Trump's Filthy Disgusting Lie About ISIL Not Using Social Media(?)!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Since the Democratic debate transcript shows that Secretary Clinton made no specific references to a particular recruiting video being used by ISIL--showing anything: Still Trump The Outsider seems to claim that Trump is unknown to ISIL(?)? All kinds of Mideast experts claim that Trump is bad, and even for his own business(?). Maybe not Secretary Clinton, but Billionaires are apologizing, he is so much in the social media in the Moslem Majority nations.

Media Fixate On Clinton "Video" Remark, Ignore That ISIS Does Reportedly Recruit Using Trump's Islamophobia

The remarks by experts have been floated at least since December 8, and from multiple sources.

So the Republicans now deny that ISIL uses social media, and has no concept of tablets or smartphones?

Just what nature of sex has Trump been engaged in, now that his remarks are getting down to business? "Who does he know, and how does he know them(?)!" The Democrats are now officially, on GOP record as knowing all about sex. . . .even with a Clinton running(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Need great monument for White House Tour: Showing just which hallway it was(?)!)
If Trump keeps lying, pretty soon he'll win the Democratic Nomination.
More likely he wants to be an editor at Hustler Magazine, or at SCREW magazine, following remarks now more recently reported. He already as the "Liar of The Year" award from FactCheck.Org all sewn up, and on his resume, 2015.

The part about creating support for ISIL recruiting, and other propaganda, probably takes more energy than he can bring to bear on the subject: It being cerebral, and all.

Porn he appears to maybe, just possibly understand(?)! Unless he doesn't(?)! (That too, can take a lot of energy!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Bedouin Chiefs take many squaws for lifetime of partnership, like Great Spirit intended!)
Isis has Bill Clinton. They aren't looking for a replacement spokesman right now .
They have no proof they use trump. I don't doubt they do, but there is no proof. Hillary lied and so did Donald.
There is proof however they use her husband and our current POTUS.
Low Energy Posers Tipsycatlover and TNHarley ignore the basis Democratic debate transcript, wherein Secretary Clinton makes no reference to a specific video, even produced by the Trump campaign, entitled, "See How Trump, Creating Fear of Moslems Helps ISIL Recruiting." There is no remark about a specific video in the transcript. Mainly there is likely allusion to smart phone screens, and tablet screens. From the link, see below:
DAVID BROCK: So counterterrorism experts who for a living follow ISIS, and they follow ISIS on social media as well, told NBC News that what ISIS does is take Donald Trump's statements, put them out on social media. They love what Donald Trump is saying and, ISIS says to people, okay, here's proof that Americans hate Muslims. And what's the proof? The proof is Donald Trump's words. So that statement was absolutely correct. He's being used as a recruitment tool. And he wants to evade the story by calling Hillary a liar. The real story -- that he's helping terrorists. People who want to kill us.

CAMEROTA: Except that those counter terrorism experts who have spoken to NBC as you point out, they say that terrorists will surely use Donald Trump's words in the future. They may even make a video. There is no video that anyone can cite that is actually being used. She said it in the present tense.

BROCK: What ISIS is doing is all over social media right now. The New York Times fact-checker says it's all over Twitter. So, if we want to get into what the social media content is, is it they're transcribing his statements on Twitter, or they're using a video. That's a meaningless nit. The real issue here is Donald Trump, what he's doing. And it's not just Hillary Clinton bringing this up. Senator Rubio yesterday on Sunday morning said look the impact of this on patriotic Muslim-Americans whose support we need to win this fight.

The Low Energy Camerota replies that "She said it in the present tense," referring to the social media videos. Low Energy is the only brand that Trump himself understands, and his followers understand. Anything mental or cerebral is clearly too high energy.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Smoke is better, now, in Colorado! Clearly, that is easy to see(?)!)
Low Energy Posers Tipsycatlover and TNHarley ignore the basis Democratic debate transcript, wherein Secretary Clinton makes no reference to a specific video, even produced by the Trump campaign, entitled, "See How Trump, Creating Fear of Moslems Helps ISIL Recruiting." There is no remark about a specific video in the transcript. Mainly there is likely allusion to smart phone screens, and tablet screens. From the link, see below:
DAVID BROCK: So counterterrorism experts who for a living follow ISIS, and they follow ISIS on social media as well, told NBC News that what ISIS does is take Donald Trump's statements, put them out on social media. They love what Donald Trump is saying and, ISIS says to people, okay, here's proof that Americans hate Muslims. And what's the proof? The proof is Donald Trump's words. So that statement was absolutely correct. He's being used as a recruitment tool. And he wants to evade the story by calling Hillary a liar. The real story -- that he's helping terrorists. People who want to kill us.

CAMEROTA: Except that those counter terrorism experts who have spoken to NBC as you point out, they say that terrorists will surely use Donald Trump's words in the future. They may even make a video. There is no video that anyone can cite that is actually being used. She said it in the present tense.

BROCK: What ISIS is doing is all over social media right now. The New York Times fact-checker says it's all over Twitter. So, if we want to get into what the social media content is, is it they're transcribing his statements on Twitter, or they're using a video. That's a meaningless nit. The real issue here is Donald Trump, what he's doing. And it's not just Hillary Clinton bringing this up. Senator Rubio yesterday on Sunday morning said look the impact of this on patriotic Muslim-Americans whose support we need to win this fight.

The Low Energy Camerota replies that "She said it in the present tense," referring to the social media videos. Low Energy is the only brand that Trump himself understands, and his followers understand. Anything mental or cerebral is clearly too high energy.

Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Smoke is better, now, in Colorado! Clearly, that is easy to see(?)!)
I said Donald lied, moron. smh
Low Energy TNHarley, like A Trump Supporter, forgot about the "Hillary Lied" part in the post, "Hillary Lied, and So Did Donald.:

Hillary did not, But Donald got the Liar of the Year award from FactCheck.Org. We are also discussing, "Low Energy," here, as concept: Especially applied mental or cerebral capabilities.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Billionaire investor, with four bankruptcies, sheds much light on concept, "Low energy," when applied to mental or cerebral capabilities! Campaign spending heavily, mainly, on hats and t-shirts!)
Low Energy TNHarley, like A Trump Supporter, forgot about the "Hillary Lied" part in the post, "Hillary Lied, and So Did Donald.:

Hillary did not, But Donald got the Liar of the Year award from FactCheck.Org. We are also discussing, "Low Energy," here, as concept: Especially applied mental or cerebral capabilities.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Billionaire investor, with four bankruptcies, sheds much light on concept, "Low energy," when applied to mental or cerebral capabilities! Campaign spending heavily, mainly, on hats and t-shirts!)
she said "they are going to people showing them video sof Donald Trump insulting islam"
It is also weird that right after that an IS video comes out using her husband and the guy she praises a lot..
In fact, has Donald trump even said anything insulting about islam?
Maybe muslims but not islam.
Low Energy TNHarley again, with the mental and cerebral problem, with Trump's famous remarks, noted on social media through ISIL, Videos of Trump. You would want to call the remarks, "The Final Solution To The Moslem Question(?)!"
"Absolutely, yes. In fact I went a step further. I said I didn’t see Swedish people knocking down the World Trade Center."

"And by the way, many, many, most Muslims are wonderful people, but is there a Muslim problem? Look what’s happening. Look what happened right here in my city with the World Trade Center and lots of other places . . . ."

"I mean I could have said, ‘Oh, absolutely not Bill, there’s no Muslim problem, everything is wonderful, just forget about the World Trade Center.’ But you have to speak the truth. We’re so politically correct that this country is falling apart."

"The Quran is very interesting. A lot of people say it teaches love … But there’s something there that teaches some very negative vibe … Now I don’t know if that’s from the Quran. I don’t know if that’s from someplace else. But there’s tremendous hatred out there that I’ve never seen anything like it."

Just examples.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even "Holy Smoke" often different, on Lands of Many Nations!)
Low Energy TNHarley again, with the mental and cerebral problem, with Trump's famous remarks, noted on social media through ISIL, Videos of Trump. You would want to call the remarks, "The Final Solution To The Moslem Question(?)!"
"Absolutely, yes. In fact I went a step further. I said I didn’t see Swedish people knocking down the World Trade Center."

"And by the way, many, many, most Muslims are wonderful people, but is there a Muslim problem? Look what’s happening. Look what happened right here in my city with the World Trade Center and lots of other places . . . ."

"I mean I could have said, ‘Oh, absolutely not Bill, there’s no Muslim problem, everything is wonderful, just forget about the World Trade Center.’ But you have to speak the truth. We’re so politically correct that this country is falling apart."

"The Quran is very interesting. A lot of people say it teaches love … But there’s something there that teaches some very negative vibe … Now I don’t know if that’s from the Quran. I don’t know if that’s from someplace else. But there’s tremendous hatred out there that I’ve never seen anything like it."

Just examples.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even "Holy Smoke" often different, on Lands of Many Nations!)
So he wasn't talking about islam, he was talking muslims..
And the last about the quran is true. How is telling truth dogging the faith?
If Trump is talking about how he interprets the Quran, then he is talking about how he negatively interprets the Moslem Faith. Koran is a basis sourcebook. And then he was also talking about Moslems. Trump is mentally and cerebrally low energy, so no specific treatise is presented--just some Shlonged kinds of remarks--possibly moving Trump up to a New Low Energy Level(?)--mentally, and cerebrally!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Soon maybe White Eyes Buffoon, to cemetery at Gettysburg: Hunt for the Address(?)! There may be some real estate in there, after all(?)!)
If Trump is talking about how he interprets the Quran, then he is talking about how he negatively interprets the Moslem Faith. Koran is a basis sourcebook. And then he was also talking about Moslems. Trump is mentally and cerebrally low energy, so no specific treatise is presented--just some Shlonged kinds of remarks--possibly moving Trump up to a New Low Energy Level(?)--mentally, and cerebrally!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Soon maybe White Eyes Buffoon, to cemetery at Gettysburg: Hunt for the Address(?)! There may be some real estate in there, after all(?)!)
so the quran only preaches love? LOL
Repeat after me conservatives....filthy.......disgusting............filthy........disgusting. Now add a word after that, preferably a proper noun. What did you come up with?

Yes, me too, lol. OBAMA, OBAMA-)
More likely he wants to be an editor at Hustler Magazine, or at SCREW magazine, following remarks now more recently reported. He already as the "Liar of The Year" award from FactCheck.Org all sewn up, and on his resume, 2015.

The part about creating support for ISIL recruiting, and other propaganda, probably takes more energy than he can bring to bear on the subject: It being cerebral, and all.

Porn he appears to maybe, just possibly understand(?)! Unless he doesn't(?)! (That too, can take a lot of energy!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Bedouin Chiefs take many squaws for lifetime of partnership, like Great Spirit intended!)

FactCheck is extremely left wing biased. Garbage.
the disgusting filthy liar is Hillary, Bernie and that guy what's his name, O'Malley and anyone who is spinning for her lies and misleading the American citizens in the country.

everyone heard what she said they don't need some tool for the party to try and clean up after her. now go talk a walk and quit foaming at the mouth. that is what a tool for a party looks like. sheesh
Only a genocide-intending bigot, like a Donald Trump, would comment, "So the Quran Only preaches Love? LOL" The famous context of the concept , Islam, is centered in the book of faith. It has been widely repeated in the recent weeks, comparing the faith of Islam with the secular kamikazes, who are not faith-based in practice or religion.
“Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32)

Many can make the comparison between Islam and the secular kamikazes. Then there is Donald Trump, the followers, and the generally Low Energy, mental and cerebral capability.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe poison sea snake, now make sense(?)! Offer sea apples to many to get schlonged(?)!"


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the disgusting filthy liar is Hillary, Bernie and that guy what's his name, O'Malley and anyone who is spinning for her lies and misleading the American citizens in the country.

everyone heard what she said they don't need some tool for the party to try and clean up after her. now go talk a walk and quit foaming at the mouth. that is what a tool for a party looks like. sheesh

Hillary and Bill both swear like troopers. Her fan base is kicking into overdrive trying to clean up this one.

"The most unnerving aspect of the Clintons' altercations was their use of profanity, especially "f***" and "s***" - particularly shocking in Hillary's case because of her slightly pious air.

"She can swear like a trooper," said one of her friends.

When a White House aide forgot a podium for an event in the White House Rose Garden in May 1993, everyone was taken aback when Hillary yelled at Bill: "What the f*** goes on here! What is your staff doing?"

Bill could also turn irritable. His profanity-fortified rages - "cusswords for five minutes," said Abner Mikva, a White House counsel - were legendary.

These "purple fits," as the staff called them, were invariably disproportionate to the offence that triggered them."

Why Hillary Clinton let husband Bill seduce any woman in sight

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