Trumps first year jobs record was strong....but not as strong as Obama's

A thread about the idiot Trump wouldn't be complete without a red herring fallacy from some rightwing nitwit.
What kind of moron are you?

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Clint's awesome - can you bring him back for more senility in 2020? :D

I like it a lot more than I do Trump's tax plan. At least a stimulus was needed then, it is not needed now. Trump is gambling with my money

Worse? He's adding 1.5 trillion to the deficit. We've never "grown" our way out of a deficit spending except on infrastructure and maybe the auto bailout.
We're at near full employment and guess what Paul Ryan and his buddies will do next?
If you said whack the crap out of Medicare & SS to pay for their ginormous giveaway to corporations, hedge fund managers and the top 1% .. you win!

You scared?

Now I get it old man you are on social security and Medicaid

You should of planned ahead
Poor little rightwinger, still got your tongue stuck up obama's ass... :eusa_snooty:

It appears patriotic Americans were glad to opt out of the Obama/Hillary (kill the middle class) years.

View attachment 169842

If you Trumptards would remove your tongues from Donald's ass long enough to wash your mouths out with coffee and a few actual facts, you'd know damn well that Republican policies (tax scam for Paris Hilton in particular) have done NOTHING for the middle class.

Eh, your welcome to plagiarize the expression and your left wing lie fits your Party line stupidity... congratulations you're a Democrat and a fake news suckhole ... :lol:
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You scared?
Now I get it old man you are on social security and Medicaid
You should of planned ahead

Actually .. yes I am. I turn 60 next year and if the Creepy Munster Kid All Growed Up whacks the crap outta the Medicare and SS I've been paying into mightily for 38 years, I'll send Herman over to give him a swirly.

The liberal freeloading and illegal votes don't count in a patriotic America, move to France or Nazi-land, you'll be be much happier as a dependant dupe of government... :wink_2:
no thanks, I'm happy to live a country where you don't get to decide who's in and who's out

You've marginalized yourself to whining, lies and America hate like most every other pariah Democrat, stick around but admit your reality as just another freeloader who offers nothing of constructive value.
Oh so now your upset and have to pay your fair share to the feds I get it now

I have no issues paying my quarterly estimateds and don't go around whining about it like a lil bitch. :wink:
But don't fuck with the entitlements I've paid a fortune into to earn.
A coupon ain't gonna cut it.

Oh so now your upset and have to pay your fair share to the feds I get it now

I have no issues paying my quarterly estimateds and don't go around whining about it like a lil bitch. :wink:
But don't fuck with the entitlements I've paid a fortune into to earn.
A coupon ain't gonna cut it.


Then what are you crying about retard?
Trump's first-year jobs record was strong. Just not as strong as Obama's last year

Trump wasn't in office yet when the Labor Department collected the data used in January 2017 jobs report, so for the sake of comparison it makes sense to exclude the first month of the year. But in the remaining 11 monthly jobs reports, employers added 1.84 million jobs, according to the December jobs report released Friday. That compares to 2.09 million jobs added in Obama's last 11 months in office.

Even if you just look at full-year numbers, the 2.06 million jobs added in 2017 falls short of the 2.24 million jobs created in 2016, Obama's last full year in office.

What's the deal?

We elected the greatest businessman in history and he can't even beat the numbers of a Community Organizer?

Trump promised to be the greatest jobs creator ever and he can't even match Obama

The major difference between Trump and Obama is this:

And this was the environment that Trump has overcome in just one year!
Then what are you crying about retard?

Nothing Trumptard - Just trying to calm you down a notch. You do get a bit riled up from time to time but I understand. God knows your Cheeto Jesus' dementia and legal problems are crashing in on you like a ton of bricks. ;)
Then what are you crying about retard?

Nothing Trumptard - Just trying to calm you down a notch. You do get a bit riled up from time to time but I understand. God knows your Cheeto Jesus' dementia and legal problems are crashing in on you like a ton of bricks. ;)

Say what?

Your the one throwing a temper tantrum over trumps tax cuts not me..
Every day of the Trump administration, makes former President Obama's tenure look that much better.

here is a kleenex to wipe the shit off your face with in embarrassment you black dude:lmao::haha:

Obama got your ass out of a huge mess... we were so close to a major depression 8 years ago....


Obama presided over a major economic depression. He purposefully enacted policies that fucked the working class.
Let me take off my Shep Smith apron......there, all comfortable now. Ahhhhhh....uh don't forget when Obama's folks "unloaded" the GM stock they had bought to further assist to "save" GM.......they took a $33B loss. //
The liberal freeloading and illegal votes don't count in a patriotic America, move to France or Nazi-land, you'll be be much happier as a dependant dupe of government... :wink_2:
no thanks, I'm happy to live a country where you don't get to decide who's in and who's out

You've marginalized yourself to whining, lies and America hate like most every other pariah Democrat, stick around but admit your reality as just another freeloader who offers nothing of constructive value.

:lol: ... looks like I need to cheer up a bit...
Under President Trump we ADDED 184,000 manufacturing jobs under President Obama we LOST 1,086,000 manufacturing jobs

Under President Trump Fed Gov jobs DECLINED under Obama they went up aka more government leaches under Obama

I can go on and on but why bother!

exactly,the Obama worshippers only see what they want to see so they will say you making things
Under President Trump we ADDED 184,000 manufacturing jobs under President Obama we LOST 1,086,000 manufacturing jobs

Under President Trump Fed Gov jobs DECLINED under Obama they went up aka more government leaches under Obama

I can go on and on but why bother!
What the hell are you talking about? unemployment January 2009 was 7.8% in January 2010 it was 9.8%

Did you expect Obama
What the hell are you talking about? unemployment January 2009 was 7.8% in January 2010 it was 9.8%

Obama inherited a fucked-up economy from George W. Bush, a Republican. Trump inherited low unemployment from Obama, who fixed the fuck-up created by the Republican.

ANOTHER black man obviously.:haha:
comedy gold,Obama EXPANDED what Bush got started INCLUDING wrecking the economy.:lmao::haha:

sorry the truth is crying towel to accept you got owned.:lmao::itsok:

thank god we FINALLY got a president here to serve the american people instead of the bankers.:dance::clap:

That video hit the nail on the head .

Obama Saved Us From a Great Depression

In the first quarter of 2009, as Obama was moving into the White House, monthly job losses averaged 772,000. The ultimate decline in employment was 8.7 million jobs, or 6.3%. Housing prices and stock values were collapsing. From their peak in February 2007 to their low point, housing prices dropped 26%. Millions of homeowners were "underwater" - their houses were worth less than the mortgages on them. Stock prices fell roughly by half from August 2007 to March 2009.
The starkest of these was the fall in households' net worth (people's assets, such as homes and stock, minus their debts, such as mortgages and credit card balances). It dropped by $13 trillion, about a fifth, from its high point in 2007 to its trough in 2009. This decline, the CEA notes, "was far larger than the reduction (adjusted for inflation) ... at the onset of the Great Depression."

What separates then from now is that, after 18 months or so, spending turned up in 2009 while it continued declining in the 1930s. This difference reflected, at least in part, the aggressive policies adopted to blunt the downturn. The Fed cut short-term interest rates to zero and provided other avenues of cheap credit; the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), enacted in the final months of the Bush administration, poured money into major banks to reassure the public of their solvency.

Obama Saved Us From a Great Depression | RealClearMarkets

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