Trump's Filthy Disgusting Lie About ISIL Not Using Social Media(?)!

the disgusting filthy liar is Hillary, Bernie and that guy what's his name, O'Malley and anyone who is spinning for her lies and misleading the American citizens in the country.

everyone heard what she said they don't need some tool for the party to try and clean up after her. now go talk a walk and quit foaming at the mouth. that is what a tool for a party looks like. sheesh

Hillary and Bill both swear like troopers. Her fan base is kicking into overdrive trying to clean up this one.

"The most unnerving aspect of the Clintons' altercations was their use of profanity, especially "f***" and "s***" - particularly shocking in Hillary's case because of her slightly pious air.

"She can swear like a trooper," said one of her friends.

When a White House aide forgot a podium for an event in the White House Rose Garden in May 1993, everyone was taken aback when Hillary yelled at Bill: "What the f*** goes on here! What is your staff doing?"

Bill could also turn irritable. His profanity-fortified rages - "cusswords for five minutes," said Abner Mikva, a White House counsel - were legendary.

These "purple fits," as the staff called them, were invariably disproportionate to the offence that triggered them."

Why Hillary Clinton let husband Bill seduce any woman in sight

Hillary is no better than Obama when it comes to being a thug. they elect her we get four more years of that nasty Obama just in a pink pantsuit.
It is one thing to yell at the spouse about missing furniture in the Rose Garden. It is even another thing to vomit all over the Japanese Primer Minister at a state dinner--a kind of "Better It Were Made in America," kind of. . . .sentiment.

Going before the assembled faithful(?), of the Trump GOP, slurring in Yiddish: Probably raises the usual question. "What do they know, and when did they know it(?)!" In fact, "When did they let you people on the course," even comes to mind.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe soon there will be comment on busted deals in Dubai(?)!)
More likely he wants to be an editor at Hustler Magazine, or at SCREW magazine, following remarks now more recently reported. He already as the "Liar of The Year" award from FactCheck.Org all sewn up, and on his resume, 2015.

The part about creating support for ISIL recruiting, and other propaganda, probably takes more energy than he can bring to bear on the subject: It being cerebral, and all.

Porn he appears to maybe, just possibly understand(?)! Unless he doesn't(?)! (That too, can take a lot of energy!)

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Bedouin Chiefs take many squaws for lifetime of partnership, like Great Spirit intended!)

I think you're confusing Trump with that big time lefty trash Larry Flint.

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