Trumps first year jobs record was strong....but not as strong as Obama's

bear513, post: 19003232
..he would of loved to see gas prices go up to $10 bucks a gallon, so he could promote global warming..exect fracking in the Dakotas.. stopped the asshole euopean socialist right in his tracks..

And Obama was born in Kenya right.

Look at your words. Hate induced nonsense alone comes through your keyboard. No reality no facts, no links, just rabid conservative propaganda machine bull puckey.

You suggestion is absurd. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

I can see reality is not a place in which you would be able to find comfort and joy. Sad! as genius and stable Trumpo is fond of saying.

Based on actual Trumpo tweets of course. We who live in reality can't just make things up.

Where did you get out of it i said Obama Obama was born in kenya?

We are talking common sense here darling, if Obama was promoting global warming wouldn't he want gas prices to go up and not down?

Think knucklehead that's why I said fracking screwed up his agenda and you know i am right.
bear513, post: 19003292
Seriously fruit cake government jobs that don't produce anything ?

Lots of DOD jobs. Cyber security. Medical research. All fruit cakes to you,

The point is you lied that ONLY red states led the jobs recovery. Why did you post a lie? What are you going to do about it?
You refuse to to except facts the red states were the only leaders in jobs during the Obama administration..

Only? That's a lie. Why do you repeat fake reality? I live in Virgina . We voted Obama, Obama, Clinton the past three elections and proud of it.

Nearby? The District of Columbia was in second place in per capita job growth from 2010 through 2013.

Don't like per capita job growth then California was the number one job creator during that time period.

For our latest Forbes piece, we delved into the rebounding California labor market to see which industries are fueling the jobs comeback (hint: retail, restaurants, technology, and crop production), and which metros in the state are recovering the fastest.

California gained the most total jobs of all states from 2010 to 2013 and from 2012 to 2013. But it also has the largest population of any state, an estimated 38 million residents. So where does it stand in per-capita job growth?

States With Most Per Capita Job Gains Since 2010 - Emsi

Leaders in economic recovery job growth.

The top 12 states/District per capita job growth according to Forbes 2010 to 2013 in order:


Seven of twelve are blue states that voted for Obama.

So you presented fake reality. What are you going to do about it?

Why not talk about West Virginia and Trump's big lie to the Coal Minors there. Trump put WVA at the bottom of your best for business lust.

. Mining employment has leveled off lately, but despite President Trump's repeated promises to "put the miners back to work," and promises from Gov. Justice to do the same, the West Virginia University researchers predict coal-mining employment will resume its decline and continue to drop for the foreseeable future. West Virginia's workforce is not the best positioned to adapt.

In an economic death spiral: America's worst state for business in 2017

What exactly is Trump's excuse for breaking his promise to the coal minors in West Virginia?

"the West Virginia University researchers predict coal-mining employment will resume its decline and continue to drop for the foreseeable future. West Virginia's workforce is not the best positioned to adapt."

So Hillary was right about need to educate the workforce. Trump lied to get coal country votes. What a disaster. Who are he hell needs a better education - vote for Trump - coal savior.

Coal mining jobs declined because of the following going to educate you

1. The left's 40 year old war on coal , we have a 400 year old supply of it..


2. Automation/ technology and jobs have been declining in every industry for the past 100 years of it


3. Natural gas


So shove it and your asinine assumptions that Hillary was right.
bear513, post: 19003292
Seriously fruit cake government jobs that don't produce anything ?

Lots of DOD jobs. Cyber security. Medical research. All fruit cakes to you,

The point is you lied that ONLY red states led the jobs recovery. Why did you post a lie? What are you going to do about it?

I didn't lie I said the jobs creation was mostly in the red states...they led the way year after year during the Obama administration it was the red states that had the lower unemployment numbers from 2008 till 2016..

Government jobs don't mean shit to anyone they don't produce any product to sell to Japan, Germany China for example just a bloated government.
Where did you get out of it i said Obama Obama was born in kenya?

Your absurd claim to know that Obama wanted to raise gas prices to $10 a gallon is fabrication of the same hater fools that are birther s, like Trumo. And you like Trump,

Get over it. I said "Right" . I didn't say you said it. You said something just as bad.
So shove it and your asinine assumptions that Hillary was right.

She was right.

05/10/2016 10:28 am ET Updated May 10, 2016
Hillary Clinton Has A Plan To Help Coal Workers. Donald Trump Has A Scapegoat.
As they campaign in coal country, this policy embodies the difference between the two candidates.

Hillary Clinton Has A Plan To Help Coal Workers. Donald Trump Has A Scapegoat. | HuffPost

Do you still believe in Trump's promise to put coal minors back to work? That Mexico is going to pay for the wall?
Where did you get out of it i said Obama Obama was born in kenya?

Your absurd claim to know that Obama wanted to raise gas prices to $10 a gallon is fabrication of the same hater fools that are birther s, like Trumo. And you like Trump,

Get over it. I said "Right" . I didn't say you said it. You said something just as bad.

What absurd claim? Do you even have critical thinking skills here?

How can a president who has global warming on his mind wish gas prices to go to 25 cents a gallon when leaders in Europe are pissed at him when US gas taxes are to low ?

What can't you comprehend

Gas prices = $10 bucks a gallon people start buying electric cars
download (27).jpeg

Gas prices = 25 cent a gallon people buy this


It's not that damn complicated...
We are talking common sense here darling, if Obama was promoting global warming wouldn't he want gas prices to go up and not down?

No. Proof of that is promoting alternative fuels, and fuel efficient cars, public transportation,

All promotes the global oil glut and the lowering of the price of oil.,

You make no sense. But living in s fake reality makes no sense to most of us.

But why do you spend so much effort proving yo live in Trumpo's fake reality?!
We are talking common sense here darling, if Obama was promoting global warming wouldn't he want gas prices to go up and not down?

No. Proof of that is promoting alternative fuels, and fuel efficient cars, public transportation,

All promotes the global oil glut and the lowering of the price of oil.,

You make no sense. But living in s fake reality makes no sense to most of us.

But why do you spend so much effort proving yo live in Trumpo's fake reality?!

Darling use common sense how can you make the public switch over to damn wind mills , solar power if you don't make policies and raise taxes on fossil fuels and make them more expensive..

Who are you trying to fool?

Like I said the fracking industry totally gave Obama a curve ball and it was hilarious..

They came along at the perfect time in US history when Obama was elected and fucked his green energy policy up..

Me thinks it was a message from God..

We are talking common sense here darling, if Obama was promoting global warming wouldn't he want gas prices to go up and not down?

No. Proof of that is promoting alternative fuels, and fuel efficient cars, public transportation,

All promotes the global oil glut and the lowering of the price of oil.,

You make no sense. But living in s fake reality makes no sense to most of us.

But why do you spend so much effort proving yo live in Trumpo's fake reality?!

I make all the sense in the world you just can't comprehend politics and manipulation like I do.
It's not that damn complicated

Its not complicated. Fuel efficient cars and alternative energy drives the price of oil down more permanently than the fickle US consumer.

You lied. Obama did not want gasoline prices to go to ten dollars a gallon. It would have destroyed the recovery from the Great Bush Recession. What are you going to do about that lie. You have danced around but no proof of your claim has been produced.
Its not complicated. Fuel efficient cars and alternative energy drives the price of oil down more permanently than the fickle US consumer.

Say what. Are you smoking crack?

How are you going to get them to buy fuel effinent cars if fuel prices are low ?

Tell us , Americans love big pickup trucks and SUVs what fake alternative universe do you live on?

The 20 best-selling cars and trucks in America

Once again the Ford's F series is the number one cars/trucks sold in America..and Chevy Silverado is number 2

1. Ford F-Series: 820,799. +5.2%.

Darling use common sense how can you make the public switch over to damn wind mills , solar power if you don't make policies and raise taxes on fossil fuels and make them more expensive..

Nobody raised taxes on fossil fuels in the US and I see windmills and Prius's popping up everywhere.

Trump voters driving monster mudder pickups are a dying breed regardless of the price of oil.

The price of gasoline has been quite low since the height of the Iraq invasion.

Remember when you'd see a few Hummers on the roads back in the Bush days. Gas Guzzjers No more.

It's all happening all of the 'real' world right now .
It will probably be oozing into fake world soon as well.

So you were not being truthful about Obama based on an conjured up inference that high oil prices cause redbecks to buy economy cars.

I don't think Trumpnecks follow that economic model, but that's just an opinion right now.

But you must have data on that, but Obama never wanted $10 bucks a gallon gas as President.
bear513, post: 19003372
1. Ford F-Series: 820,799. +5.2%.

A timeline on the history of fuel economy in the United States.


“This will be win, win, win; it will reduce reliance on oil, strengthen energy security and mitigate climate change.”
— Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, referring to the proposed CAFE standards, 2010

History of Fuel Economy: One Decade of Innovation, Two Decades of Inaction

You make the trucks more fuel efficient too.

WRITE IT ONE HUNDRED TIMES ON THE CHALKBOARD; " Obama wanted to and did, reduce reliance on oil, strengthen energy security, at a time when oil prices were low due to the GREAT BUSH RECESSION. There was no need or desire to artificially raise gas prices to get people to buy fuel efficient vehicals during the Obana administration. I lied.i admit it. I am sorry."
Darling use common sense how can you make the public switch over to damn wind mills , solar power if you don't make policies and raise taxes on fossil fuels and make them more expensive..

Nobody raised taxes on fossil fuels in the US and I see windmills and Prius's popping up everywhere.

Trump voters driving monster mudder pickups are a dying breed regardless of the price of oil.

The price of gasoline has been quite low since the height of the Iraq invasion.

Remember when you'd see a few Hummers on the roads back in the Bush days. Gas Guzzjers No more.

It's all happening all of the 'real' world right now .
It will probably be oozing into fake world soon as well.

So you were not being truthful about Obama based on an conjured up inference that high oil prices cause redbecks to buy economy cars.

I don't think Trumpnecks follow that economic model, but that's just an opinion right now.

But you must have data on that, but Obama never wanted $10 bucks a gallon gas as President.

You really live in an alternative universe once again the number one and number two vehicles sold in America is pickup trucks by Ford and Chevy

These are facts and not a dying breed I have three of them a Chevy dually, a ram, and my new Ford F150..

It's unbelievable to me how you live in a bubble..why?
1. Ford F-Series: 820,799. +5.2%.[/QUOTE

A timeline on the history of fuel economy in the United States.


“This will be win, win, win; it will reduce reliance on oil, strengthen energy security and mitigate climate change.”
— Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, referring to the proposed CAFE standards, 2010

History of Fuel Economy: One Decade of Innovation, Two Decades of Inaction

You make the trucks more fuel efficient too.

WRITE IT ONE HUNDRED TIMES ON THE CHALKBOARD; " Obama wanted to and did, reduce reliance on oil, strengthen energy security, at a time when oil prices were low due to the GREAT BUSH RECESSION. There was no need or desire to artificially raise gas prices to get people to buy fuel efficient vehicals during the Obana administration. I lied.i admit it. I am sorry."

Don't screw up quotes , I see your getting upset , so how many people are buying these fuel efficient death traps last year?


And they were subsidized..of course.

Edit : so 200,000 electric vehicles compared to a 850,000 Ford trucks I am impressed..


2017 was the best year ever for electric vehicle sales in the US

The good people over at Inside EVs have done their tabulating, and the numbers are in: in 2017, very nearly 200,000 electric vehicles were sold in the US.
Last edited:
1. Ford F-Series: 820,799. +5.2%.[/QUOTE

A timeline on the history of fuel economy in the United States.


“This will be win, win, win; it will reduce reliance on oil, strengthen energy security and mitigate climate change.”
— Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, referring to the proposed CAFE standards, 2010

History of Fuel Economy: One Decade of Innovation, Two Decades of Inaction

You make the trucks more fuel efficient too.

WRITE IT ONE HUNDRED TIMES ON THE CHALKBOARD; " Obama wanted to and did, reduce reliance on oil, strengthen energy security, at a time when oil prices were low due to the GREAT BUSH RECESSION. There was no need or desire to artificially raise gas prices to get people to buy fuel efficient vehicals during the Obana administration. I lied.i admit it. I am sorry."

Don't screw up quotes , I see your getting upset , so how many people are buying these fuel efficient death traps last year?


And they were subsidized..of course.

Edit : so 200,000 electric vehicles compared to a 850,000 Ford trucks I am impressed..


2017 was the best year ever for electric vehicle sales in the US

The good people over at Inside EVs have done their tabulating, and the numbers are in: in 2017, very nearly 200,000 electric vehicles were sold in the US.

According to this article 17 million cars was sold in America last year and comparing it to my last link only 200,000 were electrics?

Americans bought more cars than ever last year. In 2017, things could get bumpy.
bear513, post: 19003400
These are facts and not a dying breed I have three of them a Chevy dually, a ram, and my new Ford F150..

Your F150 is new. Great. Even gas wasting Trumpbot is driving a much more fuel efficient vehicle than it was in 2010.

Gas prices have been low all this time and even you bought a fuel efficient vehical.

Congrats! You attempt to weasel out of your lie about Obama is in shreds.

I understand the 2010 CAFE Standards have been met or exceeded.


An analysis of current fuel economy across the U.S. fleet shows manufacturers are successfully complying with – and in some cases, exceeding – Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) and related emissions standards. As a result, American consumers now enjoy the widest-ever range of fuel-efficient options on the market, in every single vehicle class.

Further to this, new consumer polling shows that Americans continue to place high value on fuel efficiency when considering future vehicle purchases. They also support the federal government’s fuel economy standards, which agencies are slated to revisit this year. According to a new national survey conducted by ORC International for the Consumer Federation of America, 81 percent of respondents support the federal standards, with 52 percent expressing strong support. And despite today’s low gas prices, consumers expect a return to pre-glut, $3.00 per gallon levels in coming years.

The following report includes: 1) a review of fuel economy performance among the major automakers, 2) a description of recent consumer polling and 3) an appendix of model-by-model new vehicle fuel economy performance over the past three years.

Or do you dump s gallon of gas on the road every tine you drive 60 miles just to show libs you are a true gas guzzling environment destroying American and no damned Federal Governnent can change you?
According to this article 17 million cars was sold in America last year and comparing it to my last link only 200,000 were electrics?

I said nothing about electrics being the only more fuel efficient cars. I know now you yourself has purchased a fuel efficient truck, why didn't you buy s 1970d gas guzzler? What wrong with you?

I am waiting for your apology for lying about what Obama wanted. Where is it?
According to this article 17 million cars was sold in America last year and comparing it to my last link only 200,000 were electrics?

I said nothing about electrics being the only more fuel efficient cars. I know now you yourself has purchased a fuel efficient truck, why didn't you buy s 1970d gas guzzler? What wrong with you?

I am waiting for your apology for lying about what Obama wanted. Where is it?

What apology you twinkle toes ?

Use common sense if your going to promote clean energy and electric cars

Would you want gas prices to be A $10.00 bucks a gallon

Or B : 25 cents a gallon?

Why are you playing fucking stupid?

Who the heck would buy clown cars when gas is cheap?

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