Trump’s excuse to skip the debates is a terrible one

I'm pretty sure that's what I said in my first response.


His reasons for not debating is there's nothing to gain.
Biden's is that Kennedy and Williamson are nut jobs and the last time we gave the debate stage to a nutjob we ended up with Trump.
Yeah, a guy that follow orders to walk on a fucking SIDEWALK is perfectly sane.
Good grief
you don't get it do ya. this is playing hard BALL, balless. This puts tucker one up on Fox for what they did to him, it puts Trump up because Fox betrayed US as well as the president and all they'd do if they could get him to the debate is to insult him and allow his opposition to attack him...and now they don't get to do that PLUS...they're going to suffer lower than usual ratings and THEY DESERVE THAT. and third. It is very satisfying to me as well as millions of other Trump supporters.
Yeah Trump has incredibly thick skin. A real man would go to the debate and handle anything thrown at him.
The entire point of the debate is to discuss your policy proposals as they compare to everyone else. That’s their chance to tell people what they want to do as president for millions to see.

Clearly Trump thinks all that matters is that he is currently winning a competition. His poll numbers are all that matter.
He doesn’t care about discussing what’s best for the country. Hell all he does is whine about grievances. For some bizarre reason his supporters are okay with that.
You must be an uninformed Biden supporter. Biden will use the absence of Trump to also not debate other Democrats. That's the only reason this is a bad idea. Why would Trump go on stage when he's leading by a wide margin? Now, if his absence causes Trump to seriously loose support, then it would be wise for him to show up at a debate in September. So far, Trump is beating Biden in most polls. That's the real reason for your thread.
If it were not for his legal trouble he would be debating. It's the first impression a candidate can give nationwide. You're a Trump supporter, he ain't worried about you. He needs independent support. He needs more than his cult
With the cult shrinkage, he's going to need quite a bit more.
Talk about Cults.... the left meets all the criteria for cultist behavior.

  • Authoritarian control: Cultism hinges on encouraging maximum dependency. People in the cult must feel incapable of living an individual life outside the norms of the group. These beliefs often go hand in hand with a worshipful attitude toward the group’s authoritarian leader.
  • Extremist beliefs: Cult members hold to very dogmatic and extreme beliefs. They also are unable to question these belief systems without fear of reprisal or punishment from the leader or other group members.
  • Isolation from society: As soon as new members join a cult, other adherents work hard to isolate them from family members and friends. This helps fulfill the mind control aspirations of the leader. It also creates a hive mind of sorts between the new person and the other members.
  • Veneration of a single individual: Charismatic leaders are often at the center of most cults. Consider the Manson family of the late 1960s. As their name suggests, they adopted the beliefs of their leader, Charles Manson, and fulfilled his requests. The same pattern repeats in almost all other cults, albeit to less violent ends in many cases. (in the left's supporters' cases....any elite leftist who lies through his teeth and encourages their inhinged moral superiority feelings is who they will put on that pedestal....that pedestal is gonna break soon all that weight)
I do agree. I think Trump should debate, wish he would however I can see strategic reasons not to do so as well. I could easily see a moderator trying to lead and bait him into saying something liberal prosecutors will try to use as "evidence" ...or even try to create a new charge based on something Trump says.
Whoever the moderator is will target him, nearly exclusively and will invite the rest on the stage to do so as well. He's right to blow them all off. He should push for a debate with Tater, though. If Tater is still able to speak by then.
Is that why biden isnt going to debate?
Biden is an incumbent. That is how all incumbents within history played it as far as the primary goes. There’s not much of a precedent for that as far as I know.
It’s not like Trump did that either. Maybe you could argue Biden should, but anyone else in his position before did the same thing. Obviously Biden will still debate in the general.
I think he's made the right decision. He has balls..something the left had cut off decades ago and the right has allowed their's to wither and pucker. LOLOL
Thank God we have a man who is willing to fight for this country running for the presidency at this time.
Running away from a fight is having balls? And you retards wonder why we laugh at you. :itsok:
Biden is an incumbent. That is how all incumbents within history played it as far as the primary goes. There’s not much of a precedent for that as far as I know.
It’s not like Trump did that either. Maybe you could argue Biden should, but anyone else in his position before did the same thing. Obviously Biden will still debate in the general.
Do you understand why "incumbents" dont bother to debate if they have in-party challengers? Its because everyone already knows how they are in the office. Just like trump. Everyone already knows.
Personally, I think they should both debate. Makes them look like pussies in my eyes.
billy is right....the guy is running from the debate....he likes to talk so let him come and use that big mouth to tell everyone why they should vote for him over those other half ass people...let him tell us what he learned from all this shit going on....myself i dont think he has learned anything....he still has a big mouth....
You must be an uninformed Biden supporter. Biden will use the absence of Trump to also not debate other Democrats. That's the only reason this is a bad idea. Why would Trump go on stage when he's leading by a wide margin? Now, if his absence causes Trump to seriously loose support, then it would be wise for him to show up at a debate in September. So far, Trump is beating Biden in most polls. That's the real reason for your thread.
Biden obviously isn’t debating his democrat challengers because there is no precedent for an incumbent to debate during the primaries.

With Trump you’re completely missing the point. Like no shit it makes sense in the context of a competition he won’t go to the debate. The point is that he should so that Americans know what issues he’s running on. That’s where they talk about how their policies relate to each other. He should go as a matter of principle.

Sure if you want to shame Biden for not debating his challengers be my guest, but it obviously makes sense he wouldn’t given it would he mostly unprecedented. Trump sure as hell didn’t do that in 2019.
Biden obviously isn’t debating his democrat challengers because there is no precedent for an incumbent to debate during the primaries.

With Trump you’re completely missing the point. Like no shit it makes sense in the context of a competition he won’t go to the debate. The point is that he should so that Americans know what issues he’s running on. That’s where they talk about how their policies relate to each other. He should go as a matter of principle.

Sure if you want to shame Biden for not debating his challengers be my guest, but it obviously makes sense he wouldn’t given it would he mostly unprecedented. Trump sure as hell didn’t do that in 2019.
Ummm…Trump has made it clear for the past 6 and a half years what he’s running on. We know exactly what he will do including this time clean out the deep state. He will go after Biden, Garland, Rey and many others and lock them up. He may go back after Hillary whom he could have when he was President. But, he thought everyone knew that’s not the right protocol in Washington politics. He was wrong and won’t be in 2025.
What's the point of him going to the debate when we all know what he's about and he's crushing the competition anyways?
Ummm…Trump has made it clear for the past 6 and a half years what he’s running on. We know exactly what he will do including this time clean out the deep state. He will go after Biden, Garland, Rey and many others and lock them up. He may go back after Hillary whom he could have when he was President. But, he thought everyone knew that’s not the right protocol in Washington politics. He was wrong and won’t be in 2025.
You know even if you believe Trump should go after Biden, Garland, and Hillary, I find it bizarre you think that is the most pressing matters for him to attend to. Like that alone is why you’re voting for him?

Why didn’t he go after the “deep state” while he was president. What was he waiting for? Republicans had full control his first two years.

95% of what Trump talks about is his past grievances. Again, even if you agree with those grievances, you should be expecting him to be talking about policy. What will he do in 2025 and beyond? He won’t go into it because he’s too much of a whiny little bitch to care about policy.
What's the point of him going to the debate when we all know what he's about and he's crushing the competition anyways?
Lol we don’t know what he’s about for his next term. All he does is whine like a little bitch. He’s not going to the debate because he’s a giant, fragile, insecure pussy.

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