It not a massive ego but just plain nastiness.

His policies are mostly wrong and are unpopular with voters.
His policies got him elected.

They did not. Of the people who voted for their candidate, Clinton won those voters. Trump won because more people were voting against the other candidate.
One of his policies was not being Hillary.
Afro Boy Kaepernick shit in the faces of American patriots and soldiers for years

He did no such thing whatsoever

Well, good Patriotic Americans and good soldiers would call you a liar...but you already knew that...right?

Good American patriots and soldiers would support his Constitutional freedom of expression that they put their lives on the line for. Fascists like you, on the other hand, think forced patriotism is liberty.

Good American patriots and soldiers would expect one to use better discretion and timing when deciding to protest. This is simple shit for third graders to understand.

You decide what good Americans and soldiers should think you degenerate trash. You are using the flag as a political weapon and are the one who is unpatriotic. Go to a football game in a red state like Alabama or Arkansas. During the anthem, the field is pretty much empty because everybody is in line for food and drinks. That sounds like disrespecting the anthem to me.
How can anyone at this point in our nations history, strap themselves to a song, a flag or to anything that honors this nation, while we have in our white house, the most racist, divisive human being on the planet governing this country? It makes my skin crawl to see ignorant mf's whine about honoring a fuckin song or a damn flag when Trump shits on everything constitutionally in order to serve himself and his family both politically and financially....anybody championing that shit and want to whine about NFL players kneeling should be lined up and spit on by toothless seniors in wet diapers!!
It’s daily kos you idiots.
Trump is a promoter and always has been. Or don’t you remember Mike Tyson and the USFL?
Any trump supporter will acknowledge trump’s massive ego.
It’s the policies that matter.

So what. A broken watch is right twice a day. It not a massive ego but just plain nastiness.

His policies are mostly wrong and are unpopular with voters.
His policies got him elected.

They did not. Of the people who voted for their candidate, Clinton won those voters. Trump won because more people were voting against the other candidate.
(sigh).....I am so over why Hillary lost and Trump won.....its time we all move on....especially Trump
The person that funnied me doesn't understand that we fought in the middle east for human freedom and against people that throw LBGT people off of roofs.

We fight to protect a girls right to an education
We fight to protect the minorities that were being slaughtered
We fight for freedom.

Yet, this individual attacks our liberties in our own country. This person is wrong and against everything this country stands for.
Yet Obama and you kind let hundreds of tousands those same kind of people unvetted across our boder. You are just still outraged that Trump is our great president. Your all a suddenly outraged about our troops being disrespected, but you will support the NFL players kneeling during our anthem. Go fuck yourself and your fake outrage.
Question...EXACTLY how many of these unvetted folk has gone into a public arena and shot up mf's just because......????
There was one in California, on a pier. The shooter had been deported before, just walked back over.
There have been 101 mass shootings in the US so far in 2018 — here's the full list....
Tell me again, how many immigrants was among this group?

Every American patriot can be thankful for ... Trump

Donald Trump started off Memorial Day with a tweet that remembered America’s fallen service members … by explaining just how everyone who ever died in defense of American liberty, would be so, so happy to discover that they had done so in order to hand the nation over to Trump.

Trump's ego recognizes no holidays: Every fallen patriot should be thankful ... for Trump
Our fallen soldiers would be happy to know President Trump has saved us from further destruction and loss of freedoms that the Democrats were bringing us. He helped us dodge a bullet.

Thank you Mr. president. Happy Memorial Day!
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It’s daily kos you idiots.
Trump is a promoter and always has been. Or don’t you remember Mike Tyson and the USFL?
Any trump supporter will acknowledge trump’s massive ego.
It’s the policies that matter.

So what. A broken watch is right twice a day. It not a massive ego but just plain nastiness.

His policies are mostly wrong and are unpopular with voters.
His policies got him elected.
His policies???????? The man never gave a policy idea during his entire campaign...all he did was talk racist radical shit and scare the hell out of white
Our troops fought for human freedom and liberty. Trump shits on both and his fascist base that live to hate cheer him on.

The guys scum.
If Trump cured cancer you would call him scum, you blood sucking Communist Obama ass kisser.
Guess what if Grandma had balls, we'd call her grandpa......Shut the fuck up, you ass lickin, ball suckin Trump maggot!!
We do not worship a piece of cloth or a bunch of notes strung together. I support their RIGHT to do so. Constitutional rights are apparently confusing to you.
The Constutution has nothing to do with this. If the boss says your job is to stand with the fans for the Natiinal Anthem, then you stand because not doing so will cost the business paying customers.

Every American patriot can be thankful for ... Trump

Donald Trump started off Memorial Day with a tweet that remembered America’s fallen service members … by explaining just how everyone who ever died in defense of American liberty, would be so, so happy to discover that they had done so in order to hand the nation over to Trump.

Trump's ego recognizes no holidays: Every fallen patriot should be thankful ... for Trump
Our fallen soldiers would be happy to know President Trump has saved us from further destruction and loss of freedoms that the Democrats was bringing us. He helped us dodge a bullet.

Thank you Mr. president. Happy Memorial Day!
Every fallen soldier is rolling in his or her grave knowing they died to have a pile of shit like this for a president.......also knowing that while they came forward to serve, this orange draft deferring bitch did not, I doubt very seriously anyone lying cold in those graves give a fuck about this man and his fuckin presence on this particular day....only idiots like you who I doubt have served one day of service to this country.
We do not worship a piece of cloth or a bunch of notes strung together. I support their RIGHT to do so. Constitutional rights are apparently confusing to you.
The Constutution has nothing to do with this. If the boss says your job is to stand with the fans for the Natiinal Anthem, then you stand because not doing so will cost the business paying customers.
Oh, but it'd be amazed at what the boss once said we all must do and how amending the constitution said, fuck off!!

Thirty-three amendments to the United States Constitution have been proposed by the United States Congress and sent to the states for ratification since the Constitution was put into operation on March 4, 1789. Twenty-seven of these, having been ratified by the requisite number of states, are part of theConstitution.
Its embarrassing to watch a war dogging idiot, help commemorate such an important day while this corrupt money hungry bastard constantly shit all over the values and morays for which these brave men and women have died trying to protect. And to hear people in the back ground cheer this man on is an insult to every soldier lying dead.

As a vet, I am disgusted by this man, by the people that continue to support his madness and I am ashamed to have him of all people honor these brave souls who have died for a country he now self serves.

If only you had a clue.

He got four deferments while in college. The same college deferments that everyone got. The fifth one was after the Armed Forces physical where it was a temporary deferment called 1Y. The Armed Forces physical was run by the Armed Forces.

In 1972 he was rated 4F. The type 1Y deferment was abolished.

But by 1972 they were drafting a lot fewer people and didn’t need as many. Vietnam was winding down, and they were already looking at making the Military Voluntary.

One of the reasons we had such high casualties in Vietnam was the readily available pool of Cannon Fodder Draftees. I would go on, but you probably wouldn’t listen.

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