Trumps first year jobs record was strong....but not as strong as Obama's

Every day of the Trump administration, makes former President Obama's tenure look that much better.

Are you stupid or what? Trump is Less? Yet you buy his BS.

The year 2017 saw the creation of 2.1 million jobs, slightly below 2016's 2.2 million, when Barack Obama was president.

Trump does a better job marketing. Obama looked like a grumpy old dude with a chip on his shoulder. Trump always says everything's going to be great. Obama complained about the way things were.

Like it or not, most people just don't pay that much attention to politics. If they see the president looking and sounding worried or upset about the economy, they tend to think things are bad. On the contrary, if the president says things are going to be great, they think things are good. Want to know why you're frustrated that people give Trump credit while not giving it to Obama? That's one reason.
hadit, post: 18994561
Trump always says everything's going to be great.

He's a con man.

He said he had a plan to provide 'beautiful' cheaper health care insurance for all.

It was gonna be great.

He's a liar. You've been conned.
hadit, post: 18994561
Obama complained about the way things were.

The way things WERE? Surely you jest. Who in the hell did not complain about the way things were under Bush.

Not after he rescued a dying economy not seen since the Great Depression. Things sucked the way they were when he became president. Don't you remember? An economy losing a million jobs a month.

Then when job creation came back and unemployment steadily dropped the hate media did all the complaining.

Obama haters called his reduction in unemployment cooked books and fake numbers. The Labor Force Participation Rate became m the right wing unemployment rate that was above 30%.

Now with Trump there is no such thing as the Labor Force Participation Rate. The once fake UR is magically spot on - calculated exactly the same.

Trump inherited seven years of job growth and 10,000 troops stationed in war zones. Obama inherited 200,000 stationed in war zones and losing a million jobs a month. Huge difference.

Hiwever data is in and Trump could not keep up, his first year, with Obama's rate of job creation. Slower job growth under Trump. imagine that.

Things WERE bad when Obama was elected. They truly WERE.

I guess you didn't listen to positives coming directly from an honorable black president's mouth. Just hater propaganda filtering what he said.
Last edited:
hadit, post: 18994561
Trump does a better job marketing.

Becoming the first male black president took extraordinary marketing skill and he did it four years later. Trump's a white male with a record against Obama using the birther issue as one unfortunately successful marketing ploy on the road to the White House.

I wouldn't be so proud of or impressed with Trump's marketing behavior.
hadit, post: 18994561
Obama complained about the way things were.

The way things WERE? Surely you jest. Who in the hell did not complain about the way things were under Bush.

Not after he rescued a dying economy not seen since the Great Depression. Things sucked the way they were when he became president. Don't you remember? An economy losing a million jobs a month.

Then when job creation came back and unemployment steadily dropped the hate media did all the complaining.

Obama haters called his reduction in unemployment cooked books and fake numbers. The Labor Force Participation Rate became m the right wing unemployment rate that was above 30%.

Now with Trump there is no such thing as the Labor Force Participation Rate. The once fake UR is magically spot on - calculated exactly the same.

Trump inherited seven years of job growth and 10,000 troops stationed in war zones. Obama inherited 200,000 stationed in war zones and losing a million jobs a month. Huge difference.

Hiwever data is in and Trump could not keep up, his first year, with Obama's rate of job creation. Slower job growth under Trump. imagine that.

Things WERE bad when Obama was elected. They truly WERE.

I guess you didn't listen to positives coming directly from an honorable black president's mouth. Just hater propaganda filtering what he said.
Here is what GWB faced in his presidency and tell me did Obama have any equivalencies?
Obama's first trip abroad has been called "Apology Tour"... You see Obama was embarrassed and really never liked America. You know that "white privilege" thing!
Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower
n several occasions, President Obama has sought to apologize for the actions of his own country when addressing a foreign audience--
including seven of the 10 apologies listed below.
The President has already apologized for his country to nearly 3 billion people across Europe, the Muslim world, and the Americas.
1. Apology to France and Europe ("America Has Shown Arrogance")
2. Apology to the Muslim World ("We Have Not Been Perfect")
3. Apology to the Summit of the Americas ("At Times We Sought to Dictate Our Terms")
4. Apology at the G-20 Summit of World Leaders ("Some Restoration of America's Standing in the World")
5. Apology for the War on Terror ("We Went off Course")
6. Apology for Guantanamo in France ("Sacrificing Your Values")
7. Apology before the Turkish Parliament ("Our Own Darker Periods in Our History")
8. Apology for U.S. Policy toward the Americas ("The United States Has Not Pursued and Sustained Engagement with Our Neighbors")
9. Apology for the Mistakes of the CIA ("Potentially We've Made Some Mistakes")
10. Apology for Guantanamo in Washington ("A Rallying Cry for Our Enemies")
Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower

And what was Obama's "positive" responses especially in regards to the economy?

Every day of the Trump administration, makes former President Obama's tenure look that much better.

Are you stupid or what? Trump is Less? Yet you buy his BS.

The year 2017 saw the creation of 2.1 million jobs, slightly below 2016's 2.2 million, when Barack Obama was president.

Trump does a better job marketing. Obama looked like a grumpy old dude with a chip on his shoulder. Trump always says everything's going to be great. Obama complained about the way things were.

Like it or not, most people just don't pay that much attention to politics. If they see the president looking and sounding worried or upset about the economy, they tend to think things are bad. On the contrary, if the president says things are going to be great, they think things are good. Want to know why you're frustrated that people give Trump credit while not giving it to Obama? That's one reason.

And like it or not most people DON"T read any further the headlines about Trump. Hence the good news is buried under the negative news. A FACT...
Headlines like when you do a Google Search as I did just now: "Trump Anti-immigrant".
First of all MSM doesn't seem to be aware ... Trump married an immigrant! That I like 40+million other Americans are either "Legal immigrants" or have relatives that are!

58,300 results "Trump Anti-immigrant"!
So is it any wonder most Americans don't know the truth about Trump and his first year!

Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 8.19.15 AM.png

hadit, post: 18994561
Trump always says everything's going to be great.

He's a con man.

He said he had a plan to provide 'beautiful' cheaper health care insurance for all.

It was gonna be great.

He's a liar. You've been conned.

Don't be stupider than necessary. I told you that most people don't pay much attention to politics and take emotional cues from the president. You don't like it, but the reality is that Obama was grumpy, dour, gloomy, and acted like somebody with a chip on his shoulder. By contrast, Trump says things are going to be great. Right or wrong doesn't matter.
hadit, post: 18994561
Obama complained about the way things were.

The way things WERE? Surely you jest. Who in the hell did not complain about the way things were under Bush.

Not after he rescued a dying economy not seen since the Great Depression. Things sucked the way they were when he became president. Don't you remember? An economy losing a million jobs a month.

Then when job creation came back and unemployment steadily dropped the hate media did all the complaining.

Obama haters called his reduction in unemployment cooked books and fake numbers. The Labor Force Participation Rate became m the right wing unemployment rate that was above 30%.

Now with Trump there is no such thing as the Labor Force Participation Rate. The once fake UR is magically spot on - calculated exactly the same.

Trump inherited seven years of job growth and 10,000 troops stationed in war zones. Obama inherited 200,000 stationed in war zones and losing a million jobs a month. Huge difference.

Hiwever data is in and Trump could not keep up, his first year, with Obama's rate of job creation. Slower job growth under Trump. imagine that.

Things WERE bad when Obama was elected. They truly WERE.

I guess you didn't listen to positives coming directly from an honorable black president's mouth. Just hater propaganda filtering what he said.

Positive? Not so much.
hadit, post: 18994561
Trump does a better job marketing.

Becoming the first male black president took extraordinary marketing skill and he did it four years later. Trump's a white male with a record against Obama using the birther issue as one unfortunately successful marketing ploy on the road to the White House.

I wouldn't be so proud of or impressed with Trump's marketing behavior.

Just calling it like it is. Both Obama and Trump do share one remarkable accomplishment. They both defeated the Clinton machine with all its money and power.
Every day of the Trump administration, makes former President Obama's tenure look that much better.

Are you stupid or what? Trump is Less? Yet you buy his BS.

The year 2017 saw the creation of 2.1 million jobs, slightly below 2016's 2.2 million, when Barack Obama was president.

Trump does a better job marketing. Obama looked like a grumpy old dude with a chip on his shoulder. Trump always says everything's going to be great. Obama complained about the way things were.

Like it or not, most people just don't pay that much attention to politics. If they see the president looking and sounding worried or upset about the economy, they tend to think things are bad. On the contrary, if the president says things are going to be great, they think things are good. Want to know why you're frustrated that people give Trump credit while not giving it to Obama? That's one reason.

And like it or not most people DON"T read any further the headlines about Trump. Hence the good news is buried under the negative news. A FACT...
Headlines like when you do a Google Search as I did just now: "Trump Anti-immigrant".
First of all MSM doesn't seem to be aware ... Trump married an immigrant! That I like 40+million other Americans are either "Legal immigrants" or have relatives that are!

58,300 results "Trump Anti-immigrant"!
So is it any wonder most Americans don't know the truth about Trump and his first year!

View attachment 170052

View attachment 170051
No question that Trump likes to fuck immigrants
hadit, post: 18996482
Just calling it like it is

Being absorbed in fake reality you think you are calling like it is and you do not have to deal with the clarity of the truth that I posted for you.

That is why no substantive response will be posted by you.

Obama created more jobs during his 8th year than Trump's did in his first year. REALITY! So there is no Trump positive on a major issue for voters.

Your criteria is based on your desire to hear a con man tell you 'it's gonna be great' / you don't seem to care about factual data all that much.
Under President Trump we ADDED 184,000 manufacturing jobs under President Obama we LOST 1,086,000 manufacturing jobs

Under President Trump Fed Gov jobs DECLINED under Obama they went up aka more government leaches under Obama

I can go on and on but why bother!

exactly,the Obama worshippers only see what they want to see so they will say you making things
Under President Trump we ADDED 184,000 manufacturing jobs under President Obama we LOST 1,086,000 manufacturing jobs

Under President Trump Fed Gov jobs DECLINED under Obama they went up aka more government leaches under Obama

I can go on and on but why bother!
What the hell are you talking about? unemployment January 2009 was 7.8% in January 2010 it was 9.8%

Did you expect Obama
What the hell are you talking about? unemployment January 2009 was 7.8% in January 2010 it was 9.8%

Obama inherited a fucked-up economy from George W. Bush, a Republican. Trump inherited low unemployment from Obama, who fixed the fuck-up created by the Republican.

ANOTHER black man obviously.:haha:
comedy gold,Obama EXPANDED what Bush got started INCLUDING wrecking the economy.:lmao::haha:

sorry the truth is crying towel to accept you got owned.:lmao::itsok:

thank god we FINALLY got a president here to serve the american people instead of the bankers.:dance::clap:

That video hit the nail on the head .

Obama Saved Us From a Great Depression

In the first quarter of 2009, as Obama was moving into the White House, monthly job losses averaged 772,000. The ultimate decline in employment was 8.7 million jobs, or 6.3%. Housing prices and stock values were collapsing. From their peak in February 2007 to their low point, housing prices dropped 26%. Millions of homeowners were "underwater" - their houses were worth less than the mortgages on them. Stock prices fell roughly by half from August 2007 to March 2009.
The starkest of these was the fall in households' net worth (people's assets, such as homes and stock, minus their debts, such as mortgages and credit card balances). It dropped by $13 trillion, about a fifth, from its high point in 2007 to its trough in 2009. This decline, the CEA notes, "was far larger than the reduction (adjusted for inflation) ... at the onset of the Great Depression."

What separates then from now is that, after 18 months or so, spending turned up in 2009 while it continued declining in the 1930s. This difference reflected, at least in part, the aggressive policies adopted to blunt the downturn. The Fed cut short-term interest rates to zero and provided other avenues of cheap credit; the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), enacted in the final months of the Bush administration, poured money into major banks to reassure the public of their solvency.

Obama Saved Us From a Great Depression | RealClearMarkets

Lmfao your link is big fat joke,...
Obama didn't create jobs it was the state governors, Obama once again tried go take jobs away...

Tarp Bush Jr

Tax cuts Bush Jr

Wall street, Janet yellen feds

Obama didn't have to bail out GM they were not going anywhere they would just have had to restructure their huge Union pension. Fund

Obama slowed down the recovery with Obama care and his job killing EPA regulations.
hadit, post: 18996482
Just calling it like it is

Being absorbed in fake reality you think you are calling like it is and you do not have to deal with the clarity of the truth that I posted for you.

That is why no substantive response will be posted by you.

Obama created more jobs during his 8th year than Trump's did in his first year. REALITY! So there is no Trump positive on a major issue for voters.

Your criteria is based on your desire to hear a con man tell you 'it's gonna be great' / you don't seem to care about factual data all that much.

How did Obama create jobs?
Fox news research. average monthly job gain
2010: 88.000
2011: 174.000
2012: 179.000
2013: 192.000
2014: 250.000
2015: 226.000
2016 187.000
2017: 171.000
Every day of the Trump administration, makes former President Obama's tenure look that much better.

Are you stupid or what? Trump is Less? Yet you buy his BS.

The year 2017 saw the creation of 2.1 million jobs, slightly below 2016's 2.2 million, when Barack Obama was president.

Trump does a better job marketing. Obama looked like a grumpy old dude with a chip on his shoulder. Trump always says everything's going to be great. Obama complained about the way things were.

Like it or not, most people just don't pay that much attention to politics. If they see the president looking and sounding worried or upset about the economy, they tend to think things are bad. On the contrary, if the president says things are going to be great, they think things are good. Want to know why you're frustrated that people give Trump credit while not giving it to Obama? That's one reason.

And like it or not most people DON"T read any further the headlines about Trump. Hence the good news is buried under the negative news. A FACT...
Headlines like when you do a Google Search as I did just now: "Trump Anti-immigrant".
First of all MSM doesn't seem to be aware ... Trump married an immigrant! That I like 40+million other Americans are either "Legal immigrants" or have relatives that are!

58,300 results "Trump Anti-immigrant"!
So is it any wonder most Americans don't know the truth about Trump and his first year!

View attachment 170052

View attachment 170051
No question that Trump likes to fuck immigrants

Not as badly as progressives like to screw over native born Americans. You support illegals killing women, you support their raping of children, and you demand that the American people be disarmed so that your friends from foreign lands don't have anything to worry about. I will take trump over a degenerate globalist, like you, any day of the week.
hadit, post: 18996482
Just calling it like it is

Being absorbed in fake reality you think you are calling like it is and you do not have to deal with the clarity of the truth that I posted for you.

That is why no substantive response will be posted by you.

Obama created more jobs during his 8th year than Trump's did in his first year. REALITY! So there is no Trump positive on a major issue for voters.

Your criteria is based on your desire to hear a con man tell you 'it's gonna be great' / you don't seem to care about factual data all that much.

How did Obama create jobs?
He hired a maid..
As far as I know we have never had a perfect president, plus they all have had to work with the same old(& I do mean old)
senators, we keep voting in for the last 40 years. because we are to dam lazy to look for better people. they refuse to work together for the benifit of all.
there is no point in trying to point out presidential mistakes because every one just looks for the mistakes of the OTHER.
few are willing to work to better there own party. much easier to be negative about the Other. Both party's are out of touch with the majority of Americans.
the reason for two party's is balance.
New ideas none, just games, tricks, cons, no working towards solutions. just spend your time dial for dollars, bought & paid for hacks..
hadit, post: 18996482
Just calling it like it is

Being absorbed in fake reality you think you are calling like it is and you do not have to deal with the clarity of the truth that I posted for you.

That is why no substantive response will be posted by you.

Obama created more jobs during his 8th year than Trump's did in his first year. REALITY! So there is no Trump positive on a major issue for voters.

Your criteria is based on your desire to hear a con man tell you 'it's gonna be great' / you don't seem to care about factual data all that much.

How did Obama create jobs?
He hired a maid..

Now that one was funny.

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