Trump’s excuse to skip the debates is a terrible one

You know even if you believe Trump should go after Biden, Garland, and Hillary, I find it bizarre you think that is the most pressing matters for him to attend to. Like that alone is why you’re voting for him?

Why didn’t he go after the “deep state” while he was president. What was he waiting for? Republicans had full control his first two years.

95% of what Trump talks about is his past grievances. Again, even if you agree with those grievances, you should be expecting him to be talking about policy. What will he do in 2025 and beyond? He won’t go into it because he’s too much of a whiny little bitch to care about policy.
Good question why he didn’t go after the deep state. Perhaps he was following the protocol that he thought would make sure the Democrats would do the same thing. Should he have known better? After being impeached for bogus garbage, yes. So, he will not make that mistake again. The deep state is the most devastating problem we have today because they are fascists and communists on the left. The Constitution must be restored as the highest law in the land.
I'm pretty sure that's what I said in my first response.


His reasons for not debating is there's nothing to gain.
Biden's is that Kennedy and Williamson are nut jobs and the last time we gave the debate stage to a nutjob we ended up with Trump.
It sounds like you're saying the fear is that Quid Pro Joe will lose to a nutjob. Is that correct?
Biden obviously isn’t debating his democrat challengers because there is no precedent for an incumbent to debate during the primaries.

With Trump you’re completely missing the point. Like no shit it makes sense in the context of a competition he won’t go to the debate. The point is that he should so that Americans know what issues he’s running on. That’s where they talk about how their policies relate to each other. He should go as a matter of principle.

Sure if you want to shame Biden for not debating his challengers be my guest, but it obviously makes sense he wouldn’t given it would he mostly unprecedented. Trump sure as hell didn’t do that in 2019.
Be real, you won't vote for a Republican next year if someone pointed a gun at your head. That being said, what issues do you NOT know about that TRUMP! is running on?
Lol well again he’s a pussy regardless of what I think of him. He’s a fragile, insecure, whiny little bitch of epic proportions.
Who just might be the next president and send Quid Pro Joe into blessed retirement.
Be real, you won't vote for a Republican next year if someone pointed a gun at your head. That being said, what issues do you NOT know about that TRUMP! is running on?
Even a moderate won’t have the progressive polices i want so no i won’t vote for him. Of course, I would be eternally grateful that if a democrat had to lose, a moderate took his place like Christie. Hell I would be grateful if a far righty like Pence was president. ANYONE is better than Trump. At least Pence has a sense of dignity and professionalism. Trump is an absolute embarrassment.

I have no idea what Trump is running on. The border I guess? None of you should be excited about that because the wall was never built and illegal immigration still happened like clockwork. He’s useless.
Even a moderate won’t have the progressive polices i want so no i won’t vote for him. Of course, I would be eternally grateful that if a democrat had to lose, a moderate took his place like Christie. Hell I would be grateful if a far righty like Pence was president. ANYONE is better than Trump. At least Pence has a sense of dignity and professionalism. Trump is an absolute embarrassment.

I have no idea what Trump is running on. The border I guess? None of you should be excited about that because the wall was never built and illegal immigration still happened like clockwork. He’s useless.
He'll tell you what he's running on, just watch a couple of campaign speeches.
The entire point of the debate is to discuss your policy proposals as they compare to everyone else. That’s their chance to tell people what they want to do as president for millions to see.

Clearly Trump thinks all that matters is that he is currently winning a competition. His poll numbers are all that matter.
He doesn’t care about discussing what’s best for the country. Hell all he does is whine about grievances. For some bizarre reason his supporters are okay with that.
Would Trump's participation change your mind on who you are voting for?

Would it change anyone's mind?

I'm not voting for Trump or Biden and no debate will convince me to change my mind.
I suppose if one is particularly stupid one could arrive at that fantasy.
Sp there's no problem then with wanting a nutjob to appear on stage with other nutjobs and call it a democrat debate?
Sp there's no problem then with wanting a nutjob to appear on stage with other nutjobs and call it a democrat debate?
More reflection.

The leading candidates for the GOP nomination are:
A traitor who tried to overthrow the US government
A governor who's scare to death of Queer people
A businessman who thinks the CIA did 9/11...

I'd keep the word "nutjob" out of vocabulary if I were you.
More reflection.

The leading candidates for the GOP nomination are:
A traitor who tried to overthrow the US government
A governor who's scare to death of Queer people
A businessman who thinks the CIA did 9/11...

I'd keep the word "nutjob" out of vocabulary if I were you.
Why? There are so many democrats. The words are synonymous, after all.
More reflection. What you say exposes your true feelings about yourself and the people you run with.
And the amateur psychologists are out in force today. I guess you don't want to talk about nutjob democrats anymore.
And the amateur psychologists are out in force today. I guess you don't want to talk about nutjob democrats anymore.
The thread is about nutjob MAGATS, like you.
Do try to stay on topic.
The thread is about nutjob MAGATS, like you.
Do try to stay on topic.
Actually, it's not. It's about TRUMP!'s reasons for not debating. You really need to look at the thread title and the OP if you want to be accurate about something like that. So, here's a mirror if you want to talk about topics.
Trump’s decision to skip the debates is a sound one. Also, it’s no concern of liberal Democrat butt-rashes — despite their efforts to share their “unbiased” assessment of the decision.

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